Ishai Golan

Ishai Golan


Ishai Golan


Plan A
Alemania 1945, Max, un sobreviviente judío del Holocausto, se encuentra con un grupo radical de combatientes de la resistencia judíos que, como él, perdieron toda esperanza en su futuro después de que les robaron su existencia y sus familias enteras fueron asesinadas por los nazis. Sueñan con represalias a una escala épica para el pueblo judío. Ojo por ojo, diente por diente. Max comienza a identificarse con los monstruosos planes del grupo ...
The Golem
Una mujer invoca a una extraña criatura para defender a su pueblo judío de una invasión de extranjeros. Sin embargo, pronto se da cuenta de que la fuerza del espíritu es superior a lo que imaginaba en un principio, por lo que pierde el control sobre él. La historia se basa en un antiguo mito judío.
Gili and Yaara decide to leave the city and have a fresh start, building a house in the countryside of the Galilee. But while their dream house is being built, the foundations of their relationship slowly collapse.
Los informes sobre Sarah y Saleem
Drama sobre la relación adúltera de Sarah, una mujer israelí que dirige un café en el oeste de Jerusalén, y Saleem, palestino de Jerusalén Este que trabaja como repartidor. Sus cónyuges se vuelven conscientes de los engaños de sus parejas después de que Saleem y Sarah se peleen en público, lo que sitúa a Saleem en el punto de mira de las fuerzas de seguridad israelíes.
It all began on one night, when Lily arrived at her therapist's house asking for an emergency session. She wants to explain why she killed her family.
Joshua, an 80-year old Holocaust survivor, discovers one morning, that a cellular antenna was installed on the roof of his house. It turned out that his neighbor has rented his part of the rooftop to a cellular company. Joshua feels a terrible injustice was done. He starts believing that all his diseases and pains are caused by the antenna's radiation. Joshua obsessively starts feeling the radiation everywhere and develops a persecution disorder which risks his life. He goes to war against his neighbor. His wife Sarah, and his 3 adult sons are dragged unwillingly into this vortex. The crisis reveals the personal problems of each of his sons, and they are forced to deal with their father's dark shadow.
Hearing the rocket sirens, an Israeli family stops their car at the site of the road and ducks for cover. The father realizes, that he has to find an explaining for this unusual event to his scared son.
By Summer's End
It is the summer of '78, a month to go until the Camp David peace accords, but Michal is not worried by world affairs. Her 7-year-old daughter Maya has yet to learn how to read and write and her teacher wants to hold her back a year. Michal rises to the occasion and vows that by the end of the summer Maya will read, write and move on to the next grade. But this summer is set to be full of surprises for the family. Michal's father, Chaim, who's been missing for 20 years, suddenly returns, and brings with him the family's dark past and hidden secrets. By summer's end Michal and her sister Naomi will have to deal with the past they have tried so hard to bury and the painful - yet liberating - process will eventually lead them onto a new path.
The Slut
Tamar, an attractive single mother, lives alone in a small village with her two daughters. Unsatisfied, she attempts to fill her many voids through meaningless sexual rendezvous.
Love Life
A married young academic falls under the sexual thrall of a much older man whose air of jaded ennui conceals a secret desire for vengeance.
La última patrulla
En un futuro cercano, un terrible terremoto ha convertido el sur de California en una isla desierta por varios supervivientes. Nick Preston (Dolph Lundgren), un capitán de las fuerzas aéreas, asume el mando de un grupo y dirige patrullas diarias al desierto en busca de comida, combustible y otros supervivientes. Por otro lado, un asesino convicto, Jesus (Juliano Mer), que se libró de la silla eléctrica gracias al terremoto, se ha apoderado de una prisión de máxima seguridad que se encuentra cerca y ahora lidera una banda de peligrosos presos decididos a gobernar el nuevo orden que se ha constituido tras la catástofre. Los hombres de Jesus secuestran a la ingenua y encantadora Candy (Rebecca Cross), así que ahora Nick y su pequeña patrulla deberán entrar a la fuerza en la cárcel para salvarla a ella y a un grupo de niños inocentes en un autobús escolar.
Operation YY
Ron, at 22, still lives with his parents. He barely knows the daylight hours and his nights are divided between his job as editor of wedding videos, chats on the Internet and futuristic fantasies. One night all the elements he toys with converge and, for the first time in his life, Ron is willing to risk an in-person human interaction.
Enigma, la verdadera historia de Uri Geller
Uri Geller
Cuenta la historia de uno de los psíquicos mas poderosos de la historia, Uri Geller. Sus poderes no conocían fronteras. Los comienzos de Geller no fueron nada sencillos. Comenzó en Oriente Medio mostrando al mundo sus increibles cualidades parapsicológicas doblando cucharas, trucos con relojes... Esta etapa no duraría mucho, ya que un científico se queda prendado de sus poderes al observarle en plena acción. Éste decide convencerle y llevarle a los Estados Unidos para que se de a conocer. No consigue la fama hasta que llega a la tierra prometida. Tener poderes tan increíbles llegaron a jugar en su propia contra.