Milt Franklyn

Nacimiento : 1897-09-16, New York City, New York, USA

Muerte : 1962-04-24


Milton J. "Milt" Franklyn (September 16, 1897 – April 24, 1962) was a musical composer and arranger who worked on the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes animated cartoons. Franklyn moved from New York to Salt Lake City at the age of three, where he went to high school and finished one year at the University of Utah. He was the state junior tennis champion in Utah for six years. The next two years were spent at the University of California, Berkeley, then he began a term at Pennsylvania University when he was called to service in World War One. Franklyn did not serve overseas; he trained as a naval officer for three months and then the Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. He returned to Berkeley to finish his education. As Franklyn could play a number of instruments, he joined a band in San Francisco and for the next few years played at the Palace and St. Francis hotels. He began his own nine-piece orchestra, known at various times as the Peninsula Band, the Super Soloists, and the Merrimakers, and appeared in San Mateo (1926 to June 1927), where he also owned a music store, and San Jose (1928 to January 1929), where he was Master of Ceremonies and wrote revues for the California Theatre before moving on to Fresno and Oakland. For two years he was emcee with Fanchon and Marco at Fox West Coast in San Diego; musical director and emcee with Paramount Publix Corporation, travelling to Seattle, Denver, Houston and Toledo; and finally worked on the Loew's circuit in Providence, Rhode Island and New York City from 1933 to 1935. Franklyn quit vaudeville to go to Hollywood in 1935 and spent a year doing occasional work. In early 1936, he joined Warner Bros. as music arranger to Carl Stalling, becoming music director in 1953. The first cartoon with Franklyn credited as a composer was Bugs and Thugs, released in 1954, though Franklyn estimated at the time his 599th cartoon for Warners was Past Perfumance. Franklyn always composed his scores at home early in the morning; he only went to the studio to watch the 30-piece Warner Bros. Orchestra record the music or to view the finished cartoon. Among the songs Franklyn is said to have composed with director Chuck Jones and writer Michael Maltese is The Michigan Rag for the 1955 cartoon One Froggy Evening, featuring Michigan J. Frog. However, the ASCAP database lists only Maltese as the composer. He became the sole composer in 1958 upon Stalling's retirement. Franklyn died of a heart attack on April 24, 1962. At the time of his death, Franklyn was composing the score for a Tweety cartoon, The Jet Cage. The first two minutes of the cartoon were scored by Franklyn, the rest by William Lava, who had been working on the Warner Bros. main lot and replaced him as musical director. The Jet Cage opening credits lists Franklyn and not Lava, while the ASCAP database credits Franklyn with composing the opening title, with no mention of Lava, but a change in composing style in the cartoon is noticeable. Franklyn joined ASCAP in 1954 and was a member of the Academy of TV Arts and Sciences. He and his wife Charlotte K. Franklyn were registered Democrats. After his death, Franklyn's music also appeared in Bugs Bunny on Broadway.


Bugs Bunny's Creature Features
"The Duxorcist", "Night of the Living Duck" and "Invasion of the Bunny Snatchers" are combined to form this TV special.
Bugs Bunny's Lunar Tunes
Bugs has to defend the Earth's right to exist in an intergalactic court.
Daffy Duck's Thanks-for-Giving Special
A 1980 Looney Tunes Thanksgiving special, starring Daffy Duck. Cartoons featured "The Scarlet Pumpernickel" "Robin Hood Daffy" "Drip-Along Daffy" "His Bitter Half"
La película de Bugs Bunny y el Correcaminos
Prepárate para reír cuando el astronauta Duck Dodgers (El Pato Lucas) se enfrenta al Marciano Marvin por el dominio del planeta X. Desciende nuevamente a la tierra y comparte la furia de Elmer cuando Bugs lo saca de sus casillas. Acelera tu velocidad y comparte con el Coyote, desastre tras desastre, en su infatigable tarea de atrapar al rápido Correcaminos. Lista de cortometrajes añadidos al recopilatorio: * Hare-Way to the Stars * Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century * Robin Hood Daffy * Duck Amuck * Bully For Bugs * Ali Baba Bunny * Rabbit Fire * For Scent-imental Reasons * Long-Haired Hare * What's Opera, Doc? * Operation: Rabbit A estos les siguen una selección de cortometrajes protagonizados por el Correcaminos y el Coyote, elegidos de entre 11 cortos más: (To Beep or Not to Beep, Zoom and Bored, Hopalong Casualty, Whoa Be-Gone!, Ready, Set, Zoom!, There They Go-Go-Go!, Gee Whiz-z-z-z, Going! Going! Gosh!, Stop! Look! And Hasten!, Beep Prepared, Fast and Furry-ous.).
