Andrea Checchi

Andrea Checchi

Nacimiento : 1916-10-21, Florence, Tuscany, Italy

Muerte : 1974-03-29


Andrea Checchi


The Sewer Rats
Old Man
A crippled loner's car breaks down near an isolated town inhabitated by several killers.
El besamanos
El paso de la vieja a la nueva mafia, con el exterminio de la familia de Angelino Ferrante, padrino a la antigua, a cargo del despiadado Gaspare Ardizzone.
One Appreciated Professional of Sure Future
Vincenzo's father
Un abogado arribista se casa con una mujer rica y se vuelve impotente. Con el fin de tener hijos, convence a un amigo cura de que engendre por él, pero el sacerdote le coge gusto al menester. El abogado lo mata...
The Seven Cervi Brothers
il dirigente del Pci
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Los siete hermanos Cervi, campesinos católicos y antifascistas del pueblo de Campegine (Emilia Romagna), organizaron con su padre Alcide la lucha partisana y llevaron a cabo acciones guerrilleras contra fascistas y tropas alemanas. En 1943 fueron capturados y fusilados en la ciudad de Reggio Emilia. La película describe con gran realismo el ambiente emiliano. Basada en hechos reales.
Bloody Che Contra
The story of Che Guevara's desperate attempt to escape the mountains of Bolivia. Pursued by an elite ranger unit of the army led by a determined CIA agent, Che is eventually trapped and his men are killed.
Yo soy la revolución
Don Felipe
Los bandidos de El Chuncho roban armas de un tren, con la intención de vender las armas a los revolucionarios de Elías. Son ayudados por uno de los pasajeros, Bill Tate, y permiten que se unan a ellos, aunque él es un asesino que trabaja para el gobierno mexicano.
Yo, yo, yo... y los demás
Praying Man
Sandro, un popular periodista, prepara un reportaje sobre el egoísmo humano. Todas las personas que conoce le sirven para su investigación, incluso su propia esposa, Titta. Pero poco a poco se irá identificando con ellos, y le hará replantearse su vida...
Il nero
The events in Naples of a few ‘figli della Madonna’ (Madonna’s sons), young people born between 1945 and 1946 from the relationship between the local women and Afro-American soldiers.
Made in Italy
Her Husband (segment "5 'La Famiglia', episode 3")
Once episodios vagamente unidos en cinco capítulos. La tonalidad del film va de la sátira vitriólica a las viñetas cuasi antropológicas. Todos los aspectos de la italianidad de la época son cuestionados, burlados o diseccionados con mirada divertida pero crítica: usos, costumbres, personajes, instituciones, etc.
Vita di Dante
Vieri de' Cerchi
Una mini-serie de televisión sobre la vida de Dante.
Diversos episodios que muestran hasta qué punto pueden llegar los personajes para conquistar "I soldi", "los cuartos" o "la pasta".
Challenge of the Gladiator
I Kill, You Kill
Antonio (segment "Giochi acerbi")
Seis episodios sobre otras tantas formas de matar a alguien y salir bien librado.
Super robo en Milán
commissario Marascalco
Unos delincuentes de poca monta atracan un banco disfrazados de sacerdotes. En su fuga, se topna con un grupo de sacerdotes de verdad, y después con la policía.
The Constancy of  Reason
Florence, early 1960s. Bruno aspires to be hired at a prestigious factory, but his Communist ideals — instilled by Millo, a father figure and family friend in love with Bruno's widowed mother Ivana — are an obstacle. His relationship with Lori, a beautiful and tormented young woman who has just returned from Milan, reshapes his convictions. Freely adapted from a minor novel by Vasco Pratolini.
Attack and Retreat
Chronicle of the unheralded and unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union by the Italian army during World War II.
Roma Contra Roma
Azer, Barbarian Leader
En la guerra entre Roma y Armenia, el brujo Aderbab crea un ejército de fantasmas, haciendo uso de sus conocimientos de magia negra. El centurión romano Gaius será enviado por Roma para investigar el caso y enfrentarse a ellos.
Duelo en el mar
En 1941 un submarino italiano trató de burlar el bloqueo aliado y cruzar el estrecho de Gibraltar. Seriamente dañado por el ataque de un navío inglés, tiene que fondear en Tanger y convivir con sus enemigos.
