Ben Hayne


Cinco pistolas
Art Direction
Tras huir de la cárcel, un grupo de rebeldes sureños se propone asaltar una diligencia procedente del Norte.
Cinco pistolas
Associate Producer
Tras huir de la cárcel, un grupo de rebeldes sureños se propone asaltar una diligencia procedente del Norte.
Monster from the Ocean Floor
Art Direction
Julie, an American on vacation in Mexico, spots a giant, one-eyed amoeba rising from the ocean, but when she tries to tell the authorities, no one believes her. She finally teams up with a marine biologist in an attempt to destroy it.
Monster from the Ocean Floor
Production Design
Julie, an American on vacation in Mexico, spots a giant, one-eyed amoeba rising from the ocean, but when she tries to tell the authorities, no one believes her. She finally teams up with a marine biologist in an attempt to destroy it.
Solo ante el peligro
Art Direction
Will Kane (Gary Cooper), el sheriff del pequeño pueblo de Hadleyville, acaba de contraer matrimonio con Amy (Grace Kelly). Los recién casados proyectan trasladarse a la ciudad y abrir un pequeño negocio; pero, de repente, empieza a correr por el pueblo la noticia de que Frank Miller (Ian MacDonald), un criminal que Kane había atrapado y llevado ante la justicia, ha salido de la cárcel y llegará al pueblo en el tren del mediodía para vengarse de Kane. El tiempo va pasando lentamente, pero nadie en el pueblo está dispuesto a ayudar al sheriff.
El demonio del mar
Art Direction
El capitán de un barco ballenero intenta transmitir a su nieto todos sus conocimientos sobre la mar y la caza de la ballena para que pueda seguir la tradición familiar.
Blondie's Holiday
Art Direction
Dagwood gets a raise due to a new contract with a bank manager. Blondie misunderstanding the amount of the raise pledges more than they can afford to Dagwood's high school reunion organizer who was also Dagwood's high school sweetheart. To make matters worse Dagwood becomes involved with a gang running a gambling establishment.
Blondie's Big Moment
Art Direction
Blondie decides she wants to be a star and nearly turns her household upside down in this entry in the long-running domestic comedy series. Dagwood has mixed emotions about his wife's theatrical aspirations and eventually he decides to get her to quit. As usual - disaster ensues.
Don Juan Quilligan
Art Direction
When a an overly romantic barge captain marries two women, each reminding him of his mother, he finds himself resorting to prison to escape them.