Philip W. Anderson

Nacimiento : 1915-06-23, New York, USA

Muerte : 1980-03-27


Goodbye, Raggedy Ann
A compassionate Hollywood screenwriter attempts to talk a troubled actress out of taking her own life.
Cómo me hice agente de la CIA
Mrs. Emily Pollifax of New Jersey goes to the CIA to volunteer for spy duty, being in her own opinion, expendable now that the children are grown and she's widowed. And being just what the department needed (someone who looks and acts completely unlike a spy), she's assigned to simple courier duty to pick up a book in Mexico City. But when the pickup doesn't go as planned, Mrs. Pollifax finds herself handcuffed to a handsome stranger on a plane bound for an Albanian prison. And it's up to her to get them out.
Un hombre llamado Caballo
En 1825, un aristócrata inglés (Richard Harris) fue apresado y tratado como un esclavo por los indios sioux.
Cómo salvar un matrimonio
Un soltero impenitente decide salvar el matrimonio de un amigo demostrando que todas las amantes son infieles. La cosa se complica cuando el soltero ofrece instalar a la amante en un lujoso apartamento, cosa que ella considera una proposición de matrimonio.
The Happening
A group of young drifters kidnap wealthy businessman Roc Delmonico just for kicks. They keep him captive, demanding a ransom for his safe release. However there is no one - wife, Mafia associates or mother - willing to part with the $200,000 ransom. Demonico is dismayed that no one appears unduly concerned about his fate and joins forces with the kidnappers to plot his revenge, blackmailing his once nearest and dearest into parting with $3,000,000 in hush money.
Tierra de alimañas
Un antiguo representante de la ley se traslada con su familia a Wyoming con la intención de reconstruir el rancho de su padre y comenzar una nueva vida. Al llegar deberá enfrentarse a un feroz oso que aterroriza a los colonos y a un peligroso enemigo que busca venganza.
Momento a momento
Tras un accidente con un arma, una mujer infiel da por muerto a su amante, pero éste se recupera, aunque amnésico. El marido, un prestigioso psiquiátra que ignora lo ocurrido, intentará hacer que recupere la memoria.
One Man's Way
Reverend Norman Vincent Peale fights to bring his message to the nation.
La reina del Vaudeville
Una madre ambiciosa y absorbente intenta que sus hijas lleguen al estrellato en Broadway. Al final, el éxito llega de la manera más insospechada.
Tú a Boston y yo a California
Dos niñas gemelas, separadas por el divorcio de sus padres, se encuentran en un campamento de verano. Inicialmente no se percatan de su origen común, pero tras ser ambas castigadas a compartir la misma habitación, se dan cuenta de que son gemelas. Ahí también se prometen un objetivo: volver a juntar a sus padres. Para ello deciden intercambiarse.
La cuadrilla de los once
Once amigos, compañeros de armas en la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), planean robar, en una sola noche, cinco de los mayores casinos de Las Vegas. En el año 2001 Steven Soderbergh hizo un remake con un gran reparto: George Clooney, Brad Pitt y Julia Roberts.
Me casaré contigo
Una estudiante que va a la universidad básicamente a encontrar marido (Jane Fonda) se enamora de un jugador de baloncesto.
El potentado
Adaptación de una novela de Cameron Hawley (""La torre de los ambiciosos""), en la que se plantea el conflicto de un ambicioso empresario que debe elegir entre sus intereses finacieros y sus intereses sentimentales. La apagada realización impide que aflore convenientemente la vena melodramática subyacente en la historia, limitándose a una fría ilustración de un guión no demasiado brillante.
FBI contra el imperio del crimen
Jim Hardesty es un joven abogado que trabaja para el FBI, en un departamento que no tiene un gran futuro; por eso, su novia Luzy le pide que deje ese empleo. Él le promete que dimitirá en cuanto tome posesión de su cargo el nuevo director, John Edgar Hoover. Pero, cuando éste le pide a Jim que colabore con él, entonces tendrá razones para no abandonar.
Nacida en el Oeste
Los problemas para transportar el oro desde el sur de California a cualquier punto del país son cada día mayores. El gobierno decide establecer una línea regular de diligencias. Al frente de la misión está el oficial de caballería John Heins.
Guerra de Corea (1950-1953). Un militar norteamericano que mantiene una relación sentimental con una bailarina japonesa, intenta luchar contra los prejuicios raciales que lo dominan. El comandante Lloyd Gruver (Marlon Brando), as de la aviación americana, es enviado a Japón para disfrutar de un descanso.
I Love My Husband, But!
Assistant Director
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, a wife endures the trials of being married to a husband with traits that drive her crazy.
Treasures from Trash
Assistant Director
This short film presents an unusual Beverly Hills store called the Patio Shop, where trash is turned into art.
Treasures from Trash
This short film presents an unusual Beverly Hills store called the Patio Shop, where trash is turned into art.
Gettin' Glamour
