Wink's Mom Louise
A violent greaser gang is ripped apart when their leader finds love and is determined to leave Badsville - a town where love doesn't exist.
A repressed agoraphobic's daughter meets a hardened pastor's daughter, and while escaping their homes to attend the annual church youth group jamboree they discover their worlds aren't what they once thought they were.
Marie Daly
In rural Indiana, Noah and his impoverished family wrestle with the mysterious return of his now mute sister, Lauren, who was kidnapped and held captive for over a decade.
Kathy White
A casual ride on the LA subway turns into a journey down memory lane for Jeremy, African American hip hop head as he reflects on the struggles of his life. One night, Jeremy and his friends get into a brawl outside a Hollywood night club where he drops his cell phone. Starlett, a punk rock chick from the group that confronted Jeremy and his friends, finds Jeremy's cell phone and agrees to give it back to him. After an awkward first meeting, the two create an unlikely friendship that changes both of their lives. The pair, from vastly different worlds, come together to form a bond through pain of disappointment and disillusionment, but also a dream for a better life of hope, choice and change.
Prowl se centra en Amber, una joven que sueña con escapar de su pequeño pueblo natal y que convence a sus amigos para hacer una escapada a la ciudad. Cuando el coche en el que viajan se estropea, aceptarán con gratitud que un hombre los recoja. Pero cuando el conductor se niega a parar y descubren que el vehículo está lleno de cajas manchadas con sangre empezarán a temer lo peor. Los llevarán hasta un oscuro y abandonado almacén donde se convertirán en presas de unas criaturas sanguinarias.
The Gypsy
When a fortune teller refuses to reveal her vision of Clay's future, he becomes so obsessed with learning the truth that he unwittingly fulfills his fate.
Alice's Secretary
Jerry Fletcher es un excéntrico taxista de Nueva York. Según él, el mundo se rige por conspiraciones a gran escala de las que todos somos víctimas, y ése es el principal tema de conversación con sus clientes, a quienes pone al corriente de todo tipo de tramas que dominan el mundo. Todos creen que está loco. Veterano del Vietnam, Jerry jura a todo el que se arriesga a escucharlo que la NASA está provocando terremotos y, en el próximo, asesinará al Presidente aprovechando que estará en Turquía. No cesa de acosar a Alice (Julia Roberts), joven ayudante del Fiscal que no sabe como quitárselo de encima. Pero, de pronto, los acontecimientos parecen darle la razón: unos hombres con todo el aspecto de agentes del Gobierno, lo secuestran y torturan. Tras conseguir escapar, Alice comienza a pensar que, tal vez, Jerry no esté tan loco como todos suponen.
Sylvia Dennis / Queen Hysop
Dr Tuttle uses the Doppelganger to breach a mirror, letting Dragora, Dabble and Swanson into the people world. Dragora uses this opportunity to get revenge on Mary Margaret, by way of having her over for tea.
Sylvia Dennis / Queen Hysop
A little girl's imaginary friends come to life when she goes through her great-grandmother's antique mirror, a la Alice, after she sees it glowing.
Dr. Jill Wyle
As the result of a corrupt businessman's illegal toxic waste dumping, a small desert town is beset by a deadly swarm of huge bloodthirsty mutant mosquitoes!
Doctor (segment "Double Vision")
Softcore anthology film containing stories: "Mis-apprehended"; "I've Got A Crush On You"; "The Freak"; "There's This Travelling Salesman, See"; "Double Vision"; "Busty Gusty and her Twin 50's"; "Some Guys Have All The Luck"; "The Hitchhiker"; and "The Right Number".
Bayou La Teche, Luisiana, se pone al rojo vivo mientras el barrio cajún celebra la boda de Splendid y Dolan. Los problemas llegan en la noche de bodas cuando Splendid se empeña en mantener su inocencia. Al otro lado de la ciudad, la prima de Splendid tiene sus propios problemas. Su hombre se ha estado acostando con Thais, la prostituta del pueblo. Se dirige al Tiger Cafe con una pistola en la mano para recuperar a su hombre.
Dakota Welles
Two insurance investigators try to find out why the ex-partner of one of them was murdered.