Raffaele Masciocchi


The Wild Eye
Director of Photography
A film documentarian stops at nothing to record unusual and supposedly true-to-life situations.
James Tont Operation U.N.O.
Director of Photography
The diabolical Goldsinger, enraged at being excluded from the UN, hatches a plot to blow up the assembly while all the heads of the state participate. Luckily, inept agent James Tont discovers the plot and sets out to stop Goldsinger.
Challenge of the Gladiator
Director of Photography
Hercules Against the Barbarians
Director of Photography
The eternal Hercules in this film has gone way beyond his usual time and place in ancient Greece and is now helping Poland free itself of Mongol invaders in the 12th century. Mark Forest is the star of this peplum epic, Hercules Against The Barbarians.
Death on the Fourposter
A group of friends decide to spend a weekend in a castle belonging to Riccardo, a moody and hyper-sensitive young artist. The only other inhabitants of the castle are a mysterious housekeeper, Caterina, and the demented Aldo. The group are joined by two friends: Serena and a young American medium, Anthony. During a seance Anthony predicts a tragedy, then leaves the castle, shocked by his own visions. An hour later, Serena is found strangled to death in bed. The others become gradually more and more diffident and suspicious, especially when another girl is murdered...
Hercules Against the Mongols
Though Genghis Khan eventually sought peace with the West, his death in 1227 AD puts into power his three war-like sons: Sayan, Susdal, and Kin Khan. These sons quickly overrun the city of Tuleda and take prisoner Princess Bianca, though young Prince Alessio escapes. Hercules comes to the rescue of Bianca, winning her freedom in a tournament in exchange for becoming a slave himself. Forces from the West soon come to re-take Tuleda and Hercules -- freed from his bonds -- helps to dispatch Genghis Khan's three sons while again saving Bianca and reuniting her with her young brother.
El magnífico aventurero
Director of Photography
Biografía del escultor florentino Benvenuto Cellini, que pasó de ser un humilde artesano a trabajar en la corte de los reyes en tiempos del Papa Clemente VII. La historia se centra la realización de su obra maestra, "El Perseo", para la cual se inspiró en el rostro de su hermano Francisco.
The Ghost
Director of Photography
A woman and her lover murder her husband, a doctor. Soon, however, strange things start happening, and they wonder if they really killed him, or if he is coming back from the dead to haunt them.
The Seventh Sword
In this costume adventure, a dashing swordsman helps protect Philip III of Spain from the traitors trying to overthrow him.
Solo contra Roma
Second Unit Director of Photography
Un guerrero es rechazado por una mujer romana. Por despecho, intenta convencer a las tribus bárbaras de atacar la ciudad y vaciar las generosas arcas...
El horrible secreto del doctor Hichcock
Director of Photography
El siniestro doctor Hichcock, un médico que vive una aparente vida cómoda y aburguesada, en realidad esconde un secreto que sólo comparte con su criada y con su esposa: la necrofilia. En uno de sus habituales juegos eróticos, en los que el marido narcotiza a la esposa hasta provocarle un estado cataléptico, ésta fallece y el doctor, mortificado por el sentimiento de culpa, abandona la mansión familiar. Años después regresa con su nueva esposa, quien desconoce los vicios ocultos de su marido. Tras su llegada a la mansión, la mujer será testigo de una serie de sucesos paranormales que, en apariencia, parecen estar relacionados con el fantasma de la primera esposa.
La espada del conquistador
Director of Photography
Alboino, señor de Lombardía, quiere casarse con la hija de un rey vecino, pero ella está enamorada de otro. Sin embargo, su padre decide arreglar la boda con Alboino, puesto que cree que este enlace será beneficioso para él. Sin embargo, Alboino decide asesinar al rey y deja al borde de la muerte a Amalchi, el verdadero amor de la princesa. Amalchi se recupera e inicia una revuelta contra Alboino, reclamando a la mujer que ama.
Robin Hood y los piratas
Director of Photography
Escapado del barco de sus secuestradores, Robin Hood vuelve a su país y descubre que ellos han matado a su padre.