El proceso de Verona
Conmovedora historia sobre Edda Ciano, la hija del dictador italiano Mussolini, que fue incapaz de evitar la ejecución de su marido por los nazis.
Blood and Defiance
A film directed by Nick Nostro
Lo smemorato di Collegno
avvocato Rossetti
Un hombre se despierta en un hospital, pero no recuerda su pasado porque sufre de amnesia. Una mujer le reconoce en una foto del periódico. Le asegura que es su marido y se lo lleva consigo, para irse a vivir a su casa. Pero pronto aparece otra dama que también es supuestamente su esposa.
Night Train to Milan
De Simone
A thriller with Jack Palance as a nazi doctor hiding after the war. While riding on a train, he is recognized by former prisoners.
Getting Away with It the Italian Way
Orazio Menicotti is a night policeman in Rome. One night he is present at a quarrel between husband and wife and he volunteers to take the wife to the Police Station. While he goes around Rome with the blonde and beautiful woman, a bank is robbed.
Il mio amico Benito
Il commissario
A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.
Ten Italians for One German
Professor Marcello Rossi
A cinematographic account of the reprisal ordered by the ruthless Austrian colonel Kappler in 1944 in Rome. In Via Rasella (Rasella Street) ten Italian civilians were sentenced to death for each German soldier killed in a partisan attempt.
Al comisario Nardelli le han encargado capturar al peligroso bandido Mazzarò, que en Sicilia ha matado a un notario y ha secuestrado a una niña. Para lograr capturarlo tendrá que vigilar a Maria, que es la amante del barón, y al mismo tiempo del bandido. Nardelli contará con la ayuda del perro policía Dox.
La furia de los vikingos
Sir Rutford
Harald, el rey de los vikingos, muere durante una batalla contra los britanos. Uno de sus dos hijos, Eron, es puesto a salvo, mientras que el otro, Erik, es adoptado por Alicia, la reina de Britania. Veinte años después, Eron encabeza la ofensiva vikinga contra los britanos y, por otro lado, Erik está al mando de la flota real de Britania. Los dos jóvenes desconocen su verdadera historia y se enfrentarán para defender sus respectivos bandos.
Gold of Rome
Ortona - father of Giulia
Rome 1943. The German Commandant of the city causes a turmoil in the Jewish community by offering them what seems to be an expensive way out of imprisonment and death.
Cronache del '22
maresciallo Enrico Sorrentino
Don Camilo monseñor... pero no tanto
L'esponente comunista di Roma
Cuarta entrega de las aventuras de Don Camilo y el alcalde Peppone. Ahora Don Camilo ha sido nombrado monseñor, y Peppone es senador. Ambos coinciden en Roma, donde continúan sus cordiales diferencias. A modo de viñetas con la nostalgia por el terruño junto al Po al fondo, tienen intereses comunes como en la boda del hijo de Peppone, que oficiará don Camilo, o el acuerdo sobre la capilla de la Virgen del Borghetto.
El asesino
Alfredo Martelli, un joven anticuario de turbio pasado, es detenido por la policía. Tras ser sometido a un interrogatorio de varias horas, el Comisario Palumbo le comunica que es el principal sospechoso de la muerte de Adalgisa De Matteis, una de sus acaudaladas amantes. Durante su estancia en la comisaría, evoca diversos episodios de su sórdido pasado y llega a la conclusión de que él es el responsable de lo que le está pasando.
Sor Egisto
El marido de Ottavia se fue a Japón 18 años antes y nunca ha tenido noticias de él. Se considera viuda, peor un día aparece una joven japonesa y le anuncia que es hija natural de su marido.
El sicario
Un hombre acosado por un acreedor decide contratar los servicios de un asesino a sueldo para quitárselo de encima.
Dos mujeres
un fasciste
Año 1943. Italia durante los nueve meses de ocupación alemana. Cesira es una mujer que vive en Roma con su hija Rosetta, una adolescente de 13 años. Ante el avance de la guerra, decide huir de la capital y refugiarse en casa de unos parientes, en los montes de Ciociaria, donde es muy bien recibida. La vida discurre serena lejos del frente. La bella Cesira conoce a Michele, un joven intelectual que quiere ser partisano y que, enamorado de ella, intenta atraerla a la causa de la libertad.
