Jules Furthman

Jules Furthman

Nacimiento : 1888-03-05, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1966-09-22


Jules Furthman was a magazine and newspaper writer when he began writing for films in 1915. When the U.S. entered WWI Furthman used the name "Stephen Fox" for his screenplays because he thought his name sounded too German, but he reverted to his real name after the war. Furthman became one of the most prolific, and well-known, screenwriters of his time, and was responsible for the screenplays of some of Hollywood's most highly regarded films, such as Mutiny on the Bounty (1935), To Have and Have Not (1944) and Nightmare Alley (1947).


Jules Furthman


Come And Get It
The urgent need to get it on never changes, whether the guys are chilling around the house or cuddling up as the weather turns cooler. Just like the chow bell's ring signaled to the ranch hands to feed their appetites, the simple phrase Come and Get It from these energize studs ignites their sexual appetite. Directors Steve Cruz and Bruno Bond bring their trademark high energy to eight steamed up and sweaty lads who ease into sleaze the way Summer slides into Autumn - it just can't be stopped. Nasty Spencer Fox, blond Ridge Michaels, blue-eyed Luke Milan, and hard-bodied Ty Roderick are the demanding tops for bang-up bottoms Edin Sol, Rylan Shaw, Jesse Jordan and Adam Avery. It's all-sex all the way as the overheated and these super-hung, young guys get it on in every room of the house - a cock eating, ass busting bonanza with mammoth cocks sliding up tight holes. So get ready for vigorous and carefree thrills, as these wild bucks Come and Get It.
Río Bravo
El sheriff Chance (John Wayne) encarcela por asesinato al hermano de un poderoso terrateniente cuyos hombres intentarán liberarlo. Para impedirlo, Chance cuenta con la colaboración de dos ayudantes: un alcohólico (Dean Martin) y un viejo tullido (Walter Brennan), a los que se une un joven y hábil pistolero llamado Colorado (Ricky Nelson). Todos quedarán encerrados en la cárcel de la oficina del sheriff, roedados, incrementándose la tensión en el pueblo a la espera de que llegue la autoridad estatal para llevarse al detenido.
Amor a reacción
Un reactor ruso invade territorio americano y, a través del radar, detectan que necesita aterrizar por falta de combustible. Cuando el piloto sale del avión, descubren llenos de asombro que se trata de una bella mujer.
Peking Express
A group of refugees fleeing Chinese Communist rule via train are beset by a gang of terrifying outlaws.
Pretty Baby
Una joven trabajadora, tratando de encontrar una manera de conseguir un asiento en el metro, se lleva una muñeca para asegurar el camino. Ella termina atascada en una gruesa trama para vender un anuncio a un cliente rico que cree que su muñeca es un bebé real que lleva su nombre. Sus compañeros de trabajo tratan de que siga jugando a ser "madre" hasta que puedan conseguir un contrato para el anuncio.
El callejón de las almas perdidas
Un ambicioso aspirante a artista de circo (Tyrone Power) está dispuesto a todo con tal de alcanzar la cima del éxito. Cuando encuentra el secreto de un truco de feria, decide montar un próspero negocio con unas ayudantes...
Moss Rose
When a music-hall dancer is murdered, a moss rose marks the page of a Bible next to her body. Luckily, another chorus girl saw a gentleman leaving the lodgings. She approaches him directly, saying she'll go to the police if he doesn't meet her demands, but he brushes her off contemptuously. When he learns she's dead serious, he tries to buy her off with a thick wad of pound notes. But it's not money she's after; all she wants is two weeks at his country estate, living the life of a `lady.'
El sueño eterno
El detective Philip Marlowe investiga qué ha ocurrido con un cadáver que ha sido rescatado en el muelle Lido. La familia que le ha contratado para resolver el caso tiene una hija muy atractiva de la que Marlowe se enamora sin remisión.
Tener y no tener
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Harry Morgan y su compañero Eddie son dos marineros que están en la isla de Martinica, esperando inútilmente que algún barco los contrate. Al final, se verán obligados a trabajar para la Resistencia.
