Stephen Macht
Nacimiento : 1942-05-01, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
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Stephen Robert Macht is an American television and film actor. Spotted by a Universal Studios talent scout while starring at the Stratford Shakespeare Festival in Canada in 1975, Macht was signed to a contract and by the mid 1970s had left teaching and was making frequent appearances in TV episodes and movies.
In Raid on Entebbe, he portrayed Yoni Netanyahu, the Israeli officer killed in the rescue of hostages in Uganda. In 1978, he had a lead role in The Immigrants a syndicated miniseries about the rise of the son of Italian immigrants in turn-of-the-century San Francisco.
The successful television movie American Dream led to a critically acclaimed short-lived series which cast Macht in the role of a family man who chucks the suburban life to set up home in the inner city of Chicago. The following season, he landed the role of Joe Cooper, on Knots Landing. Other notable roles included playing Nancy McKeon's father in Strange Voices. He was Benedict Arnold in the miniseries George Washington and played one of the survivors of an air crash in Flight 90: Disaster on the Potomac. He spent three seasons on Cagney & Lacey. During his run on the show, he moved behind the cameras to make his directorial debut. In 1993, Macht played Krim Aldos in "The Siege", an early Season 2 episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Macht had been Gene Roddenberry's first choice to play Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation, but the role eventually went to Patrick Stewart in 1986.
More recent credits have included A Friendship in Vienna; Memories of Midnight, and in Moment of Truth: A Mother's Deception. Macht appeared in Babylon 5, One Life to Live, General Hospital, and Suits.
Macht's work in feature films has been more sporadic, beginning with a turn as one of The Choirboys. He also had roles in Nightwing, The Mountain Men, Galaxina, The Last Winter, The Monster Squad, Stephen King's Graveyard Shift, Amityville: It's About Time, The Legend of Galgameth, and Watchers Reborn. Macht has also played Dr. Harris in three instalments of the Trancers series of films.
A look at the life and work of the iconic US actor Charlton Heston (1923-2008); the embodiment of many mythic heroes who was both a staunch defender of the Civil Rights movement during the sixties and a spokesman for the National Rifle Association in his later years. The extraordinary and controversial public and personal career of one of the greatest film personalities of all time.
Documental que explora el éxito cosechado por la cinta "Una pandilla alucinante" (1987). Su protagonista principal, Andre Gower, realiza entrevistas a miembros del reparto y demuestra el fenómeno y la estela de seguidores que la cinta ha generado después de varias décadas.
Clem Weatherby
Secuela de "La rebelión de Atlas: Parte I", Con la economía mundial al borde del colapso, Dagny Taggart descubre lo que podría ser la respuesta a una crisis energética de montaje y carreras contra el reloj para evitar que el motor del mundo se detenga para siempre.
Ryan has been plagued with nightmares since the night his sister Amy went missing 8 years earlier after playing the game "Bloody Mary." Amy had stumbled onto a website on the Internet ( about a witch called Bloody Mary and a game to summon her evil spirit. Now a senior in college, Ryan is reaching a mental breaking point from the years of stress and guilt from his sisters disappearance. His girlfriend Rachel frustrated herself at Ryan's emotional distance and self pity, calls for help to a former professor of Ryan's, Father O'Neal. Father O'Neal is both a priest and a archaeologist who decides to help Ryan end his tormenting grief by using his detective skills and wit to figure out what exactly happened to Ryan's sister, and uncover the truth to the Legend of Bloody Mary
Paul Wolfowitz
Película que relata los siguientes días de los ataques del 11-S y el viaje del Presidente a la Zona Cero días después de los ataques. La película muestra las difíciles decisiones y las tareas que enfrenta el Presidente y su personal. Evitando sus propios sentimientos y el proceso de curación, el Presidente y su equipo en su lugar tienden a las necesidades de un país herido.
Dick Dawson
Cuando la agente secreta Julie Cosgrove pierde a su prometido en una arriesgada misión militar, abandona su trabajo para el gobierno de los EEUU y se dispone a comenzar una nueva vida. Se instala entonces en el que parece ser un tranquilo pueblo. Pero pronto los problemas vuelven a llamar a su puerta. Julie se ve obligada a ayudar a algunos de sus vecinos que están siendo chantajeados por una banda de mafiosos.
General Stillwell
Matt Hendricks is the US Navy's top Marine Special Operations Commander and is facing his toughest challenge yet - escorting the deadliest viral weapon on the planet back to a secure storage facility.
Captain Doyle
Un lujoso transatlántico va a realizar un crucero de placer por el Pacífico. A bordo del barco viajan distintas personalidades entre las que se encuentran Gloria Franklin, hija de un multimillonario, a la que le gustan las emociones fuertes.