It Happened in '43
1943. The affair between Anna, unhappily married to wheelchair-bound Pino, and deserter Franco unfolds in foggy Ferrara, intertwining with the power struggle taking place within local Fascist ranks that culminates in a massacre of civilians, including Franco's father – Pino sees it all from his window, but will he tell anyone?
Los crímenes del Dr. Mabuse
El asesinato del reportero de televisión Peter Berg no es un hecho aislado. El clarividente Cornelius ha tenido una visión del crimen, pero por alguna extraña razón no ha podido ver al asesino. Como el hotel Luxor parece estar relacionado con los asesinatos, la policía intensifica la investigación en sus alrededores. Una terrible sospecha empieza a cobrar forma: el doctor Mabuse, un genio del crimen que pretendía dominar el mundo y a quien todos habían dado por muerto, quizá no lo esté.
La máscara del demonio
Dr. Choma Kruvajan / Dr. Thomas Kruvajan
Durante la Edad Media, la Inquisición rusa condena a muerte a una pareja de amantes que practican la brujería y los ejecuta poniéndoles una máscara con púas en su interior. Siglos después, sus ataúdes son encontrados y abiertos por dos viajeros. Al retirar las máscaras de los cadáveres, los brujos vuelven a la vida y siembran el pánico entre los habitantes del lugar.
Placeres de solteros
Ingegner Rocchetti
Las desventuras de dos maduros seductores, que han alquilado un apartamento para sus andanzas.
Los empleados
Guido es un trabajador soltero, de casa al trabajo y del trabajo a casa, compensa la monotonía cotidiana teniendo sueños en los que satisface sus aspiraciones secretas. Comedia amarga con ambiciones de sátira social.
Nights of the Teddy Boys
An Italian drama directed by Leopoldo Savona.
El terror de los bárbaros
Cuando los bárbaros provenientes de las tierras que hay más allá de los Alpes penetran en la península itálica y caen sobre la pequeña y pacífica población de Verona matando a buena parte de sus habitantes, no saben que despertarán la venganza de Emiliano, inmiscuyéndose entre los planes de conquista, las intrigas y las traiciones de los bárbaros, mientras lucha por la libertad de su pueblo.
El mundo de los milagros
Il direttore della fotografia
Una joven pareja de actores de una compañía de segunda se separan cuando él se va a Roma para triunfar en el cine.
Le cameriere
avvocato Arnaldo Guglielmi
Gabriella, a maid, wears a jewel at a dancing party which belongs to her mistress, and when it is stolen she is accused of the theft and sent to jail. Some other maids organize a search party for the real thief who seems to be a moustached youth who continually sings a popular song.
Mattino di primavera
Marisa's Father
Two teenagers are late for school so they decide to spend the day together.
Il nemico di mia moglie
dottor Giuliani
Marco and Luciana are married and in love, but the passion of Marco for football distract him, and make him impossible to keep a job for a long time: that's why the young couple keeps arguing.
Parola di ladro
gioielliere Bertinori
Desiderio is a gentleman thief who steals jewelry. Without him knowing, he is hired as a manager in the jewelry store of Gabriele Bertinori, and with this position he plans to rob the place.
Terrore sulla città
Hacia el crimen
Un joven en el paro mantiene relaciones con la amante de un rico industrial. Con el fin de sustraerla a su protector, decide cometer un atraco en compañía de un amigo...
Supreme Confession
Don Diego Garletto
The wife of a conductor with a stormy past agrees to meet a blackmailer in a small hotel.
I giorni più belli
Uno degli ex alunni
I quattro del getto tonante
Cap. Rovi
Rommel's Treasure
The underworld of Cairo is alerted to certain moves of various people in the search for Rommel's treasure. Some are intent on the valuables, while others seek only the documents. The searchers, each working for individual reasons, are: von Brunner, an ex-officer of Rommel's staff who seeks the treasure to aid families of the fallen; Wells, a famous American news photographer out for a scoop; Mrs. Fischer, owner of a luxury riverboat nightclub, who seeks the documents for a foreign power, and Krikorian, pretending to be helping Mrs. Fischer but is really interested in making what he can for himself. Sofia, a cabaret star for Mrs. Fischer, is in love with von Brmmer and unwittingly endangers her life when Mrs. Fischer discovers she is helping von Brunner in his quest.
