Luggi Waldleitner

Nacimiento : 1913-12-01, Kirchseeon, Bavaria, Germany

Muerte : 1998-01-16


Almanya: Bienvenido a Alemania
Después de vivir 45 años en Alemania, el turco Hüseyin Yilmaz, de setenta años, anuncia a su familia que ha comprado una casa en Turquía y que deben volver para hacer las reformas necesarias. La idea no es bien recibida y provoca discusiones muy acaloradas. Además, Canan, una nieta de Hüseyin, anuncia que está embarazada y que el padre es su novio inglés, del que nadie sabía nada. Para consolar a su primo Cenk, un niño de de seis años, al que humillaron en la escuela tachándolo de “extranjero”, Canan le cuenta una fantástica historia sobre cómo abandonaron Turquía y fueron a parar a Alemania.
Gegenschuss - Aufbruch der Filmemacher
Self (archive footage)
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Night Time
Thomas Krömer follows the traces of a brutal murder in werewolf-manner out of personal interest. After investigating for some time, the traces all point to one person: himself. Now, he has to find out whether he surprisingly turns into a blood-seeking werewolf at full moon without knowing it or if there is an other solution to the murders. Police are getting pretty suspicious after Thomas' own grandmother has been brutally slaughtered in her little fairy-tale-fashioned house in the woods, and it will soon be time for a full moon...
Beyond Silence
Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into the lives of the deaf and at a story about the love for music. A girl who has always had to translate speech into sign language for her deaf parents yet when her love for playing music grows strong she must decide to continue doing something she cannot share with her parents.
The Film Narrator
Germany in the Thirties. A movie teller realizes that his profession is not longer needed. Silent movies are not produced any longer. Telling stories is the only thing the man was ever good in, so he does not know what to do now. As political circumstances are changing dramatically these days in Germany, he gets new hope that things will again be going better for him...
No sólo quiero que me queráis
El título es una variación del título de una película que Fassbinder realizó en 1976, Sólo quiero que me queráis (Ich will doch nur, dass ihr mich liebt). Este es el primer intento tras la muerte del director de acercarse a la compleja personalidad de Fassbinder, profundizando en los aspectos más polémicos de su vida, como su abierta homosexualidad y su relación con las drogas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sometime during the 19th century in Switzerland: After a delirious night of drinking, three herdsmen who are all alone in the alps with their kettle, create a female doll from cloth and a strangely formed wooden root. When their creation comes to life in form of an evil and beautiful female demon, they have to fear for their lives...
Silencio de cristal
Executive Producer
Basada en hechos reales, narra la historia de una bailarina de 19 años (Gertz) cuyo colapso en el escenario lleva a descubrir que tiene cáncer. Trasladada a una clínica especializada, ella comparte habitación con una chica de clase trabajadora que está directamente en conflicto con la chica más refinada. Las dos intentan afrontar sus posibles muertes, así una extraña unión se forma entre ellas.
Let's Kiss and Say Goodbye
A study of the alienated people who frequent the Ballhaus Barmbek dance hall, including an obese El groupie, an old man reciting poetry, two young women and a regular dance employee.
Ríete como puedas
Seis episodios cómicos cuyo vínculo principal es que todos ocurren en la ciudad de Munich.
Please, Let the Flowers Live
Executive Producer
A lawyer who survives a plane crash takes the opportunity to take a new identity and begin a new life.
Va Banque
Three ordinary, disillusioned citizens decide to rob an armored car.
The Beginner
Movie fan Mike has invented a machine with which he is able to take part in every movie which is currently running on his video tape recorder. But he and his friend Tommy are watched while trying out this new device and soon two electronic companies are on their trail to discover the secret of this invention.
Grein, a truck driver, works for Sienmann, an undesirable man, dedicated to fraud.
Mama Mia - Nur keine Panik
