Ronald Kukulies

Ronald Kukulies

Nacimiento : 1971-12-08, Düsseldorf, Germany


Ronald Kukulies


Wo ist meine Schwester?
Winni Karls
Can twin sisters sense each other? In any case, Marie feels Amelie. While the one sister is already on her way home from their birthday party, Marie, who stayed longer, suddenly collapses on the dance floor. That night, Amelie never arrives home and disappears without a trace. Her friend Jonas alerts the police the next morning, worried that something must have happened. Chief Inspector Ingo Thiel immediately begins the investigation, but for the time being he and his SOKO team are groping in the dark: no witnesses, no enemies, just an earring found in the park. But then Marie notices that something is missing from the couple's apartment: a striking patchwork blanket that Marie had given her sister. Thiel is certain: Jonas is hiding something. So does he have something to do with the disappearance of his girlfriend?
Eingeschlossene Gesellschaft
Eberhard Lichtenstein
On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and embarrassing revelations, true abysses open up for everyone involved...
Future Is a Lonely Place
Frank, a man without a criminal record, attacks a money transporter and then turns himself in to the police. His behavior is a mystery. In prison he meets the unscrupulous and suspicious Arab Fuad, who is protected by his clan. To get closer to Fuad, Frank intervenes in the drug business within the walls and gets caught between the two rival groups of German and Arab inmates. It is only the prison guard Susanna with whom Frank will be able to build a relationship of trust, not knowing that she is part of Fuad’s business and has a sexual relationship with him. However, they come emotionally close. What only Frank knows is that his wife and his daughter died in a car accident. Fuad was the hit-and-run driver that remained unpunished. Frank seeks revenge.
Ein Mädchen wird vermisst
Winni Karls
Die Füchsin - Treibjagd
Bernd Stübner
The wife of the Düsseldorf Police Council Rainer Bachmann is kidnapped. While trying to save his mother Monika, the adult son is shot dead. His widow Nicola desperately seeks support.
Jean van Beethoven
1779. Ludwig van Beethoven, de ocho años, llamado "Louis", ya es conocido como un prodigio musical. Aprende a seguir su propio camino, para consternación de las personas que lo rodean. Algunos años más tarde, conoce a Mozart en tiempos de agitación política. El genio poco convencional y la Revolución Francesa están provocando un fuego en el corazón de Louis; no quiere servir a un maestro, solo las artes. Enfrentando tiempos de tragedias familiares y amor no correspondido, casi se da por vencido. Sin embargo, Louis llega a Viena para estudiar con Haydn en 1792, y el resto es historia. ¿Quién era este hombre, cuya música desde entonces ha tocado innumerables corazones y mentes? Al final de su vida, el maestro queda aislado por la pérdida de sus seres queridos y de la audición. Sin embargo, seguramente estaba muy adelantado a su tiempo.
Jupp, watt hamwer jemaht?
This is the story of an ambitious man who aims high and is determined to make a lot of money with the help of his, well, creative understanding of art. This sketchy satire deals with the rise and fall of art consultant Helge Achenbach from Düsseldorf, who referred to his counterfeit accounts as collages in court.
Kühn hat zu tun
Thomas Steierer
Die Spur der Mörder
Die Aldi-Brüder
Paul Kron
Viento de libertad
Erik Baumann
Nos encontramos en la Thüringen, Alemania del Este, en verano de 1979. Dos familias idean un alocado plan: abandonar la República Democrática Alemana y viajar al Oeste en un globo construido por ellos mismos. La tarea no será sencilla y los protagonistas se tendrán que enfrentar no solo a los imprevistos de este difícil viaje, sino también a las autoridades del país que buscan desechar su plan.
En tránsito
Un hombre se va a Francia tras la invasión nazi y adopta la identidad de un escritor muerto del que tiene los papeles. Atrapado en Marsella, allí conocerá a una joven que busca desesperadamente al hombre a quien ama.
In the Lighthouse
One night at a German pub can bring you philosophic arguments about being a machine, the difference of Indian and African elephants and gambling addiction.
After losing his job as a marketing officer, Walter, a workaholic in his forties, finds himself in an existential crisis and takes on the identity of another man.
Naomi, an Israeli Mossad agent, is sent to Germany to protect Mona, a Lebanese informant recovering from plastic surgery to assume her new identity. Together for two weeks in a quiet apartment in Hamburg, the relationship that develops between the two women is soon exposed to the threat of terror that is engulfing the world today. In this game of deception, beliefs are questioned, choices are made, and their fate takes a surprising turn.