Disperato addio
dottor Maurizio Mancini
The Intruder
Alberto Serpieri
A doctor saves a girl from suicide and marries her out of pity. Soon the evil man who had pushed her to the limit taking advantage of her re-enters her life. The ensuing crisis will help the newlyweds overcome their differences and start a fresh, better new life.
Good night… lawyer!
A lawyer, married but temporarily alone at home, finds himself in the house a beautiful lady who tries to escape from her jealous husband. Fascinated by the beauty of the unexpected guest, the lawyer is determined to conquer her, in vain. But when the woman leaves, she discovers that she has been stolen some money.
Goodbye, Naples!
Las dos huerfanitas
Captain Marrest
En el umbral de la Revolución, dos hermanas adoptivas, Henrietta y Louise Girard, se enfrentan a las dificultades de la vida. La primera es secuestrada por un noble malvado y celoso de su sobrino, la segunda, ciega, está siendo explotada y obligada a mendigar por una prostituta.
Rosso e nero
"Elena" cannot marry the man she loves, so enters into a loveless marriage with the wealthy "Andrea". Gradually she falls in love with him, but he never reciprocates. Things become further complicated when a letter from her first love "Carlo" is discovered.
Tripoli, bel suol d'amore
The young Alberto Ruotolo leave the country cottage to go for the sharpshooter. But the command does not pull good air, three riflemen arrogant and unruly bear much disorder as anger Marshal Nero.
La campana di San Giusto
The adventures of Roberto, an heroic Italian soldier from Trieste during World War One.
Pietà per chi cade
Andrea Mari
Nuestros tiempos
Comienza con tres pequeñas historias: "El beso", "Los enamorados" y "Disculpe, pero..." Los episodios principales son: "Mara" con Danièle Delorme e Yves Montand. Una prostituta se enamora y decide cambiar de vida. "El niño" con Lea Padovani y Marcello Mastroianni. Unos padres desesperados por la pobreza deciden abandonar a su hijo pero no saben dónde. "Escena en abierto" con Vittorio De Sica y Elisa Cegani. Un actor y una actriz muy mayores se vuelven a ver después de varios años. "Casa ajena" con Michel Simon y Sylvie. Un párroco intenta convencer a una anciana para que no se suicide. "Don Corradino". Vittorio De Sica interpreta a un conductor de autobús napolitano que no permitirá que el reglamento de la empresa interfiera en sus conquistas amorosas. "La cámara de fotos". Totò interpreta a un vividor que trata de seducir a Sophia Loren con la excusa de hacerle una foto.
Amori di mezzo secolo
Película dividida en cinco episodios. "El amor romántico (1900") narra la historia de un joven pianista, que tiene que dejar a su amada para realizar una gira de conciertos. Durante su ausencia, la tía de la joven trata de encontrar un partido mejor para su sobrina. "Guerra (1915-1918)". La intervención de Italia en la I Guerra Mundial separa a una pareja de recién casados cuando esperan la llegada de su primer hijo. "Dopoguerra (1920)". Un militante fascista de provincias llega a la capital para participar con los "camisas negras" de Mussolini en la Marcha sobre Roma (1922). Durante el recorrido tendrá un encuentro inesperado. "Napoli, 1943". Una hermosa historia de amor surge en un refugio napolitano, en el que la población se protege de los bombardeos. "Girandola, 1910". Historia bufa que narra las vicisitudes de un médico que recurre a sus malas artes para ayudar a sus clientes en problemas amorosos.
Human Torpedoes
El ataque de la marina italiana a la marina británica anclada en Creta, en 1941.
Sul ponte dei sospiri
Coming of age, a girl is told the truth about her dead father: he is alive, but imprisoned for several crimes he did not commit... With the help of an old noble lady and a young count (who doubles as a daring sea captain), she will fight for the truth, and justice. Her opponent is the State Town's Inquisitor himself, who set her father's up to escape his own crimes.
La señora sin camelias
Gianni Franchi
By a twist of fate, the photogenic Milanese shop assistant, Clara Manni, gets the leading role in Italian movie producer Gianni Franchi's romantic drama, "Addio Signora", and becomes an overnight sensation in Rome.
Times Gone By
A number of different segments taken from 19th century Italian stories.
L'eroe sono io
Attention! Bandits!