Gallo Claudio: Mi mamá fue un gallo
El perro le gasta una broma al gallo Claudio, poniéndole un huevo de avestruz para que cuando el gallo despierte crea que se ha convertido en madre.
La jaula de acción
A Piolín le compran una especie de jaula voladora para que pueda volar a cielo abierto. Silvestre intentará aprovechar la ocasión para cazarlo.
Todo por dinero
Original Music Composer
Yosemite Sam marries a widow for her money, and once the honeymoon is over, the woman reveals her real bossy...
Louvre Come Back to Me!
Pepe Le Pew, la mofeta eternamente amorosa, está en París, donde el olor de su olor envía a una gata hacia arriba para golpear un asta de bandera recién pintada, que le pone una raya blanca en la espalda y hace que Pepe piense que es una niña mofeta. Él la persigue con lujuria hasta la galería de arte del Louvre, donde su olor nauseabundo hace que las imágenes de varias pinturas cambien de pose para mostrar su disgusto. El amante felino de la gata también ha entrado en el Louvre y reta a Pepe a un duelo por poseerla, pero se ve frustrado por el hedor insoportable de Pepe.
La factura de la liebre
Original Music Composer
El Demonio de Tasmania encuentra a Bugs cocinando la cena debajo de un paseo marítimo.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Aventuras del Correcaminos
Original Music Composer
Adventures of the Road-Runner is an animated film, directed by Chuck Jones and co-directed by Maurice Noble and Tom Ray. It was the intended pilot for a TV series starring Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner, but was never picked up until four years later when Warner Bros. Television produced The Road Runner Show for CBS from 1966 to 1968 and later on ABC from 1971 to 1973. As a result, it was split into three further shorts. The first one was To Beep or Not to Beep (1963). The other two were assembled by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises in 1965 after they took over the Looney Tunes series. The split-up shorts were titled Road Runner a Go-Go and Zip Zip Hooray!.
Mexican Boarders
Speedy Gonzales' lethargic cousin, Slowpoke Rodriguez, comes to visit Speedy's hacienda, to the delight of Sylvester Cat, who is confident he will be able to catch Slowpoke for dinner.
Crows' Feat
Two Mexican crows, flying to Guadalajara on the wings of an airplane, spot a corn field on the ground below and dive into it...
Quackodile Tears
Original Music Composer
Daffy Duck is ordered by his loud-mouthed wife to sit on their egg in a nest. When Daffy adjusts the nest to make it more comfortable, the egg rolls away from him and into a crocodile hatchery, where it is indistinguishable from all the other eggs. When Daffy picks what he think is his egg from the crocodile hatchery, a male crocodile gives chase and does battle with Daffy for the egg.
Wet Hare
Blacque Jacque Shellacque dams the river and plans to charge everyone a fortune for water, but not if Bugs Bunny has anything to say about it.
Nelly's Folly
Nelly the Giraffe is discovered in Africa and leaves to begin a singing career, but finds that chasing fame brings her nothing but unhappiness.
El último gato hambriento
Original Music Composer
Silvestre huye de la policía, tras leer que "el gato" está buscado por las autoridades.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Estate preparado
El coyote intenta atrapar al correcaminos usando todo su ingenio y trampas varias, como un agujero en el camino, ametralladoras e incluso un súper imán.
Prince Violent
Viking Yosemite Sam arrives to storm the castle. But Bugs takes charge of the defenses, and between Bugs' cleverness and Sam's stupidity, the castle is never seriously threatened, even when Sam enlists the help of an elephant.
El flautista de Guadalupe
Sylvester the cat imitates the Pied Piper of Hamelin to lure a group of mice into a jug that he seals with a cork. But Speedy Gonzales won't be hypnotized by Sylvester's flute and gradually rescues his friends from Sylvester's clutches.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Liebre comprimida
Original Music Composer
Bugs battles Wile E. Coyote. A ten trillion volt electric magnet draws everything imaginable.
Rebel Without Claws
The Confederate Army wants to get an important message through to General Lee, but all the carrier pigeons have been shot down. Tweety steps in.
The Abominable Snow Rabbit
Bugs and Daffy get lost on the way to Palm Springs and end up in the Himalayas, where they meet an Abominable Snowman who has always wanted a rabbit for a pet.
D' Fightin' Ones
Original Music Composer
Sylvester Cat and a scrawny bulldog escape from a truck headed for the city animal pound and make like convicts on the lam.
Birds of a Father
Original Music Composer
Sylvester Cat discovers that his son, Junior, has a new best friend - a bird named Spike. Aghast, Sylvester decides to teach his son the facts of feline life and goes with him on a bird hunt, which, as usual, isn't Sylvester's forte. He is hit with a badminton racket after he mistakenly shoots a badminton birdie and then is blown up when he sends a model plane after Spike and is himself shot at by the out-of-control plane and forced to take refuge in an explosives store shed, with the plane slipping in behind him and firing at the TNT.
