Mimoun Oaïssa

Mimoun Oaïssa

Nacimiento : 1975-03-11, Morocco


Mimoun Oaïssa


Owls & Mice
Meral (8) just moved into a new town. She tries to make friends at her new school before their autumn school camp, but this is harder than expected. At home she befriends a little mouse that lives in her new room, which she calls Peepeep. Afraid that her parents will kill Peepeep while she is away, she secretly takes him with her. Thanks to the mouse, Meral makes some unexpected new friends. When an owl catches the little mouse, Meral blames her new friends. It is not until they set out into the wild to retrieve the owl pellet with Peepeep's bones that Meral finally understands what friendship is all about. OWLS & MICE is the sequel of the successful and award-winning FROGS & TOADS, from the same writer and director Simone van Dusseldorp.
De Masters
De Masters
Scenario Writer
De Masters
The New World
Counsel for the prosecution
Mirte is a cleaner in the reception centre for asylum seekers at the airport. She tries to forget her past through routine. When the charismatic West African Luc is brought in, Mirte seems to get a grip on her life again. A film about loss, fleeing and love from an unexpected corner.
The Marathon
Four out-of-shape car mechanics decide to participate in the Rotterdam marathon. If they reach the finish in time, they will be able to pay off their debt — if they don't, they will lose their garage.
Cop vs. Killer
Enigmatic Dutch crime lord Mirko is always a step ahead of the national police team. When Mirko's gang are forced to kill Russian mob baron Jegor's cousin Oleg, the cops hope their time has come. Both sides resort to dirty tricks, testing loyalties and using the antagonists' daughters and independent pimp Aziz for blackmail, which makes several bloody victims.
El doble del diablo
Bagdad, 1987. El país está a punto de explotar, de vivir una revolución tras los abusos de poder y la corrupción política en la que se encuentra. Sin embargo, el príncipe Noir Oudaï Hussein, el hijo mayor y heredero del dictador Sadam Hussein, vive ajeno a todo, en su reino de perversión y despotismo. Pero tras los acontecimientos que están sucediendo, su padre tiene miedo de que los ciudadanos se tomen la justicia por su mano y asesinen a su hijo. Por eso obligará a uno de sus guardias, Latif Yahia, a que se haga pasar por él. Si no cumple esta orden, hará ejecutar a toda su familia. Latif no tendrá ninguna otra elección y empezará una nueva vida desempeñando el papel de Oudaï Hussein, el hombre más poderoso, odiado y temido del país. Comenzará a imitar primero sus movimientos físicos, pero después terminará adoptando su mismo modo de vida, suplantándolo de manera total, incluso en los actos más despreciables. ¿Será capaz de salir de ese infierno que le están obligando a vivir?
Behind the Wall
Jeff encounters a abandoned wall in the wilderness. When Jeff notices noises coming from the other side, he is determined to find out what is happening behind the wall. However, it remains to be seen whether this curiosity turns out to be a good thing.
Holanda /// En Amsterdam se cruzan, de manera decisiva, las vidas de personajes muy heterogéneos: una pareja de ricos estadounidenses, una familia de criminales holandeses, una pareja francesa de gays, una familia de obreros alemanes y un inmigrante ilegal marroquí y su hermano menor.
Said el Mokhtari
A shooting accident in which a dutch police officer shoots a young Moroccan rapper creates polarization about the issue of racism among citizens of a multicultural society.
Schnitzel Paradise is a Dutch film about a young Moroccan man working in the kitchen of popular Dutch restaurant.
Hush Hush Baby
Abdullah 'Ap' Bentarek is happy that, unlike his Uncle Yusuf who stayed in the ancestral Moroccan mountain village, his father Ali moved to the Netherlands – even though it does mean that he’ll have to deal with lousy friends and unrealistic expectations at the employment office. A light-hearted portrait of the immigrant experience and the ubiquitous intolerance of the unfamiliar in Dutch society.
Hush Hush Baby
Abdullah 'Ap' Bentarek
Abdullah 'Ap' Bentarek is happy that, unlike his Uncle Yusuf who stayed in the ancestral Moroccan mountain village, his father Ali moved to the Netherlands – even though it does mean that he’ll have to deal with lousy friends and unrealistic expectations at the employment office. A light-hearted portrait of the immigrant experience and the ubiquitous intolerance of the unfamiliar in Dutch society.
In the TV film Polonaise, traffic jams have grown into a phenomenon in which traffic jam call girls, hairdressers and photographers enliven the endless delays. The film follows a number of people in a jam on the A5. The central character is a Pole in an expensive Saab Convertible, who is wanted by the police. A red Panda carries the heavily pregnant Hilde and her cynical sister. Hilde is worried because she has not seen her friend anymore after a quarrel. In an old Saab, a young couple is bickering. She is a `yuppie cunt' who stakes her marriage for a parking licence and is tired of her husband smoking dope. Charlie the music promoter is driving his son's car. He likes traffic jams, because they allow him to settle his deals undisturbed and meet his secret love, the traffic jam call girl Nena. While the characters are confronted with each other and themselves more and more, tension rises to a peak. A radio pirate connects the story lines with his chatter.
Two friends meet again in the autumn of their lives. They have not seen each other for years, but soon find their renewed friendship put to the test when one of them falls ill and the other loses his newfound love.
The Dress
The story of a summer dress and those who have to do with it, especially the train conductor (played by van Warmerdam, the director). The dress functions as catalyst for the whimsical events, which turns out to be either tragic or hilarious.
So Be It