Lem Johnson
An extra-smart dog and detective team up to stop a DNA enhanced killer.
Abel Ganz
When a wealthy businessman is murdered by a hired assassin, suspicion falls on the victim's abused wife and her lover.
Bridgette is an aspiring actress who teaches aerobics at a local gym that's run by the womanizing Adam. After a tryst with Adam, Bridgette scores a role in a big play, but then learns that a former boyfriend is dying of AIDS. While preparing to get tested, Bridgette suspects Adam of cheating on her, and must face the HIV tests alone, which shockingly come back positive. Building a support network, including a penitent Adam, Bridgette faces her own mortality.
El El
The kingdom of Donnegold is being subverted from within, and young prince Davin must defend against the traitors with the help of a legendary, metal-eating dragon called Galgameth.
Wade Lewis
The Deputy Marshall tracks down an escaped convict along with a young deputy and the help of a former prostitute.
Un policía del futuro, Jack Deth, va al Tunnel Rats en la batalla final con el diabólico Lord Caliban y sus secuaces.
Harry McGill
Nora McGill has great pain. Desperatly searching for help she finds Dr. Allen. He reduces her pain, but she has to pay a high price for it ...
Jack ahora está de vuelta en el futuro. Desde entonces, perdió a Lena y descubre que perdió a su otra esposa, Alice, nada menos que con Harris. Mientras se dirige a otra tarea, algo sale mal con la cámara TCL. Jack se encuentra en una dimensión completamente nueva. También se encuentra con una versión diferente de trancers. Estos tipos parecen tener el control de este planeta. Jack se las arregla para ayudar a un grupo rebelde conocido como las "Ratas de Túnel" a aplastar el gobierno del malvado Lord Calaban.
Patty Nowakowski already has three children, but decides to be a surrogate mother. Fully confident of being able to give up her baby, she is nonetheless stunned when she discovers that she is expecting twins, and the couple for whom she is pregnant will only accept one child, provided it is female.
Jack comienza otra vez su vida desde que pasó el último incidente con los Trancers en el pasado. Ahora, de vuelta al año 2247, tiene la orden de salvar Ciudad Ángel de una nueva oleada de Trancers y destruirlos.
Jacob Sterling
Un hombre compra un reloj antiguo en el pueblo y se lo lleva a Nueva York consigo, descubriendo amargamente que proviene de la infame casa encantada.
El propietario de un viejo molino textil contrata a un grupo de hombres para limpiar los sótanos. Pero, durante la tarea aparecen hordas de ratas y se suceden extrañas muertes. Adaptación sobre un cuento de Stephen King.
A producer from Beverly Hills is shocked when someone steals all of her belongings out of her purse. The thief begins to make threatening phone calls and withdraws money from her accounts. The stalker becomes more and more dangerous until he finally tries to kill the producer.
Gordon Kemlich
Woman is trapped in her home with her husband's killers.
A female singing group from the '60s reunites for a TV special.
Franz Dournenvald
Inge Dournenvald and Lise Mueller are best friends in pre-WW2 Austria, despite the fact that Inge is Jewish and Lise is the daughter of a Nazi sympathizer. When they are forbidden to see each other, they meet secretly. After the Germans invade Austria in 1938, Inge and her family escape to America with the help of Lise
Dave Glover
A family begins to fall apart when their eldest daughter is diagnosed with schizophrenia.
Los habitantes de una pequeña y pacífica ciudad se ven alterados por la llegada de un extraño personaje y por sus no menos extraños acompañantes, quienes están decididos a encontrar, sea como sea, un amuleto que controla el equilibrio entre el bien y el mal. Cada cien años las fuerzas del mal desafían a las del bien y éste es el año.
FBI Agent Frank Walker
After two attempts to kidnap a little girl Mike Hammer is hired to protect her.
Joe Stiley
Flight 90: Disaster on the Potomac is a true story based on the crash of Air Florida flight 90 on January 13, 1982 in Washington D.C. This movie follows the main players throughout the day, with a lot of care taken to re-create what actually went wrong, who died, and who survived. There is a lot of actual footage from the day, as well as accurate representations of aircraft type and airline.
Samson and Delilah tv movie
Tells the story of two women seeking leads to their missing husbands after the end of the Yom Kippur War (1973). A relationship builds between them when each identified her husband in the same blurred image of a foreign newsreel.
