David Chudnow
Nacimiento : 1902-06-29, Russia
Muerte : 2002-04-08
Un ex-estafador y sus cinco doberman entrenados, ayudan a un agente del Departamento de Tesoro a detener a un mafioso y su banda.
Segunda realización de un director que se especializó en el cine con perros en títulos como "El clan de los doberman" (1972) o "Los impresionantes dobermans" (1976). En esta ocasión una banda de atracadores entrena a una jauría para cometer un golpe perfecto.
Un delincuente de poca monta planea utilizar una arma distinta para asaltar bancos, por ello solicita la ayuda de un militar entrenador de perros, para que adiestre a dobermans, que utilizaría en sus criminales propósitos.
Early Mondo film featuring primitive rituals, animals being butchered, unusual birth defects, and a legit trepanation scene.
Original Music Composer
Exploitation auteur and mammary-enthusiast Russ Meyer directs this lurid journey into female sexuality told in six segments: “Naked Innocence,” “Beauties, Bubbles, and H2O,” “The Bear and the Bare,” “Nudists on the High Seas,” “The Nymphs,” and “The Bikini Busters
Music Supervisor
A vicious loan shark ring has been preying on factory workers. When several workers at a tire factory suffer violence at the hands of the loan sharkers, a union leader and the factory owner try to recruit ex-con Joe Gargan to infiltrate to the gang. At first Joe does not want to get involved, but changes his mind when his brother-in-law dies at the hands of a savage loan shark hood. Joe works his way into the mob, but in order to keep his cover, Joe can't tell anyone what he is up to. This results in him being disowned by his sister and girl friend.
Music Supervisor
A once-famous concert pianist has had her career ruined by her alcoholism. Her husband and a member of Alcoholics Anonymous try to help her recover.
Music Supervisor
Merl Kramer trabaja como taquígrafa para un psiquiatra. La joven se está viendo con Karl Benson, un detective privado y ex policía. Merle menciona de pasada que uno de los pacientes de su jefe es un escritor que tiene sueños recurrentes en los que asesina a su esposa, quien es dueña de una valiosa colección de joyas. Cuando la esposa del escritor es hallada muerta de manera idéntica a la del sueño de su marido, éste se convierte en el primer sospechoso. Pero a medida que avanza la investigación de la policía y de Joe Cooper, el investigador de la compañía aseguradora de las joyas, varias personas se irán incorporando al círculo de sospechosos, incluida la propia Merl...
Music Director
Winning a mink coat brings nothing but trouble to a couple on a budget.
Music Director
Tom Walker, ex jugador de fútbol americano, vuelve a su ciudad natal convertido en clérigo. También lo hace Carol Maynard, famosa modelo que se lleva una decepción al ver que la pensión de su tío, al que había pagado la hipoteca, está llena de parásitos que no pagan. Tom y Carol reanudan su romance, que se interrumpió cuando cada cual siguió su camino...
Music Director
A boy tries to protect his dog, a German shepherd that served with U.S. Army forces after it begins attacking strangers several years after the war.
Music Supervisor
A man listens to his wife and fakes his own death so that she can get her hands on his insurance policy.
Music Director
A young woman must find a way to break the news to her parents and a stuffy suitor that she is now married to a sailor.
Music Director
Armed robbers invade the home of a crippled boy and his grandfather and the effect the boy and his surroundings have on them is reforming.
Music Director
A detective encounters a woman in a nightclub. He finds that she is being blackmailed by a dancer who is murdered that very night. Of course, the woman becomes the main suspect. She and the gumshoe team up and begin searching for the real killer.
Music Supervisor
The greedy nephew of eccentric Matilda Reid seeks to have her judged incompetent so he can administer her wealth, but she will be saved if her three long-lost adopted sons appear for a Christmas Eve reunion. Separate stories reveal Michael as a bankrupt playboy loved by loyal Ann; Mario as a seemingly shady character tangling with a Nazi war criminal in South America; Jonathan as a hard-drinking rodeo rider intent on a flirtatious social worker. Is there hope for Matilda?
Music Supervisor
Siete bellas jóvenes son encontradas asesinadas. La única coincidencia entre ellas es que todas respondieron a anuncios clasificados. El encargado de la investigación es el inspector Temple (Charles Coburn) de Scotland Yard. Sandra, una amiga de Lucy, la última joven asesinada, le servirá como anzuelo. Bajo la protección de un guardaespaldas (George Zucco), Sandra responderá a todos los anuncios que puedan proporcionar una pista a la policía. La joven asiste a una fiesta, en la que Robert Fleming (George Sanders) intenta chantajearla; a partir de ese momento Temple cree que el caso está resuelto.