Strangled Eggs
Original Music Composer
Foghorn Leghorn courts Miss Prissy when a foundling is left on her doorstep. It is Henery the Chicken Hawk.
The Mouse on 57th Street
Original Music Composer
An inebriated mouse with a throbbing head takes a priceless diamond, thinking it's a soothing piece of ice. Two policemen, one of them a lunkhead, are assigned to recover the missing jewel.
Hoppy Daze
Original Music Composer
A pudgy but tough-guy cat recruits Sylvester as his stooge to catch a mouse for his dinner, under the pretense of training Sylvester to be a champion mouser. Sylvester enters a warehouse and runs into the baby kangaroo, Hippety Hopper, and thinks, as usual, that Hippety is a giant mouse that must be fought.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Rapidez a raudales
Original Music Composer
Wile E. Coyote tries to catch the Road Runner using a sling shot, a grenade in a toy airplane whose propeller detaches and leaves the plane behind.
Cannery Woe
Original Music Composer
Speedy Gonzales helps provide cheese for the mayor's reelection campaign (and two hungry friends) by swiping it from the store guarded by Sylvester.
Lighter Than Hare
Original Music Composer
Outer space invader Yosemite Sam wants to capture typical earth creature Bugs.
High Note
Original Music Composer
The sheet music for Johann Strauss' "The Blue Danube" is constructed by moving musical symbols. A baton-toting conductor note tries to direct his fellow notes in performing this musical piece, but finds that one of the notes has become drunk after being inside the sheet music for "Little Brown Jug". The drunken note staggers goofily on the staves for the music of "The Blue Danube" and is chased by the conductor.
Dog Gone People
Original Music Composer
Elmer Fudd agrees to take care of his boss' dog in return for a promotion and finds he must treat the pooch as a human being.
Trip for Tat
Original Music Composer
Tweety Bird goes on a world tour with his mistress, Granny. And a hungry Sylvester Cat follows them everywhere they go (France, Japan, Switzerland, and Italy).
El Coyote y el Correcaminos:  Herido que anda a saltos
Original Music Composer
El Coyote trata de atrapar al Corredor de Carretera usando un palo de dinamita en una caña de pescar, una máquina envolvedora de regalos de Navidad y píldoras de terremoto ACME.
The Dixie Fryer
Original Music Composer
Foghorn Leghorn travels to the deep south to enjoy the sun, but must contend with two yokelish chicken hawks, Pappy and Elvis, who want to roast him for dinner.
From Hare to Heir
Original Music Composer
Sam, the Duke of Yosemite, will inherit one million pounds if he can keep his temper in check. Thing is, he has to endure Bugs Bunny as his house guest.
Mice Follies
Original Music Composer
In yet another cartoon spoof of TV's "The Honeymooners", rodents Ralph Crumden and Ned Morton have stayed out too late and return home fearing their wives' wrath...
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Listo, lanoso y capaz
Original Music Composer
A hungry Ralph Wolf wants to swipe and eat some of the sheep in Sam Sheepdog's flock. Not only does Sam foil all of Ralph's schemes.
Ratón y jardín
Original Music Composer
Los gatos Silvestre y Sam pondrán en peligro su amistad por su avaricia de no compartir un ratón.
Gallo Claudio: Vaya un día de exploradores
Original Music Composer
El Gallo Claudio trata de enseñar a Jr. diversos trucos para la subsistencia del explorador.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Hazaña de conejo
Original Music Composer
Wile E. Coyote decides to cook and eat Bugs, but Bugs is on to his plan and tries to escape by acting looney.
Hyde and Go Tweet
Original Music Composer
Sylvester alternates chasing the normal Tweety and fleeing a monster version of Tweety.
Who Scent You?
Original Music Composer
A female cat wants to board a French cruise ship. Prior to the ship's departure, she crawls under a freshly-painted gate and gets a white streak atop her back and tail. Enter enamored Pepé Le Pew.
De persona a conejo
Original Music Composer
In his Hollywood home Bugs is being interviewed by the Edward R. Murrow TV show "People to People" when Daffy and Elmer show up.
Goldimouse and the Three Cats
Original Music Composer
Sylvester, his wife, and son go for a walk while their porridge cools, when Goldimouse wanders by to eat the porridge and sleep in their beds. Sylvester then tries to catch her for his "spoiled brat" of a son to eat.
Wild Wild World
Original Music Composer
Television host Cave Darroway introduces a film about the life of Cro-Magnon man in the year 75,000,000 B.C.
