Laurent Barbey


Toumast - Entre Guitare et Kalashnikov
Sound Mixer
Face au juge
Sound Mix Technician
Sound Designer
A portrait of Rita, who claims that her mother was never a mother for her. Rita gives birth to her own five children and forces her mother to take the role of a mother.
La nébuleuse du cœur
Sound Mixer
Attention aux chiens
Sound Mixer
Grüningers Fall
Sound Mixer
The Grüninger case from Switzerland. This is a documentary about a police officer who showed civil courage back in the forties when he led many refugees fleeing German Nazi terror immigrate to Switzerland, although he was advised not to do so. Grüninger later was sued by the state of Switzerland, lost his job and died in the early seventies. The film constructs a just lawsuit with eye-witnesses and thus fully legitimates what Grüninger did.
The Beggars
This symbolic drama from director Benoit Jacques underscores the characters' human need for affection. Children steal lemons for the thrill, while women steal other women's men from them just to prove they can. Drug smuggling, clandestine love affairs, and two lovers involved with the production of Shakespeare's Othello carry on with their own off-stage tragedy.
En la ciudad blanca
Sound Mixer
Harto del mar, Paul, un mecánico suizo que trabaja en las ruidosas entrañas de un barco mercante, desembarca en Lisboa.
La invitación
Después de la muerte de su madre, un empleado de seguros de mediana edad, hereda una pequeña casa de campo rodeada de un jardín. La venta de la casa que está situada en un terreno no explotado cerca del centro de una gran ciudad, lo convierte en un hombre rico y compra una casa grande en el campo. Toma algo de tiempo libre y decide hacer una fiesta de gran jardín en la casa e invitar a todos sus colegas de la oficina. Por culpa del alcohol, las personas se deshiniben y revelan rasgos de su personalidad y las frustraciones que normalmente mantienen ocultas.