El forajido
Billy el Niño y Doc Holliday huyen del sheriff Pat Garret, que antes había sido su amigo. Los forajidos llevan consigo a la mestiza Río, que es la chica de Bill. Las peleas entre los dos amigos son constantes: cuando no es por los caballos es por Río.
El embrujo de Shanghai
El gobernador de la decadente y cosmopolita Shanghai notifica a Madre Gin Sling, dueña de un famoso casino, que el local será derribado para remodelar el distrito. La dama averigua que detrás de ese movimiento especulativo está el acaudalado Sir Guy Charteris. Con motivo de la celebracion del Año Nuevo Chino Sir Guy y otros invitados se sientan a la mesa de Madre Gin Sling. Allí, el oscuro pasado del especulador se pondrá al descubierto.
The Way of All Flesh
Paul Kriza is a cashier of a bank in a small town, and the happy husband of Anna and the father of four children. He is sent to New York to deliver some securities for the bank. There, he is tagged as easy-pickings by a con-game gang and Mary Brown, gang accomplice, proves he is. Waking up in the morning he discovers he has been robbed of the securities and, when he confronts the gang, he is hit on the head and taken out to be left on a railroad track. He comes to, struggles with the henchman and the man is killed when a train comes roaring by. Paul escapes but his watch is found and he is reported as the dead man. But he can't go home again.
Sólo los ángeles tienen alas
En un país sudamericano, situado en los Andes, mientras Cary Grant dirige un servicio de transporte aéreo de mercancías, Jean Arthur es una corista que está allí de vacaciones.
A seductive music hall star falls in love with a married aristocrat.
Lobos del norte
Tyler (George Raft) y Jim (Henry Fonda), dos amigos de la infancia que viven en Alaska, tienen dos visiones contrapuestas de la vida: Tyler es ambicioso y está dispuesto a conseguir dinero por cualquier medio; en cambio, Jim es un tipo honesto que se conforma con ser pescador de atunes. Tyler llega incluso a aliarse con unos piratas rusos para robarle a Jim la mercancía pescada. Costosa producción de la Paramount que se vio recompensada con un Oscar Especial a la fotografía.
En las grandes regiones de bosques del Norte de los Estados Unidos, un padre y un hijo se enfrentan por el poder, la riqueza y el amor. Ambos se disputan el control de un negocio maderero y el amor de la misma mujer.
La tragedia de la Bounty
En 1789, en los Mares del Sur, la tripulación del buque británico Bounty decide rebelarse contra el tiránico y cruel capitán Bligh. El motín lo encabeza el primer oficial, que defiende los intereses de la tripulación y abandona al capitán en un bote.
Los mares de China
Alan Gaskell (Clark Gable) es el capitán de un barco experto en cruzar los mares de China. Es un hombre experimentado, fuerte y aguerrido, al parecer de vuelta de todo. En cierta ocasión, el barco debe transportar un importante cargamento de oro desde Hong Kong hasta Singapur. Gaskell teme algo más peligroso que un tifón; el ataque, frecuente en la zona, de los piratas para hacerse con el botín.
A glamorous film star rebels against the studio, her pushy press agent and a family of hangers-on.
La Venus rubia
Helen es una cantante de cabaret que decide abandonar su profesión para contraer matrimonio con Edward Faraday, un abnegado científico entregado a su trabajo y cuya situación económica no es muy boyante. Durante un viaje a Alemania, Edward contrae una grave enfermedad, debido a sus investigaciones, y se ve obligado a seguir un costoso tratamiento. Para sufragar los gastos, Helen vuelve a su antiguo trabajo. Así conoce a Nick Towsend, un playboy que la enamora y con el que inicia una nueva vida. Cuando Edward regresa y descubre la infidelidad de su mujer, decide quitarle a Helen el hijo que tuvo con ella.
El expreso de Shanghai
Lily se encuentra en el tren de Shanghai con su antiguo amor, el capitán Harvey. Durante el largo trayecto, rodeados de un grupo de personajes muy variopinto y lleno de vicisitudes, incluyendo el asalto al tren por un grupo de rebeldes, se darán cuenta de que nunca habían dejado de amarse.