Horse Hare
Original Music Composer
Yosemite Sam leads his Indians against Fort Lariat while Bugs is in charge.
West of the Pesos
Original Music Composer
Sylvester Cat is a guard at a Mexican experimental laboratory where mice are confined for research. The families of the captured mice place a call to Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in Mexico, to help them rescue their compadres. Speedy comes and engages in the usual battle of wits and feet with Sylvester.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Duelo de Titanes
Original Music Composer
Wile E. Coyote tries to drop a rocket bomb on the Road Runner from a balloon but inflates himself instead.
A Witch's Tangled Hare
Original Music Composer
La bruja Hazel intentará convertir a Bugs en su cena. Tercer cortometraje protagonizado por esta secundaria, que hace varias referencias a obras de Shakespeare como Hamlet, MacBeth o Romeo y Julieta.
Wild and Woolly Hare
Original Music Composer
Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam duel with trains in an Old West shootout.
Vaya tipos
A pair of not-too-bright Mexican cats, one shorter-tempered than the other, decide to chase Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico.
Los simios coléricos
Una cigüeña borracha pierde a un bebé simio. En su lugar, entrega a Bugs Bunny a los padres.
El ratón que Jack creó
Original Music Composer
Parodia del famoso programa americano "El Show de Jack Benny" protagonizado por un ratón con la personalidad del presentador.
Mouse-Placed Kitten
Original Music Composer
A kitten is dropped in a sack out of a car and rolls down a hill, to arrive at the door of Clyde and Matilda Mouse...
Baton Bunny
Bugs conducts the Warner Brothers Symphony in Franz von Suppé's "Morning, Noon, and Night in Vienna" while reacting to a bothersome fly.
Cat Feud
Original Music Composer
Bulldog Marc Anthony is a guard at a construction site. He finds a kitten, Pussyfoot, to whom he affectionately gives a wiener for lunch. A hungry, grown cat sees the wiener and tries to take it from Pussyfoot. So, in defense of his kitten friend, Marc Anthony fights the cat on the steal beams of the partly constructed skeleton of a building.
Bugs y los caballeros
Bugs Bunny hace un viaje en el tiempo hasta la Inglaterra del rey Arturo, una época de caballeros, dragones y duelos de espadas. Una vez allí, Sir Elmer de Fudd lo confunde con un dragón y lo hace prisionero.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: ¡Qué desgracia!
Original Music Composer
Wile E. Coyote's plans for catching the Road Runner involve a giant elastic spring, a gun and trampoline, TNT sticks in a barrel, and tornado seeds. The last of these schemes results in the Coyote being swept up by a twister and carried into a mine field.
Bugs Bunny: escalera a las estrellas
Original Music Composer
Hare-Way To The Stars convierte a Bugs, sin que éste se dé cuenta, en polizón a bordo de un cohete rumbo a Marte, donde tiene que evitar que otro adversario, el marciano Marvin, destruya la Tierra.
Lucas Robin Hood
Lucas interpreta a Robin Hood, que tiene la intención de ser el verdadero Mccoy de Fiar Tuck (Porky) y termina convenciendo a todos, incluido a sí mismo, de que no es así.
Hare-Less Wolf
An absent-minded wolf sets out to catch Bugs for dinner but keeps forgetting what he was heading out to shoot in the first place.
Tortilla Flaps
A hungry crow intrudes on a party honoring Speedy Gonzales, Mexico's fastest mouse, and tries to catch and eat some of Speedy's friends. Speedy leads the crow on a frustrating and violent chase that demoralizes the crow into surrendering and joining in Speedy's party, as the center of a dart board, and the target of a ball-throw.
Rabbit Romeo
Music Editor
Elmer Fudd's Uncle Judd sends him an ugly, temperamental Slobovian rabbit named Millicent to babysit until he arrives. Elmer happens upon Bugs Bunny and thinks he'll be the perfect match for Millicent. But as soon as Bugs gets a look at her, he tries to get away!
Gonzales' Tamales
Male Mexican mice are jealous of Speedy Gonzales for taking their girlfriends. So, they set Sylvester Cat after Speedy by issuing a challenge to Sylvester in Speedy's name.
Estrella del espectáculo
Bugs and Daffy are vaudevillians competing for praise from the audience. They love Bugs no matter what; just the opposite for Daffy.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Persecución con derecho a ayuno
Original Music Composer
Wile E. Coyote uses a bottle full of bees, a brick wall, a boulder in a catapult, and a harpoon gun in his usual unsuccessful attempts to catch the Road Runner.
El Pato Lucas: Bailando con el demonio
Original Music Composer
El Demonio de Tasmania escapa del zoológico de la ciudad.
