Katie Jacobs


Dr. Del
Executive Producer
Del Canyon reluctantly returns to his small hometown to run his family's apothecary, the only source for medical attention for hundreds of miles. The series will follow his emergence as the town healer while he grapples between his desire to distance himself from a painful past and his inability to turn his back on a community struggling to find its place in contemporary America.
Dr. Del
Del Canyon reluctantly returns to his small hometown to run his family's apothecary, the only source for medical attention for hundreds of miles. The series will follow his emergence as the town healer while he grapples between his desire to distance himself from a painful past and his inability to turn his back on a community struggling to find its place in contemporary America.
A Cool, Dry Place
Russell, un padre soltero, equilibra su trabajo como abogado con el cuidado de su hijo de cinco años después de que su esposa los abandonara. Cuando ella reaparece creando confusión, él debe lidiar con su nuevo interés amoroso y la oportunidad laboral de su vida.
A Father for Charlie
Executive Producer
Set in the heart of America in the 1930s. Walter Osgood (Louis Gosset Jr) is the only black man left in the town of High Lonesome that has been cleared by the overwhelming white supremacist beliefs. Having lost his entire family to them and not knowing where his young Son is or whether he is alive is what sets this movie apart from others
Mano a mano con papá
Danson es un ladrón que ha decidido cambiar de vida y montar su propio negocio, una pastelería. Pero, para ello, necesita dar un último golpe. En medio de los preparativos, se presenta en casa su hijo con la intención de pasar unos días con él.
Distracción fatal
Ned Ravine es un hombre muy ocupado, que compagina su profesión de abogado con la de policía. Tiene graves problemas con las mujeres y como no los solucione pronto, las cosas pueden irle muy mal. Su esposa quiere asesinarlo; su secretaria lo acosa y una de sus clientes quiere acostarse con él, para después matarlo. Si esto le ocurre un lunes normal de su vida, ¿qué le sucederá el resto de la semana..."
Dobles parejas
Richard Parker y su esposa Priscilla parecen tenerlo todo: una casa maravillosa, una hija con talento y un próspero negocio. Sólo echan de menos una cosa: un poco de riesgo y emoción, algo que, al parecer, les sobra a sus nuevos vecinos, los Otis. Cuando los conocen y empiezan a salir con ellos, la vida de los Parker cambiará radicalmente.
29th Street
Associate Producer
After winning $6.2 million in the 1976 New York State Lottery, he is arrested for throwing rocks at a church. He then tells his story at the police station.
I Am Victor
Executive Producer
“I Am Victor” follows a skilled but morally corrupt and narcissistic divorce settlement lawyer who finds himself framed for a series of brutal murders thus starting his own investigation to find the killer.