The engineer
During the winter of 1944, the partisans stationed in the Ligurian Apennines must go to a factory in Genoa, in order to pick up a delivery of weapons. Meanwhile, there's a strike in the city and the Nazis are trying to suppress it violently. The factory becomes the scene of fighting between the Germans and the partisans but the latter, aided by the workers, will be able to get the better.
City of Violence
Amore e sangue (released in the U.S. as "City of Violence"), the 1951 Marino Girolami (billed as "John Wolff") West German/Italian romantic action adventure war thriller.
The Accusation
Il commissario Constantini
A luckless young teacher it's suspected of committing two murders. When his lover begins to have doubt about his innocence, he seems to be doomed.
Paolo e Francesca
Gianciotto Malatesta
The tragic love story, already narrated by Dante in his Inferno, of Paolo Malatesta and Francesca da Polenta. Francesca is married to Paolo's brother, Gianciotto an old and crippled man and secretly Paolo's mistress. When Gianciotto finds out tragedy ensues.
Il sentiero dell'odio
Pietro Pietramala
Demasiado tarde
Un hombre, que es buscado por un crimen pasional, abandona su escondite a bordo de un barco para buscar ayuda médica en Génova. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Earth Cries Out
Two Jews and their former British comrade land on opposite sides of the Palestine issue following World War II.
I fratelli Karamazoff
Tragic Hunt
Immediately after the war, bandits attack a truck that is transporting newlyweds Michele and Giovanna and the accountant of an agricultural cooperative charged with bringing four million lire into office.
Ultimo amore
capitano Rastelli
Cronaca nera
A mob boss seeks refuge from the police at the home of an ordinary family.
La primula bianca
Andrea Viscardi
Rome: Free City
Il giovane
In a post-war Rome (1946) a cat burglar inadvertently saves the life of a would-be suicide man who returns from the war to find that he has been betrayed by his fiancée while fighting in the war. From that moment the thief takes the ex-soldier under his wing. They leave house together for a night full of misadventures. In a streets of Rome they meet the struggling typist who can’t pay her rent and opts to street life; a wandering amnesiac who lost his memory and keeps asking everyone “Do you recognize me?”. Thieves, gamblers, hookers, policemen, soldiers and endless chain of cigarette-smoking and alcohol/espresso-drinking.
Le vie del peccato
Un americano in vacanza
Albergo Luna, camera 34
A young music teacher, after her house is burned down by a raid, has to go to a refugee camp with her old and sick mother. She is forced to sell everything she owns, while she is looking for a job as a singer. One night, tired and frustrated, she meets a man who invites her out for a drink. She accepts the invitation, stunned by the bunch of banknotes in his wallet. The man takes her to his room at the hotel Luna and seduces her. Before leaving, she robs him of his money and then walks hastily home, but in the meantime her mother has died. She meets a young maestro, who wants her to sing his songs. She seems to begin a happy, though hard, life together with the young maestro who wishes to marry her. The wicked man suddenly reappears and menaces to reveal their old encounter and that she is a thief, but he is later killed. The unfortunate lady is suspected of the crime, but at the end she is cleared of it and she can happily marry her maestro
Two Anonymous Letters
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
Lettere al sottotenente
Il giovane sottotenente
Vivere ancora
I dieci comandamenti
Ten episodes, one for each of the Ten Commandments. Lost film.
Lacrime di sangue
Tutta la vita in ventiquattr'ore
Tristi amori
L'avvocato Fabrizio Arcieri
Emma, who is married to lawyer Giulio Scarli, is secretly in love with Fabrizio Arcieri, who works with her husband.
La valle del diavolo
Peter Grundel
Tempesta sul golfo
Il capitano Roberto Capece
Giacomo l'idealista
Giacinto Magnenzio
Corrado Silla
A nineteenth-century Italian noblewoman, imprisoned in a foreboding lakeside palazzo by her uncle, comes to believe she's possessed by a long ago mistress of the manor.
Labbra serrate
Carlo Massani
La contessa Castiglione
Baldo Princivalli
There's Room Up Ahead
Bruno Bellini
Una joven sola y embarazada recibe la ayuda de un caballero que se hace pasar por su marido para ser presentado a la familia de ella como tal.
