Ronny Gosselin


Battlefield Earth: Evolution & Creation
Travolting (unfortunately I can't take credit for this brilliant insult)!!! One of the worst movies I have ever seen; yet you(might) have to give Travolta credit for sticking it out with this obvious train-wreck, which most likely was quite evident even during the filming. One of the most infuriating things about this movie is the complete lack of any creativity in order to explain the inconsistencies and conflicts of logic in the plot and story, like using 1000 year old weapons and airplanes!; either the creators of this film think that anyone who would watch this movie are completely retarded (which may be true, and that includes me!), or the people who made this movie are freaking delusional- both are obviously true! (by n-reynolds (United States))
Han llegado 2 (Segundo contacto)
El científico Zane Zamisnsky muere en extrañas circunstancias. Días después, un paquete llega a manos de su hermanastro, Jack Addison, y de la periodista Bridget Riordan. El envío es un dossier de Zane que alerta sobre una invasión extraterrestre. Una invasión que ya ha comenzado: un grupo de aliens se ha infiltrado entre los humanos. Su plan de conquista consiste en alterar la temperatura de la Tierra para acabar con la raza humana.
Hemoglobina (Herencia de sangre)
Animatronics Designer
Un hombre aquejado de una dolencia rarísima viaja a una isla con su novia en busca de una cura, pero encuentra mucho más de lo que buscaba. (FILMAFFINITTY)