Sarah Lilly


Sarah Lilly is an actress.


Mary Wells
Rakhi Singh, a poised businesswoman, struggles to care for her Alzheimer's stricken mother, amid mounting family tensions.
The Collector
When Hal discovers and restores a damaged android he must let go of the past in order to give the living a chance at a future.
A white guy pretends to be a black female talk radio host and becomes a huge hit.
Elwood Takes a Lover
Cancer patient Hannah fears her husband Elwood will have no one to care for him after she's gone. Long suspecting Elwood had feelings for another man in his youth, Hannah sets out to find his unrequited love in hopes of reuniting them.
The Reluctant Nanny
Tras el fracaso de su empresa, Libby Prescott ha empacado su vida y se mudó a Los Ángeles para comenzar su nuevo trabajo. Sin embargo, su primer día de trabajo se convierte bruscamente en la última. Más tarde ese día, Libby se encuentra persiguiendo a un hombre que le robó su bolso, pero rápidamente es detenido por la policía, Dan Connor. Dan, quien actualmente está cuidando dos hijos adoptivos, sugiere ese trabajo de Libby como su niñera empleada hasta que los niños encuentren un hogar permanente o encuentre un nuevo trabajo. Renuentes a rechazar una oferta de trabajo en su momento de necesidad, Libby acepta la posición. Pero jugando en casa no es tan fácil como suena. Libby debe aprender a mantener la casa y cuidar a los niños por primera vez en su vida.
Jim & Helen Forever
David's on a time crunch to make a decision about marriage, so he seeks the guidance from his brother Aaron and best friend Pete, who end up leading him on a disastrous search for a suitable engagement ring.
In a future where victims of traumatic crimes have the memory erased like it never happened, one woman finds herself struggling for her right to refuse the process.
A man finds out that his wife is going to meet her new lover and it drives him crazy.
Volcano Girl
Fighting super villains is easy. Losing your superhero job, moving back home and sharing a bathroom with your little sister? Now that's hard.
Historias de San Valentín
Lady With Dog
El film consta de varias historias que suceden el día de San Valentín: una oficial del ejército que vuela desde Iraq a Los Ángeles, coincide en el avión con alguien que debe resolver algunos asuntos; el dueño de una floristería le propone matrimonio a su novia, aunque, en realidad, está enamorado de una amiga, cuyo novio está casado; una jubilada le confiesa a su marido que mantuvo un largo romance con otra persona; una mujer que trabaja en la agencia de talentos más importante de la ciudad sale con un empleado de Correos. Y, finalmente, una desafortunada publicista resulta que no tiene con quién quedar el día de San Valentín.
Set Apart
Four troubled, inner city kids get a western-style shot at redemption when a cowboy pastor invites them to his country ranch and offers them a chance to put their lives in perspective. Korina, Rey, Anthony, and Marcus all grew up on the streets. Every decision they make in that volatile environment could affect the rest of their lives. Pastor John Gunn (John Schneider) runs the Power Company Kids' ministry, an organization dedicated to giving at-risk kids the tools they need to build brighter futures. He's convinced that the four teens would benefit from going back to the basics and experiencing the cowboy lifestyle, and with a little help from ranch owners Randy and Heidi Gunn, Pastor Gunn shows the kids that there's much more to life than hustling on the streets. Though reluctant to participate at first, the kids quickly adjust to their new surroundings as their eyes are opened to a whole new world of opportunity.
The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.
Novia por contrato
BBQ Guest #2
Tripp (McConaughey) es un atractivo soltero que, a sus 35 años, todavía vive con sus padres (Kathy Bates y Terry Bradshaw). Hartos de la situación, éstos deciden contratar los servicios de una joven motivadora profesional (Sarah Jessica Parker) que debe convencerlo de que ya es hora de que se independice.
Eating Out 2: Descuidados
Linda Buchanan
Kyle (Jim Verraros) rompe con Marc (Brett Chukerman), su novio de la primera película, acusándolo de coquetear con los hombres más calientes. Kyle, Tiffani (Rebekah Kochan) ​​y Gwen, amigos de la primera película, son atraídos por Troy (Marco Dapper), un joven granjero con un cuerpo de escándalo que posa desnuda para su clase de arte.
The Mangler Reborn
Beatrice Watson
Una década después de la masacre original, un enfermo obsesionado comenzará una nueva masacre.
Hair Show
Peaches, a hair stylist from Baltimore, and her estranged sister, Angela, the owner of an upscale salon in Beverly Hills, get reacquainted when Peaches decides to attend a celebration for Angela in LA. The reunion is bittersweet and worsens when Angela finds out that Peaches is on the run from the IRS and has only a few days to pay $50,000 in back taxes. After some hilarious moments and passionate exchanges, the two sisters join forces to fight off a pesky rival salon owner Marcella and save Peaches from her troubles by competing for a lucrative cash prize and bragging rights at the city's annual hair show. BEAUTY SHOP proves that blood and family run thicker than water.
Baby of the Bride
Nurse #1
Soon after returning from their honeymoon, John and Margaret Hix receive the surprise of their life - at 53, Margaret is pregnant! Against her husband's wishes, Margaret decides to keep the baby... but she isn't the only one in the family who is expecting. Margaret's daughter, Mary, who has just left the convent, is due just a few months before her mother.
When I Grow Up I Want to Be a Sex Offender
An experimental short film about phone sex workers.
Amazonas en la luna
Conjunto de veinte historietas narradas en forma de sketches donde se ridiculizan los programas más clásicos de la televisión americana.
Los chicos de al lado
Female Officer
Historia sobre dos adolescentes que narra como despues del último dia de instituto y resignados a llevar una vida monótona trabajando en la fábrica del pueblo, ponen rumbo a Los Angeles para olvidar penas y pasar un fin de semana inolvidable. Sin embargo, el difícil carácter de los jóvenes convertirá la aventura en un reguero de sangre sin sentido y la violencia se apoderará de ellos...