Elaine (Rumble in the Bronx) (archive footage)
En su segunda compilación de películas tras su serie 'Boogeymen: The Killer Compilation', FlixMix te lleva a la historia de las películas de acción de Hollywood al cine de Hong Kong que abarca un período de 20 años. Esta cuenta con escenas de acción de 16 películas llenas de acción con gurús de acción, Jet Li, Michelle Yeoh, Chow Yun-Fat, Jackie Chan, Jean-Claude Van Damme y muchos más.
Chan Man-ching
Lam es un profesor de instituto que enseña su gran pasión, la literatura china. Casado desde hace veinte años, con dos hijos adolescentes, el matrimonio de Lam parece perfecto a ojos de los demás, pero nada más lejos de la realidad. Cuando el antiguo profesor y mentor de Lam vuelva a hacer acto de presencia en su vida trayendo consigo los fantasmas del pasado todo comenzará a desmoronarse, al tiempo que a Lam le será cada vez más difícil resistirse en caer en la tentación de tener una aventura con una atractiva alumna que está enamorada de él y no tiene ningún pudor en hacérselo saber.
Tina Cheung
Namson Lau is a ballroom dancing instructor. On stage, he is a refined and suave gentleman, but in reality, he is cunning and greedy, and dancing has become a mean to strike fortune for him, without any other levels of significance.
Chu Wai Tak
Chu Wai Tak (Anita Mui), a timid and shy office lady, is embarrassed by her ex-boyfriend by enrolling her in a singing contest. Tak is in trouble as she can't sing when someone else is round. She asks King (Dayo Wong) a Karaoke fanatic, to train her and make her confident in performing in front of others. The time is coming, King decides to give Tak the final "confidence boost" session... Anita Mui must overcome stage fright by learning from the “King of Karaoke” in this musically-inclined comedy.
Michelle is a middle-aged Hong Kong woman who decides to take a trip to Southern France in order to find some inner resolution about her unhappy marriage. While touring the rainy country with a fairly depressing tour group, she befriends Miki, a quirky young Japanese woman who seems to have some problems of her own. After the end of the tour, the two women decide to extend their vacation by travelling to Morocco but things go horribly wrong when Miki is kidnapped by a modern slave-trader…
Emperor Qi / Ancestor Huan
Lost in the woods, the Emperor Qi (Anita Mui) stumbles across local chief Wu Yen, his predestined bride, only to accidentally free a promiscuous fox fairy who promptly falls in love with both of them, changing between man and woman to clumsily woo each, setting the scene for a constantly shifting triangle with the emperor torn between both the fox fairy and Wu Yen and the fox fairy after whichever one will agree to marry her/him first.
This medium length feature was produced by the HK TV station RTHK and the Government of HK within the anti smoking campaign. This is the first and unique film written and directed by Leslie Cheung. The movie was made in September 2000. Although many big stars appear in the movie, the budget was very modest: 700,000 HK$!
Gu Manlu
In 1930s Shanghai, a young office girl falls in love with a factory worker in the same company.
Fan Fan, Fong Yim Mooi
Music producer Sam and his cross-dressing protege Wing have finally professed their love for another, but now what?
Gives award out
Angel of Nine Heavens is found to have fallen in love, and is banished to Earth. Windfall God is secretly in love with her, and begs the Jade Emperor to be given a chance with her. He is sent to Earth in human form, only able to use his godly powers three times per day. He has seven days to find the reincarnation of Angel of Nine Heavens and make her fall in love with him.
Inspector Fong
Kung Wei es un agente encubierto de la policía china por lo que no puede hablar a su esposa de su trabajo ni asistir a las competiciones de kung fu en las que participa su hijo Johnny. En su nueva misión, Kung se infiltra en una tríada de Hong Kong bajo el mando de Po Kwong, un psicópata criminal. Sin embargo todo se complica cuando se descubre que es policía y raptan a su hijo por lo que Kung Wei y Johnny tendrán que unir su habilidad y destreza en las artes marciales para poder sobrevivir.
Keong, un policía de Hong Kong, viaja a Nueva York para asistir a la boda de su tío Bill. Bill tiene un supermercado en el Bronx y Keong se ofrece a ayudarle durante su luna de miel, pero de pronto se verá envuelto en una lucha de bandas callejeras cuando una organización criminal hará todo cuanto sea posible por recuperar unos diamantes de gran valor.