Los gigantes de la Tessaglia
Director of Photography
Esta aventura épica cuenta la historia de cómo el rey Jasón junto con los Argonautas van en busca del Vellocino de oro. Mientras tanto, en su reino, el regente está conspirando para hacerse con el poder y también con la reina. (FILMAFFINITY)
La mujer pirata
Director of Photography
En el siglo XVI en Italia, en la costa del Adriático, el ducado de Doruzza está gobernada por un duque despótica, Zulian, y su altanera hija, Isabella. Cuando cometen una gran injusticia contra uno de sus súbditos, el oficial de la marina Mirko y su hija Barbara terminan siendo perseguidos y detenidos.
Madri pericolose
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
Segunda guerra Púnica (218-201 a.C.) El plan romano de doble ataque contra los cartagineses (en Hispania y África) fracasa ante la sorprendente ofensiva de Aníbal (Victor Mature) que cruza los Pirineos y los Alpes con 50.000 hombres (entre ellos numerosos iberos), 9.000 caballos y 37 elefantes. En su avance hacia Italia conoce a Silvia (Rita Gam), que ha escapado de prisión para unirse a las tropas romanas al mando de Fabio Massimo. Aníbal, el gran guerrero y estadista, tras muchas batallas, finalmente comprende cuál es su verdadero destino.
La cento chilometri
Director of Photography
En una carrera atlética de 100 kilómetros participan diversos personajes, cuyas vidas se entrecruzarán a medida que transcurra el tiempo.
La espada y la cruz
Director of Photography
Film rodado en "Tierra Santa". El centurión Cayo Marcellus es enviado a controlar al gobernador Poncio Pilatos, enfrentado a los rebeldes sublevados en Judea. Viajes, batallas, un encuentro con María Magdalena y la crucifixión de Cristo.
Tuppe tuppe, Marescià!
Director of Photography
A landowner pretends he's in love with a provocative bar owner to make his fianceè jealous. She has fallen for a marshal.
Corporal of the day
Director of Photography
A young woman brings a baby to some military barracks. There is a note on the child - it says that the baby is hers and a soldier called Felice.
You, Your Mother, and Me
Director of Photography
In 1950s Naples, a couple struggles to be together against the will of the mother-in-law. In the end, not only will they be together, but the mother-in-law-to-be, a widow, finds love as well.
Non sono più guaglione
Director of Photography
A mechanic falls in love with a girl who aspires to become a diva.
Luciano, who studies at the university, falls in love with Sandra, a high school student, who returns his love. If her family is very rich, his family is of modest extraction; however, the difference in condition does not seem to be a problem, and Luciano's degree increases the hope of a happy future. However, following a sudden financial collapse, Sandra's family business failed: so, to help her parents, the girl accepted the kindness of a very rich childhood friend, deciding to marry him.
Director of Photography
Singing cafe
Camera Operator
Sor Clemente escapes the surveillance of his wife and goes to attend a variety show.
Tres destinos de mujer
Director of Photography
Tres episodios: un hombre al que nunca vemos presenta a las tres protagonistas del film. Elizabeth, una víctima de la II Guerra Mundial; Juana, que hizo la guerra, y Lisístrata, que luchó contra la guerra.
Tarantella napoletana
Camera Operator
Combining musical and dance numbers with comedy sketches (performed by members of The Armando Curcio Company and The Gauthier Ballet Troupe)without any plot, this is more of a revue than a movie, along the lines of The Ed Sullivan television series in the U.S.
Gli innocenti pagano
Camera Operator
Back from the war, a man discovers that his daughter has died and his wife has left their house. He searches for the girlfriend of a fellow soldier and falls for her.
The Mill on the Po
Camera Operator
In the Po Valley during the 19th century, a rich girl engaged to a well-to-do farmer ends up penniless and is forced to work for her fiancé’s relatives. Peasant unrest, carried to extremes by both workers and landowners, leads to violence and tragedy.
Sin piedad
Camera Operator
An Italian sex worker falls in love with a black American soldier during World War II.
Camera Operator
On his way to Africa, Don Pietro, a young missionary priest has his suitcase stolen in the station of Naples. While trying to retrieve his baggage he realizes how miserable the city of Naples is. Then he decides that his mission is there in Naples, He creates his 'The Boys' Town' a shelter for poor kids, aka the 'scugnizzi' (street urchins), with a view to putting them back on the right track. Some of the kids, though, do not play by the rules just using that 'home' as a convenient place for hiding the product of their thefts...