Chuck Bowman

Nacimiento : 1937-06-02, Coffeyville, Kansas, USA


​From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Chuck Bowman (born in Coffeyville, Kansas) is an American actor, director, producer and writer of film and television.


The Tooth Fairy
Pamela es una niña de 12 años que está de vacaciones con sus padres en Campbell Inn. Ella se ha hecho amiga de una joven que está en la habitación de al lado y que le cuenta la historia del "hada del los dientes", la cual hace muchos años mató a los niños del lugar para apoderarse de sus piezas dentarias. Ahora el hada ha vuelto para seguir con su venganza.
Alien seeds hitch a ride to earth in a space shuttle crew and begin to grow. When their numbers reach the Threshold amount they will be an unstoppable swarm.
Dead Above Ground
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for a class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict upon him soon turns to outright abuse. After being forced into an auto race with one of his more sadistic classmates, Jeff's car careens over a cliff and the troubled student is presumed to be dead. When a new family moves into the home previously inhabited by Jeff and his family, a series of bizarre occurrences lead the family's high-school-age son to believe that Jeff has returned to inflict revenge upon those who wronged him in life.
Dead Above Ground
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for a class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict upon him soon turns to outright abuse. After being forced into an auto race with one of his more sadistic classmates, Jeff's car careens over a cliff and the troubled student is presumed to be dead. When a new family moves into the home previously inhabited by Jeff and his family, a series of bizarre occurrences lead the family's high-school-age son to believe that Jeff has returned to inflict revenge upon those who wronged him in life.
Christy: Return to Cutter Gap
Christy meets a brash female pilot who competes for the affection of Dr.MacNeil.
Un avión que transportaba un mortífero virus se estrella en el aeropuerto de Londres. El virus comienza entonces a propagarse, a través del aire, por las distintas terminales, con el riesgo de contagio a miles de pasajeros que vuelan a otros rincones del planeta...
Someone to Love Me
Cayley is still recovering from her father's sudden death when she begins attending a new school. Lonely and depressed, she has sex on the first and only date with classmate Ian Hall. After Ian gives her the cold shoulder, she succumbs to his friend's advances. Soon the school is abuzz with rumors about Cayley. With help from a guidance counselor, Cayley begins to change her behavior, but one night Ian approaches her expecting sex. When she rejects him, he rapes her. Now, Cayley's reputation is a roadblock to proving Ian's guilt.
En defensa propia
Co-Executive Producer
Stacy es una brillante fiscal que, tras lograr la absolución de un violador, prepara su boda con Richard, un agente de la brigada de homicidios. Un día, un compañero de trabajo intenta violarla y ella repele la agresión matándolo de una cuchillada. Aunque Stacy consigue deshacerse del cadáver, un desconocido que ha presenciado la escena empieza a chantajearla.
En defensa propia
Stacy es una brillante fiscal que, tras lograr la absolución de un violador, prepara su boda con Richard, un agente de la brigada de homicidios. Un día, un compañero de trabajo intenta violarla y ella repele la agresión matándolo de una cuchillada. Aunque Stacy consigue deshacerse del cadáver, un desconocido que ha presenciado la escena empieza a chantajearla.
The Accident: A Moment of Truth Movie
Lizzie and Janie are best friends, bonded like sisters, who share many things in common: crushes, gossip, and a taste for liquor. Although they manage to sneak alcohol at home and in water bottles at school, they never get caught. One night, while at a per-graduation party, Lizzie, Janie, and their friend Kate get completely drunk, and Lizzie decides to drive Janie home. While blasting the music in the car, with rain pounding on the windshield, Lizzie crashes the car. She escapes with a concussion, but Janie isn't so lucky - she dies in the twisted metal. What happens is a depiction of the aftermath of tragedy, and the recovery process of an alcoholic. Gruesome dramatization of a horrific car accident, and depiction of a DWI trial.
Moment of Truth: Into the Arms of Danger
A teenage girl runs away from home after her mother's fiance attempts to molest her. On her own in the city, she is taken in by a man who convinces her to work as an exotic dancer. After discovering what led her daughter to run away, her mother begins a frantic mission to save her daughter.
A Kiss So Deadly
A father falls in love with his daughters college roommate with some very dire consequences.
A Kiss So Deadly
A father falls in love with his daughters college roommate with some very dire consequences.
Abducted: A Father's Love
A man kidnaps his little girl to protect her from an abusive mother, then becomes the first man to enter a woman's underground movement.
Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie
Supervising Producer
When a student confides to her guidance counselor that the high school principal has been sexually harassing her, the guidance counselor attempts to have the principal fired. The student recants her story and transfers to another school. Just when everything seems to be lost, the counselor discovers the principal has a history of such activity. Can she prove the principals guilt before he does it again?
Deceived by Trust: A Moment of Truth Movie
When a student confides to her guidance counselor that the high school principal has been sexually harassing her, the guidance counselor attempts to have the principal fired. The student recants her story and transfers to another school. Just when everything seems to be lost, the counselor discovers the principal has a history of such activity. Can she prove the principals guilt before he does it again?
Spring Fling!
A Mother's Deception
Nora McGill has great pain. Desperatly searching for help she finds Dr. Allen. He reduces her pain, but she has to pay a high price for it ...
Moment of Truth: Caught in the Crossfire
An undercover reporter named Gus finds work with the FBI, but soon he gets into a difficult situation and the FBI ignores it.
¿Por qué mi hija?
"Why My Daughter", episodio de la conocida serie "Moment of Truth", relata la trágica vida y posterior asesinato de la Diana Moffitt, que tuvo lugar en octubre de 1987. Apenas un año antes, Diana se había graduado con honores en Centennial High School, donde también fue miembro del equipo femenino de baloncesto. Muy querida en su comunidad, era una joven brillante y enérgica con un futuro prometedor... nadie hubiese imaginado jamás la terrible tragedia que estaba a punto de suceder. Diana, engañada por A.J., un joven de 24 años, se fue adentrando de forma paulatina en el sórdido y autodestructivo mundo de la prostitución. Su madre, desesperada, hizo lo imposible por salvar a su hija, pero todos los intentos resultaron en vano. Una noche, Diana Moffitt fue encontrada brutalmente asesinada al norte de San Diego, acababa de cumplir 20 años. El crimen quedó sin resolver y pasó a formar parte de los expedientes "NHI".
Drug Abuse: The Chemical Tomb
The dangers of drug use by teenagers are illustrated by showing how well-dressed, happy teens are turned into slovenly, long-haired, drug-addled potheads who don't know that, according to the film's drug expert, “in high dosages, it [marijuana] parallels LSD.”