Pajareros anónimos
Original Music Composer
En esta parodia de Alcohólicos Anónimos, un gato invita a Silvestre a la asociación de Pajareros Anónimos, donde luchan contra su instinto de devorar pájaros.
Tabasco Road
Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico, runs to the rescue of his two drunken rodent friends, Pablo and Fernando, who keep wandering into the hungry clutches of an alley cat.
¿Qué es ópera, viejo?
Music Arranger
Bugs está en resistencia como la valquiria Brunhilde que se sienta en un caballo con sobrepeso. "Ella" es perseguida por Elmer interpretando al semidiós "Siegfried".
Boston Quackie
Original Music Composer
Boston Quackie (Daffy Duck) is an American agent in Paris assigned to guard the valuable secret contents of a briefcase. A man in a green hat steals the briefcase and leads Quackie on a chase aboard the Cloak and Dagger Express.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Robar lana
Ralph Wolf tries to forcibly remove Sam Sheepdog in order to gain access to a flock of sheep. Without success, he uses a lasso, cannon, a string of firecrackers, and a giant rubber band.
Tweety and the Beanstalk
Jack's mother throws Jack's magic beans outside under Sylvester Cat's sleeping box, and the cat is whisked to the world above, where he finds a huge Tweety Bird in the castle of the legendary Giant.
Triste niñez
Original Music Composer
Ralph es enviado a su habitación por romper una ventana. Allí, pasa el tiempo al estilo Walter Mitty, soñando despierto que es un explorador de la jungla que salva padres, un as del jet alienígena y un convicto.
Bugs Bunny: Demonio endemoniado
Original Music Composer
Lanzado a las selvas de Tasmania dentro de una caja de zanahorias, Bugs Bunny descubre que todos los animales huyen del voraz Demonio de Tasmania. Cuando finalmente se encuentra con la criatura, Bugs debe desplegar todo su arsenal de engaños y artimañas para no convertirse en su próxima comida.
Ali Baba Bunny
Bugs and Daffy get lost on the way to Pismo Beach, and find a cave full of treasure in the Arabian Desert, guarded by Hassan.
Go Fly a Kit
The story of a cat, raised by an eagle, who learns to fly and uses his ability to save his future girlfriend from a vicious bulldog.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Revoltillo de dolor
Original Music Composer
Wile E. Coyote uses, among other things, a dehydrated boulder to try to catch the Road Runner. He applies a drop of water to enlarge it from pebble-size to usual boulder dimensions, but it enlarges as Wile E. is lifting it over his head, coming down on top of him.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: To Hare is Human
Wile E. Coyote, genius, tries to catch Bugs Bunny with the help of a Univac Electronic Brain.
The Honey-Mousers
Original Music Composer
In this spoof of TV's "The Honeymooners", Ralph Crumden and Ned Morton are mouse versions of Jackie Gleason and Art Carney's characters on the TV show. When new human tenants move into the apartment where the Crumden and Morton couples live, Ralph and Ned try to gain access to a banquet of food in the people's refrigerator, which is guarded by an orange cat.
Yankee Dood It
Elmer Fudd is the progressive King of industrial Elves. He visits an outmoded shoemaker's shop to extol the virtues of mass production capitalism to the shoemaker, whose pet cat, Sylvester, uses the magic word, "Jehosophat" to turn Fudd's elf helper into a mouse and chases him around the shoemaker's shop.
Deduce, You Say
Daffy Duck is a detective who is hunting for the Shorepshire Slasher.
A Star Is Bored
Daffy Duck must double for Bugs in any slapstick which Warners considers too dangerous for its star Bug Bunny.
Rocket-bye Baby
A cosmic mix-up results in a Martian baby being delivered to Earth, while an Earth baby is sent to Mars. Joseph Wilbur and his wife try to raise the green-skinned, ingenious Martian tyke as if he were an Earthling. But the kid builds his own spaceship and flies away, and Wilbur must find him and bring him back, or he'll never be able to make an exchange with the Martian parents for his own boy.
Tugboat Granny
Tweety Bird and Granny are at the controls of a tugboat that Sylvester tries unsuccessfully to board.
El Coyote y el Correcaminos: Qué pasada
Original Music Composer
Wile E. Coyote unsuccessfully chases the Road Runner using such contrivances as a rifle, a steel plate, a dynamite stick on an extending metal pulley, a painting of a collapsed bridge (which the Coyote falls into while Road Runner passes right through), and a jet motor.
Heaven Scent
On the French Riviera, a female cat is frightened by sudden outbursts of barking by every dog around her. So, to scare them away, she paints her back with a white stripe like that of a skunk. But she doesn't receive the peace she'd expected, because Pepé Le Pew, the amorous French skunk, sees her, thinks she's a girl skunk, and pursues her.