Ein Kind wird gesucht
Winni - Winfried Karls
En tiempos de luz menguante
Berlín Oriental, otoño de 1989. Wilhelm Powileit cumple 90 años, pero afronta con estoica indiferencia la fiesta organizada por este motivo en su honor. Exiliado durante el nazismo y acérrimo militante de la causa comunista toda su vida, el anciano recibe un homenaje tardío al que acuden familia, vecinos y antiguos camaradas. A pesar de la aparente alegría de la celebración, todos son conscientes de que el régimen comunista se desmorona sin remedio. Y un nieto de Wilhelm acaba de huir a Alemania Occidental.
Toter Winkel
Über Barbarossaplatz
Christoph Größner
Ein Mann unter Verdacht
Anja Altmann disappears after a birthday party. When the police ask husband Thomas about her , family attorney and friend Lavinia Bertok manage to dispel any suspicions about him. But soon Thomas is arrested. While the Altmann family start hurling accusations and recriminations at each other, Anja allegedly surfaces in Spain, raising a strange suspicion against Lavinia.
The General Case
In the young Federal Republic of Germany, which in the late 1950s in politics and justice is still interspersed with only superficially purified Nazi cliques, leads the Hessian Attorney General Fritz Bauer a lonely fight against the coverup of Nazi crimes and the restorative policy of the government Adenauer - he is firmly convinced that only in this way can the young democracy be consolidated. Not only his attitude, but also his temperament make Bauer vulnerable, again and again resistance forms from politics, intelligence services and the judiciary against the lone fighter.
Unverschämtes Glück
Hansi Zimmermann
Weak Heart Drop
Mientras soñábamos
Cuatro amigos, Rico, Daniel, Paul y Mark, han crecido en la Alemania del Este (RDA), en los suburbios de Leipzig. Su entrada en la juventud coincide con la reunificación del país.
We Monsters
A husband and wife struggle with their consciences after they try to conceal a terrible crime committed by their teenage daughter.
Der Fall Bruckner
Hilmar Rastenkamp
Katharina Bruckner, 50, has to deal with many serious cases in the youth welfare office. Even at home she is under stress: Her husband, a surgeon, she sees arm in arm with a younger. And her daughter, who has to go to Marrakech for work, quickly incurs her grandson. In this situation, school psychologist Schubert asks her for help: The city-renowned architect Bremer has appeared with him with her seven-year-old son because of its over-activity in school. The boy looks scared, claims that the Bremer is not his mother, suddenly seems to have disappeared.
Neufeld, mitkommen!
Direktor Freese
Du bist dran
Peter (39) has slipped into the role of the houseman over the years, because his wife Elisabeth (42) is traveling a lot for work and he takes care of the children Robby (15) and Laura (8). Peter learns that Elisabeth wants to go to Africa with her family. Due to the death of his mother Hedi, the soul situation Peters gets more and more out of balance. When he also learns that Elisabeth has already given her boss half a promise to go to Africa for two years, Peter feels ignored and ignored. It begins a blessing of blame, in which he gets into an emotional dead end.
Midiendo el mundo
Alemania a comienzos del siglo XIX. La película sigue a los brillantes y excéntricos científicos Alexander von Humboldt (Albrecht Schuch) y Carl Friedrich Gauss (Florian David Fitz) a lo largo de su periplo vital.
Bittere Kirschen
The Blender
Vater Mutter Mörder
Vater Dennis
Tom Atkins Blues
The Spaetkauf (Late Night Shop) has been at the heart of Berlin Prenzlauer Berg and an integral part of people's daily lives for over 13 years. A place to meet and hang out, local bar, grapevine, a place to buy anything you might need out of hours. A place to forget your worries. Where there is always time for the customer. Every night and all day Sunday. With reggae, dub & hip hop playing out of the speakers onto the street. Tommy, the Englishman, has worked in the Spaetkauf for years, selling the wares and dealing with arguing couples, lost tourists, drunken locals, late night discussions, participating in heated basketball games, visiting late night clubs and suffering hangovers. A kaleidoscope of people offering glimpses into their lives, hopes and thoughts, weaving a tapestry of local life.
Pastor Andreas Oberlin
Lilys Geheimnis
Gero Weber
Tobias Wallraff
After her release from prison Alex, who has lost her faith in love, tries to reclaim her psychic balance through a retreat into loneliness. A man and a child interrupt her plan and force her to reengage. Alex dares to emerge from her shell and learns again how thin the ice is and how fragile happiness is, small though it may be.
Land`s End