Mrs. Wong
Cuando el gobierno británico es descubierto traficando con obras de arte chinas fuera del país, el héroe Wong Fei Hung (Chan) utiliza sus extravagantes artes marciales para luchar contra los conspiradores y salvar las obras, antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Cuanto más bebe Hung, más ágil se vuelve, siendo capaz de defenderse de numerosos ataques, con increíbles movimientos. Hung consigue, de esta manera, afrontar todo tipo de desafíos.
Wonder Woman / Tung
El fin de la guerra nuclear no hay traído la paz anhelada, el agua potable es un bien escaso, la población sobrevive a duras penas y el caos reina en las calles de la ciudad. Tung ha abandonado su identidad como La Mujer Maravilla tras ser madre. La Pistolera sigue en el "negocio" a pesar de los malos tiempos que corren. Ching lucha por hacer llegar agua potable a los más necesitados. El gobierno está a punto de ser derrocado mediante el uso de la fuerza bruta, el regreso de El Trío Heroico es ahora más necesario que nunca.
Pak Wan-Fai
On his way to a congress of kung fu masters, an initiate falls from a high cliff, only to be rescued by lovely Tien Lam (Anita Mui), who rides a huge crane. The rest of the movie features a battle between warring martial arts factions, an equally fierce rivalry between the two daughters of the Crane Master, the accidental empowerment of an unprincipled master after having eaten half of a secret scroll, a battle with an immense tortoise whose spleeny vapors save a group of poisoned swordsmen, lots of great aerial fights against nearly invincible villains, and the usual blood spurting from assorted mouths.
Goddess of Mercy
El dios Dragon Fighter Lohan acepta el desafío por parte de los otros dioses para cambiar el destino de un mendigo, una prostituta y un villano en tres días. Para conseguirlo renace en la Tierra como un simple mortal y lucha contra un malvado demonio para evitar el Infierno en la Tierra.
Theme Song Performance
Existen tres mujeres que, por separado, forman un tridente de miedo ya que cada una de ellas está en un bando opuesto a la otra. La primera secuestra recién nacidos para su maestro. La segunda trata de resolver ese mismo misterio, ya que la policía, a la que pertenece su marido, no es capaz de avanzar. Y la tercera intenta aprovechar su oscuro pasado en provecho de los agentes. Todas ellas tienen algo en común más allá de ser tres heroínas y aún no lo han descubierto.
Existen tres mujeres que, por separado, forman un tridente de miedo ya que cada una de ellas está en un bando opuesto a la otra. La primera secuestra recién nacidos para su maestro. La segunda trata de resolver ese mismo misterio, ya que la policía, a la que pertenece su marido, no es capaz de avanzar. Y la tercera intenta aprovechar su oscuro pasado en provecho de los agentes. Todas ellas tienen algo en común más allá de ser tres heroínas y aún no lo han descubierto.
Judy Tong Wong
Chow Sing-Sing returns, only this time he doesn’t go back to school. Instead, Chow goes undercover as the husband of a wealthy socialite, which doesn’t sit well with his fiancée, who tries to convince Chow to quit working as undercover.
A German documentary on Hong Kong cinema.
Yue Yar/Princess
Un joven emperador es depuesto y huye de su usurpador hermano. En su fuga, se topa con un atlético pescador experto en artes marciales que tiene como mascota a una orca. Juntos intentarán restaurar al rey en su trono pero serán obstaculizados por enredos románticos y la presencia de un traidor.
Mrs. Sung
El abogado Sung Shih-Chieh es admirado por el pueblo como un gran hombre. Pero su mujer le hace presentarse para un puesto en el estado, y un asesinato le pone en contra de todo el mundo...
Yiu May-kwan
Una mujer ciega a un maestro de artes marciales y su alumno jura vengarse de ella. Se ve obligada a abandonar a sus seres queridos sin ninguna explicación para protegerlos de su perseguidor malintencionado.
