Stewart Victor
Un médico encuentra un laboratorio de la jungla, completo con científicos locos y experimentos de ingeniería genética.
Based on the true story of '60s thrill-killer Charles Schmidt ("The Pied Piper of Tucson"), Skipper Todd (Robert F. Lyons) is a charismatic 23-year old who charms his way into the lives of high school kids in a small California town. Girls find him attractive and are only too willing to accompany him to a nearby desert area to be his "girl for the night." Not all of them return, however. Featuring Richard Thomas as his loyal hanger-on and a colorful assortment of familiar actors in vivid character roles including Barbara Bel Geddes, Gloria Grahame, Edward Asner, Fay Spain, James Broderick and Michael Conrad.
General Winthrop
Tres simios, la doctora Zira, Cornelius y el doctor Milo, han conseguido sobrevivir al desastre nuclear en su planeta y, tras arreglar la nave de los humanos, viajan en el tiempo hasta llegar a la Tierra de finales del siglo XX. Al llegar, mientras son estudiados en un centro de investigación para determinar su nivel de inteligencia, se niegan a revelar lo que saben sobre la civilización humana.
House Party Guest (uncredited)
Dennie has returned from a year among the hippies to her superficial, image-conscious suburban family. She must face their disapproval of her actions. They refuse to even try to understand. She must also deal with an ex-lover, and a beloved young sister who is following in her footsteps, wanting the idealistic hippie life but making some rash decisions in the process.
Un sanguinario jefe de bandoleros mata a los habitantes de un poblado para apoderarse de un valioso cargamento de fusiles y varias sacas de plata. Con las armas pretenden adueñarse de una barcaza para cruzar el río en dirección a México; lo que no se esperan es que uno de los pasajeros es un hombre muy curtido que no está dispuesto a consentir que ningún forajido se cruce en su camino.
Después de pasar varios años en la cárcel, un viejo pistolero desea vivir en paz, dedicándose a otros trabajos bien diferentes a los que caracterizaron su historia personal. Sin embargo, sus deseos pronto van a encontrar unos cuantos obstáculos.
Josh Miller
In this exciting jungle adventure the esteemed archaeologist, Dr Singleton, and his daughter, Mary, travel to mystical Africa in search of an ancient artifact: the fabled Blue Stone of Heaven. Imbued with the unfathomable power to bestow its holder with immense strength, the statuette attracts corrupt Colonel Tatakombi, who, blind with greed, intends to spark an uprising, and turn the natives against Tarzan. Can mighty Tarzan avert the jungle rebellion?
Un expistolero se enfrenta a un hombre que está intentando crear problemas con los indios para enriquecerse.
"For Pete's Sake" is the heartfelt and inspiring story of a man (Robert Sampson) struggling to come to terms with his wife's (Pippa Scott) untimely death, while raising their young son (Johnny Jenson). Sam Groom portrays the family's pastor and Terri Garr debuts as a wayward young woman in this entertaining and thought-provoking comedy-drama.
Mr. Merrick (uncredited)
Adaptación a la gran pantalla del popular cómic de Bob Kane, que ese mismo año y con los mismos protagonistas conocía una exitosa versión en formato de serie de televisión que duraría dos años en la pequeña pantalla. Batman y Robin se enfrentan a un grupo de criminales entre los que se encuentran sus eternos rivales Joker y El Pingüino, quienes se han apoderado de un sofisticado artilugio para dominar el mundo.
Cpl. Alvin Ross
Segunda Guerra Mundial, 1944. Una patrulla de marines norteamericanos desembarca secretamente en una isla del archipiélago filipino que está ocupada por los japoneses. Su misión consiste en ponerse en contacto con alguien que posee información de vital importancia, que podría evitar que las tropas americanas fueran víctimas de una gran emboscada.
En el este occidental, un sargento de caballería es equivocadamente llevado a una corte marcial. Para recuperar su buen nombre, que se hace cargo de una patrulla que acaba de perder a su líder en un ataque de los indios. Él lleva el regimiento a Fort Valiente, pero se horroriza al descubrir que los indios atacaron y masacraron a todos menos uno de sus habitantes. Ahora El pequeño grupo hardy debe luchar contra los renegados por su cuenta. El ex sargento planea una estrategia brillante que culmina en ganar el respeto de los indios. Salen de la fortaleza y la paz solo se restaura.
