Gail Strickland

Gail Strickland

Nacimiento : 1947-05-18, Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Gail Strickland (born May 18, 1947) is an American character actress. Strickland was born in Birmingham, Alabama, the daughter of Theodosia and Lynn Strickland, who owned a tire shop. She had featured roles in 1970s films such as Bound for Glory, The Drowning Pool and Norma Rae. In a memorable Drowning Pool scene, Strickland and Paul Newman are trapped in a room filling with water from floor to ceiling, stripped to their underwear, with no apparent escape. Strickland appeared on the U.S. Navy series JAG first season episode "War Crimes". She played Ambassador Bartlett, the U.S. ambassador to Peru. She appeared in the pilot episode of the television series Night Court as the public defender. She guest starred in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Paradise" as the character Alixus. In 1994-1995, she appeared as Ms. Landis of Doubleday in the Seinfeld Season 6 episodes "The Chaperone" and "The Switch". Strickland played nurse practitioner Marilyn McGrath in the 1988 TV series HeartBeat. This was one of the earliest portrayals of a lesbian character on American network television. She also had a memorable appearance on the television series M*A*S*H as Captain Helen Whitfield, a nurse in an ongoing battle with alcoholism. She appeared in 11 episodes of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman from 1993-94 as the character Olive Davis. She played Esther MacInerney, the wife of A.J. MacInerney (Martin Sheen), Chief of Staff for President Andrew Shepherd (Michael Douglas), in the 1995 blockbuster movie The American President, which also starred Annette Bening, Michael J. Fox, and Richard Dreyfuss. Strickland was a cast member in the brief run of the 2002 CBS television series First Monday, playing a Supreme Court justice. Description above from the Wikipedia article Gail Strickland, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.​


Gail Strickland


My Apocalypse
Victoria Eastman
In an apocalyptic future, a serial killer holds his family and another family hostage in an attempt to change his life.
Life of the Party: The Pamela Harriman Story
Betsey Cushing Roosevelt Whitney
Told mostly in flashbacks, the film tells the story of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, one of the greatest and probably most famous courtesans of the twentieth century. While not showing her childhood, first marriage to Winston Churchill's son, or most of her affairs, we do get to see her affair and eventual marriage to Broadway producer Leland Hayward, and then her marriage to politician Averell Harriman, with whom she had an affair while both were married to others in World War II. We also see her as ambassador to France during her last years, and her death in 1997. While some (mostly her lovers) adored her, others (mostly her son and her husbands' children) hated her.
El presidente y Miss Wade
Esther MacInerney
Andrew Shepherd, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, acaba de enviudar. Sin embargo, inicia un inesperado romance con Sydney Wade, miembro de una importante organización ecologista. En plena campaña electoral, su rival, el republicano Bob Rumson, aprovechará esa relación para desacreditarlo.
Donde reside el Amor
The Mrs.
Finn (Winona Ryder), una joven estudiante que está terminando su tesis de fin de carrera, se dedica, al mismo tiempo, a organizar su boda con Sam. Pero la idea de perder la libertad empieza a angustiarla. Decide entonces ir a casa de su abuela , donde, rodeada de excéntricos amigos y familiares como su tía Glady Jo , meditará sobre su futuro.
A Mother's Prayer
Rosemary Holmstrom está luchando para criar a su hijo tras la muerte de su marido. Cuando es diagnosticada con SIDA, en un principio se negó a creerlo, pero pronto se convierte sus atenciones al problema de lo que va a pasar con su hijo cuando ella muera.
Cuando un hombre ama a una mujer
Alice y Michael Green son, a primera vista, el prototipo de matrimonio ideal estadounidense: ella es consejera de estudios en una escuela superior y él es piloto; tienen dos hijas y una bonita casa. Sin embargo, tras esta apacible imagen, Alice esconde un terrible secreto, es alcohólica. Sin unas copas se siente incapaz de afrontar cualquier compromiso social. Cuando su marido se da cuenta, intentará hacer frente a la situación convenciéndola de que ingrese en un centro de desintoxicación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Last Time Out
Becky Davis
The story of a young college quarterback's struggles with alcohol, cocaine, and family problems.
Nicky Wells, a TV journalist who is renowned for her hard-hitting reports from the worlds most dangerous spots, is haunted by the disappearance of her fiancé.
Three of Hearts
A lesbian hires a male escort to break the heart of the bisexual woman who has just dumped her.