Rocket Squad
In a futuristic city, Detectives Monday and Tuesday pursue a wanted criminal.
Bugs Bunny: Día de brujas
Original Music Composer
Una bruja que reclama ser la más fea de todas, se ve amenazada por una bruja de Halloween, que resulta ser el conejo Bugs Bunny disfrazado.
Paren a esa comadreja
El Gallo Claudio tiene un nuevo aliado en su cruzada contra el perro: una comadreja.
Paren a esa comadreja
El Gallo Claudio tiene un nuevo aliado en su cruzada contra el perro: una comadreja.
Paren a esa comadreja
Music Director
El Gallo Claudio tiene un nuevo aliado en su cruzada contra el perro: una comadreja.
Bugs' Bonnets
A passing truck spills a variety of hats, causing Elmer and Bugs to change personalities in rapid succession to fit the headgear they wind up wearing.
90 Day Wondering
Original Music Composer
Ralph Phillips is overjoyed when he runs out of Fort Itude, because he's a civilian again. Things, however, don't go well for him when he gets home, and two pixies named Pete and Re-Pete convince him to stay in civilian life or go back to the army. At the end, Ralph chooses to go back to the army
One Froggy Evening
Original Music Composer
'One Froggy Evening' es el título original del dibujo animado producido por Warner Bros. Es considerado uno de los mejores cortos animados de la historia, famoso por la aparición de la rana cantante, "Michigan J. Frog". Fue escrito por Michael Maltese, dirigido por Chuck Jones y se estrenó el 31 de diciembre de 1955. El nombre de la rana le fue dado con posterioridad por Chuck Jones: su apellido responde a su condición de rana (en inglés "frog") y su nombre de pila se debe al título de la canción que canta ("The Michigan Rag", escrita por Maltese). La historia cuenta cómo un hombre ve la posibilidad de hacer una fortuna cuando consigue una rana capaz de bailar y cantar...
Sylvester is a rich cat, courtesy of his deceased mistress, who has left him 3 million dollars. His alley cat friends, hope to sponge off his good fortune, and Sylvester is eager to share with them. But Elmer Fudd, as Sylvester's new financial advisor lectures him on investing his wealth in business and industry.
Roman Legion-Hare
Yosemite Sam, as head of a Roman legion, is ordered by Emperor Nero to find a victim to toss to the lions, or else he'll be the victim. Sam meets up with Bugs Bunny and decides Bugs will make a good victim, but it's Sam and Nero who end up as lion food.
Knight-Mare Hare
Music Director
An apple falls on Bugs' head, transporting him back to King Arthur's England.
Dime to Retire
Porky Pig is a tired traveller driving into a town and looking for a hotel. He is delighted to find one with a 10 cent per-night fee. But its manager is Daffy Duck, who infests Porky's room with a succession of rest-disturbing animals and asks an increasingly hefty sum for each time he has to remove an animal from the room.
A Kiddies Kitty
To escape a bulldog, Sylvester Cat allows himself to be adopted by a little girl. The little girl turns out to be rougher than the bulldog, though in her case it is entirely out of love.
Lumber Jerks
Original Music Composer
Two polite gophers find that their home, a tree, has been cut down and taken away. They find it in a log pile about to be taken inside a processing factory. Following it into there, they become caught in the daunting machinery.
Rabbit Rampage
Bugs Bunny is tormented by his own animator, in this successor to the 1953 cartoon "Duck Amuck".
The Hole Idea
A scientist invents the portable hole, only to have a thief steal his samples to go on a crime spree.
Stork Naked
Music Director
A drunken stork comes to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daffy Duck with a bundle of joy, but Daffy wants no part of the delivery and takes extreme measures to keep the stork away.
Pests for Guests
Music Director
Elmer Fudd buys a wooden set of drawers not knowing that two polite twin gophers (known as The Goofy Gophers) have claimed the piece of furniture as their home.
Pizzicato Pussycat
Original Music Composer
Mr. and Mrs. Jones hear a piano being played in their living room. They automatically assume it is their cat who is making the music, when in fact, the talented one is a mouse whom the cat has forced into being his stooge to make him famous. The cat is showered with media attention and set to play at Carnegie Hall, where he hopes nobody will notice that he is pantomiming the movements with the keys while the mouse is playing his miniature piano inside the full-scale model.
Baby Buggy Bunny
Original Music Composer
Baby-Faced Finster robs a bank, but the baby carriage with the money in it goes down Bugs' rabbit hole.
My Little Duckaroo
Daffy Duck is a Wild West outlaw named "The Masked Avenger", righter of wrongs and doer of heroic deeds. Porky Pig is his sidekick. Together, they seek to arrest Nasty Canasta, a villain whose crimes include gag-stealing and square dancing in a round house.