Fake SDI Agent
Un científico loco que roba un cargamento de un virus letal de un laboratorio del gobierno es perseguido por las autoridades.
Ben Lattimore
A cowboy whose sister has been murdered by a gang of vicious outlaws seeks his revenge. But a venerable old lawman is about to teach the vigilante a lesson about taking the law into one's own hands.
Jud Gotch
Sheriff Plummer and his men are using their badges to easily rob gold shipments and kill the drivers. Marshal McDowell and his men are looking for the killers. They catch one who is murdered to keep from talking but his killer is identified as Plummer's Deputy. Plummer is still not suspected when McDowell's wife is kidnaped and the outlaws demand the big gold shipment be sent unguarded. So McDowell heads out alone to face the gang with a load of gunpowder instead of gold and only a few trusted Deputies nearby.
Deputy in Canyon
Nuevo México, 1953. Jack Burns, un vaquero amante de la libertad y de los horizontes abiertos, llega cabalgando al pueblo de Duke City. Su intención es liberar a su amigo Paul Bondi antes de que lo trasladen a una prisión estatal. Bondi, que ha sido condenado a dos años de cárcel por acoger en su casa a algunos mexicanos que han cruzado ilegalmente la frontera, es un escritor que dejó su vida aventurera para casarse. Jack visita a la esposa de su amigo para exponerle su plan, pero ella lo rechaza, porque cree que puede complicar todavía más la situación.
Rogers Rangers fight the French & Indians in Canada while searching for a waterway which will lead to this ocean.
In this western, the Indians claim that their government rations are being stolen and they threaten to fight back. A pair of agents look into it and bring the culprits to justice.
Banner Cole acaba de perder a su mejor amigo, el sheriff de Paradise, pero tendrá que sobreponerse y perseguir a los asesinos, unos bandidos que han secuestrado a una joven del pueblo. Se inicia así una dura persecución. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lt. George Caddell
A drifter riding the rails gets mistaken for the new sheriff of a small town. He takes the police job and is immediately pressured to crack down on local organized crime.
City Marshal Ed Masterson
Tras matar a un hombre en defensa propia, Bat Masterson huye de la ciudad y se establece en Dodge City, donde su hermano es sheriff. Una noche, en un tiroteo, su hermano resulta muerto. A continuación Bat es elegido nuevo sheriff de la ciudad.
Clay Lanier
Cajun newlyweds must deal with the jealousy of his brother, who also loved her, and the arrival of a mysterious seductress in their bayou backwater.
Votes Tallyman (uncredited)
En un mundo cambiante en el que la televisión se ha convertido en la principal fuente de información, Adam Caulfield, un joven periodista deportivo, es testigo de cómo su tío, Frank Skeffington, un veterano y honesto político, alcalde de una ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra, intenta ser reelegido mientras banqueros y empresarios conspiran en la sombra para colocar en el ayuntamiento a un candidato débil y manejable.
A Hollywood private eye (Efrem Zimbalist Jr.) seeks a singer being stalked by a hired killer.
Dr. Ken Warwick
La existencia de una pequeña clínica en la selva, dirigida por un anciano doctor, desata la envidia del hechicero de la tribu que ve su prestigio en peligro ante los éxitos del medico europeo. Será Tarzán el encargado de restablecer la paz, tras vencer al perverso asesino.
Police Lt. Porter
El joven de 17 años Jimmy Walker (Jack Nicholson, en su debut cinematográfico) es brutamente golpeado por Manny Cole (Brett Halsey) y dos de sus jóvenes amigos debido a que Manny ha intentado propasarse con la novia de Jimmy, Carole Fields (Carolyn Mitchell). Más tarde, Jimmy desafía a Manny a una pelea. Los dos amigos de Manny se acercan a pelear, y a uno de ellos se le cae un arma. Jimmy la toma y dispara contra Manny y uno de sus compañeros.
Joe Barger
A lawman goes undercover in order to capture the outlaws who murdered his wife.