This Pete Smith Specialty comedic short details the troubles the average woman faces with maintaining beauty and fitness.
Two expert badminton players demonstrate how the best play the game, including some slick trick shots. Meanwhile, befuddled bungler Bellamy B. Birdbrain bumbles his way through building a backyard badminton court. (This film is played in its entirety in MGM's short feature "The Great Morgan")
Grandpa Called It Art
This MGM Passing Parade series short takes a look at changing definitions of art in the United States.
Movie Pests
This Pete Smith Specialty short takes a humorous look at the inconsiderate pests whose annoying habits make enjoying a movie impossible.
Seventh Column
This humorous short film shows how carelessness and accidents can harm the war effort, and steps on how to avoid them.
Seeing Hands
This serious Pete Smith Specialty series entry encourages industry to hire people with disabilities to help with the war effort. As a boy, Ben Helwig was blinded in an accident while playing baseball. He eventually acquired a guide dog and now works in a defense plant.
First Aid
This Pete Smith Specialty is a semihumorous look at basic first aid techniques for mishaps that often occur around the house. It was produced in cooperation with the Beverly Hills First Aid Unit of the American Red Cross Disaster Service. —David Glagovsky
Marines in the Making
This short film shows U.S. Marines in training at a number of unidentified bases, with a focus on hand-to-hand combat.
Calling All Pa's
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, a new father experiences the trials and tribulations of fatherhood.
A humorous look at various circus and other acrobatic feats. One of the "Pete Smith Specialties" produced and narrated by "A Smith named Pete."
Aqua Antics
In this short, members of the California Water Bugs club demonstrate new ways to get thrills when water skiing.
How to Hold Your Husband - BACK
In this Pete Smith Specialty comedic short, we see various ways a wife may unintentionally hold her husband back.
Fancy Answers
In this Pete Smith Speciality, the audience is asked a series of multiple-choice questions on various subjects.
Army Champions
This Pete Smith Specialty short focuses on the young men who have signed up for the U.S. Army. The film uses the analogy of the speed, accuracy, and teamwork of sports and how these qualities are translated into the weapons training of American soldiers. We watch target practice by Army personnel with shoulder weapons, mortars, and various artillery pieces.
Flicker Memories
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, clips from several unidentified silent films are woven into a story, with humorous commentary by Smith.
Football Thrills of 1940
Pete Smith narrates some of the most spectacular college football plays from the 1940 season.
Cuban Rhythm
In this Pete Smith Specialties short, two professional dancers beautifully demonstrate the rumba and conga while actors humorously display some incorrect techniques for those dances.
Third Dimensional Murder
A 3-D short subject in which the narrator goes to a creepy old house in search of his missing aunt. There he encounters the Frankenstein monster, a witch, a wooden Indian who comes to life, and assorted other monsters and frightening characters, all of whom manage to throw something toward the camera.
Quicker'n a Wink
In this Pete Smith Specialty short, Dr. Harold E. Edgerton demonstrates stroboscopic photography, which he helped develop. This process allows us to see in slow motion what happens during events that occur too fast to be seen by the naked eye. Examples shown here include a bullet in flight as it shatters a light bulb, the moment of impact when a kicker kicks a football, and the motion of a hummingbird's wings as it hovers.
'What's Your 'I.Q.'?': Number Two
Questions and answers on various subjects, from Lady Godiva to the Panama Canal.
The Domineering Male
This Pete Smith Specialty short looks at the notion that a man chases a woman till he catches her. Who's really chasing whom?
Let's Talk Turkey
It's Thanksgiving. Newlywed husband Abner Poodlebean faces the turkey his wife has prepared: she wants him to carve it at the table in front of her scowling family, and Abner has no idea how to proceed. The film's narrator has us cut away to the kitchen of chef M.O. Cullen who demonstrates the proper way to carve the bird, spoon out the stuffing, and lay out the platter. Back to Abner, who's missed Cullen's lesson, so he makes a fine mess. Can this marriage survive?
Take a Cue
Despite the school just having won an important basketball game, its students are more interested in one of its teachers, namely Charles C. Peterson, who teaches them in the fine art of playing billiards.
Man, Woman and Sin
Al Whitcomb as a Child
A young man takes a succession of odd jobs in order to save enough money to buy he and his mother a house. He lands a position in a newspaper office and falls in love with the beautiful society editor, who is secretly having an affair with the married managing editor. She returns the young man's affections in order to make her lover jealous, but finds herself falling for him.