Hoppy, California, and Lucky travel to Mesa City for a short vacation. California buys new clothes and carrying his old ones in a suitcase, bumps into escaping bank robbers in the dark. His suitcase gets switched with that of the robbers and he is seen with the money. Hoppy must find the money that has mysteriously disappeared and also the robbers so that he can clear California who is now in jail.
Hoppy, California and Lucky take refuge from a storm inside a supposedly abandoned church outside a ghost town, only to meet a young woman and her mother there, then find themselves surrounded by a gang of "workmen" intent on tearing down the church if they have to kill the five to do it.
Music Director
A man engages in a boycott of a no children allowed apartment house, with the help of an imaginary stock and a large department store, after his wife become pregnant and they are evicted.
Sue Morgan gets Hoppy and his friends to join their expedition looking for Indian artifacts. Expedition leader Atwood makes a deal with nearby cattle rustler Morgan to loot the Indian treasures instead and sell them. Hoppy is on to their plan and pretending to leave follows them. Not only is he outnumbered by Morgan's men, but California has himself about to be sacrificed in an Indian ritual.
At the reading of his late cousin's will, California learns the estate will be divied among whoever remains of the seven relatives. With one already dead, another immediately murdered, and the Lawyer telling them the ranch is almost worthless, Hoppy investigates.
Music Supervisor
Eight strangers meet in Shanghai to stake claims to the fortune of a late shipping magnate, then must evade a murderer in their midst.
Hoppy finds a wounded girl and later finds Judge Morton who claims the girl is his daughter and he is looking for her. But Hoppy soon learns the girl is looking for stolen gold she wants to return and the Judge in not her father but only wants the gold. Hoppy and the girl find the gold but the Judge and his men find Hoppy and the boys and trap them in a cabin.
The son of an Army friend is about the join an outlaw gang. Hoppy prevents this and brings the gang to justice.
Music Supervisor
Autobiografía de François Eugène Vidocq, legendario ladrón del siglo XVIII. Vidocq nació en una cárcel francesa en 1775 y llegó incluso a ser nombrado jefe de la policía de París, pero durante todo ese tiempo no dejó de ser un singular y elegante delincuente.
Music Supervisor
Celestine consigue trabajo como doncella en la mansión de los Lanlaire, una decadente y excéntrica familia aristocrática. Su objetivo es servirse de su belleza para seducir a un hombre rico, pero el señor Lanlaire no parece el hombre adecuado debido al férreo control que su madre ejerce sobre él con la ayuda de un extraño mayordomo.
Music Supervisor
En 1699, el capitán Kidd, un rudo pirata, consigue engañar al rey para que le proporcione una escolta para un barco lleno de tesoros que ha zarpado de la India. La tripulación está formada por ex presidiarios, entre los cuales se encuentra Orange Povey, a quien Kidd había abandonado tiempo atrás en un arrecife y al que esperaba no volver a ver.
Music Supervisor
Flamarion es la atracción de un Music Hall. Con éxito presenta su show en vivo. Dentro de su espectáculo se encuentra su bella ayudante, casada pero enamorada de un acróbata que participa en el show. La ayudante decide seducir a El Gran Flamarion para que mate a su marido y poder huir con el acróbata. Cuando El Gran Flamarion descubre la trama, la busca para acabar con ella
Music Supervisor
When a treasure hunter seeks a downed airplane in the jungles of Africa, he encounters one of the passenger's young daughter, now fully grown, and with a gorilla protector.
Music Supervisor
One dark and stormy night, an escaped convict, an embezzler, a runaway daughter, her intended and her father, and a gangster take refuge in a remote inn called "The Black Raven" after the nickname of a second gangster who owns it; and murder ensues.
Music Supervisor
When a small town doctor buries his twin brother, a practitioner of the black arts, he believes him dead; but subsequent events force him to realize that his brother has, in fact, returned from the dead as a vampire and is seeking revenge on the doctor, who had killed him in self-defense.
Music Director
Racketeer Gillin is paroled from prison and immediately goes to work trying to make an illegal buck from America's war effort. With rationing in effect the black market tire business is booming. Gillen's mob sets up car lots around town where they peddle stolen tires and "new" tires milled in the gangster's factories from cheap faulty materials. People begin to die in crashes as the defective tires fail. Bill Barry leads his fellow defense plant workers on a crusade to uncover the source of the black market rubber and bring the guilty to justice. Although clearly intended to warn the public about black market tire smuggling, Rubber Racketeers holds it own as a saga of mobsters versus an irate public.
Original Music Composer
A mad scientist changes his simple-minded handyman into a werewolf in order to prove his supposedly crazy scientific theories - and exact revenge.
Original Music Composer
A gang of crooks wrestles with the temptation to rob the bank that they now manage.
Music Director
A man accused of planning a prison break turns the tables on escaped cons by leading the group into the desert.
Music Director
A mad scientist performs experiments on "the criminal mind" on captured criminals on board his private ship.