Honrarás a tu madre
Ma Shelby (Mae Marsh) es una madre que lo da todo por sus cuatro hijos; pero estos, cuando se hacen mayores tomarán caminos dispares y no se preocuparán por ella.
The Yellow Ticket
A young Russian girl is forced into a life of prostitution in Czarist Russia, and she and a British journalist find their lives endangered when she reveals to him information regarding the social crimes rampant in her country.
Merely Mary Ann
Orphan drudge Mary Ann finds love and hope in the arms of a promising but poor composer, John Lonsdale.
Cuerpo y alma
Andrews, Watson y Johnson luchan en la I Guerra Mundial con la R.A.F. (Royal Air Force) en Francia. Cuando Watson muere en combate, Andrews trata de devolver las cartas que Watson recibió de una chica llamada "Pom-Pom". Hay dos posibilidades: o es la viuda de Watson, o es una espía alemana.
En una ciudad marroquí donde está la Legión extranjera, Amy Jolly (Dietrich), una cantante de cabaret que por problemas económicos se ve obligada a cantar en un café de segunda fila, tiene como novio a un rico pintor (Menjou), pero se enamora del apuesto legionario Tom Brown (Cooper).
Hombre o diablo
Cuatro soldados de la Legión Francesa están en la cárcel por conducta impropia, pero se escapan y tendrán que luchar en el ejército antes de que sean capturados por deserción.
Common Clay
Young Ellen Neal gets work as a servant with the wealthy Fullerton family. She falls in love with the Fullerton's handsome young son. But he leaves her with child, and when she attempts to gain recognition for her child, the Fullerton family treats her as a blackmailer. But a surprise awaits them all.
For the Defense
William Foster is a slick attorney who stays within the law, but specializes in representing crooks and shady characters. He's adept at keeping them out of jail, winning acquittals, and having decisions reversed, thus springing criminals out of prison. He is romantically involved with dancer Irene Manners, who is two-timing him, although she wants to marry him. She kills a man driving while out with her other man, Jack Defoe, who takes the blame. Unfortunately, a ring Foster had just given Irene is found at the crime scene. Foster ends up defending Jack, but when the ring is found, he thinks he is protecting Irene, so pleads guilty to jury tampering.
Noches de Nueva York
Jill Deverne es una corista que se casó con Fred, quien es compositor pero sufre de alcoholismo. Ella quiere mostrar las últimas canciones de Fred, dentro de un año al mafioso Joe Prividi. Prividi es el productor del espectáculo musical que está trabajando y se compromete a utilizar su canción. Fred, sin embargo, se niega y rechaza la oferta de Prividi. Cuando Prividi utiliza la canción sin permiso, Fred y su amigo Johnny Dolan se emborrachan y se muestran en el club nocturno.
A criminal known as Thunderbolt is imprisoned and facing execution. Into the next cell is placed Bob Moran, an innocent man who has been framed and who is in love with Thunderbolt's girl, without knowing of their relationship. Thunderbolt hopes to stave off the execution long enough to kill young Moran for romancing his girl.
The Case of Lena Smith
A peasant girl goes to great lengths to protect her child in 19th century Vienna. The film is considered lost, and only four minutes of footage are known to remain.
Los muelles de Nueva York
Toda la historia transcurre en menos de un día, y en sólo tres escenarios: un bar del puerto, una pensión y los muelles de la ciudad de Nueva York. Bill Connolly es fogonero en un barco, y tiene una única noche libre en tierra. Mientras camina por los muelles, una muchacha se arroja al agua. Bill la rescata, y poco a poco ambos se sienten atraídos el uno hacia el otro. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los muelles de Nueva York
Toda la historia transcurre en menos de un día, y en sólo tres escenarios: un bar del puerto, una pensión y los muelles de la ciudad de Nueva York. Bill Connolly es fogonero en un barco, y tiene una única noche libre en tierra. Mientras camina por los muelles, una muchacha se arroja al agua. Bill la rescata, y poco a poco ambos se sienten atraídos el uno hacia el otro. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Drag Net
A 1928 silent film crime drama produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed by Paramount Pictures, directed by Josef von Sternberg from an original screen story and starring George Bancroft and Evelyn Brent.
