Thomas Komlatschek
When Hoffmann's past catches up with her, not only is the relationship with Oberländer put to a test, but also the safety of her family is severely threatened.
Thomas Komlatschek
Just as the freediver Victor is about to start a new record attempt, the body of his wife is found in the depths of Lake Constance. Detectives Oberländer and Hoffmann suspect that Victor himself may have been responsible for the drowning of his wife.
Sascha Bergmann
In this case, Sascha Bergmann from LKA Graz and his colleague Anni Sulmtaler investigate the death of a young woman who is found by the novice Clemens at the foot of a staircase in the monastery library.
Sascha Bergmann
Sascha Bergmann
Sascha Bergmann
Sascha Bergmann
Sascha Bergmann
Kurt Raab
Biopic sobre el cineasta alemán Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
Dr. Florian Weiss
La vida hasta ahora despreocupada de un cirujano, se desmorona cuando su hermana muere y él tiene que cuidar de sus 3 hijos a partir de ahora.
Sascha Bergmann
The third case of the successful "Steirerkrimi-Reihe" takes Commissioner Sandra Mohrund and her boss Bergmann to the remote Muerz Valley, where they have to solve a strange death. During the investigation, the unequal duo uncovered the dark secrets of the Fürst family of entrepreneurs and their matriarch Pauline and learned that appearance and existence do not always match. With pointed dialogues and a dash of humor, "Steirerkreuz" offers exciting entertainment based on the novel of the same name by Claudia Rossbacher.
Philipp Esch
Everything could be so nice between Katrin and Philip, if it were not the love (patchwork) family! Philipp surprises Katrin with a marriage proposal. But the disappointment of her last marriage has not yet been overcome. And promptly, the events turn over. Julia, her ex-husband's new wife, moves in with her unasked and with children. Not only her pointed-tongued ex-mother-in-law Diana, but also Katrin's own mother Renate, come to help. When Philipp takes her by surprise with a spontaneous surprise wedding, Katrin bursts the collar. A marriage now seems a long way off.
Sascha Bergmann
The second film of the Alpine crime series introduces the unequal investigator duo Miriam Stein and Hary Prinz into the world of skiing: To clarify the murder of the Austrian national coach, the Graz investigators look behind the high-gloss facade, where through competition, intrigue and commerce the team spirit led to absurdity becomes.
Martin Wimmer
Erik(a) Schinegger – the ski star who became a media sensation. Erika was hailed as a champion skier, until a sex test determined that she was a he – and Erik was rejected and accused of fraud. A story based on real life, a tale about nature and the taboo subjects of 1970s society.
Taxi driver meets love,God,frendship,with bunch of great humor.
Randolph Tiefenthaler y su esposa Rebecca compraron una casa de 1920 y se mudaron con sus hijos. La única condición era que el hermano del ex propietario podría seguir viviendo en el sótano.
Philipp Esch
Katrin can only dream of a happy family. Because the patchwork constellation with several involuntarily connected families puts their nerves to the test. To kitten the fragile relationship with her 14-year-old daughter Saskia, she has invited all family members to their confirmation. But Saskia has recently moved to her father and his new family, while the son of Katrins new partner Philipp has moved in with them and since then devastated Saskia's room and Katrins life. It is impossible to think of a harmonious everyday life, let alone a peaceful family celebration.
Stories about citizens of a big city who encounter a variety of fates as a result of their difficulties in communicating with each other.
Ole Heynert
P. Wachler
On her run-down farm, Ursula Kammler discovers her brother's body. The two have shared, lived and worked on the legacy of the Chiemsee. For years now, colleagues from white-collar crime have been filing a case over Joe Kammler's strange business practices, but they have not been able to prove anything to him. Sarah Beck, the murder victim's secretary, is helping Hattinger, the network of business relations to finally see through: The murdered seems to have made common cause with a dubious banker. Sarah's erotic charisma attracts the Commissioner visibly in his spell ...