Anita Mui
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
[theme vocals]
Two teenage girls make a pledge to each other to be as "man and wife" in a small Chinese fishing town. The notions of women's rights or sexual freedom are absent in their oppressive minority culture, and when one becomes happily married to a stranger, the other is cruelly betrothed to the abusive son of a wealthy family. Seeking to free herself from a lifetime of abuse, Hui-hua desperately looks for a way out. ----by J L (New York City)
Mooi Yi
A tragic love story set against the always volatile and oftenviolent backdrop of Shanghai during the Japanese occupation and at the opening of the Pacific Theater of the Second World War. A nightclub singer becomes involved with both a member of the Chinese resistance and an officer of the Japanese army.
Anita Mui plays the sister of the Saint of Gamblers, and also possesses supernatural gambling abilities. However, she chooses not to use her powers. She decides to come to Hong Kong to retrieve her brother and bring him back to China. There she meets his assistant, Ng, who is without the Saint of Gamblers, as he has headed off on a cruise. Ng asks Mui to compete in the next tournament, but she turns him down. Mui stays at Ng's house, and helps him find another player to compete. But when Mui finds out that the opposition also has supernatural gambling abilities, she throws the gauntlet down and prepares for the match of her life.
Hong Kong, años 60. Yuddy, un joven atractivo y seductor, descubre que la ex-prostituta alcohólica que le ha criado no es su verdadera madre y que además se niega a revelar la identidad de ésta. Esto provoca en Yuddy serios conflictos emocionales que le llevan a forzar a dos mujeres a luchar por su amor...
Yoshiko Kawashima / Kam Bik-Fai
This film is based on the life of Kawashima Yoshiko, originally Manchu princess who was the 14th daughter of Emperor Xu, later brought up as a Japanese and served as a spy in the service of the Japanese Kwantung Army and Manchukuo during the Second World War.
Mary Sung Ka Pei
Little Tiger (Yuen Biao) se aventura desde los palos a la gran ciudad en busca de su hermano policía Big Tiger (Chi-cheung Lam), un policía honesto que trabaja en un sistema corrupto. Suponiendo que la vida en la fuerza policial no era su taza de té, Little Tiger se une a la Tropa Acrobática Swallow, en la que se destaca por su destreza en el kung-fu. Cuando una banda de matones del grupo de Chin Hung-yun (Sammo Hung) ataca a la tropa, Little Tiger no solo los defiende fácilmente sino que también se infiltra en su organización para destruirlos desde adentro. Mientras tanto, la vieja llama de Big Tiger, Mary (Anita Mui), regresa de América para unirse a los revolucionarios. Big Tiger pronto se encuentra dividido entre su amor por esta chica y sus órdenes de arrestar a todos los revolucionarios.
Set in China during the Japanese occupation. A young man breaks out of a POW camp to marry his sweetheart, but finds she is now a spy for the resistance, code-named "Number 3". With the help of "Number 2" he returns to the camp to find "Fortune", an agent who possesses the pass-code to a Swiss bank account with $500 billion intended for the Chinese army.
Theme Song Performance
Precuela de los dos filmes anteriores, estamos en el año 1974. Un joven hongkonés, Mark, viaja a Saigón al final de la guerra de Vietnam para llevarse a su tío y primo a Hong Kong . Allí, se encuentra con una misteriosa mujer fatal, la adorable Kitty. Según se ve relacionado con sus turbios negocios, una trágica historia de amor se avecina.
Chow Ying-Kit
Precuela de los dos filmes anteriores, estamos en el año 1974. Un joven hongkonés, Mark, viaja a Saigón al final de la guerra de Vietnam para llevarse a su tío y primo a Hong Kong . Allí, se encuentra con una misteriosa mujer fatal, la adorable Kitty. Según se ve relacionado con sus turbios negocios, una trágica historia de amor se avecina.
Yang Luming / Rose
Kuo Chen llega a Hong Kong deseoso de comenzar una nueva vida. Para simbolizar esa idea, compra una rosa de la suerte a una vendedora callejera. Poco después, se introduce en un altercado de la mafia sin querer, y aunque no puede evitar que uno de los capos muera, se convierte en su sucesor de la noche a la mañana. Pero Kuo es un hombre de bien y no desea que sus hombres sean criminales, así que hace lo posible por dirigir un negocio legal en forma de local, el Ritz. La hija de un jefe rival que les debe dinero comienza a trabajar para ellos para pagar la deuda, pero Kuo le convalida lo que le debe a cambio de que cante en su local. Los líos no tardan en llegar. Kuo no se puede negar cuando la vieja vendedora de rosas le pide ayuda. Quiere impresionar al padre del novio de su hija. Kuo decide montar la boda más sonada de Hong Kong mientras huye del incansable inspector de la policía y del jefe de un clan rival, Tigre.
