Anette Ludvigsen
En pleno Océano Índico una banda de secuestradores somalíes secuestra el carguero mercante danés MV Rozen. Comienzan entonces unas largas negociaciones entre los secuestradores y la empresa propietaria del barco encabezadas por Peter C. Ludvigsen, el director general de la firma, que intenta regatear el importe del rescate. Por su parte Mikkel, el cocinero, atrapado entre los piratas somalíes y el consejo de administración de la empresa para la que trabajan la tripulación, tendrá que superar una serie de acontecimientos de enorme tensión durante las negociaciones.
Released after three years in prison, Max finds out her father, a wealthy businessman, has hired a stranger to play his son. Meanwhile, the ex-husband of the Rent-a-Family director plans to rob Max' father.
Los Klingenfeldt, una familia de la alta burguesía danesa, se disponen a celebrar el sesenta cumpleaños del patriarca, un hombre de trayectoria y reputación intachable. Sin embargo, sus tres hijos, aunque muy diferentes entre sí, están dispuestos a aprovechar la ocasión para sacar a relucir los trapos sucios de la familia.
Lene Sommersted
The final days of a terminally ill young man.
Coffee has been outlawed and an organization of retired people smuggle coffee from the Swedish mafia, while Walter pursues his new love interest and Carlo deals with a midlife crisis after being dumped by his girlfriend.
Daninvest Employee (uncredited)
Egon plans to exploit knowledge gained during his latest term of incarceration. By stealing the unmanipulated financial records of DanInvest he obtains the majority of the stocks in the department store Magasin du Nord, just in time for their closing sale. The attempt to get the red suitcase that will save the day they rob the main vault at the EEC headquarters in Brussels and end up hijacking a tank.
A sequel to "Me and Charley", it starts with Steffen's graduation from a secondary school in Århus (Denmark), where he later that day bumps into Charly and their friendship continues while portraying life in Århus 1979.