Anna Ruiz


Kilometer Zero
Set during the Iraq-Iran war in the 80s, the film tells of a tragicomic road trip set in Iraq's Kurdistan.
Viper in the Fist
1920. Jean Rezeau and his elder brother were living happily in their family estate in Brittany, until the death of their grandmother. The return of their mother, a worthy descendant of fairytales' witches, brings an all new atmosphere to their home.
L'Art (délicat) de la séduction
The film follows Etienne, a 40-year-old car designer, who takes time off from work to study sexual mastery from a Zen master and several prostitutes, in the hopes of having the sexual skill to impress Laure. Laure, a blonde who was introduced to him by his friend Jacques, told Etienne on January 1 that she will not have sex with him until May 27 that year at precisely 9 PM.
Vive la mariée... et la libération du Kurdistan
Kurdish expert Hiner Saleem (Shero) wrote and directed this French comedy-drama, set inside the 100,000-population Kurdish community in Paris. The original French title translates as "Long Live the Bride...and the Liberation of Kurdistan." Cheto (Georges Corraface) seeks a wife via videotapes while still seeing his French girlfriend, immigration office worker Christine (Stephanie Lagarde). Cheto places an order for a beautiful girl, but he's disappointed when her sister, country girl Mina (Marina Kobakhidze), arrives at the airport as a substitute. Family pressure forces him to marry her. Unhappy with the way she's treated by Cheto, Mina acquires some progressive notions from Leila (Schahla Aalam) and other local feminists, leading to confrontations with Cheto.
Sin deseo aparente
Lionel es un seductor, un mujeriego a la vieja usanza, que despierta pasión entre sus amantes y la envidia de todos sus conocidos. Una noche acude al teatro con Alain, uno de sus mejores amigos, y allí entablan una curiosa conversación sobre el sexo femenino. Mientras Lionel considera a las mujeres románticas y sentimentales, Alain defiende que sólo buscan sexo y diversión. Para demostrarlo propone a su amigo una divertida apuesta: deberá pasar una noche con una mujer elegida al azar, sin mantener ningún tipo de relación sexual.
Mister Karim
Chronicle of a Disappearance
Chronicle of a Disappearance unfolds in a series of seemingly unconnected cinematic tableaux, each of them focused on incidents or characters which seldom reappear later in the film. Among the many unrelated scenes, there is a Palestinian actress struggling to find an apartment in West Jerusalem, the owner of the Holy Land souvenir shop preparing merchandise for incoming Japanese tourists, a group of old women gossiping about their relatives, and an Israeli police van which screeches to a halt so several heavily armed soldiers can get off the car and urinate.
Boulevard des hirondelles
Inspired by a story, that of a woman who, in the 1940s, organized a commando operation on Boulevard des Hirondelles to get her lover out of prison.
Gueule d'atmosphère
A César award winning short drama about the security guard on patrol in the Louvre late at night who discovers something strange about the famous "Mona Lisa".
Golem: The Petrified Garden
Danny Cornish, a sort of stateless man who arranges art exhibits, is called from Tel Aviv to Paris with the news that a great uncle has died, in Birobidjan, the autonomous Jewish zone in Russia, leaving him a valuable art collection and the hand of a huge sculpture of a Golem. The uncle's will instructs Danny to find the rest of the statue, so Danny, who speaks no Russian, embarks on a trip that takes him (and the Golem's hand) to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Siberia, fumbling with hotel clerks, taxi drivers, and bureaucrats, following leads, and making discoveries about myth, story telling, art, and hope.
Golem, l'esprit de l'exil
An allegory of the Golem, a Jewish mythical creature personifying displacement and exile, this film tells the story of a woman (similar to the biblical Ruth) and her sisters, who are forced into exile after the death of their husbands. It is set in 1990s Paris, where the director was living in self-imposed exile following the ban on his 1982 documentary in Israel. The recurring theme of the film is migrations and unrooting, like the legendary Golem.
Brand New Day
The 1986 Eurythmics tour of Japan. It is the end of the world tour during which Annie Lennox (vocals) and Dave Stewart (guitar) promote their latest album "Revenge". It is also, between concerts, the shock of discovery: a world of sounds as cultivated by the Japanese, both brutally technological and highly refined traditional expressions.
My Brother-in-law Killed My Sister
Two members of the French Academy agree to help the attractive young veterinarian Esther investigate the suspicious death of her sister. Esther is convinced her brother-in-law is responsible, but soon it becomes apparent that those responsible are linked to the very highest echelons of power in the Vatican.
Assistant Editor
Rodada entre los años 1970 y 1980, investiga las causas y motivos del genocidio desde el nivel de la experiencia: los paisajes de los campos de exterminio y los guetos, las rutinas diarias de los encarcelados, el inexorable trauma de la humillación, el castigo y el exterminio, y los fascinantes y escalofriantes testimonios de aquellos que lo experimentaron de primera mano, salvaguardando para siempre en el tiempo las palabras de aquellos que sobrevivieron. Las imágenes de archivo están desterradas en la obra de Lanzmann y son estas mismas palabras las que ejercen como vehículo y alma de la narración. La obra de un genio, un esfuerzo heróico por humanizar lo inhumano, por narrar lo inarrable y explorar con un detalle sin precedentes los horrores del pasado.
Testimonio de mujer
Max Baumstein, Presidente del Movimiento Internacional de Solidaridad, un organismo con sede en París, se reúne con el embajador de Paraguay en Francia para conseguir la liberación de una joven británica. Pero, después de un breve intercambio de palabras, Max mata a tiros al embajador. Durante su arresto, le confiesa a su esposa los motivos de su acción: en 1933, cuando Hitler asciende al poder, uno de sus secuaces mató al padre de Max. Acogido por Elsa, una cantante de opereta, y por el editor Michel Wiener, Max pasó su infancia y adolescencia escondido hasta que consiguió refugiarse en París.
Exterior Night
Hoping to make a fresh start, Léo, a jazz musician, takes up temporary residence with his friend Bony, a young writer who is struggling to get his work published. One evening, Léo strikes up an acquaintance with a woman taxi driver, Cora; in spite of her impulsive and moody temperament, he cannot help being attracted to her. On the spur of the moment, Cora invites Léo to make love to her. When Bony meets Cora, he too finds her irresistible, but he lacks Léo’s self-confidence to make his move. Cora is not a woman that any man can possess readily. She is like a wild animal, a creature that revels in its freedom. Will either Léo or Bony be able to tame her...?