A warlord from Mars recruits an Earth industrialist with a Nazi past to manufacture weapons by means of which Mars can take over the Earth. Feature version of the 1951 movie serial "Flying Disc Man from Mars".
Scott Johnson
A villainous cavalry officer is trying to force the owner of a hacienda to give him his land when a courageous settler comes to the rescue.
Steve Hummel / Mr. Brown
A government agent investigates the use of illegal amphetamines among long-haul truck drivers.
Lt. (j.g.) Wes Barton
Casey Abbott (Ronald Reagan) es el comandante de un submarino encargado de una peligrosa misión: debe introducirse por el estrecho de Tsushima, una zona intensamente minada, para servir de enlace vital entre el continente Asiático y las islas de Japón.
Dr. Hale
Jim Davis is a man on the run. He comes across the body of a dead man wearing the badge of a marshal. He buries the body and takes the badge and rides on. At the next town, he is mistaken for the dead man, a legendary marshal named Brennan. The town sent for Marshal Brennan because they were facing a crisis that includes among other things an epidemic. The Stranger decides to stay as a way of hiding from the men chasing him. What he does not realize is that when he takes on the Badge of Marshal Brennan, he takes on the responsibilities of Marshal Brennan.
Ben Fish
The widows and children of survivors of the H.M.S. Bounty rule Pitcairn Island, fighting off sailors and intruders.
A police detective baits killer gamblers with a mob witness (Patricia Medina) in the Everglades.
Deputy Ben Clovey
En el pequeño pueblo de Mountaincrest, un hombre afectado de amnesia mata a otro en la calle. La policía intenta atraparlo. El problema es que no están seguros de si persiguen a un hombre o a un animal salvaje.
State Department Security Chief
Seeking the whereabouts of international gangster Nick Randall, the US State Department contacts Scotland Yard, as his girlfriend, Angela Booth, is currently in a British prison. Angela has refused to give Nick up to the law, so the combined authorities arrange for Angela to escape, aided by stoolie Gran' Ramsey who is at the same prison. The police will then follow Angela to Nick. Gran' stages the getaway, and the two women, accompanied by a third convict, Marguerite, whose prison-born baby is about to be turned over to welfare authorities. It is up to Gran' to keep the police informed of Angela's movements without being detected by the escapees, until Angela contacts Nick. This film is a reworking of principal footage from the UK film WOMEN WITHOUT MEN (1955), q.v., which, with added new footage (including scenes with original star Beverly Michaels), significantly revises the plot and central characters from a story about a wrongly imprisoned waif to one about a gangster's moll.
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger fights space pirates over an invisible spaceship.
Federal Marshal
El dueño de una tienda (Fred MacMurray), por un golpe de suerte, mata al jefe de una banda de peligrosos ladrones y se convierte en un héroe para sus conciudadanos, pero, ante la perspectiva de que regresen para vengarse, se verá abandonado de todos.
Ron Haskell
The boys buy a uranium mine out west, but when they get there they find that it's pretty much worthless. However, the local badmen are distrustful of these new strangers, and when they mistakenly get the impression that the mine is loaded with uranium, they hatch a scheme to get rid of the boys and take over the mine.
Sgt. Mike Jancoweizc
Undercover agents investigate a murderer in Chicago.
Deputy Bill Nash
Un pulpo gigante, de más de 100 metros de longitud, surge de las profundidades de la fosa de Mindanao y ataca pesqueros y navíos militares, dirigiéndose hacia San Francisco para sembrar el pánico y la destrucción.
Reporter #1
Un gángster financia a un científico para crear cadáveres revividos con fuerza sobrehumana, que el primero utiliza con fines de venganza. La policía está desconcertada, puesto que las pruebas químicas apuntan a la naturaleza irreal de los crímenes.
Bert King
Treasury agents go after a ring of counterfeiters operating out of a traveling carnival.
The jungle boy tries to stop a herd of rogue elephants.
