Balla Eszter

Balla Eszter

Nacimiento : 1980-05-11, Szekszárd, Hungary


After graduating from the University of Theater and Film Arts, he visited the National Theater, the Gergely Csiky Theater in Kaposvár, the New Theater, the Katona József Theater in Kecskemét, and is a permanent member of the Madách Theater in Budapest and the Déryné Wandering Company. He has also been seen in a number of film roles, including on his colleague “Dérynés” in Moscow Square and Control. Her Father in Law Garas Dezső actor; her husband is cameraman Dániel Garas, from whom her daughter Emma was born in 2008.


Balla Eszter


Those Who Remained
Se centra en el poder curativo del amor en medio de un conflicto nacional caracterizado por la pérdida y el trauma. Una joven que vive en una Hungría devastada tras la II Guerra Mundial descubre cómo el cariño puede cerrar heridas que pensaba irreparables.
Idegen hangok
An average Hungarian family are driving home on the motorway from their seaside holidays when they are forced to stop at a parking lot to tighten loosened luggage. Getting out of the car, they hear the sounds of Arabic singing coming from the van parking next to their car, in the cargo area of which a mother is calming her crying child. The family experience the horrors of refugees’ lives for a few moments when the smugglers who are guarding the truck attack them. Finally, they escape unharmed, but they are unable to carry on with their lives as before.
Egy szerelem gasztronómiája
Variations on relationships in a New Year Day atmosphere set in a huge and rundown 1980s style hotel awaiting demolition by Lake Balaton, Hungary. Three women and five men in various ways.
Ég veled!
La parrucchiera
Magyar vándor
Magyar vándor is a 2004 Hungarian action comedy film directed by Gábor Herendi and starring Károly Gesztesi, János Gyuriska and Gyula Bodrogi
'Kontroll' narra la historia de la difícil -y ficticia- relación entre los pasajeros y revisores en el metro de Budapest. En ese submundo aparecen personajes como "Roadrunner", quien aparece una y otra vez y se considera miembro de la Sociedad de Liberación de los Pasajeros, dedicándose a manchar a los revisores con spray; éstos lo persiguen acaloradamente por los pasillos, andenes, ascensores, aunque todo esfuerzo es en vano. También está Béla, el maquinista caído, quien se siente tan cómodo en el mundo de parias como Bulcsú. Y está Szofi, su hija, de quien inmediatamente se enamora Bulcsú, incluso a pesar de que viste un disfraz de oso. Aunque también hay una figura sombría entre ellos, una máquina de matar. Nadie sabe quién es. Quizá sólo Bulcsú lo sabe.
Moscow Square
1989 is an important year in the political history of Hungary. However, Petya and his friends couldn't care less. They are about to graduate high school. The only important things to them are the parties, girls, making some easy cash. And of course, passing the upcoming exam with the leaked questions.