Toru Horibe


Song of the sun
Yui es una adolescente que padece de XP (alergia al sol), por lo que su vida se reduce a no salir mucho de casa, dormir durante el día, cantar por las noches y observar desde su ventana a un joven llamado Koji, hasta que una noche se cruza con él en persona.
Año 2084. Después de décadas de sangrientas luchas, una fuerza invasora alienígena está a punto de destruir lo poco que queda del mundo. En un desesperado intento por salvar la raza humana, un soldado de la guerrilla, de nombre Miri, recurre a la máquina del tiempo. A sólo 72 horas del plazo límite previsto para el inicio de las Guerras Alienígenas, convence a Miyamoto, un francotirador experto en artes marciales, para que se una a su causa.
A young man named Teru, mentally altered by a childhood injury, runs a laundry and falls for Mizue, a lonely young woman who suffers from kleptomania. One day Mizue left one of her dresses behind in the machine that was stained with blood from her failed suicide attempt. Teru decides to find Mizue in order to return the dress, after having tried to desperately to wash off the blood stain. Soon thereafter Teru's grandmother dies, and her creditors repossess the home in which Teru was living in. The young couple turn to Sally for help. Sally is a caring man who trains pigeons for a living. Then one day, Sally leaves everything he owns to Teru and Mizue. They start a new life. Teru proposes to Mizue, but she refuses him. The more she is assured of Teru's pure heart, the more she feels she doesn't deserve it. Full of inner turmoil, Mizue begins shoplifting again.
Bayside Shakedown
Aoshima, a police detective working in the Bayside Precinct, is continually frustrated by the hierarchy and red tape that plague the system. His friend Muroi is climbing the ladder of the police bureaucracy. Muroi has made a pact with Aoshima that while Aoshima looks after the streets, Muroi would make life easier for the cops on the beat. One day in Bayside, a series of events turns the small station upside down.