Joseph Offenbach
Nacimiento : 1904-12-28, Offenbach am Main, Germany
Muerte : 1971-10-15
Steward Otto Krümel
Captain Ebbs is an older, experienced seaman who has, however, only sailed on freighters. While his current old barge, the Martin Luther, has to go into the shipyard for an overhaul, the shipping company gives him command of the elegant cruise ship Julia to temporarily replace a colleague who has fallen ill. The rough Ebbs finds his way into his new job only with difficulty and initially puts his foot in his social mouth.
Dr. Himboldt
Kanzler Santangel
Stan Mann
Inspektor Fechtner
Vater Wohlers
Emanuel Striese
Notar Dodart
Kantinenwirt Kainbach
After World War II, a lot of people, who lived in the eastern parts of the Third Reich had to be relocated. One of them is Hugo Starosta (Martin Held) with his family. They live in a fortress. Hugo is unemployed, his children don't seem to like school, but somehow they managa to get through.
Onkel Napoleon
Una cantante alemana que ha disfrutado de gran éxito en los Estados Unidos, regresa a su ciudad natal, en el distrito St. Pauli de Hamburgo.
Particulier Datterich
When the wife of Sebastian Schumann left her family, he told his little daughter that her mother has died, because he thought that this was the easiest way for her to accept that her mother is now gone. But this was only the beginning of a lot of lies he tells her continuously, mostly about himself and his job. This way he also tries to hide away from her the fact that he had to quit his job as a traveler and is now paid much less than before.
Inspector Pink
Un hábil falsificador de libras esterlinas tiene en jaque a la policía inglesa. Ajeno a ello, Peter Clifton, un joven millonario, se casa con Jane, sobrina de un célebre pintor, y la pareja inicia su vida común en la mansión de Longford Manor, cerca de Londres. Ambos parecen haber olvidado el desagradable incidente del día de la boda, cuando Basil Hale, un antiguo pretendiente de Jane, interrumpió la ceremonia. Pero extraños sucesos ocurren en la mansión: una noche Jane descubre a su marido junto a una prensa de imprimir, y cuando se hace de día Peter, amnésico, se despierta sin recordar nada de la noche, y en su habitación encuentra un martillo y una camisa con manchas de sangre. El misterio sigue en aumento.
Knecht Jöry
Un asesino, que camufla su cara con unos cristales blanquecinos sobre sus ojos, le está haciendo el trabajo sucio a un médico de seguros, para que pueda cobrar el dinero del seguro de las víctimas.
Der Schulmeister des Dorfes
Monsieur Labiche
Inspector Pink
The third case for Inspector Pink.
Apotheker Blohm
Bankier Kesselmeyer
First part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in mid 19th century Germany.
Wachtmeister Zingelmann
Some gangsters try to con local bookies, but Inspector Pink spoils their fun.
Schreiber Licht
Stationsvorsteher Bennekamp
Durante la campaña bélica de Rusia y en vísperas del ataque a Stalingrado, el soldado alemán Fedor Baranowski, hastiado de la guerra, trata de escapar del horror que se vive en el frente y escapar con su amante ucraniana Liuba. Aprovechando la confusión de un ataque enemigo, Fedor huye del vagón de tren en que viaja su unidad y se reúne con Liuba, pero los amantes son arrestados en casa de la joven. Como a los más de 200.000 soldados que desertaron del ejército alemán, a Fedor le espera el pelotón de fusilamiento. La última noche la pasa con el sacerdote militar Brunner que trata de llevar algo de paz espiritual al condenado. De ese modo Brunner también deja el terreno libre al oficial von Armin para que pase la noche con su mujer ya que Brunner sospecha que después del ataque a Stalingrado nadie vivirá para contarlo...
Beautiful young Helga gets publicly shamed because a rich land owner seduced and impregnated her but refuses to take responsibility in a story of love and death in Sweden.
Chief Inspector Pink
Pedell Sobotke
Gerichtsvollzieher Balduin
A poor 22 years old Hungarian man who's recently arrived in Paris meets a seemingly wealthy 17 years old Parisian girl. They fall in love, but tragedy ensues when the truth behind the girl is revealed.
Rafael Cacozzo
London, in 1730. Charly, Jim and Ben work hard, with the brave Maud, in a cotton mill to earn a few shillings. They all dream of the wonderful island told by Daniel Defoe. The latter lives in a miserable room. He is disgraced and rejected by his son Tom, a scoundrel who blames his father for losing his position at the Court ...