Thomas Trummer
Los Trummer tienen un hijo adoptado con rasgos autistas. Cuando entablan relación con unos nuevos vecinos, el niño se vuelve más sociable y extrovertido. Pero un suceso acaba con esa buena amistad.
Oliver Wernicke
Inge and Ludwig are full-time farmers in the Black Forest, with dairy cows and a dairy. Everything organic, all the highest quality. Despite the hard work, it is a fulfilling life. Would not it be the financial situation. As much as the two work, the debts devour them, the farm is endangered. Inge decides to look for a part-time job. When the opportunity arises to start with an escort service, she gets involved. And the plan works. But the relationship is put to the test when one of Inge's clients falls in love with her and the situation escalates.
Charlotte tiene quince años y cree que la relación de sus padres es perfecta. Por eso es todo increíblemente sorprendente para ella cuando se separan. La separación de sus padres es para ella la primera lección de la vida sobre cuan doloroso puede ser el amor. Charlotte tiene entonces que mudarse e ir a un nuevo instituto. Allí conoce a dos chicos, Sulzer y Carlo, dos buenos amigos. Mientras que Sulzer es un casanova superficial al que las chicas adoran, Carlo es justamente todo lo contrario. Su trascendental encuentro convierte a los tres en amigos inseparables. La cuestión es si el amor no se oculta tras la amistad que hay entre este trio.
Max Perner
Brenner returns to Graz, the city where he grew up. When confronted with his old friends, his former girlfriend and the major sin he committed when he was young, murders and a fateful gunshot to the head result. After Brenner comes out of a coma, he begins to search for the person who tried to kill him - however, everybody claims that he himself is responsible. In the beginning Brenner was at the end of his rope, but he could face a new beginning in the end.
Johann Lackner
The truth about the ailing state of the Haut-Rhin nuclear power plant in the tri-border region is to come to light - this is the goal of the assassin David Kollwein. He brings the power plant in his power and extorted policy and operating company. The German prosecutor Marie Hoffmann has only three hours to procure explosive information together with the French policeman Jean-Luc Laboetie and to prevent the meltdown in the reactor ...
Professor Adler
Konrad y Maja forman una pareja perfecta, con dos hijos fantásticos. Él es jardinero y ella, después de doctorarse, acaba de conseguir un trabajo muy bueno como investigadora en una clínica de renombre. La vida les sonríe. El día que Maja se presenta a su nuevo trabajo, Konrad la acompaña con la moto y después de dejarla tiene un accidente sin importancia. Enseguida le atienden y le operan en la misma clínica, y parece que el incidente haya quedado superado. Pero al cabo de unos días, Konrad se empieza a encontrar mal, hasta el punto que la han de ingresar en un hospital con una sepsis muy grave. Desafiando las órdenes de sus superiores, Maja comienza a investigar qué pudo haber pasado durante la operación de su marido para que haya contraído una enfermedad tan grave, y al final tendrá que elegir entre la fidelidad a la empresa y la verdad y la salud de Konrad.
Blond, half-long hair floats in a seepage pond. A well-to-do lady calls the police, and departmental inspector Franzi fishes out a scalp.
Sascha Bergmann
Young police chief Sandra Mohr returns to her hometown of Graz with a bad feeling. Together with her new boss, Sascha Bergmann, she is tasked with solving the death of a journalist who was planning to write an article on abuse of office and nepotism.
Kristin turns 40. She is an attractive single woman who works in her profession, has a relationship with her boss and is somehow alone. Her best friend since childhood, Lenny, gives her a surprise suitcase for her birthday. For years, unclaimed suitcases are auctioned off at the airport without knowing the contents. Lenny bought one of these suitcases for Kristin. Of course Kristin is curious and finds in this suitcase, which must have belonged to a woman, a bundle of love letters. More and more she falls for these letters and the unknown who wrote them.