Huéspedes del emperador
Roberta Hampton
Cuando en enero de 1942 los japoneses invaden Singapur, un grupo de mujeres, en su mayoría inglesas y esposas de colonos, pero también americanas, son llevadas a un campo de concentración en Sumatra. Ésta es la historia de la supervivencia de estas mujeres.
Mrs. Mills
Long Island, 1942. 12-year-old Harry detects spies everywhere. But suddenly things get serious, as he and two evacuated London kids, Ned and Flo, stumble onto a real adventure. The children end up with America's destiny in their hands.
Verano en Louisiana
Marie Foster
Durante el verano de 1957, en una pequeña granja de Lousiana, dos hermanas llamadas Danielle y Maureen se enamorarán del mismo chico, Court, un joven de 17 años que llega con su madre y sus hermanos para trabajar las tierras vecinas. Su rivalidad para conseguir la atención de Court pondrá en peligro la excelente relación que las chicas habían tenido hasta entonces.
Hyper Sapien: Amigos de las estrellas
Hay vida ahí fuera y, por fin, nos han encontrado. Nuestros nuevos amigos vienen de otras estrellas y aterrizan en nuestro planeta para vivir una excitante aventura. El es de Wyoming , ella de otra galaxia. Juntos se enamorarán y descubrirán lo mucho que se parecen... sobretodo en sus planes acerca del futuro de la Tierra.
Mrs. St. John
La dulce y poco sofisticada Sunny trabaja como camarera en un club nocturno de Washington. Después de salvar fortuitamente a un alto dignatario árabe de visita por su país, es recompensada con un trabajo en el Departamento de Protocolo. El único inconveniente es uno de sus jefes; pero, gracias a su encanto, conseguirá salir airosa de tan difícil situación.
Oxford Blues
Las Vegas Lady
Nick, un impetuoso y atractivo atleta norteamericano que trabaja como guardacoches en Las Vegas, se va a la universidad inglesa de Oxford siguiendo a la chica de sus sueños. Allí, al principio, todo serán problemas, desde que aparece con un llamativo T-Bird del 57, que Nick utiliza para atraer a Lady Victoria en el severo y otoñal ambiente universitario. Pronto encuentra un rival, Colin, el novio oficial de Victoria. A la vez, Rona, una chica norteamericana también matriculada en Oxford, se siente atraída por Nick, pero éste parece no tenerla demasiado en cuenta...
Más allá del valor
Helen Rhodes
El Coronel retirado Cal Rhodes reúne a un grupo de veteranos para ir a rescatar a su hijo desaparecido durante la guerra del Vietnam. Para financiar la operación recurre a un antiguo y adinerado compañero que se encuentra en la misma situación.
Jessica Brenner
Struggling actress accepts high paying job to play a rich heiress committed in a lunatic asylum, not knowing she's really being set up as a surrogate for the real girl who'd been murdered.
Vuelo a las estrellas
Nancy Gilliam
Starflight One, un avión comercial que puede llevar pasajeros alrededor del mundo en cuestión de horas, se embarca en su viaje inaugural. Sin embargo, el viaje sale terriblemente mal cuando el avión es forzado a salir de la atmósfera y al espacio exterior. Como es demasiado peligroso intentar volver a entrar, el Capitán Cody Briggs, sus pasajeros y su tripulación se enfrentan a niveles decrecientes de oxígeno mientras los científicos de la NASA se apresuran a lanzar una misión de rescate en una carrera contra el tiempo.
Life of the Party: The Story of Beatrice
A dramatization of the life of the founder of Los Angeles's first alcoholic recovery center for women, Beatrice O'Reilly.
Amy and the Angel
Mrs. Watson
Amy, a depressed seventeen year old high school girl, is visited by her guardian angel Oliver after wishing she had never been born. Oliver shows Amy how important she is to the people in her life.
Eleanor, First Lady of the World
Anna Roosevelt
Biography of former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who forged a new role for herself in the years after her husband's death.
My Body, My Child
A woman must choose between having an abortion or giving birth to a deformed child.
A Matter of Life and Death
Mary Coggins
The true story of a nurse who spent her life caring for terminally ill patients.
Rape and Marriage: The Rideout Case
Jean Christensen
Based on the well-publicized Oregon criminal case of the late 1970s, this film dramatizes the unique dispute in which Greta Rideout instigated the prosecution of her husband, John, charging him with raping her.
King Crab
Two brothers take over the family seafood business, and battle each other for control of the company - and their father's attention.
The Gathering, Part II
Two Christmases have passed and widow Kate Thornton has taken over Thornton Industries and is wooed by a courtly financier.