Jesse James
When two outlaw gangs team up to rob gold shipments, the U.s. Army sends their ace-troubleshooter, Dan Parker, to the area. Sam Casey, the mystery-man behind the gangs, kills Parker's father, and this induces his sweetheart, Rita Starr, to side with the law-and-order faction. An attempt by Casey to kill Rita is foiled by Parker, which leads to a widespread gun-battle. Written by Les Adams
Webb, the lumberjack
A short feature western comprising two episodes of the "Wild Bill Hickok" TV series, the episodes being "Lumber Camp Story" (4/21/1952) and "Boy And The Bandit" (5/5/1952).
Rocky Jones and his buddies happen upon two strange moons orbiting each other. They soon discover that both are inhabited by civilizations at war with each other. Needless to say, Rocky and his crew do their utmost to bring about peace.
1849 California and the Gold Boom. Marshal Sam Nelson goes under cover to find out the identity of a trio of killers.
A three-part episode from the TV series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger edited together and released as a feature for 16mm rental only. Season 1 episodes 21, 22, 23. Episode 21: Rocky saves a space station and his friends when they are trapped between gypsy moons. Episode 22: Cleolanthe tries to destroy one of the gypsy moons with a barrage of missiles. Episode 23: Rocky evacuates the gypsy moon Posetta and stops Cleolanthe's missile barrage.
There's something to be said for finishing what you've started. That's why the gentile Captain Long John Silver is heading back to Treasure Island to see if he can unearth the cache of riches buried there by his colleague, Captain Flint. At the same time, he also hopes to bring to safety the governor's daughter and a young boy abducted by El Toro.
Dick Bailey
La prometida de un trampero parte hacia Francia y es secuestrada por unos piratas, que la trasladan a Marruecos. El trampero viaja hasta el país para rescatarla.
Capt. Vedders
A Korean War film with a secondary plot of the training of South Korean pilots, to fly fighters in air defense, by American Air Force instructors,led by Major Brady, a famed and skilled-but-grounded pilot, assigned to the Kongku base.
Tom Rogers
In this 12 Chapter serial the UN enlists trader Tom Rogers and Vivian Wells, to lead the effort to prevent the natives from starting a revolution in Burmatra and its neighbors.
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
Roadblock Officer (uncredited)
Tres criminales atracan una gasolinera, pero uno de ellos resulta herido y es abandonado a su suerte. Perseguido por la policía, busca refugio en casa de un ex presidiario reformado, que se verá envuelto a su pesar en los planes del grupo.
Hank O'Connell (uncredited)
Dave Bannion es un honesto policía que investiga el suicidio de un compañero. Bertha, la viuda, le explica a Bannion que a su esposo le habían diagnosticado una grave enfermedad. Pero Lucy, la amante del difunto, le cuenta que, en realidad, el policía había descubierto un complejo entramado de corrupción en su departamento. Cuando Lucy aparece brutalmente asesinada, Bannion decide acusar a Lagana, el mayor mafioso de la ciudad. Al cabo de poco tiempo, el coche de Bannion explota y mata a su esposa, hecho que le llevará a iniciar una salvaje venganza.
Outlaw Al Clark - aka Al Deacons
A US Marshal hunts down three bank robbers that are living under new identities.
Mack Wilson
Bill Elliot emulates his idol William S. Hart in the superior western Topeka. Elliot plays the archetypal Good Bad Man, hired to kick the crooked element out of a small town. A hard-drinking, hard-living man, Elliot entertains thoughts of taking over the town himself for the benefit of his own gang. After several reels of soul-searching, Elliot decides to honor his promise to clean up the town for its decent citizens. Evidently director Thomas Carr rented a camera crane for this Allied Artists production, since the camera performs remarkable calisthenics, the kind not normally seen in a medium-budget western.
Constable Clark
A villain named Marlof attempts to set up secret missile bases inside Canada so he can launch missiles at the U.S. The Canadian Mounted Police dispatch agents to try to stop him.