von Schweppenburg
Erwin Rommel fue el general más famoso de Alemania y el único oficial del Ejército de Hitler que tuvo el honor de ser un militar admirado y respetado en todo el planeta. Por si fuera poco, gracias a sus habilidades de estratega, su valor personal y una ambivalente posición con respecto al régimen nazi, Rommel terminó convirtiéndose en un mito del capítulo más oscuro de la historia reciente de Alemania. En el film se muestra al famoso militar como un hombre débil, desgarrado por su lealtad a Hitler y consciente de que, al mismo tiempo, estaba sacrificando la vida de sus soldados para servir a un demonio que había perdido todo el contacto con la realidad que vivía su país y su ejército
Clarissa es una mujer europea que quiso rehacer su vida en África. Cuando muere, su hija descubre que viene de una familia de la alta sociedad. Ahora, su hija debe regresar al viejo continente y adaptarse a unos parientes que ni siquiera sabía que existían.
Michael ha sido ascendido a Caballero de la Órden del Dragón del Rey Segismundo cuando el avance de los tártaros sobre los pueblos cristianos del norte y centro de Europa parece implacable. Ella, embarazada y sin encontrar su sitio en la Corte, decide escapar de Palacio para volver a su hogar. Sin embargo, las envidias cortesanas harán que Marie sea asaltada y secuestrada.
Dr. Berger
The pre-Christmas season is anything but contemplative for Lina, model and advertising jingle singer, and her best friend Nettie, who runs an event and partner agency: the two can hardly save themselves from second-class Christmas orders. And it's not for the first time that Lina and Nettie are preparing for lonely holidays. Nettie has long since given up hope of still finding the right one, and Lina's dream man Alex, a married doctor, has not yet separated from his wife.
Miniserie de TV (2 episodios). Aurora, una chica de 13 años, ha heredado de su padre un don especial para la música. Cuando éste se queda viudo, contrae matrimonio con Irene, una antipática mujer que, junto con sus dos hijas, hace la vida imposible a Aurora. A pesar de eso, ella es feliz en gran parte gracias a Sebastian, el tímido heredero de una de las familias más ricas del país. Pero su vida da un vuelco cuando su padre muere y su madrastra la despoja de todos sus bienes.
Medicus Günther von Martensen
A mediados del siglo XII gran parte del territorio europeo está gobernado por el sacro imperio romano y la violencia y la crueldad están a la orden del día. Varias comarcas alemanas viven aterrorizadas por un peligroso asesino que se dedica a matar a jóvenes doncellas. Por ello. Isanhart y Laurin, su fiel compañero de armas, recorrerán de cabo a rabo el viejo continente para intentar dar caza al despiadado criminal.
Kommisar Lenz
Recién cumplidos los 17, Alexandra sale a celebrar su cumpleaños con sus amigos y nunca regresa a casa. La policía pone en marcha una operación de búsqueda a gran escala que no arroja ningún resultado. Ante las desalentadoras perspectivas, su padre, el policía Alfred Walch, inicia una investigación por su cuenta. En el proceso, descubrirá detalles de la vida de su hija que cambian la imagen de la inocente joven que creía que era Alexandra. (FILMAFFINITY)
Felix Korten
Martin has not worked as a cook since the accidental death of his wife, with whom he ran a restaurant. The single father manages himself and his little daughter Katrin as a taxi driver. When the strict judge Annemarie withdrew his taxi license because of a minor offense, Martin had to hire himself out as Nikolaus at the Christmas market. The picky paragraph rider constantly runs into him. He would love to give her his opinion - instead the spark jumps over. It is well known that love goes through the stomach. But to do this, Martin would finally have to do what he does best: cook.
Dr. Brauweiler
Una mujer ingresada en un centro de salud mental para superar la muerte de su hijo, decide poner fin a su vida. Su estado no solo le preocupa a su marido sino también a su compañera de habitación, una joven en perfecto estado mental que recela de la nueva medicación que le administradan y que está ingresada a causa de la tiranía de su marido, el director del hospital. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Berghotel Edelweiss, located amidst a picture-book landscape, is a traditional family business. To meet growing demands, Max Höllerer takes out a loan to expand the property. Unfortunately, he has speculated. The bank sells the house, but secretly plans to make a large spa hotel out of it. The attractive Sarah Sand is scheduled on Höllerer to make him the post of managing director tasty.