Letters from Frank
When aging newspaper Editor Frank Miller is fired after decades of service and replaced by a computer, he cannot take this fate quietly. Frank becomes enraged and starts writing letters to his son, Richard, expressing his fury.
Norma Rae
Bonnie Mae
Basada en hechos reales, narra el proceso de concienciación política de una mujer y su compromiso con la lucha sindical. Norma Rae (Sally Field), una obrera de una fábrica textil del sur de Estados Unidos, pasa por momentos difíciles tras la muerte de su marido. Cuando llega a la ciudad un líder sindical que se propone formar un sindicato en la fábrica, la vida de Norma cambia por completo: participa en la lucha laboral y se casa con un compañero de trabajo. Convertida en líder sindicalista, tendrá que enfrentarse a enormes dificultades para implantar un sindicato en su fábrica.
Nieve que quema
John Converse (Michael Moriarty), veterano de Vietnam, vuelve de la guerra completamente transformado y se convierte en traficante de drogas. Con él colabora su amigo y camarada Ray Hick (Nolte), que es marino mercante. La mujer de John (Tuesday Weld), atónita e incrédula ante el profundo cambio de su marido, trata, en vano, de evitar que los negocios de su marido las salpiquen a ella y a su hija.
Ski Lift to Death
Vicki Gordon
A sports promoter tries to matchmake for a pair of ski champions and, as a result, they end up trapped in a derailed ski-lift car along with a gangster and the hitman sent to kill him.
The President's Mistress
Gwen Bowers
A government courier is caught in a deadly cover-up after discovering that his murdered sister was not only the mistress of a U.S. president, but also a Soviet spy.
A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story
Legendary ballplayer and humanitarian Lou Gehrig and his relationship with his stalwart wife, Eleanor, are portrayed in this film that focuses on the Hall of Famer's life off the baseball field. Featuring unflinching looks at the Gehrigs' relationship, as well as Lou's feud with Babe Ruth. This film is for anyone interested in baseball. [imdb]
The Gathering
When Adam Thornton learns that he only has a little time left, he decides that he wants to make peace with his family. Only problem is that most of his family are not exactly fond of him because he walked out on his wife and of his stubborn nature and he hasn't spoken to his youngest son after having an argument with him which he was in the wrong but only realize after his son left and has not been heard from since. But he goes to her to help him find him. But when his doctor says that it won't be good for him to travel, she suggests that they invite them all for Christmas. While most of them come, Adam's attempt at reconciliation won't be easy.
De hombre a hombre
B.J. Rudolph
La historia de un joven jugador de baloncesto que obtiene una beca para jugar en la Universidad, sus problemas de adaptación, y su superación personal.
The Baron
Samantha - Wasp Lady
A black actor tries to make his own movie with an all-black cast, but to make it he's forced to borrow money from the Mafia.
Esta tierra es mi tierra
Historia del cantante y compositor Woody Guthrie. Ambientada en la época de la Gran Depresión (años 30), presenta al cantante recorriendo América en ferrocarril, gracias a lo cual llega a conocer a muchísima gente afectada por la miseria más extrema.
Bittersweet Love
Un joven matrimonio, que está esperando un bebé, descubre de repente que son hermanastros.
The Dark Side of Innocence
A suburban housewife's feeling that her life is standing still causes her to divorce her husband. This causes tension with her daughter, who bitterly resents her walking out on the family, and her mother, whose own beliefs about marriage and family are jolted by her daughter's divorce.
Con el agua al cuello
Lew Harper, detective privado, viaja desde San Francisco a Nueva Orleans para atender el encargo de Iris Devereux, esposa de un autor de malas comedias y madre de Mavis, todavia adolescente. La familia vive a la sombra de la abuela Olivia, una acaudalada señora, prototipo de las grandes "damas del Sur", que aún sigue apegada a sus plantaciones de algodón y que siempre se negó a aceptar la realidad del petróleo, desde el primer dia en que este apareció en las costas de Louisiana. Para Harper, su trabajo en Nueva Orleans parece cosa fácil: Iris está siendo objeto de un chantaje, bajo la amenaza de hacer público el nombre de un amante, sin duda el padre de Mavis.
Ellery Queen: Too Many Suspects
Gail Stevens
When a famous fashion designer is found murdered, Inspector Richard Queen of the NYPD is baffled by her dying clue, prompting him to bring in his son, mystery writer Ellery Queen, to help in the investigation. This was the pilot film for the short-lived TV series.
My Father's House
Recovering from a heart attack, a workaholic editor recalls the simple days of his youth. Robertson adds an emotional center to this messy, flashback-filled 'heavy' dramatic piece. Plenty of co-star talent.