Christoph Demuth
Maria, una joven novicia, es solicitada para encargarse del cuidado de los hijos del severo barón Trapp. Con el tiempo, María consigue el cariño de los niños y se enamora del barón, con quien se casará. Formada la familia, María creará un fantástico grupo de canto con los niños Von Trapp, pero ante el estallido de la II Guerra Mundial y la anexión de Austria a la Alemania Nazi, el barón será obligado a unirse al ejército de Hitler
Pietje Mulders
The 1956 movie based on the theater play by Carl Zuckmayer based on the true story of cobbler Wilhelm Voigt who dressed up as a German military officer and, with the help of unsuspecting soldiers, took over the city hall in Köpenick and confiscated the city's purse.
Dieb im Zug
Anny arrives in Munich to start a career as an actress, but soon ends up without money and job, sleeping on a park bench. When the police picks her up, she pretends to have amnesia and is taken to the police station. There she's surprised to get presented to her alleged parents. Not knowing yet what kind of game they play, she goes home with them and lets the rich couple coddle her.
Anna es trabajadora de una fábrica en Alemania Oriental. Su hijo Jochen, de cinco años, vive con sus abuelos en el oeste y Anna quiere que viva con ella, por lo que lo secuestra. En el camino conoce a Carl, quien la ayuda con su hijo y se enamoran.
The film is based on a true story, concerning a series of robberies on the highways of Germany. At the time of the actual events, there was a controversy over whether or not highway patrolmen should be given permission to use firearms against perpetrators.
Dr. Gabin
Amandus Krebs
Prokurist Theophil Nielson
Hauptsturmführer Zernick
Harry Harras es un valiente general de la Luftwaffe enamorado de su profesión, aunque no siente la menor simpatía por el régimen nazi que se ha hecho con el control en la Alemania de los años 30. Asqueado por las atrocidades de la guerra, Harras deserta, pero es apresado y torturado. Una vez en libertad, toma bajo su protección a una familia de fugitivos judíos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Herr Moga
Taxifahrer in Paris
Basada en hechos reales, sobre la figura de Wilhelm Franz Canaris, veterano de las dos Guerras Mundiales conocido con el sobrenombre de El Pequeño Almirante debido a su baja estatura. Con la subida al poder del nazismo, Canaris llega a jefe de inteligencia de la Kriegsmarine y la Wehrmacht. Pero el horror que le produce conocer en primera persona el trato que se les da a los judíos lo lleva a facilitar información incompleta a Hitler y evitar, así, que éste inicie determinadas campañas bélicas. Debido a sus conocimientos de español, Canaris viaja a España para tratar de convencer a Franco de aliarse con Alemania en la Guerra, pero Canaris le aconseja al dictador español que se mantenga al margen
Direktor Mendoza
Gefängniswärter Knobel
König Louis Philippe von Frankreich
1. Mann in Straßenbahn
This German drama tells the story of a musician who is killed and leaves his work unfinished. His apprentice is cleared of the murder and turns out to be the real composer.
Steuerberater Franz
Kleiner Mann
Kommissar Beerbohm
A doctor discovers a new medical cure with dangerous side effects, and takes the drug himself to test its limitations.
A gang of thieves plan a hit on a warehouse filled with precious stuff.
Herr Holst
Two young students, a man and a woman, rent the same appartment without knowing it. They have to arrange with their upcoming feelings, strange neighbours and poverty.
A man's life breaks down in pursuit of material success.
Direktor Sommerkamp
Diener Albert
Hauptmann Klapproth, NSFO-Offizier
Set in German-occupied France in 1944 where a female resistance operative and a German army officer fall in love.
Kosta Balaban
Kriminalkommissar Dunker
Dr. Wilberg
The actress Julia Bach is married to the famous director, Professor Paulus Allmann; however, no one is to know about the marriage. Julia doesn't want a career simply because she has a famous spouse. For that reason, Paulus always has to go on his concert tours alone. It's no wonder then, that he soon starts to feel neglected. These feelings of neglect are encouraged by his ex-wife Hedi, who's always hanging around. When Paulus one day forgets his wife's birthday, she goes on the rampage in the presence of guests. Wounded, Paulus leaves their home. Julia thinks there's only one way to save their marriage: for one year -- until her next birthday -- they are not to see one another. In that period of time, it should be abundantly clear whether they belong together or not.
Xaver Bimshofer is the richest peasant in the village; and therefore, his only daughter Lenerl should marry a guy, who is diligent enough to keep the exemplary farm running. But Bimshofer doesn’t know, that Lenerl has long been a couple with the servant Sepp. So he suspects that every young man in the village wants to conquer his poor, innocent daughter. So that Lenerl really resists all these attempts, he gets a stone statue from Thomas Kammerlehner’s barn, “The Chaste Kunigunde”, which is supposed to protect the girl’s chastity and to protect her from sin by its positive energy.
Der Garderobier bei Paul Schneider
Der Theaterinspizient
Grasl, Hotelportier