Klausjürgen Wussow

Klausjürgen Wussow

Nacimiento : 1929-04-30, Cammin, Pomerania, Germany

Muerte : 2007-06-19


Klausjürgen Wussow
Klausjürgen Wussow


Die Schwarzwaldklinik: Neue Zeiten
Prof. em. Klaus Brinkmann
The sequel of the Black-Forest-Reunion "Die nächste Generation".
Die Schwarzwaldklinik: Die nächste Generation
Prof. em. Klaus Brinkmann
This reunion celebrates the 20th anniversary of the tv series "Die Schwarzwaldklinik".
Ein himmlisches Weihnachtsgeschenk
Eduard Wagner
Ein Stück vom Glück
Frank Haller
Zwei unter einem Dach
Eberhard Gatzweiler
Small war among pensioners: The charming chaotic Walter Hofer and the pedant Eberhard Gatzweiler have had a love-hate relationship for decades. Not even their grandson Martin can change that. During the lovable tug-of-war for the favor of Martin's attractive teacher Hanna, the waves get even higher, but Hanna has completely different worries.
Seitensprung ins Glück
Dr. Mathias Weye
A romance directed by Stefan Lukschy.
Zwei Dickköpfe mit Format
Herz über Bord
Reeder Paulsen
Gaukler der Liebe
Constantin van Straten
Trickster of love Constantin is a perfect gentleman with impeccable manners. He is charming, well-educated, loving and shows good taste in women: Pretty Isabelle possesses as much class as money. Suddenly, though, young urban cowboy Hendrik appears on the scene. He blackmails Constantin because he knows something about Constantin's past, something Isabelle must never learn of. Hendrik wants money for his silence... more money than Constantin has. Constantin offers to teach him what he knows best instead: the art of catching yourself a millionaire dame. Soon, Hendrik is ready for his masterpiece - seducing a beautiful, rich lady. When he has made his choice, the situation turns dangerous for Constantin...
Wiedersehen in Palma
Martin Malek
Professor Harrer
The anesthetist Dr. Katrin Klein is new at the Dresden Transplant Center, which enjoys an excellent reputation. The star surgeon Prof. Gerhard Harrer works here. Katrin has known and admired the professor since her assistantship. But then her heroic image of Professor Harrer begins to falter. The young doctor seems to be the only one to notice that the luminary apparently has an alcohol problem. But nobody believes you. When Harrer finally collapses in the middle of an operation, he is suspended from duty. Katrin stands by him, but more problems are waiting in the clinic.
Tanz auf dem Vulkan
Viktor Bolscho
Liebling, ich muß auf Geschäftsreise
Christoff Wolf
Ein Richter zum Küssen
Dr. Klaus Blume
Nubes en El Horizonte
La joven Laura en realidad tiene un futuro brillante por delante. Se casa con Alec Haverstock, el hombre que ama. Pero Laura no tiene ni idea de que Alec conlleva un estigma que va a eclipsar a la joven pareja pronto. En una visita a los familiares de Alecs en Cornwall, se embarca en la búsqueda de las huellas nefastas del pasado. Y se pone en complicaciones dramáticos que amenazan sus vidas.
Die Skrupellosen - Hörigkeit des Herzens
Venti dal Sud
A romantic adventure directed by Enzo Doria.
Das größte Fest des Jahres
Prof. Klaus Brinkmann
A TV special about the christmas celebrations of the most popular TV characters in the ZDF at that time.
Wohin die Liebe fällt
Hubertus Walburg
Geld macht nicht glücklich
Hans von Bensberg
Please, Let the Flowers Live
Charles Duhamel
A lawyer who survives a plane crash takes the opportunity to take a new identity and begin a new life.
Nägel mit Köpfen
Falscher Graf
Liebe hat ihre Zeit
Dr. Lamm
A politically naive Viennese butcher (Bockerer) manages to survive the Nazi occupation of Austria and the second world war.
An adaptation of a novel by Joseph Roth.
Graf Stjernenhö
Kabale und Liebe
Präsident von Walter
Goetz of Berlichingen of the Iron Hand
Adelbert von Weislingen
Sir Gotz von Berlichingen, a knight who fights for God and his Emperor, is the bitter enemy of the Bishop of Bamberg, who has managed to persuade Gotz's old friend Adalbert of Weislingen to fight for him. He allows Adalbert to kidnap him and bring him to his castle, where he tries to convince his old friend to come over from the "dark side". Complications ensue.
Drei Schwestern
Alexander Ignatjewitsch Werschinin
Curd Jürgens - Der Filmstar, der vom Theater kam
In freier Landschaft
Monika und die Sechzehnjährigen
German sex comedy
Am Wege
Verurteilt 1910
Jaroslav Kunz
Ich log die Wahrheit
Chefredakteur Epstein
Schwester Bonaventura
Dr. Jeffries
Asche des Sieges
Juan de Santisteban
Kampf um Kautschuk
Henry Wickham
Ein Mädchenleben für Wind
Der Teufel und der liebe Gott
Con la muerte a la espalda