Russ Mason
To fully appreciate the western comedy The Marshal's Daughter, one must be aware that its star, a zaftig, wide-eyed lass named Laurie Anders, was in 1953 a popular TV personality. A regular on The Ken Murray Show, Anders had risen to fame with the Southern-fried catchphrase "Ah love the wi-i-i-ide open spaces!" Striking while the iron was hot, the entrepreneurial Murray produced this inexpensive oater, which cast Anders as Laurie Dawson, the singing daughter of a U.S. marshal (Hoot Gibson). Teaming with her dad to capture outlaw Trigger Gans (Bob Duncan), Laurie briefly disguises herself as a masked bandit. Amidst much stock footage from earlier westerns and a plethora of lame jokes and dreadful puns, The Marshal's Daughter is a treat for trivia buffs, featuring such virile actors as Preston S. Foster, Johnny Mack Brown, Jimmy Wakely and Buddy Baer as "themselves."
Siglo XVI. Tras una sangrienta campaña contra las tropas españolas que han invadido Francia, Rolando, el intrépido príncipe de los Países Bajos, regresa a su país con su ejército de voluntarios. Al llegar a la Corte, tendrá que desenmascarar una conspiración en la que participa su propio hermano, que tiene la intención de traicionar al país y venderlo al enemigo.
Ace Morgan
In this Yukon adventure, a gold mining community is rocked by a murder. A Mountie investigates and encounters a female gambler. Action ensues, but justice prevails.
Randall, alias Jon Edmum
Murder ensues when owners and hired help contrive against each other to obtain diamonds and gold ingots secretly hidden on a derelict and abandoned Japanese freighter left lying in anchor in a New Guinea cove at the end of WW II.
Dave Kilrain
A criminal gang provokes the local Apaches in order to divert the authorities' attention from their own activities.
Clarence, Bookkeeper
Small-town gossips rage over the arrival of a mysterious stranger.
Trooper (Uncredited)
Beth Austin (Joan Crawford) es la jefa de una banda de atracadores que, tras dar un golpe en un casino, se interna en una clínica para recibir tratamiento: sus ojos están dañados gravemente. Las cosas se complican con esta operación pues ella va enamorándose paulatinamente del doctor que la atiende; su amante, el tipo duro de la banda se pone cada vez más violento y celoso mientras el FBI estrecha su cerco sobre la mujer peligrosa.
In an Iron Curtain country an idealistic student goes on the run from the Communist authorities.
Tod Rawlings
An outcast gambler hijacks a wagon train of eligible women taken west by a mayor.
Tom Mallory
Charles "Durango" Starrett and his pal Smiley Burnette go after smugglers. Our heroes travel incognito across the Mexican border to beard the leader of the gang in his den.
Officer Mosley (uncredited)
El Sindicato del Crimen controla la ciudad. Su jefe es alguien cuya identidad se desconoce y a quien llaman "el Anciano". La corrupción se ha adueñado de las instituciones e incluso de las fuerzas del orden. Thomas McQuigg, un honrado capitán de policía, ha sido trasladado por sus superiores a una comisaría de barrio para mantenerlo al margen. Pero él no se rinde: con la ayuda de Johnson, un policía tan íntegro y valiente como él, emprende una implacable cruzada contra uno de los gánsteres más influyentes de la ciudad.
Henchman Evan Fox
A singing doctor (Gene Autry) on horseback heals a feud between cattlemen and copper miners.
Lieutenant in Charge of Landing Site
El mundo entero queda conmocionado el día en que, sin previo aviso, un O.V.N.I. aterriza en Washington y de él sale Klaatu, un alienígena de aspecto humano, acompañado de Gort, un androide. Klaatu pide reunirse simultáneamente con todos los gobernantes de la Tierra, para entregarles un mensaje muy importante, pero su petición es rechazada. Klaatu se da cuenta de que necesita comprender mejor cómo viven los humanos y, para ello, se hospeda en la casa de una mujer, madre de un chico, con el que Klaatu traba amistad.
Saunders (uncredited)
Un investigador de seguros honrado conoce a una hermosa mujer, de la que se enamora. Creyendo que sólo con dinero podrá conseguirla, trama un plan para robar un millón de dólares uniéndose a una banda...
