Babak Karimi

Babak Karimi

Nacimiento : 1960-03-22, Prague, Czechoslovakia


Babak Karimi (Persian: بابک کریمی‎, born 1960) is an Iranian actor. For his role in A Separation, he won the Silver Bear for Best Actor (as part of ensemble) at 61st Berlin International Film Festival in 2011.


Babak Karimi


The old man
A young couple who live in an old house, notice a car outside, that keeps parking in front of their property and suspiciously stares at it..
Visiting Time
A man who has been through a really bitter experience in his life is thinking of joining his family who has recently immigrated, but before that he must catch up on some things like renting out his home, selling the car and etc. , but his problem is something else.
Odyssey of Solitude
Ahmad is a psychiatrist, believing in the treatment of the soul with the medicine in a positivistic and laboratorial way. But when his wife goes missing, he gets involved in his own delusions. Trying hard to find a trace of her, he goes to all of his friends. He desperately tries to act as a very democratic person, giving priority to his wife’s joy and pleasures. He is even willing to show that he would be happy if his wife marries one of his friends since he thinks the other one would be able to make her happier. But it seems that she’s notified that the matter of her happiness is absolutely not dependent on a “man”. Thus he sees that all his scientific beliefs are collapsed…
The Loser Man
Ahmad is a detective who is suspicious of the network behind a recently committed crime. When the investigation advances further, he finds out that he might be in danger too.
(Im)perfetti Criminali
Mr. Mahmoudi
Fereshteh tiene que esconder a su bebé ilegítimo durante una noche para que no la vean sus padres, que acuden a una visita sorpresa. Su amiga Atefeh la ayuda. Se embarcan en una odisea durante la cual deben sopesar cuidadosamente quiénes son sus aliados
Zeros and Ones
Tras un asedio apocalíptico, 'Zeros and Ones' cuenta la historia de cuando el soldado americano JJ se abre camino en un mundo turbio y encerrado de miedo, paranoia y, más adelante, esperanza a la sombra del Vaticano. Una guerra entre la historia y el futuro tiene lugar hasta el amanecer.
Careless Crime
On a very ordinary day, four ordinary people decide to set fire to a cinema packed with people.
The World in Shots
"Il mondo a scatti" is a film that intertwines images of today and yesterday, still images and moving images through a dialogue between two people who reflect on the visible and invisible things of the world: Cecilia Mangini, unstoppable ninety years old, photographer, documentary maker, screenwriter is filmed by Paolo Pisanelli, photographer, director, curator of cultural events.
Free - Liberi
At the End of Evin
A transsexual named Amen is optimistically planning to do gender reassignment surgery but ends up being sent to prison. Being a transsexual was hard enough in Iran for Amen, let alone the misfortune of being replaced as a murderer.
Without Anything
A remote village has not had a previous boom for years. Residents have either been forced to migrate or are in poverty and misery, but the village has a new guest. But the village has a new...
No Choice
A young homeless girl supports herself as a surrogate mother for money. A human rights attorney tries to help her change her life, but ithe challenges seem insurmountable. This is a rarely seen side of Iranian society.
La vida por delante
Mr. Hamil
En la costa de Italia, una superviviente del Holocausto que regenta un centro de día (Sophia Loren), acoge a un chico senegalés musulmán que le robó y vive en la calle.
Yalda, la noche del perdón
En el Irán actual, Maryam una joven de 22 años, es sentenciada a muerte tras matar por accidente a su marido, Nasser, de 65. La única persona que puede salvarla es Mona, la hija de Nasser. Para ello, solo tiene que acudir a un conocido programa de televisión y perdonar en directo a Maryam. Pero cuesta perdonar cuando ambas se ven obligadas a revivir el pasado.
Bad Habits Die Hard
Diana Liviatani is joined in her family house by her almost new boyfriend, Orlando who is going to meet her scary parents. Due to his insecure, clumsy and embarrassing personality, Orlando insists that his best friend Biagio goes along with him. The social gap between the two friends and the Liviatani family is obvious from the start. The Liviatani have been part of the high business class for generations. The misadventures and the personal problems distract the two unfortunate friends from the creepy secret that hides behind the mansion’s walls...
Timo's Winter
Timo, the youngest of a Greek community of Funfair workers, will have to face the hardest winter together with his loved ones.
Cinema Shahre Gheseh
David, a movie-maker who loves filmmaking, falls in love with a girl whose father is a staunch opponent of cinema.
The Role
A woman accompanies her husband for an audition. The thing that happens there leads her for an important decision...
A man and his two children are late for their flight. While they wait for the next flight something happens that changes his point of view about being a father.
Invasion To Interpretation
"Invasion To Interpretation" is the title of the performance lecturer that Nasim Ahmadpour performed in 2018 during the Fajr International Theater Festival in the off-stage section and in the conference hall. This video has been designed on the sidelines of the making and showing of the film "Invasion" Directed by Shahram Mokri.
The Girl's House
Tomorrow is Samira's wedding ceremony and Bahar and Parisa are shopping excitedly. But at night somebody calls and tells them that the bride is dead and the wedding has been called off. They are both shocked and they cannot believe what they have heard, so they go straight to their friend's fiancé, Mansoor, to find out about the cause of her suspicious death.
Someone’s been murdered and the police is investigating in a stadium, the crime spot. They have arrested the murder suspect and they just try to find out the murdering procedure, however, it is quite complicated and the friends of the murdered person are not to be very collaborative.
The Last Prosecco
Zio Cyrus
