Dominika Kluźniak

Dominika Kluźniak

Nacimiento : 1980-07-10, Wrocław, Polska


Dominika Kluźniak


Head Shot
Two married couples, college friends, meet after fifteen years to spend a weekend together at a summer cottage by the pond. Unsurprisingly for them, there is more that divides them than unites them. The old friends represent different world views, social, religious and civilizational attitudes of the modern world. The culture war going on in the world today has also reached them. Just when there finally seems to be a chance for common language across the divide, something happens that further exacerbates the conflict.
Psy 3: W imię zasad
After 25 years, Franz Maurer gets out of from prison and came into a new Poland, where nothing is the same as he remembered. Who and what is waiting for a man who has done nothing for the last quarter century? How will he find himself in a world where old principles, roles and loyalty have ceased to apply? We'll find out this when the fate brings Franz and "New" back together. Their meeting will change everything.
Playing Hard
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
Exterminator: Ready To Roll
With financial backing from local bureaucrats, five friends relive their high-volume glory days by getting their heavy metal band back together.
Los últimos años del artista: Afterimage
La película es un recorrido por la vida del pintor vanguardista polaco Wladyslaw Strzeminski y sobre su proceso creativo, que le llevó a convertirse en una de las figuras artísticas más importantes de Polonia durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. Strzeminski se niega a comprometer su arte a las doctrinas del realismo social cuando en 1948, Stalin invade Polonia. Así, es perseguido, expulsado de la universidad y borrado de los muros de los museos. Con ayuda de sus alumnos, comienza a luchar contra los invasores convirtiéndose en un símbolo contra la tiranía intelectual.
7 Things You Don't Know About Men
A comedy about the modern days men, and not only...
Screwed Up
Maja Mikulska, córka prezydenta
Franczesko, Fikoł and Szyja known each other for years, they work together and spend their free time together. When they lose their job in a local factory, decide to spend a crazy weekend in the capital. But the real adventure has yet to begin, when - during a forced stop in charming surroundings Transriver - three guys is mistakenly taken for German investors.
How to Get Rid of Cellulite
Ewa Silberberg
Comedy about female friendship, subjected to an extreme test. Two girlfriends - Eva and Maya - are introduced in an exclusive spa with a beautiful masseuse, Cornelia, which involves them in a whirlpool of crazy adventures.
Sex Shop Saleswoman
A story about love and hatred, about those who cheat and who are cheated, about violence and sex and surprising secrets which we learn within these strange twenty four hours.
Love and Dance
Hania (Izabella Miko) is a young journalist who suddenly discovers that she is more connected with dancing than she could ever imagine ...
The Perfect Guy for My Girlfriend
Milena Bambrys
Kostek se enamora perdidamente de Luna, una instructora de Krav Maga, un arte marcial muy violento, que está fascinada por el feminismo. Tras una turbulenta relación con un presentador de televisión casado, la chica entabla una relación muy íntima con la líder de las feministas polacas. Kostek, un compositor de música sacra con ideas muy conservadoras, se ha hundido tras el fracaso de una relación sentimental. Aunque Kostek y Luna parecen personas antagónicas, sus destinos acaban cruzándose.
Milena Bambryś, redaktor naczelna "Biby!"
Four friends are facing problems like infidelity, infertility and disease. But together, they can solve every single problem.
Co słonko widziało
Three strangers living in Silesia - a 12-year-old half-orphan, a musically talented girl and a middle-aged unemployed ex-miner - are all desperate to get money to make their small dreams come true.
Just Love Me
Modern-day Warsaw shines in this romantic comedy about the love life of a young, hip architect. In his break-out role, popular Polish television star Maciej Zakoscielny plays the handsome young professional, who is torn between two women.