Una organización criminal comandada por un tal Elektra ha descubierto un suero capaz de desatar la agresividad de todo aquél al que se le suministre. Enterados de la noticia, los gobiernos soviético y estadounidense deciden aunar esfuerzos para detener a tan peligrosa amenaza, ya que sospechan que la fórmula pueda ser vendida por Elektra a una tercera potencia. Para tal fin, contactan con un científico alemán que ha encontrado un antídoto para la droga. Sin embargo, el día pactado para la entrega de la pócima el científico es asesinado por los hombres de Elektra, mientras que su invento acaba en manos de un ladrón de guante blanco que cree haber robado un valioso cargamento de joyas. A partir de ese momento, el caco será perseguido sin tregua por agentes de la CIA, la KGB y Elektra. (FILMAFFINITY)
Pauken und Trompeten
Captain Plume
Rette sich, wer kann oder Dummheit siegt überall
Flieger Ross
Comando de asesinos
Johansson / Bonnard
A scientist discovers the formula of a particular resistant steel, and a spy ring from an enemy power sets after him to obtain it.
Die Räuber
Bernhard Lichtenberg
SS-Hauptsturmführer Lang
Das Pferd
Caligula - der Kaiser
Sergeant Dower muß sterben
Sergeant Hugh Dower
Die Verbrecher
Frank Berlessen
Dead Woman from Beverly Hills
Detective C.G. (Klaus-Juergen Wussow) begins to investigate the death of an attractive woman (Heidelinde Weis) whose naked body was found in Beverly Hills. When he recovers her journal, he is taken into her past where he finds that she lead a sexually promiscuous life. Perhaps in the pages of the diary will be a clue to her killer's identity. This thriller was the first German feature to be shot in Hollywood after WWII as well as the first feature for German television director Michael Pfleghar. Based on a bestselling novel by Curt Goetz, Die Tote Von Beverly Hills/The Corpse of Beverly Hills was adapted to the screen only a few short years after his death.
Der Strohhalm
Stefan Murray
Adaptation of Eugene O'neill's "The Straw".
Tod eines Handlungsreisenden
Maria Stuart
Der arme Bitos... oder Das Diner der Köpfe
Maxime / Saint-Just
Jahre danach
Tim Anderson
Die Besessenen
Iwan Schatow
Hong Kong Hot Harbor
Peter Holberg
German journalist Peter Holberg arrives in Hong Kong and, by accident, he is carrying a microfilm that was destined to local gang lord, Marek. Peter is helped by another German journalist, Joan Kent, and falls in love with a night-club dancer, Colette. Colette is actually working for Marek, but betrays the gang for love - at the ultimate cost to her. The HK Police will intervene just in time to prevent Peter from further losses.
The Last Chapter
Lauter Lügen
Andreas von Doerr
When Worlds Collide
Thomas Hudetz - Stationsvorsteher
El arquero verde
James Lamotte Featherstone
La finca del emigrante americano Abel Bellamy (Gerd Fröbe) está embrujada por el fantasma del Arquero Verde, un tipo de Robin Hood del siglo XIV que aterrorizaba a los antiguos propietarios. Ahora, que el gángster vuelve a casa por asuntos poco claros y su sobrina Valerie (Karin Dor) viene con su padre adoptivo para establecerse en la mansión colindante, para disgusto de Bellamy, el arquero ha vuelto. ¿Quién es y qué quiere?
Agatha, laß das Morden sein!
Dr. Peter Scott
A black comedy about a female author of crime novels who becomes a victim of a macabre hoax.
Eine Frau fürs ganze Leben
Oberleutnant Baron Ernst Ewald von Bergen
Soldatensender Calais
Jochen Malden, Kapitänleutnant
Zum Geburtstag
Paul Bischof
El círculo rojo
Derrick Yale
En la prisión de Toulouse está a punto de ejecutarse una sentencia de muerte, pero la torpeza del verdugo, al dejar un clavo en la guillotina, salva la vida del reo. Once años más tarde, una ola de chantajes asola la ciudad de Londres: ciudadanos de buena posición económica reciben una carta de extorsión en la que aparece impreso un círculo rojo. Todos los que no ceden al chantaje o avisan a la policía son fríamente asesinados, y siempre, junto a cada víctima, se encuentra un trozo de papel con un círculo rojo impreso. El inspector Parr, de Scotland Yard, y un célebre detective privado, Derrick Yale, unen sus esfuerzos en la investigación policial. Los crímenes siguen, pero poco a poco, las sospechas se van concentrando en un número reducido de personajes.
Endstation Rote Laterne
Jan Fabrizius
Unscrupulous girl traders transport unsuspecting blonde girls from a nightclub in Amsterdam to a brothel in Havana. The young journalist Verena Linkmann wants to expose the slave trade, disguises herself as an available dancer.
Passionate Doctor
Dr. Wolfgang Friedberg
Tom Wingfield
Lightning girls to the front
Oberleutnant Wagner
During WWII The German 'Wehrmacht' is heavily under fire after the invasion of Normandy. There are also a lot of women participating in the war, working at the front line as couriers for the air force. In this war, everyday, they put their lives on the line.