Campo veneciano, colinas de Prosecco. El inspector Stucky (Giuseppe Battiston), protagonista de Mientras hay esperanza es prosecco, está llamado a investigar un aparente caso de suicidio: el del poderoso conde Desiderio Ancillotto, que se llevó la vida con un gesto teatral súbita. Stucky (medio persa, medio veneciano) recién ascendido, intenta torpemente llevar a cabo la investigación, aplastado por la inexperiencia y la carga de voluminosos problemas no resueltos. Entre filamentos y burbujas, el inspector tenaz se enfrenta con bottai, osti, confraternite de bebedores sabios, dándose cuenta de que la clave para resolver el misterio reside en la visión peculiar de la vida que anima el área; que la solución al suicidio-crimen del conde pasa por su bodega, entre el vidrio y el corcho, el alcohol y las levaduras dormidas.
En su camino de regreso a casa desde el trabajo, una mujer presencia algo que sucede en el autobús y tiene que decidir si lo revela o no. La culpa y el miedo se mezclan en una noche de huída.
La boda
Mansoor Kazim
Zahira, una joven belga-paquistaní, de 18 años, está unida a su familia hasta que sus padres le piden que siga la tradición paquistaní para elegir un marido. Desgarrada entre las costumbres de la familia y su estilo de vida occidental, la joven acude a pedir ayuda a su hermano y confidente Amir.
El viajante
Emad y Rana deben dejar su piso en el centro de Teherán a causa de los trabajos que se están efectuando y que amenazan el edificio. Se instalan en otro lugar, pero un incidente relacionado con el anterior inquilino cambiará dramáticamente la vida de la joven pareja.
Death of the Fish
An old woman's death brings her children together so maybe family's wounds will be healed during this unwanted confrontation.
Fish & Cat
A group of students travel to a remote region to participate in a kite-flying event. Next to their camp by the lakeside, they find a restaurant with cooks that treat the students with suspicion. Bizarre events lead to a complicated situation, from which the students cannot escape.
No Where No Body
A young couple need easy money. A few friends join them to plan a kidnap, but nothing goes right when some of them go after revenge and betray each other.
El pasado
Después de cuatro duros años de separación, Ahmad regresa a París desde Teherán, a petición de Marie, su esposa francesa, para empezar con los trámites de su divorcio. Durante su breve estancia, Ahmad descubre la relación conflictiva que Marie tiene con su hija, Lucía. Ahmad intentará con todas sus fuerzas mejorar esta relación pero también dará a conocer el pasado secreto que ha escondido durante todos estos años. La película dirigida por Asghar Farhadi ha sido seleccionada para competir por la Palma de Oro en el Festival de Cine de Cannes 2013.
Nader y Simin, una separación
Nader (Peyman Moaadi) y Simin (Leila Hatami) son un matrimonio iraní con una hija. Simin quiere abandonar Irán en busca de una vida mejor, pero Nader, que desea quedarse para cuidar a su padre, que tiene Alzheimer, le pide el divorcio. Como no lo consigue, se muda a vivir con sus padres y contrata a una mujer para que le ayude a cuidar a su padre. Un día, al llegar a casa, encuentra al anciano atado a la cama; a partir de ese momento, su vida dará un vuelco.
Green Days
A playwright Iran tries to confront a creative crisis while political clashes erupt during her country's 2009 election.
Ex, todos tenemos uno
Comedia coral. Todos tenemos algún "ex". A unos los odiamos, otros se han convertido en nuestros amigos, y hay algunos de los que todavía estamos enamorados. Conjunto de historias sobre relaciones rotas por propia elección, por error o por una jugarreta del destino. Y es que el amor no es para siempre, pero un "ex" sí. Precedida por un gran éxito en su país, donde recaudó más de 12 millones de euros, y la vieron más de 2 millones de espectadores, "Ex" narra las disparatadas peripecias de un grupo de parejas y ex parejas en crisis.
Caos Calmo
Cuando la mujer de Pietro (Nanni Moretti) muere de improviso un día de verano, en ese preciso momento él estaba en la playa salvando la vida de una desconocida. Desde entonces Pietro se dedica sobre todo a estar con su hija y a no hacer nada: empieza a observar el mundo desde otro punto de vista y, poco a poco, va descubriendo el lado oculto de los demás. Sus jefes, sus compañeros de trabajo, amigos y parientes, intentan consolarlo, pero acaban rindiéndose ante su incomprensible e inquietante calma.
Last Minute Marocco
Zin Krisha
Moved by the spirit of adventure and the desire to escape, a group of boys decided to leave secretly to Morocco.
Nose Iranian Style
A look at the reasons why every year 70,000 Iranians have a nose job.
10 Days with Kiarostami
10 Days with Kiarostami
Historia de varios personajes que viajan en tren desde Austria hasta Roma.
Historia de varios personajes que viajan en tren desde Austria hasta Roma.
Placido Rizzotto
As a child, Sicilian Placido Rizzotto saw his father imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, and as a young man he fought in World War II, first as a soldier and then as an anti-fascist partisan. These events have left Placido with little taste for petty tyranny and with a desire to promote social justice. Upon his return home, he becomes increasingly aware that the Mafia has taken hold of his village, witnessing angry and frustrated as gangsters control local politics and take whatever they want from the people. Placido helps to form a trade union as a challenge to the Mafia's authority, and attempts to organize the villagers into a collective to grow crops in the fields taken by the Mafia.
Marquise is a drama about the rise and fall of a beauteous actress. As cheerfully portrayed by Sophie Marceau, the eponymous heroine is an engagingly ribald, but perhaps rather too modern, character. She rises from an impoverished background to become a favourite of the Sun King, Louis XIV, and the mistress of the celebrated Racine, who wrote roles especially for her; but her fate, in the end, is a tragic one.
The mirror man
La voz de una mujer transporta al viejo fotógrafo, que vive desde hace tiempo aislado, hasta las fotos que hizo durante su juventud en Shiraz.