Hawai, verano de 1942. Los aviones surcando constantemente el cielo contrastan con la placidez de las playas y ponen de manifiesto una trágica realidad: la guerra. Los japoneses dominan las islas hasta Guadalcanal. El mayor Dan Kirby es nombrado comandante del escuadrón de combate VMF-247, noticia que no es muy bien recibida por los soldados, que esperaban el ascenso de Carl Griffin, su capitán. Los caracteres de Kirby y Griffin chocan al principio, aunque el capitán irá descubriendo poco a poco el valor y la entereza de Kirby, sobre todo cuando deban emprender la gran batalla del Pacífico.
Gordon Warren
A retired teacher sells her apartment to a group of gangsters.
Wade Trimble
A singing postal inspector (Gene Autry) and his partner (Smiley Burnette) save a woman's (Gail Davis) estate from fraud.
Marshal Tim Gallery
Hidden Valley has managed to retain its Old Western atmosphere, free of modern-day corruption, until escaped convict Smitty arrives with plans of taking over and opening the town up as a gambling resort. It's up to Rex Allen and his pals to put a stop to it and sing a few songs along the way.
Pete Horne
Blind Pete Horne knows the location of the Lost Spanish Silver Lode, but is knifed before he can tell anyone. His seeing eye dog, Duke, brings Rex Allen and Gabriel Horne to Pete's lifeless body. They set out to find the killer and run into trouble near Silver City, Arizona, when they rescue Katie McIntosh from a gang that is chasing her buckboard.
Army Base Information Desk Clerk
El oficial Talbot está decidido a usar misiles teledirigidos en su submarino. La marina todavía no ha dado el visto bueno, por lo que él decide saltarse a la torera las órdenes de sus superiores y comienza a probarlos. La iniciativa no puede resultar peor pues en las pruebas mueren varios de sus hombres, lo que le acaba provocando un colapso mental.
Richard 'Dick' McKenna
Un científico decide probar una vacuna contra una grave enfermedad, realizada con isótopos radioactivos, aplicándosela a unos presidiarios, con la promesa de que serán puestos en libertad tras el experimento. Desgraciadamente, los efectos de la vacuna son imprevisibles y provocan los instintos asesinos de uno de ellos, el cuál mata a un compañero. Aún así, el doctor hará todo lo posible por continuar con el experimento, a pesar de la oposición del gobierno.
Mota is a Martian representative, who has come to impose interplanetary law on the Earth (which has become too dangerous); opposing his authority is Kent Fowler, who resists the alien plot, without understanding its details.
James Worth (uncredited)
Dos agentes de policía son encargados de desbaratar una organización de timadores. Los incautos son atraídos ante la posibilidad de ponerse en contacto con seres queridos ya fallecidos. Un experto timador reúne a una banda ante una víctima ideal: una viuda millonaria cuyo hijo murió en la guerra en Europa.
Orderly (uncredited)
Tras atracar una gasolinera, dos criminales, heridos en el tiroteo, son atendidos por el doctor Brooks, el único médico negro del hospital de la ciudad. Cuando uno de ellos muere, el otro acusa al médico de haberlo matado y provoca una revuelta racista para vengarse de él
Cowhand (uncredited)
Shadrach Jones, ex-Texas State Policeman, has the ruthless determination to find and kill the man who shot his brother in the back and stole the money with which he was to buy a ranch for the two of them. At the saloon-hotel run by Adelaide, Shadrach is convinced that one of the cowhands on the Captain McKellar cattle drive to Montana is his man. He takes the job of trail-herd boss to find the killer. McKellar preaches to Jones that he should forget revenge and let the law of retribution take care of the killer. Shadrach's hard driving of the men and his hunt for the killer makes him bitterly hated, and his retribution quest ends in a manner he did not anticipated.
Reporter (uncredited)
El maestro ladrón Gerard Dennis (David Brian) se escapa de la granja de una prisión canadiense y se dirige a Buffalo con Peggy Arthur (Perdita Chandler), quien le proporciona el dinero necesario para los papeles falsificados. Dennis, Peggy y un camarero corrupto en un hotel de Buffalo hacen un robo en el que casi atrapan a Dennis, pero él escapa y descubre que sus cómplices lo han abandonado. Más tarde, enfrentándolos, es brutalmente golpeado y llevado a un hospital donde conoce a la enfermera Martha Rollins (Marjorie Reynolds), quien se enamora de él. Van a New Rochelle donde es herido intentando otro robo ...
