Erlendur Eiríksson


Epic Fail
Epic Fail is based on true events that happened in Reykjavik, Iceland not so long ago. It is a 14 minute short film about a guy that finds himself in extraordinary situations and has to take matters into his own hands and put his trust in strangers that under normal circumstances, he never would have met and for sure never talked to. But when people find themselves in a situation and have to ask strangers for help then interesting things happen and we see that we are not so different after all and we should not judge the book by its cover.
No Network
Kalli, a young boy living with his mother in the suburbs of Reykjavik, thrives in the world of movies and computer games. When he is sent to spend Christmas with his father's new family up north at an isolated farm, Kalli meets his stepsister, who he does not get along with. Soon he decides to run away, but only to be hit harder by reality and Kalli has to learn how to fight "real life" challenges while encountering imaginary and fictional creatures.
Men Ain't No Bitches
No plot found
Las marismas
Película compuesta de dos historias basadas en la novela criminal de Arnaldur Indriðason: la primera, sobre un hombre que irrumpe en una base de datos genética de una información médica sobre gente islandesa. Tras haber perdido a su hija por una enfermedad hereditaria, intenta trazar sus propias raíces. La segunda historia trata sobre la investigación del asesinato de un anciano que conduce a una prueba forense poco común, desvelando secretos guardados en la genética de toda la nación.
Eleven men out (Fuera del vestuario)
Ottar Thor es el futbolista estrella del equipo de fútbol de Reikiavik KR. Al hacerse pública su homosexualidad en la prensa, su entorno comienza a mostrarse hostil. Pronto se ve relegado a ocupar el banquillo durante los partidos. La situación le hace desistir de sus antiguos compañeros, abandona el equipo y comienza a jugar con un equipo amateur de jugadores gays.
Small Mall
A Eurovision singer, Iceland's strongest woman, a male model, a plumber who wants to direct movies. They all work in the shopping mall that this documentary focuses on ... most of them want to get out, even just to the bigger mall down the road.