Jerry Lewis’s patented form of slapstick made him a 20th-century comedic icon. But former co-stars directors say he was a bully who sexually harassed—and in at least one case, sexually assaulted—women with impunity.
A 2017 interview with actress Hope Holiday, who portrayed Margie MacDougall.
A 2017 interview with actress Hope Holiday, who portrayed Margie MacDougall.
A 2007 documentary on the making of 'The Apartment'.
A documentary about actor Jack Lemmon.
A documentary about Jerry Lewis directed by Eckhart Schmidt.
Executive Producer
Photojournalist Bo (Griffin O'Neal) and his girlfriend Angie (Tawny Fere) are captured and falsely imprisoned in Colombia. Angie's Sheriff / cowboy father Jethro (Richard Lynch) vows to use every method at his disposal to secure their freedom.
Executive Producer
El piloto, es la última esperanza de una nave espacial para detener el motín perpetrado por el personal de seguridad de la propia nave, que planea vender al resto de la tripulación como esclavos.
Executive Producer
La esposa y la hija del presidente de un estado africano son secuestrados por los terroristas. El embajador estadounidense trata de liberarlos y reactiva para ello a un agente que se encuentra en prisión en ese momento.
School Headmistress (uncredited)
Joe Wong (Fong) is a private investigator who goes in search of a young girl kidnapped by a religious cult. Destined to save her, he teams up with a Vietnam vet, a pro-boxing champ and a former cop to save her...
Associate Producer
Joe Wong (Fong) is a private investigator who goes in search of a young girl kidnapped by a religious cult. Destined to save her, he teams up with a Vietnam vet, a pro-boxing champ and a former cop to save her...
An L.A. cop investigating the rape and murder of his wife traces the crime to a psycho biker gang that smuggles guns. He teams up with an FBI agent to stop them and catch his wife's killers.
Associate Producer
An L.A. cop investigating the rape and murder of his wife traces the crime to a psycho biker gang that smuggles guns. He teams up with an FBI agent to stop them and catch his wife's killers.
An L.A. cop investigating the rape and murder of his wife traces the crime to a psycho biker gang that smuggles guns. He teams up with an FBI agent to stop them and catch his wife's killers.
Hazel Buck
El piloto de helicóptero Mike O’Malley junto con algunos ayudantes mas, todos ellos entusiastas de la práctica del karate, se unen para preparar un crucerlo a la Isla de los Guerreros. Allí se hallan enterrados muchos personajes siniestros, y está habitada por una secta de monjes caníbales que poseen el poder de revivir a los muertos. Mientras, en Hong Kong, el Dr. Speer esta prestando toda su atención sobre el itinerario de la embarcación, el cual se ha dedicado durante mucho tiempo a secuestrar a los buscadores de tesoros para luego venderlos como alimento a los monjes de la isla.
Mrs. Stover
A tough, macho, truck driver decides to make his soft son more manly by taking him hunting. They vacation and go to a honky tonk bar where the younger man falls in love with a burned out waitress.
Several members of a platoon of American soldiers not only kill a Japanese general, but also rape and murder the man's wife. The couple's son, Kimon, witnesses these ghastly events and vows revenge. Thirty-three years later the platoon get back together in Manila for a reunion. The adult Kimon also shows up to pick off the platoon members who are responsible for butchering his parents.
Pete, Linc and Julie are called back to the force when a series of sniper attacks are made on their old boss. But the three soon discover that they themselves are the intended targets of a gunman who lives in their old "flower child" world of the 1960s.
A man attempts to sleep with five different women.
Dos vaqueros veteranos y trotamundos (Glenn Ford y Henry Fonda) intentan establecerse y dejar de trabajar, aunque nunca lo consiguen por una u otra razón.
Un infeliz gendarme, fiel cumplidor de su trabajo, se enamora perdidamente de una prostituta a la que detiene en una redada. Por ella dejará su trabajo, se enfrentará al chulo que la explota y, gracias a un golpe de suerte, se convertirá en el nuevo matón del pintoresco barrio de "Les Halles", el mercado de abastos de París. A partir de ese momento, aunque con ciertos escrúpulos, vive de la chica, que lo considera su nuevo protector, y él por amor la deja hacer.
Miss Anxious
Tras ser plantado por su chica, un deprimido Herbert H. Herbert (Jerry Lewis) reniega de las relaciones románticas, y está decidido a vivir toda su vida como un soltero redomado. Entonces, encuentra trabajo en una residencia para señoritas en Hollywood, ¡y las residentes se vuelven locas con el nuevo ayudante! Es entonces cuando el desventurado Herbert pasa de ser un simple manitas a convertirse en...¡"El terror de las chicas"!
Mrs. Margie MacDougall
C.C. Baxter es un modesto pero ambicioso empleado de una compañía de seguros de Manhattan. Está soltero y vive solo en un discreto apartamento que presta ocasionalmente a sus superiores para sus citas amorosas. Tiene la esperanza de que estos favores le sirvan para mejorar su posición en la empresa. Pero la situación cambia cuando se enamora de una ascensorista que resulta ser la amante de uno de los jefes que usan su apartamento.