Peter Wirthensohn


The Fox
The true story of Franz Streitberger, the director’s great-grandfather, a motorcycle courier for the Austrian Army. At the beginning of the Second World War, this introverted young soldier comes across a wounded fox cub that he looks after and takes to occupied France with him – and through this unique friendship, his own past as an outcast farmers son slowly catches up with him.
Zu neuen Ufern
The Hawk
The long-lost bon vivant Mike Bittini learns that his brother has fallen into a coma. He returns to his family, sneaks in like a hawk in the chicken coop and mixes things up properly. The uncle comes to help, brings chaos and finds love.
Narciso y Goldmundo
En plena Edad Media, el rebelde Goldmundo es enviado a un monasterio por orden de su padre. Allí el joven conocerá a Narciso, un novicio inteligente, erudito y distante, dedicado por completo a la vida ascética. A partir de su encuentro, nacerá entre ambos una amistad única, eterna, puesta a prueba por el destino cuando éste tienda a separar sus caminos por formas de vidas opuestas.
Der Fall der Gerti B.
Cold Feet
Although he actually just wanted to steal money, the crook Denis finds himself in the position of caretaking for the stroke patient Raimund. When Raimund's granddaughter Charlotte turns up, Denis has enough of it and wants to skip. But because of an huge blizzard, escape is unimaginable.
Erik & Erika
Erik(a) Schinegger – the ski star who became a media sensation. Erika was hailed as a champion skier, until a sex test determined that she was a he – and Erik was rejected and accused of fraud. A story based on real life, a tale about nature and the taboo subjects of 1970s society.
Kreuz des Südens
After suffering a severe head injury on the job, criminal investigator Tommy Wehrschitz is being suspended - for his own good. In order to deal with the changes in his life he decides to go to southern Burgenland, to sell property he inherited from his estranged father. Barely arrived, Tommy is invited to see the circus, which is currently in the village, but the colorful spectacle is cut short when a flying knife misses its target and kills an audience member instead. But was it really just an accident? Tommy begins to dig and the deeper he gets, the darker the secrets he uncovers until he has to fear for his own life.
Ghosthunters: On Icy Trails
They couldn't be more different, the members of the trio that allies in the fight against an Ancient Ice Ghost (AIG): Tom, an easily scared boy, Hetty, a professional ghosthunter and the loveable, but pretty slimy Hugo - a ghost. Will the team manage to save their town from the next ice age?
The Lies You Sleep With
Rita was always the richest, prettiest and most spoiled of the five friends. She always had everything under control. Even back then, at the time of the "incident." Now, years later, she's in charge once again. Her plan is to surprise her friends with a weekend in her family's remote and secluded hunting lodge. A spoiled and bitter young woman, she knows the power she wields. If she wants them to laugh, they laugh; if she wants them to forget the incident that is their dark and private secret, they must remain silent. With plentiful schnapps, uninvited guests and pent-up recriminations on the verge of explosion, the emotional turmoil inside the lodge is more violent than the storm brewing outdoors… Charlotte, the doubter, is no longer willing to ignore the past, and seeks atonement. Then Rita is found murdered. They know that one of them did it – and that they all had good reasons to do so.
Amigas de sangre
Cinco mujeres celebran su reunión en una cabaña alpina, pero su pasado desdibuja la atmósfera de su reencuentro.
Die Frau mit einem Schuh
Blond, half-long hair floats in a seepage pond. A well-to-do lady calls the police, and departmental inspector Franzi fishes out a scalp.
El chino
La policía investiga el asesinato de 18 vecinos de una pequeña ciudad sueca. La jueza Birgitta Roslin descubre que las víctimas tenían alguna relación con ella y sus sospechas la llevarán hasta China.
Two yuppies play mean tricks on one another until one joke has fatal consequences.
Workingman's Death
Production Manager
Is heavy manual labour disappearing or is it just becoming invisible? Where can we still find it in the 21st century? Workingman's Death follows the trail of the HEROES in the illegal mines of the Ukraine, sniffs out GHOST among the sulphur workers in Indonesia, finds itself face to face with LIONS at a slaughterhouse in Nigeria, mingles with BROTHERS as they cut a huge oil tanker into pieces in Pakistan, and joins Chinese steel workers in hoping for a glorious FUTURE.
Production Manager
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