Greg Dyson
Aging Major Palgrave, an idiosyncratic but charming mystery writer, reveals to Miss Marple that one of the guests at a luxurious Caribbean resort they're staying at is a Bluebeard-type wife murderer. Unfortunately, the Major succumbs to an apparently accidental overdose of alcohol and blood pressure medication before revealing the killer's identity. When it's discovered that the medicine belonged to another guest and the revealing photograph the Major was carrying is missing, Miss Marple realizes that the serial killer has struck again and more murders will follow.
Dr. Max Heller
La hija del director de un hospital conoce a un extraño policía, dedicado a investigar el asesinato de una famosa modelo, amiga de ella.
Danny Novak
A family moves from an affluent Chicago suburb to the mixed inner-city neighborhood where the father grew up, with the idea of giving the kids, who are becoming materialistic snobs, the feel of a big city environment.
Maj. William 'Bud' Uanna
The story of Col. Paul Tibbets and his crew who flew the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing World War II to a close.
Sgt. Thor
Un cohete de la policía espacial surca el infinito buscando delincuentes, en su interior viajan la hermosa Galaxina (un robot con sentimientos y cuerpo de playmate), el Sargento Thor (un atractivo y experimentado piloto al que le gusta hacer ejercicio semidesnudo y con un puro en la boca, y que está enamorado de Galaxina), Buzz (un cowboy espacial joven y ligeramente alocado) y el Capitán Cornelius Butt (un tipo poco cuidadoso con su aspecto y de un parecido más que asombroso con un personaje de Nintendo llamado Mario). Sus vidas correrán peligro cuando se les encomiende la arriesgada misión de viajar hasta Altar 1 en busca de la “Estrella Azul”, un mineral que posee en su interior la energía de las estrellas, y que al nombrarlo suenan coros celestiales.
Heavy Eagle
Bill Tyler y Henry Frapp, dos veteranos tramperos, que llevan una dura vida en las montañas, deben enfrentarse a menudo a los ataques de los indios. Sin embargo, nunca se habían tenido que enfrentar a alguien tan vengativo y perverso como Águila Poderosa, el jefe de los Pies Negros, cuya ira provocan al prestarle ayuda a la mujer que lo ha abandonado.
Walker Chee
Un agente de policía local de una reserva india Hopi entre Albuquerque y Santa Fe (Nuevo México) debe investigar las extrañas muertes por mutilación de todo el ganado vacuno del condado. Contará con la ayuda de un curandero nativo, que se lleva consigo flores de datura para hacer un conjuro tribal que solucione esta masacre invisible. El policía descubrirá unas rocas que producen petróleo al ser destiladas como clave para la investigación, ya que al usar dinamita para volar las piedras encontrará una cueva que alberga numerosos nidos de murciélagos vampiro que infectan con sus mordiscos la plaga bubónica. Estos escapan hasta un antiguo enclave misionero donde sembrarán el pánico por doquier.
Daniel Lavetta
A young Italian immigrant who loses everything in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake starts over again and builds up a shipping empire, but doesn't find the happiness he thought would come with wealth until he takes up with a young Chinese girl.
La Salle
A beautiful marine biologist. A deep-sea diver. Trapped while searching for treasure in shark-infested waters!
Peter Lane
Three girlfriends -- an author, an artist, and a political activist -- mature and change during the turbulent 1960s.
The championship battles between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling in 1936 and 1938 were legendary, as they pummeled each other in their efforts to attain the heavyweight title.
Spencer Van Moot
Tras sus accidentadas y frustrantes rondas para mantener el orden y la seguridad, un grupo de policías sin escrúpulos se dedica a hacer bromas salvajes.
Lt. Col. 'Yonni' Netanyahu
Un avión de Air France, que transporta cien pasajeros judíos, es secuestrado por un grupo de terroristas que amenazan con llevar a cabo un atentado. Los comandos israelíes preparan una gran operación para rescatar a los pasajeros y devolverlos a sus casas sanos y salvos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Paul Mantz
Biography follows the life of famed woman pilot Amelia Earhart, including her marriage to a famous publisher and her disappearance during a flight in 1937.
Inspired by the Stanley Milgram obedience research, this TV movie chronicles a psychology professor's study to determine why people, such as the Nazis, were willing to "just follow orders" and do horrible things to others. Professor Stephen Turner leads students to believe that they are applying increasingly painful electric shocks to other subjects when they fail to perform a task correctly, and is alarmed to see how much pain the students can be convinced to inflict "in the name of science."
Detective Finley (uncredited)
Narra las aventuras de dos policías limpiando las calles de delincuencia utilizando métodos inusuales y, en algunos momentos, francamente divertidos. Como una suerte de Batman y Robin a este lado de la realidad.
The operator of a turn-of-the-century boarding house is haunted by a vicious female entity. The ghost drives all visitors away except for a young writer who becomes infatuated with it.