Abie's Irish Rose
When a Catholic and a Jew wed they find themselves disowned by both of their families.
The City Gone Wild
Hard-boiled underworld melodrama, with gang wars and gunfights, in which criminal lawyer turns prosecutor to avenge a friend's death.
The City Gone Wild
Hard-boiled underworld melodrama, with gang wars and gunfights, in which criminal lawyer turns prosecutor to avenge a friend's death.
El destino de la carne
Un empleado de banco feliz pierde su identidad después de un robo y luego se presume muerto.
Las eternas pasiones
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, en Francia, una mujer ve la granja de su familia convertida en campo para prisioneros alemanes por orden del gobierno francés. La convivencia con ellos hará surgir una historia de amor entre ella y uno de los prisioneros.
Fashions for Women
Celeste de Givray is renowned throughout Europe as the most beautiful and best-dressed model in all Paris. Her press agent DuPont concocts an attention-getting publicity scheme by having Celeste undergo cosmetic surgery, then unveiling her "new" face at a posh fashion show. But thanks to a delay in the surgery, DuPont is forced to hired a substitute for Celeste, a look-alike American girl named Lulu Dooley
Hotel Imperial
During World War I, an Austrian officer is trapped behind the Russian lines. He tries to sneak through to his own lines, but is forced to take refuge in a small hotel, where he is hidden by the establishment's chambermaid. The two fall in love, but a Russian general makes the hotel his headquarters and sets his sights on the maid. In addition, the Austrian must find out the identity of a spy who is feeding the Russians military information that could lead to the destruction of the Austrian army.
You'd Be Surprised
A diamond is stolen at a houseboat party given by the district attorney. He gives the thief a chance to return it by putting an empty box on a table and turning out the lights. When the lights are turned back on the box is gone, and the district attorney has a knife in his back and is quite dead. The police and the coroner arrive. There are several attempts made on the life of the coroner. Ruth Whitman is found hiding in a grandfather-clock, holding the gem box. She claims the box was pushed into her hands and she was pushed into the clock. The district attorney's butler/valet tells the coroner he saw who killed his employer and a few minutes later he is also murdered. The mystery deepens.
You'd Be Surprised
A diamond is stolen at a houseboat party given by the district attorney. He gives the thief a chance to return it by putting an empty box on a table and turning out the lights. When the lights are turned back on the box is gone, and the district attorney has a knife in his back and is quite dead. The police and the coroner arrive. There are several attempts made on the life of the coroner. Ruth Whitman is found hiding in a grandfather-clock, holding the gem box. She claims the box was pushed into her hands and she was pushed into the clock. The district attorney's butler/valet tells the coroner he saw who killed his employer and a few minutes later he is also murdered. The mystery deepens.
The Wise Guy
A carnival huckster who decides to turn pennies into dollars by passing himself off as a hellfire-and-brimstone evangelist.
Any Woman
When Ellen Linden comes back home from finishing school, she finds out that her wealthy father has lost all his money. She must get a job to help support the family, and goes to work as a secretary in the brokerage firm of Phillips and Rand. Both partners find themselves attracted to her, but each has a different approach: Phillipls takes the rough, aggressive route and Rand does the opposite, complimenting and flattering her at every opportunity. However, she falls in love with Tom Galloway, a young inventor who has come up with a new type of soft drink, "Here's How". in which Ellen attempts to interest the brokers. Phillips, however, doesn't take rejection lightly and schemes to break up Ellen and Galloway using his unwitting partner.
Sackcloth and Scarlet
Silent Drama
Unable to pay train fare for a pet, a girl disguises her dog as a baby. It is later mistaken for a kidnapped baby.
The Acquittal
When a wealthy man is found murdered in his bedroom, one of his two adopted sons is arrested and charged with the killing. However, the verdict at his trial is an acquittal. Since the police don't seem to be particularly interested in finding the real killer, the dead man's daughter-in-law--the wife of the adopted son who wasn't charged--takes it upon herself to solve the crime.
