Yves Darondeau

Yves Darondeau

Nacimiento : 1965-01-01,


Yves Darondeau


In the middle of a heat wave, an ominous cloud appears and with it, a lethal acid rain. A separated family will have to come together to escape this plague ravaging the world.
Les Têtes givrées
Alain, a former mountain guide, decides to change his life and become a teacher. He finds himself faced with colorful ninth graders who are not interested in anything. Seeking to motivate them and bring them together, Alain decides to organize an outing... in the bowels of a glacier. The students discover a breathtakingly beautiful world of ice. The idea that this glacier could disappear is unbearable for them. Trained by Alain, the students throw themselves body and soul into a crazy project: to prevent the glacier from melting and nothing can stop them!
Blazing Neon
Two desperate characters search for freedom in action-packed road movie noir from FGKO, adapted from the thriller by Rémy Lasource.
Nus et culottés - La spéciale
Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Nans & Mouts adventures, two men who realize their dreams without any clothes or money.
Abysses, la conquête des fonds marins
Production Design
When Granny Meets Grandpa
Everyone's favorite fun-loving Granny Aurore goes overboard while partying and has a little accident! She loses her memory and gets put in a nursing home. When her grandkids hear her mention a mysterious man named "Gerry", they put all seven of their heads together to figure out who he is: Aurore's first and only true love who just might turn out to be their long-lost grandfather, too! Hoping to trigger old memories that could snap her out of her amnesia, they join forces to sneak Aurore out of the nursing home and set out into the wilderness on a mission to find the legendary "Grandpa Gerry". But the adventure turns out to be a lot more than they bargained for!
J'irai mourir dans les Carpates
Antoine de Maximy disappeared in the Carpathian Mountains during the filming of J'irai dormir chez vous (2005) after a car accident . His editor, Agnès, tries to find him thanks to the pictures of his trip.
‎What's With This Granny?!‎
Aurora's life suddenly gets complicated after her seven grandkids arrive to her house for vacation.
Savages: The Story of Human Zoos
For more than a century the great colonial powers put human beings, taken by force from their native lands, on show as entertainment, just like animals in zoos; a shameful, outrageous and savage treatment of people who were considered subhuman.
La pirámide de Keops al descubierto
¿Por qué las pirámides de Egipto siguen fascinándonos siglo tras siglo? ¿De dónde vienen las leyendas de cámaras secretas escondidas en su interior? Una misión científica internacional lleva dos años explorando la gran pirámide de Keops. Provistos con las últimas tecnologías tratarán de desentrañar los secretos de la única de las Siete Maravillas del Mundo Antiguo que aún permanece en pie. Un extraordinario viaje a través del tiempo que ha llegado a buen término con un revelador descubrimiento. Egipcios, franceses, japoneses, canadienses... físicos de partículas, expertos en innovación y tecnología 3D, ingenieros de infrarrojos térmicos... todos ellos apasionados de la Historia antigua e integrantes de la misión científica `Scan the pyramids'. Estos exploradores han aceptado el reto de tratar de resolver un misterio que se ha perpetuado durante 4.500 años y que podría por fin esclarecerse.
El emperador
Un pingüino joven, impulsado por su instinto, se embarca en su primer viaje importante a un destino desconocido.
Twisting Fate
Claire, de 17 años, pasa las vacaciones en Sudáfrica con su familia, pero todos mueren en un accidente, y ella huye, convencida de ser la responsable del drama.
It is unnecessary to introduce Toscan de Plantier, the famous French film producer. Right from the instant of his death, the idea arose to retain, focus on, and seize the spark that had just disappeared. This would be done by reconstructing, through several hundred interviews over nearly thirty years, the puzzle of this thinker who, under his flamboyant strolling player exterior that celebrated art and life like a party, was extraordinarily true to himself, and from a truly cultural background with which he irrigated the field of action of cinema. His energy, enthusiasm and implacable conviction should excite, move, enlighten, surprise, and provide food for thought, well beyond the professional context that was his, to an era that sorely needs it.
Una amistad inolvidable
Combinando imágenes de documental de naturaleza con ficción, relata una historia de amistad entre una niña y un zorro. Dirigida por Luc Jacquet, director del aclamado documental "El viaje del emperador" (La Marche de l'empereur, 2005).
El viaje del emperador
Documental sobre la emigración de los pinguinos en la Antártida. Cada año en la Antártida da comienzo un emocionante y hermoso viaje. Cientos de miles de pingüinos Emperador abandonan la seguridad del océano para adentrarse en la desértica tierra helada. Una región tan dura y extrema que ningún otro ser vivo se atreve a habitar. Toda la comunidad de Pingüinos marchan a través de este difícil paisaje de hielo. Con resolución y valentía conducidos por su necesidad de reproducirse con el fín de la supervivencia de la especie. Esta es la historia de una familia de pingüinos.
Of Penguins and Men
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of "March of the Penguins".
C'est le monde à l'envers !
Un crime à Gaza