Anian Zollner

Anian Zollner

Nacimiento : 1969-02-21, Burghausen - Germany


Zollner wurde in Bayern geboren, wuchs in München auf und legte sein Abitur am dortigen Maximiliangymnasium ab. Nach dem Zivildienst nahm er sein Studium an der Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch in Berlin auf, das er 1995 abschloss. 1996 wurde Anian Zollner dann in einer Hauptrolle von Regisseurin Margarethe von Trotta im Kinofilm Das Versprechen besetzt. Es folgten weitere Rollen in Kinofilmen, auch wurde das Fernsehen auf ihn aufmerksam. So spielte er unter anderem im ARD-Mehrteiler Klemperer – Ein Leben für Deutschland mit. Zahlreiche Episodenrollen in Serien schlossen sich an, darunter Praxis Bülowbogen und Der letzte Zeuge. Neben seiner Film- und Fernsehtätigkeit ist Zollner auch als Theaterschauspieler in Erscheinung getreten. Neben den Wiener Festwochen war er unter anderem am Schauspiel Köln sowie am Wiener Burgtheater engagiert. Mit Ich und Kaminski – nach der Romanvorlage von Daniel Kehlmann – vertonte Zollner ein Hörspiel, dem noch mehrere folgten. Er spricht drei Fremdsprachen (Spanisch, Französisch, Englisch) und lebt seit 1990 in Berlin.