Flirty Man at Bar (uncredited)
Un operador de teléfonos de Los Ángeles utiliza sus conocimientos en electrónica para ayudar a un apostador en sus operaciones. Cuando el apostador es asesinado, decide tomar el mando del negocio. Los gánster de la Costa Este intentarán coger una parte del pastel.
Dick Wentworth
The story revolves around a colt born in Kentucky and named "Blue Grass". and the training of the colt to win the Kentuck Derby. and how all of that affected the lives, fortunes and, relationships and romances of the people associated with the colt's race-track career.
Radio officer (uncredited)
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), el general Frank Savage, de las fuerzas aéreas de los Estados Unidos, es enviado a Inglaterra para relevar al comandante de una unidad, encargada de bombardear Alemania, cuyos miembros están completamente desmoralizados. Aunque es amable y comprensivo, Savage aplica inmediatamente una disciplina de choque para levantar la moral de la tropa. Los miembros del escuadrón, reacios al principio a aceptar las nuevas normas, van cambiando a medida que, gracias a Savage, consiguen victorias inesperadas. Sin embargo, la tensión y el agotamiento que supone el mando conducirá al general a una situación límite.
Ambulance Attendant
Jane Bandle (Laraine Day) es una mujer casada, pero el hermano de su marido intenta arruinar su matrimonio.
Man with Microphone in Car (uncredited)
Cody Jarrett y su banda asaltan un tren que transporta 300.000 dólares, asesinan a los conductores y huyen con el dinero. Poco después, los agentes federales inician la persecución, convencidos de que él es el autor del asalto. Cody se entrega a la policía y es condenado a sólo dos años de prisión, ya que ha preparado una coartada perfecta. Sin embargo, los agentes del tesoro están convencidos de que fue el cerebro del asalto y le tienden una trampa.
Trem Turner
The Jewel Land Company of Elko, Texas is selling Government land to settlers. Before any of the settlers can claim their land, they are being killed by McCabe's gang. When Rocky comes to Elko to find his friend Jim, he winds up in Jail on a charge of stealing money from the new Marshal. The only person in town that is on his side is Nugget, but there is little that he can do by himself. When Rocky escapes from the jail with another prisoner and the Marshal is shot, he has to find who is behind his problems and what has happened to Jim and Emily.
Naval Lt. Perkins (uncredited)
Un capitán de los servicios de contraespionaje francés se ve obligado a disfrazarse de mujer para convertirse en la esposa de un teniente americano.
Bud Ransome
David Palmer, a young chemist, returns to his father's Indiana farm, to marry a local school teacher, Ruth Treadwell. David meets again his father's horse-trainer, Ben Lathrop, whose daughter, Cissy, has left high school to help her father. Palmer marries and becomes wealthy through an invention, and is able to indulge his socially-ambitious wife. His father dies and Palmer returns to Indiana, where his interest in harness-racing is rekindled, as is his interest in Cissy Lathrop.
A promising young composer is tempted away from his devoted wife by a fortune-seeking woman who cares more for his prospects than for him.
Rocky's Brother
Rocky Lane, out to find the murderer of his brother, runs into a battle between two stage lines for a mail contract.
George Reeves Jr.
The story of Andy Bryant, a University of Arizona student whose grades suffer because of his preoccupation with an upcoming intercollegiate rodeo. Andy's father is more interested in embarrassing a rival at the rodeo than he is with his son's academic progress. When his lack of focus nearly causes a tragic accident in the university chemistry lab, Andy decides to hunker down and study.
Tom Owens
Banker Ned Owens refuses to call in the many unpaid loans made to the local ranchers as he knows they are being terrorized by a gang of crooks and unable to pay. But the secret leader of the gang is James Taylor large stockholder of the bank.....
Bill Manning
An innocent man -- due to a case of mistaken identity -- is beaten. Once recovered, the stockbroker tries to find the actual intended target -- a gangster-- and warn him.
Male Secretary
Psychiatrists move in with bickering stage spouses and start bickering too.
Boy Model
A serviceman returns home at the end of WWII to discover his wife has become the head of her own very successful advertising agency. Comedy.