By Word of Mouse
Hans, a mouse from Germany, comes to America to visit his cousin Willie, and learns about the wonders of the capitalist system.
Bugs Bunny: El demonio y la liebre
Original Music Composer
Bugs Bunny encuentra al Demonio de Tazmania justo cuando el animal trata de devorarle
Claws for Alarm
Porky and Sylvester go on a creepy vacation.
Dr. Jerkyl's Hide
Two cockney canines chase Sylvester Cat into the lab of Dr. Jerkyl, where the cat drinks Hyde formula...
Bell Hoppy
Sylvester has been "blackballed" out of membership to the Loyal Order of Alley Cats Mouse and Chowder Club again. To gain the long-coveted membership, the Grand Master offers to let the lisping puddy tat place a big bell around the neck of the largest mouse he can find, so the cats can pounce on the mouse when they hear the bell. Just as that's going on, Hippety Hopper escapes from a city zoo truck. It's not long before he encounters the hapless Sylvester. Each attempt to place the bell around Hippety's neck ends with Sylvester wearing the bell (and the cats pounding the puddy into submission). In the end, Sylvester finally does get the bell around Hippety's neck, but by the time the cats are ready to pounce on the baby kangaroo-mistaken-for-a-giant-mouse, Hippety has been recaptured. The oblivious cats end up jumping in front of the city zoo truck! Sylvester now gets to serve as Loyal Order's Grand Master.
The Cats Bah
Penelope, an American tourist cat who's gotten a white stripe of paint down her back, is pursued through the Casbah by the amorous skunk Pepe Le Pew, who woos her with his rendition of "As Time Goes By".
Bugs y los rufianes
Original Music Composer
When Bugs calls a cab he doesn't know it's the getaway car for a couple of bankrobbers (he does know the capital of Nevada).
A Street Cat Named Sylvester
The title of this cartoon is a misnomer, because it is in fact Tweety Bird who is the homeless one here, and Sylvester is Granny's pet. Tweety seeks shelter from a blizzard and taps on Granny's house door. Sylvester answers and grabs the canary. He tries to hide Tweety from Granny while evading the attacks of Hector, Granny's bed-ridden bulldog, who wants revenge on Sylvester for his broken leg. Tweety keeps escaping Sylvester's clutches, with Hector's help.
Much Ado About Nutting
A squirrel in a downtown park lugs a giant coconut back home, but nothing he does can seem to crack it open.
Fowl Weather
Granny is Tweety Bird's mistress on a farm. She assigns a bulldog named Hector to take care of Tweety while she's away. Sylvester Cat disguises himself as a scarecrow to sneak up on Tweety. Tweety runs into a chicken coop and is protected by a mother hen and an aggressive rooster. Hector, seeing that Tweety is gone and fearing Granny's wrath, paints Sylvester yellow and puts him in Tweety's cage to fool Granny. Tweety returns and makes like a cat since turnabout is fair play.
Pato aturdido
Duck Amuck es un cortometraje animado de 1953 producido por Warner Bros. como parte de la serie Merrie Melodies y es protagonizado por el Pato Lucas, quien es atormentado por un anónimo animador que cambia constantemente los fondos, ropa, voz, apariencia e incluso forma del pato. El animador cambia todo a medida que Lucas trata de poner orden, e incluso mal interpreta sus demandas.
Roedor que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente
Una súbita tormenta obliga a Bugs a buscar refugio, lo que le lleva a cruzarse en el camino del Científico Malvado y Rudolph, una bestia peluda.
El pequeño galán
Después de expulsar a los legionarios extranjeros de su fuerte con su aroma, el zorrillo enamorado Pepe se enamora de la mascota del campamento, un gato al que accidentalmente le pintaron una raya blanca en la espalda.
The Wearing of the Grin
Porky Pig spends the night at an Irish castle after being caught in a storm, and gets in trouble with the two leprechauns who live there.
Rabbit Every Monday
Yosemite Sam hunts Bugs Bunny. Bugs covers Sam's gun with bubble gum, causing Sam to blast himself inside a big bubble. Sam next forces Bugs into his cabin, where Bugs fools Sam into thinking there is a party going on in his oven.
El conejo de Sevilla
Rabbit of Seville (traducido como Conejo de Sevilla) es un cortometraje animado de Looney Tunes dirigido por Chuck Jones y estrenado el 16 de diciembre de 1950 por Warnner Bros. Pictures. La animación estuvo a cargo de Phil Monroe, Ben Washam, Lloyd Vaughan, Ken Harris y Emery Hawkins. En 1994 apareció en el puesto número 12 de la lista 50 Greatest Cartoons, la cual se basó en los votos de aproximadamente 1.000 personalidades de la industria de la animación.