La jornada de la muerte
Peter Dane encuentra oro en las montañas del norte de Canadá, y su hermano, el ranchero Michael Dane decide dirigirse allí y durante el viaje se enamora de Estelle. Sin embargo, al llegar al lugar se lo encuentra muerto, y a su socio, MacKenzie, condenado a muerte por el crimen. Al intentar ayudar a MacKenzie, aplican a Michael la misma condena, pero ambos consiguen escapar. Encuentran a Estelle perseguida por su tío, el verdadero asesino de Peter, que muere después de una persecución en canoa.
La jornada de la muerte
Peter Dane encuentra oro en las montañas del norte de Canadá, y su hermano, el ranchero Michael Dane decide dirigirse allí y durante el viaje se enamora de Estelle. Sin embargo, al llegar al lugar se lo encuentra muerto, y a su socio, MacKenzie, condenado a muerte por el crimen. Al intentar ayudar a MacKenzie, aplican a Michael la misma condena, pero ambos consiguen escapar. Encuentran a Estelle perseguida por su tío, el verdadero asesino de Peter, que muere después de una persecución en canoa.
St. Elmo
St. Elmo is a man who killed his romantic rival in a brawl. Traveling the world as a confirmed misogynist, St. Elmo returns to home and hearth only to fall in love with the daughter of the local blacksmith. The film is based on the 1867 novel of the same name written by Augusta Jane Evans. Today, St. Elmo is a lost film.
The Love Gambler
Scenario Writer
Drifter Dick Manners arrives at a ranch owned by Colonel Angus McClelland. When he wagers that he will be able to ride a wild bronco and kiss the ranchman's haughty daughter, Jean -- and wins -- he lands a job there. But Manners and Jean really fall in love and Colonel McClelland fires him. He then meets a woman who is dying, and she begs him to marry her so that her child will have a name. Manners obliges, and then Jean finds out about the situation.
Calvert's Valley
The Last Trail
The successful operations of a lone bandit known as "The Night Hawk" terrorize a frontier town, and when a stranger arrives riding a fine horse, suspicions are aroused and he is mistaken for the criminal.
The Big Punch
Mientras se prepara para ingresar a un seminario teológico, Buck ayuda a su hermano y a algunos amigos que huyen de la justicia, por lo que lo envían a prisión por 2 años. Allí se encuentra de nuevo con Hope Standish, una chica del Ejército de Salvación que le había interesado. Al regresar a casa, se encuentra con el antiguo piloto del circuito del distrito y promete continuar con el trabajo del piloto del circuito cuando muera. El hermano escapa de la prisión y es convertido por Buck, quien se enamora de Hope.
The Cheater Reformed
Thomas Edinburgh is secretly in love with Carol, wife of the Reverend Luther McCall, and produces evidence that her husband was once an embezzler. Leaving for Cleveland, the minister meets his twin brother, Jordan, the real embezzler, who is evading the law. Luther is killed in a train wreck, and Jordan, assumes his brother's identity....
The Iron Rider
Scenario Writer
When law and order fade into distant memory in Angel City, the townspeople yearn for the era of the Iron Riders, a band of men who took justice into their own hands and brought order out of chaos. The organizer of the group was John Lannigan, whose son Larry decides to take up the mantle of the Riders once again.
The Great Redeemer
A murderer and a thief, imprisoned together, find their lives changed forever when the thief's drawing of Christ's crucifixion on the cell wall comes to life.
The Texan
Scenario Writer
Tex Benton, riding across the country, sees a turtle, catches a jack rabbit and tests out the old fable of the tortoise and the hare; when the rabbit wins, Tex vows to model his behavior on that style. In a border town, he rescues an Indian, "Bat," and the two become friends. In Wolfville, Tex enters a rodeo. Meanwhile, a stalled Eastern train carries Alice Marcum, the girl Tex decides he wants. Tex competes with an Easterner for the girl's attentions, but Tex, the "hare," loses to the Eastern tenderfoot, the "tortoise." Tex then concludes that he is not the marrying kind.
The Skywayman
Suffering from amnesia, Captain Norman Craig is embroiled in a doctor's plot to steal both a cache of jewels and Craig's own doting girlfriend. A lost film.