Via delle Cinque Lune
Catene invisibili
Tragic Night
Released from jail, Nanni punches prison guard Stefano who has denounced him. In order to take revenge, Stefano suggests the suspicion that, during his absence, his wife has had business with the Count Paolo. A few days later, at night, a deadly ambush will be prepared. Based on the novel The Trap (1928) by Toscan Delfino Cinelli.
Mattia Cintra
A crime novel writer is experiencing writer's block while writing his latest book. Then a woman is murdered in his home, and this crime gives him inspiration to finish his novel. Without noticing, he even founds the real culprit.
Schoolgirl Diary
Il professor Marini
Senza cielo
Giù il sipario
Un joven de provincia, autor teatral, consigue que una compañía represente un trabajo suyo. Lo consigue tanto porque su tío es rico, como porque está enamorado de la hija del protagonista. Pero su tío, que quiere truncar sus aspiraciones cómicas, intentará arruinar la obra.
È sbarcato un marinaio
Horseman at the Luna Park
Sin novedad en el Alcázar
Dos jóvenes alumnos de la Academia Militar de Toledo, de permiso en Madrid, reciben la noticia de la sublevación militar del general Franco. Temerosos de la situación en la capital, deciden presentarse ante su superior en la Academia y ponerse a sus órdenes, lo que hace que se trasladen a Toledo y decidan apoyar desde allí a los facciosos, estableciendo su cuartel general en el Alcázar.
La notte delle beffe
Giorgio Albini
Department Store
In a massive department store the driver romances the shopgirl. The problem is that the manager also has his eye on her, and some employees seem to be pilfering goods from the place.
Venice Film Festival 1939
Abnegación de madre
Extra in ball scene
No hay una sinopsis.
Under the Southern Cross
L'operaio della piantagione
Venice Film Festival 1938
Luciano Serra, Pilot
Ten. Binelli
Successful WWI pilot Luciano Serra has problems adjusting to an ordinary life in peace, so he leaves his family and becomes a pilot in America. In the 30s, his son in Italy wants also to become a pilot, and Luciano accepts an offer of a double dealing agent for a flight from Rio to Rome, but his plane crashes in the Atlantic. For the world Luciano Serra is missing, but he has entered the Italian army under a new name to fight in Ethiopia. The train in which his unit travels is attacked by Ethiopian soldiers, his son flying a reconasaince mission is shot down and wounded by the same attacking enemies. Will Luciano be able to fly the plane back, to get close air support for the outnumbered Italian troups?
Arma bianca
attendente del duca
The Conquest of the Air
Zoroastro (uncredited)
This early docudrama uses dramatic re-enactment, working models of early flying machines, and archival footage to trace man's attempts to fly from ancient times through the 1930's.
Venice Film Festival 1935
Old Guard
There were very few commercial feature films made during the Italian fascist era that were as openly propagandistic as this famous (notorious?) dramatic paean to the Blackshirts. The story takes place in a small village in Italy in October of 1922, on the eve of the fascist "March on Rome", in which King Victor Emanuel III was persuaded to consign power to Benito Mussolini. Gianfranco Giachetti is Dr. Cardini, a doctor at the local psychiatric hospital, where a strike has been called by the local socialists. Cardini turns to the fascists to help avert the strike. His son Roberto (Mino Doro) rounds up fascist friends to fight those aligned with the strikers and the town's socialists.
un soldato
The story is the harried attempt of a Sicilian partisan, as part of the risorgimento, to reach Garibaldi's headquarters in Northern Italy, and to petition the revered revolutionary to rescue part of his besieged land. Along the way, the peasant hero encounters many colorful Italians, differing in class and age, and holding political opinions of every type. There is a key train scene, and the film ends on the battlefield, Italian unification a success, despite brutal losses.
La mujer de todos
Un amico di Roberto
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Salvatore Gotta. Narra la desdichada y rocambolesca vida de la estrella de cine Gaby Doriot (Isa Miranda). Tras un intento fallido de suicidio, es ingresada en un hospital, donde bajo los efectos de la anestesia empieza a rememorar su pasado y sus desventuradas y trágicas relaciones amorosas. Tras escapar de la Alemania Nazi, Max Ophüls se estableció definitivamente en Francia. Ésta es su única película italiana. Tras varios años de ostracismo, la figura de Max Ophüls está siendo rehabilitada por parte de críticos y aficionados al cine.
Se vincessi cento milioni