Captain Francke
A thriller based on true events in Norway during the WWII. Tor Lindblom makes a fortune supplying the Nazis with everything from liquor and cigarettes to cement and steel. He also owns the Club Havana, a nightclub in Oslo frequented by the industrial elite of occupied Norway, Officers of the Wehrmacht and opportunistic hustle...
Willi Forst
A biography of Hildegard Knef, one of Germany's biggest post-war stars.
Fritz Wagner
The movie is about a nuclear desaster in the Czech nuclear power station Dukovany.
Gestapo Agent
Película de drama de guerra italiana del dirigida por Michele Soavi . Basada en una novela de Gianpiero Pansa . Jay Weissberg criticó duramente la película, refiriéndose a ella como "un ejemplo peligroso de manipulación histórica disfrazada de relativismo".
Una familia aristócrata escocesa queda destrozada tras la muerte de su díscolo heredero en un accidente de equitación. Su hermana Elizabeth debe hacer frente a la precaria situación económica de la familia.
Laszlo Varga
George Bankroft
Five former high school friends reunite for an evening of fun, remembrance and sadness in this Altmanesque portrait of female friendship. A look at how youthful idealism turns into adult pragmatism, and how one can fight such changes, from the director of Free Radicals.
Gerry Sturz
Based on the life of German toymaker Margarete Steiff, the movie shows her long way from a 10-year-old girl, confined to a wheelchair, to one of the first and most successful creators of toy stuffed animals.
Una urbanización de las afueras de una gran ciudad, ordinaria, omnipresente… omplejos de apartamentos de gran altura, montones de hormigón, parcelas escasas de verde superficial. Entradas garabateadas con graffiti, porteros automáticos, miles de ventanas anónimas… De entra esta coexistencia uniforme surgen tres parejas cuyas vidas se cruzan en el transcurso de tres días, con consecuencias imprevisibles.
Georges Haiders Freund
Dieter Grossmann
Andrei (Dougray Scout) es un huérfano ruso cuya experiencia como soldado en el Ejército Rojo le ha convertido en un asesino sin sentimientos, conocido como “El Poeta”. Desde su base en París, Andrei planea sus operaciones con total impunidad, hasta que un día tiene que eliminar al testigo inocente de uno de sus crímenes. El destino hace que se enamore de Paula Stern (Laura Elena Harring), la hermana de su víctima, que, sin saber quién es realmente Andrei, le abre su corazón...
Pavel Pavlat
In the year 1968, the “Bockerer” has decided, after many attempts, to marry his long-time widowed housekeeper, Anna. Gustl, whom he as taken in like a son after the war, will open a butchery in the Czech small town Kostelec and invites the Bockerers to spend their wedding journey with him and his Elena. The “Prague Spring”, of which everywhere is talked so much about, promises a nice honeymoon, and their friend Hatzinger is taken along on the journey as well. Soon after their arrival, the Bockerer has to realize that “Communism with a human face” is still an idle wish.
Kaspar Raiter
Erzherzog Johann von Österreich
The seedy underbelly of Vienna at night. Mercedes is a femme fatale from Mexico, newly arrived at the Vienna airport with her German boyfriend Rainer, where they have smuggled a kilo of cocaine through customs. Unfortunately for them, the city has just had a major drug crackdown, leaving them without buyers and money. Disgusted with Rainer, Mercedes ditches him and hooks up with Harry, a lonely and bored cab driver who agrees to help her find a buyer for the drugs so she can get some cash and go home. She offers Harry a deal he can't refuse. Is he just another pawn for Mercedes or will her promises help him achieve his hope and dreams? The story careens through the night streets of Vienna, following two amateurs navigating their way through the treacherous world of the drug trade. It's a mood piece with the backdrop of a stifling urban loneliness.
Light fiction writer Robert David has completed a novel. He is pleased with his first ambitious work - until one day the main character steps out of the book and disrupts his life.