El Bugs de la cárcel
Escapando de los cazadores, Bugs se cuela sin querer en una cárcel. Allí el guarda Sam Shultz le tomará por un preso que intenta fugarse.
Conejo de pelo largo
Bugs se enfrenta a un tenor, durante sus ensayos y en plena ópera.
High Diving Hare
Yosemite Sam tries to force Bugs Bunny to do a high-diving act when the regular act cancels.
I Taw a Putty Tat
Woman wonders why her little pet birds keep disappearing. Sylvester the cat knows, but other than burping feathers, he's not saying. But it looks like he's met his match when the woman orders another bird from the pet shop: a little yellow canary named "Tweety".
Easter Yeggs
Bugs gets roped into delivering the Easter Rabbit's eggs for him.
El animal equivocado
Los ratones maquinadores Hubie y Bertie convencen a un gato de que es, de hecho, un león.
Daffy Doodles
Porky Pig is hot on the trail of a vandal painting mustaches on signs everywhere (Daffy Duck).
Béisbol Bugs
Bugs se enfrenta él solo jugando todas las posiciones al equipo de "los gorilas" en un partido de béisbol.
Fighting Tools
Pvt. Snafu suffers the consequences of not keeping his equipment and weapons properly maintained.
Hiss and Make Up
An old woman has a cat, a dog, and a canary. The cat and dog fight even worse than normally; fed up, she tells them both off, then threatens to throw them both out if there's any more trouble. The two then spend the rest of the picture framing each other and summoning their master.
Greetings Bait
A worm reminiscent of Jerry Colonna is lowered into the water and uses various guises to lure fish. He also tangles with a crab.
To Duck.... Or Not to Duck
Daffy challenges duckhunter Elmer to a boxing match, rigged in his favor with the collusion of the duck referee. In the stands, Elmer's dog Larrimore suspects that something funny is going on, but he's drowned out by Daffy's all-duck cheering section.
Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs
Spoof of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) with an all-black cartoon cast.
El pato Lucas emigra al sur
It's the dead of winter, and Daffy Duck is starving. A fox and a weasel invite him into their cabin and feed him beans. But they have an ulterior motive--namely eating Daffy.
Wabbit Twouble
Elmer Fudd expects to find "west and wewaxation" during his visit to Jellostone National Park, but he sets up camp in Bugs' backyard, and the rabbit (and a neighboring bear) definitely don't have leisure in mind.
The Henpecked Duck
Mrs. Duck sues Daffy for divorce in Judge Porky Pig's courtroom, charging her husband with losing their egg in an abortive magic trick.
Aviation Vacation
Spot gags on an around-the-world trip by airplane. The plane takes off like a bird by hopping into the sky, then follows along the railroad tracks dodging obstacles and going through the tunnel. A modernized Mount Rushmore includes Franklin W. Roosevelt and Wendell Willkie, the Democratic and Republican Party nominees for president in 1940. In Ireland, a tenor sings until a hair gets stuck in the projector gate. The tenor yells, "Hey you up there, get that hair out of here!", and a silhouette hand plucks the hair away. In Africa, an ostrich can't find any of his friends, who all have their heads stuck in the sand.
Dangerous Dan McFoo
An arctic saloon. The tiny dog, Dan McFoo, is playing a pinball-like marble game in the back. His girlfriend, Sue, sounding like Katharine Hepburn, stands by. A stranger comes in with eyes for Sue; he begins a boxing match with Dan. After Dan gets knocked down, he accuses the stranger of having something in the glove; the ref finds four horseshoes and a horse. After the fight goes on a while with no conclusion, the narrator tosses a couple of guns, the lights go out, and Dan is shot or is he?
Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur
Casper Caveman is hungry, so he tries to hunt for a duck, Daffy Duck.
Have You Got Any Castles?
Another entry in the "books come alive" subgenre, with possibly more books coming alive than any other. We begin with some musical numbers, notably the various pages of Green Pastures all joining in on a song, The Thin Man entering The White House Cookbook and exiting much fatter, and The House of Seven (Clark) Gables singing backup to Old King Cole. The Three Musketeers break loose, become Three Men on a Horse, grab the Seven Keys to Baldpate, and set the Prisoner of Zenda free. They are soon chased by horsemen from The Charge of the Light Brigade and Under Two Flags and beset by the cannons of All Quiet on the Western Front. All this disturbs the sleep of Rip Van Winkle, who opens Hurricane so that everyone is (all together now) Gone with the Wind.
Picador Porky
Porky and two pals stumble onto a Mexican town on the day of the town's annual bullfight. When they learn the contest winner gets $1,000...