A young couple separates under pressure from vicious Triad gangsters – she becomes a mobster's unwilling moll, and he travels abroad to work as an assassin. But their love stays strong, and when the two are reunited, their rekindled emotions lead them into extreme danger.
A young couple separates under pressure from vicious Triad gangsters – she becomes a mobster's unwilling moll, and he travels abroad to work as an assassin. But their love stays strong, and when the two are reunited, their rekindled emotions lead them into extreme danger.
Anita Mui Live in Concert "87-88
Fenny / Mui Choi Fu
Three Wishes is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Anita Mui
Anita Ko
A delightful comedy about three illegal immigrants from China, one of whom (Chow) gets roped into a gentleman-training course - taught by Mui - in order to take revenge on some bitchy beauties who jilted a nasty fellow. Kinda like a gender-reversed My Fair Lady.
Yuan Tung / Park
After the box office success of Happy Bigamist in 1987, Anthony Chan follows up with more 80s rom-com shenanigans in One Husband Too Many. Theater enthusiast Sun (Anthony Chan) is so passionate about drama he sells his home to stage Romeo and Juliet. The plays turns out to be a complete failure, however, and the last straw in the hat for his wife (Anita Mui) who silently leaves him. Marriage isn't working out too well for his friend Wa (Kenny Bee) either. Fed up with a husband who he spends too much time at work and not enough time at home, Wa's wife (Pat Ha) suddenly ups and leaves. Things finally look up for Sun when he produces a popular play starring rich girl Hung (Cherie Chung), and the two begin dating. But it turns out Wa also has his eyes on Hung...
Jackie es un brillante abogado encargado de defender a una planta química de una acusación judicial, por contaminar con sus vertidos una zona pesquera de Hong Kong. Pero su atracción por la principal testigo de la acusación le llevará a tomar una importante decisión: su papel está equivocado, ¡él debe estar en la oposición acusando a su cliente! Con la ayuda de un alocado escalador y un traficante de armas descubrirá que, en realidad, la fábrica es una tapadera para el tráfico de drogas. Unidos pretenderán desmantelar la banda y destruir la fábrica.
Mui Tai Heung
Mui Da Hsien (Anita Mui), the eldest sister, is the only breadwinner in the family. She spends all her time in raising up and discipline her three sisters, Yee Hsien (Ann Bridgewater), Sarm Hsien (Charine Chan), and Sai Hsien (Fennie Yuen). They are aware of Da Hsien is becoming a spinster and they are not allowed to get married if Da Hsien remains single. So they decide to find her a husband. So all their boyfriends very anxious to give a helping hand. They find Tsang To Choy (Eric Tsang) who just has broken heart is the right man, but Tsang is scared away by Da Hsien's shrew temper...
Yuan Tung
Ah Sun of the drama society leads a dramatic private life off-stage as well as on. His ex-wife Kong loses her last cent in business; and after going bankrupt is left without a place to stay. As she is entitled to own half of Ah Sun's house, she moves back. Ching, Sun's girlfriend, is determined to show who's the mistress. Her exaggerated actions embarrass Kong, and Kong soon has a chance to hit back. Ah Sun's rich aunt returns for a visit and has not been told about their divorce...
Alan and Halley are partners in a pest control company. Handsome Alan gets the girls and puffy Halley gets nothing. One night the two are injured in a car crash. Halley suffers slight injuries but Alan is dead for all purposes except his brain wave which still works actively. But when Halley cries over his "corpse", Alan bursts into ecplosive life. So the doctor decide to study this phenomenon and Alan agrees to be the guinea pig as he fancies the beautiful Dr. Emily. Halley discovers by accident a murder and is chased by the murderer who happens to be a police inspector...