The White Circle
Having endangered his life by foolishly gambling away funds entrusted to him by the Carbonari, an Italian secret society, London banker Bernard Huddlestone appeals to Northmour, an adventurer, for protection. Northmour takes Huddlestone and his daughter Clara to his castle in Scotland, offering them safety in return for Clara's hand in marriage. There Clara encounters Frank Cassilis, an old adversary of Northmour's, and falls in love. Trouble brews between the two men, but when the Carbonari discovers Huddlestone's hiding place and storms the castle, the fugitives band together to fight the avengers. Coming to the realization that only his sacrifice will appease the attackers, Huddlestone steps out and meets his death. Northmour, deciding that married life would prove too monotonous, gives up his claim on Clara to Cassilis.
Treasure Island
Young Jim Hawkins is caught up with the pirate Long John Silver in search of the buried treasure of the buccaneer Captain Flint, in this adaptation of the classic novel by Robert Louis Stevenson.
The Lincoln Highwayman
Marian Calvert becomes infatuated with the infamous Lincoln Highwayman ....
Adaptation of Joseph Conrad novel about lust and violence on a South Seas Island.
A Sporting Chance
John Stonehouse (William Russell) checks into a hotel, intending to commit suicide. But instead he winds up helping a girl, Gilberte Bonheur (Fritzi Brunette), out of a jam. He finds her bending over a man who she has apparently killed, and since he's about to kill himself anyway, he offers to assume the blame. Throw a valuable emerald into the works, and the fact that the dead man suddenly comes back to life, and Stonehouse -- not to mention the audience -- becomes thoroughly befuddled by it all. Everything clears up, however, when Gilberte gives him a theater ticket -- it turns out that everything he went through was the plot to a stage play, enacted in real life by the actors. The critics roasted the play, saying it wasn't true to life, and this was their proof that the situations really could happen. Gilberte retires from acting when Stonehouse proposes.
Brass Buttons
Kingston Hollister admires Bernice Cleveland from afar. He asks Officer Callahan, the policeman on the beat, about her and mistakenly believes she is a lady's maid. So the wealthy Hollister disguises himself as the cop so he can meet her.
Brass Buttons
Kingston Hollister admires Bernice Cleveland from afar. He asks Officer Callahan, the policeman on the beat, about her and mistakenly believes she is a lady's maid. So the wealthy Hollister disguises himself as the cop so he can meet her.
Where the West Begins
William Russell plays Cliff Redfern, a hard-ridin' Westerner who takes a liking to Easterner Ned Caldwell (Cullen Landis), the dissolute son of a wealthy cattle rancher. Certain that all Caldwell needs to become a "real man" is a dose of frontier life, Cliff kidnaps Ned and brings him back to the wide open spaces.
A Japanese Nightingale
A Japanese girl becomes a Geisha in order to avoid marrying a dastardly baron.
Up Romance Road
An engaged couple, whose two fathers are millionaire ship owners, is determined to put a little life in their engagement by writing a threatening letter.
Hearts or Diamonds?
Wealthy diamond collector Larry Hanrahan is given the opportunity to assist the beautiful, jewel-bedecked woman he admires in a Broadway café when she and her guardian are attacked by robbers. Larry is invited to visit the grateful pair, Col. Paul Gascoyne and his ward Adrienne, at the colonel's laboratory, where he is introduced to Wintermute, a chemist who produces imitation diamonds. In return, Larry asks them to view his priceless diamond collection. Although he has fallen in love with Adrienne, Larry is forced to believe that she is a thief when he is robbed by a woman wearing Adrienne's scarf. Larry finds his jewels in Gascoyne's house, but before he can escape, a group of thugs overpowers him. Adrienne assists him in contacting the police, who arrive in time to capture Gascoyne and his gang. Badly wounded, the colonel confesses that Adrienne has been his innocent dupe, whereupon Larry happily takes her to his heart.
Souls in Pawn
Chief of the German secret service in Paris has been ordered to secure for his government the service of the most clever and beautiful woman obtainable.
The Masked Heart