Anian Zollner


Confesiones del estafador Félix Krull
Lord Kilmarnock
Adaptación literaria: un apuesto joven de origen humilde asciende en la sociedad a través de sus conexiones hechas como ascensorista en un hotel de lujo.
The Weight of Steel Title
Arndt von Bohlen
Frankfurt, Dezember 17
A brutal attack on the homeless Lennard in downtown Frankfurt links the fate of three women: Irina, a 28-year-old nurse, has witnessed the violence. The young Sam lives on the street. She was protected by Lennard after she was beaten up in search of food. The single mother Anne is from the clouds when her 18-year-old son Rio is led away by the police. He is accused of involvement in the violence against Lennard. This is hard to understand for Anne; she struggles to get her son to talk.
Verräter - Tod am Meer
Der Andere - eine Familiengeschichte
Nama, a teenager from Mali, has crossed desert and sea for his freedom. When Nama is injured in a fight, an old man named Willi lets him move into the house that he used to share with his son Stefan. The father and son have not spoken for years and the three men may have little in common, yet what binds them together is their search for a home where their wounds from present and past can heal.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Un médico y tres mujeres
Edward Donalds
Cuando el médico del pequeño pueblo de St. Mark se jubila, es hora de buscar un sucesor. De hecho, el propio doctor ya estaba buscando uno... El candidato resulta ser el Dr. Nael Rayan, antiguo amor de la alcaldesa Helen, que se sorprende cuando al encontrarse con él revive aquellos sentimientos del pasado.
Hands of a Mother
Dr. Kringes
A family reunion aboard a ship becomes a turning point in the life of 39-year-old engineer Markus. When his son Adam (4) gets a little cut after going to the bathroom with his grandmother Renate, Markus recalls for the first time what his mother did to him when he was a little boy. Markus and his wife Monika find themselves confronted with an ugly truth of the kind you wouldn’t think a mother capable of.
Ein gefährliches Angebot
Ronald Klostermeister
Kommissarin Louise Boni – Jäger in der Nacht
Rolf Bermann
Back on duty after alcohol withdrawal, Commissioner Bonì is investigating the case of a missing student. Eddie, a teenager, found a badly abused young woman in a barn. Now he's dead ...
Toilet Stories
Dr. Maximilian Dietrich
Five toilets - five stories! This pitch black comedy relentlessly illuminates the darkest corners of society, thereby revealing a colorful potpourri of human perfidy. The five intertwined episodes are staged in the manner of an intimate play, occasionally testing the audiences moral judgment.
Outside the Box
Buiz Journalist
Frederick Schopner, a young management consultant, has been invited to participate in a special kind of team-building event. He and his colleagues will be chased across an outdoor obstacle course while being assessed on leadership qualities and their capacity for teamwork via video surveillance. Special highlight: the company has hired two over-the-hill actors to kidnap the consultants with unloaded weapons, keep them hostage, and to demand a high ransom from the company. A realistic role play with fun factor! But things don't go according to plan: the actors find the make-believe scenario so convincing that they decide to put the plan into action for real, using real weapons. Meanwhile, Human Resources manager Vanessa is observing what's happening via video surveillance and has to find a way to keep the hostage situation from escalating…
Hunters in The Night
Rolf Bermann
One morning, a Japanese monk shows up in a village: He does not speak a word, has a head injury and is evidently on the run. Chief Inspector Louise Bonì immediately senses that the young man is in grave danger. However, her supervisor Bermann does not believe her word - because since a deadly use Bonì is psychologically struck and is mainly due to an alcohol problem. Nevertheless, she continues to investigate on her own. The trail leads to a mysterious Zen monastery and a private children's aid organization, which mediates Asian adopted children. Soon Louise awakens a terrible suspicion.
Alles muss raus
Richard Weissgerber
Zorn - Tod und Regen
Staatsanwalt Sauer
War Horse (Caballo de batalla)
Senior German Officer
En un pueblo inglés, Albert, el hijo de un granjero, ve nacer un potrillo. Poco después, su padre lo adquiere en una subasta, y el chico le pone de nombre Joey. Pero la familia se arruina y no tiene más remedio que vender el caballo justo cuando estalla la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Ése es el punto de partida de un viaje en el que tanto Albert como Joey lucharán por sobrevivir a la contienda y volver a estar juntos.
Ewald von Demandowsky
A biography of Hildegard Knef, one of Germany's biggest post-war stars.
Nichts als Ärger mit den Männern
The young musician Katharina keeps afloat after completing her studies with odd jobs over water. But then her grumpy father Hubert suffers a heart attack - and suddenly Katharina has to take care of the catering company. When she learns that the company is about to go bankrupt, she tries to get the company back on track with wit and creative ideas. Nonetheless, the creditor bank is giving aside adviser Ben Hallbauer. First, Katharina is anything but pleased about this "watchdog".
Nichts als Ärger mit den Männern
The young musician Katharina keeps afloat after completing her studies with odd jobs over water. But then her grumpy father Hubert suffers a heart attack - and suddenly Katharina has to take care of the catering company. When she learns that the company is about to go bankrupt, she tries to get the company back on track with wit and creative ideas. Nonetheless, the creditor bank is giving aside adviser Ben Hallbauer. First, Katharina is anything but pleased about this "watchdog".
Wenn wir uns begegnen
Dr. Oliver Holling
It's the 24th of December: The emergency department of a district hospital is preparing for a turbulent night: head physician Professor Singer, who has lost his wife and is even more involved in the work, and the surgeon Hannah Cornelsen, who talks about the work can forget that she and her husband have dwelt apart. On Christmas Eve, the hospital will become a microcosm in which a wide variety of people and destinies will meet - and for everyone, life will be in a completely different light next morning.
Der große Tom
Mitte 30
No Room for Gerold
Armin (voice)
Three roomates, a rhinoceros, hippo and a wildebeest, must confront their crocodile roomate Gerold about his poor habits.
Ein Hauptgewinn für Papa
Dr. Ernst Neumann
Neue Freunde, neues Glück
Paul Suska
Philipp von Hessen
Alemania, principios del XVI. Martín Lutero fue un monje agustino que provocó un cisma dentro de la Cristiandad. En el monasterio, una detenida y reflexiva lectura de la Biblia, lo lleva replantearse algunas cuestiones. En 1517, cuelga en la puerta de la iglesia de Wittenberg sus 95 tesis, que, además de negar algunos dogmas, condenaban las bulas de indulgencia que la Iglesia vendía para recaudar fondos para la construcción de la Basílica de San Pedro del Vaticano. Llevado ante la Dieta Imperial de Wörms, Lutero se niega a retractarse, a menos que puedan probar, basándose en la Biblia, que sus tesis son falsas. A continuación es acusado de herejía y excomulgado por el Papa León X. En esta situación se ve obligado a escapar y vive como un proscrito mientras traduce el Nuevo Testamento del latín al alemán. La postura desafiante de Lutero anima a los campesinos a rebelarse contra los señores y a quemar iglesias. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mr. Boogie
A comedy directed by Vesna Jovanoska.
Doble identidad
Claudio Fernandez
Después de veinte años, Catherine y Vera, dos hermanas gemelas, vuelven a reunirse en el funeral del marido de Vera, Daniel. Sin embargo, y pese a la trágica noticia, Vera está feliz ya que es la única heredera. Durante un paseo en barca con su hermana, Vera le confiesa su alegría, además de otros secretos del pasado. Catherine, que siempre estuvo enamorada de Daniel, presa de la furia asesina a su hermana, decidiendo al momento suplantarla. Al descubrir que Daniel posiblemente fue asesinado, seguir con la vida de Vera no le va a resultar fácil.
Morgen gehört der Himmel dir
Requiem for a Romantic Woman
Achim von Arnim
In the summer of 1807, Clemens Brentano stumbles into the most extreme love affair of his life. The woman, who, aged barely 17-years-old, throws herself at him with such terrifying brutality, is called Auguste Bussmann.
Reise in die Nacht
Stefan Weber
Daily Chicken
Herr Strauch
Two sisters try to manage life alone after their mother's accident.
Compromiso fatal
Martin Köhler
Krestin vive una vida bastante acomodada y sin preocupaciones: se va a casar con su novio Gregor, tiene un buen trabajo en una tienda y unos padres ricos. Pero una disputa con Gregor saca a relucir su verdadera y violenta personalidad, desatando una verdadera pesadilla para ella. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rohe Ostern
La promesa, un amor, un muro, una esperanza
Konrad I
Berlín Oriental, otoño de 1961. Sophie y Konrad se han propuesto huir juntos al Berlín occidental. Sophie logra burlar la vigilancia, pero Konrad es sorprendido por un coche militar y no puede escapar. A partir de ese momento, la vida de ambos sigue cursos totalmente distintos. En casi 30 años ellos sólo se ven cuatro veces. Sin embargo, durante la larga noche del 9 al 10 de noviembre de 1989 el muro de Berlín es derribado...