The ghost of a courtesan who died in 1934 returns to Hong Kong fifty-three years later, seeking to reunite with the man she loved.
Kiu Kiu
Inspector Chu is an idiot to rival Inspector Clouseau. After he fails to catch a car-park full of thieves he is demoted to the missing persons squad, only to be faced with the kidnapping of the son of the star of a TV cooking show. Inspector Chocolate bungles the case, fails to dance the tango and interferes with the Miss Hong Kong pageant in his attempts to solve the case
Two men, Yun-Fat Chow and Kenny Bee, are both married and unhappy. Together they make diverse plans to murder their wives.
Anita Chow
Louie (Leslie Cheung), a spoiled pop star, has a one-night stand with beautiful dancer, Anita (Anita Mui). When Anita tells Louie that she dreamed of becoming a singer, he brings her to the stage and becomes a star. Anita has fallen in love with Louie, but Louie loves Julia (Joey Wong). However, Louie later finds out that Julia is dating his father, Kent (Paul Chu). Louie then leaves Hong Kong and heads to Paris leaving his career behind. Then he meets, Yuan Yu-shih (Cecilia Yip), a Vietnamese refugee that suffers from a war wound. In Paris, Louie lives his new life happily as a dishwasher with his new lover. However, his past life starts to come back when Anita comes to pay a visit.
Club singer
Michael is a guitarist in a night club, but his indulgence in gambling costs him his job. He is kicked out of the band. Wandering in an alley, he accidentally overhears a gang of drug dealers plotting. He is caught as he tries to get away. Michael seeks the help of his roommate, Roger who is the manager of a girls band preparing to go on a performing tour to Thailand. Roger takes Michael as a band member so that he can get away. While in Thailand, Michael falls in love with the leading female singer of the band. He tries all sorts of ways to gain her attention and love, while keeping one jump ahead of pursuing gangsters...
Anita Fong
Why, Why, Tell Me Why!! is a Hong Kong Drama starring Anita Mui
A typical Hong Kong comedy about young inexperienced cops that get into a lot of silly antics. The film is notable for featuring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai and Anita Mui in early roles.
Lucky Diamond is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan and starring Alex Man and Anita Mui.
Jannie Fong Tai Kim
Entertainment manager James Wong loses his lead singer Jannie Fong when she breaks her contract. Angered, he turns his efforts to making a young dancer named Russell, who has no singing experience, into an even more successful singer than Miss Fong. During his climb to success, Russell's girlfriend, Dionne, feels alienated from him.
This flick is about this gung fu dancing, alcoholic beverage guzzler named Andy Ho (Cheng Tien Chi). The title of this flick sounds like this bad warrior who kills with ease, but its not. Actually, Andy is a nice guy who has a hard time keeping a job. He runs into some rich guy who convinces him to come to the United States to work for him. Andy agrees to come to the U.S. of A. but is in for a surprise, as Mr. Big Bucks wants Andy to participate in his slugfest tournaments that he uses to make money via gambling. Andy declines and the next you know, Mr. Big Bucks is devising a plan to get rid of him! (mpongpun, HKMDB)
Leslie is Simon, a mild mannered guy starting a new job and taking care of his mom and dad. He catches a glimpse of a pretty girl named Monica at the MTR station--and it's love at first sight. But she's going through a tough breakup with a guy who's married. She does get over it and the two become a couple. But not only does her ex return, Simon is constantly interrupted by a perky rich girl Anita, who spends lots of money on him, is annoying, but is just looking for company. This strains Simon and Monica's quest for love, but finally she puts Simon to a test, once again at the MTR station.
Heralded as the funniest Hong Kong comedy of the early 1980s, this was Shaw Brothers' most popular film of 1983. Alfred Cheung Kin-Ting (who created and produced Jackie Chan's "Highbinders") won the Hong Kong Film Best Screenplay Award for this delightful comedy of modern manners. As director, he also guided co-star Ceclilia Yip Tung to a Best Actress award. Watch for teenage Anita Mui Yim Fong, just beginning her road to superstardom, in the supporting role of the philandering husband's mistress! shaw production
shaw production
Mui Yim-Fong/Mei Yanfang
The Sensational Pair is a Hong Kong Drama Comedy starring Kent Cheng and Anita Mui