Because her husband, crime novel author Bert, prefers to spend the evenings with milieu and girl studies in the pubs, Conny files for divorce and moves with the two children from Berlin to Munich. There, she mistakes the new teacher of her daughter with the renovating carpenter, which is quite alright with the teacher as this gives him plenty of opportunity to enjoy Conny’s company. Meanwhile, however, Bert as well has started to understand how good it is to have a cosy home. He comes to Munich in order to win Conny back.
Unerreichbare Nähe
Story of the relationship between two women. Ines, a successful career woman, and Monika, whom Ines takes in after she has attempted suicide.
Bei Anruf Liebe
A movie directed by Otto W. Retzer.
The Swing
The life of 3 sisters in Munich before the First World War. Based on the book by Annette Kolb.
Edith's Diary
Edith runs a left-wing journal and when her marriage starts to fall apart (her husband is unfaithful), she can find no solace in her son who is more of a problem than an asset. On top of heading toward a divorce and being unable to handle her son's asocial tendencies, her neurotic uncle moves in, demanding personalized care. Just to keep her sanity intact, Edith starts writing in her diary to vent her own feelings and ambitions. As her son goes from bad to worse over a five-year period, it turns out that Edith's diary may be of more benefit than she could have ever imagined. In this adaptation of Edith's Diary by Patricia Highsmith, director and writer Hans W. Geissendoerfer has maintained Highsmith's psychologically tormented characters while changing the location and time of her story from the U.S. of the 1960s to Germany in the early 1980s.
Marianne and Sophie
Fantasma de amor
Nino se encuentra en el autobús con una mujer muy envejecida y de aspecto enfermizo que acaba confesándole que es Ana, la mujer a la que amó veinte años antes. Cuando Nino les habla de este encuentro a sus amigos, uno de ellos, que es médico, le asegura que Ana murió de cáncer hace ya tiempo. Lo extraordinario de la situación despierta la curiosidad del protagonista.
Lili Marleen
Lili Marleen es la historia de una canción que, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, llegó a convertirse en un himno, primero del nazismo y después del bando aliado. En 1936, Norbert Schultze, un pianista de cabaret, le puso música a la letra que había escrito años atrás un soldado alemán. Tres años más tarde la grabó en disco una bella pero mediocre cantante, Lale Andersen, que consiguió un éxito y una popularidad tales que los servicios de propaganda del Tercer Reich decidieron hacer suya la canción.
Worlds Apart
After fighting the Arab armies, Assaf, an Israeli soldier, falls in love with an American living in the Arab district of Jerusalem. One day, he believes he recognizes a wanted terrorist.
El cazador de tiburones
Un atormentado cazador de tiburones vive en un pueblito mexicano guardando bastantes trapos sucios bajo la cama. La llegada de viejos enemigos al lugar lo hará desviar su atención de los escualos para dedicarse a voltear villanos.
La parte más apetitosa del hombre
El profesor Bruno Cagli le pide al director de la cárcel que le recomiende un ladrón para que le ayude en una importante investigación sobre cuestiones mitológico-sexual-astrológicas de la sexualidad cretense. Aquel le recomienda a Eugenio Cavallo, matemático y estadístico que ese día sale de prisión por pequeños hurtos, para cuestionarse sus indagaciones. Su tarea consistirá en robarle a un rival del profesor Cagli, la doctora Burton, información necesaria para su trabajo y devolverla antes que esta se de cuenta.
La celda de cristal
Cuando una escuela se derrumba con todos los niños dentro, el arquitecto Phillip Braun es juzgado y condenado por deficiencias en el diseño y construcción del edificio, y es enviado a prisión. Su abogado descubre que la verdadera responsabilidad del incidente pudiera ser otra...
Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl
At the behest of his father, the young Karl Valentin is to complete a carpentry apprenticeship. When the father gets into a financial mess by a strict creditor, the boy works with growing success as a comedian to support his parents financiall
Una respetable dama burguesa
Pascale, casada con un arquitecto, pierde su vuelo a Londres y se ve obligada a quedarse en Berlín, en el Hotel Kleinhoff donde permaneció como estudiante. Karl, un aspirante a revolucionario vive en la habitación contigua y Pascale lo espía a él ya su ex-novia a través de un agujero. Luego lo sigue a un lugar dudoso donde es arrestada por la policía durante un ataque de los revolucionarios. Cuando regresa al hotel Kleinhoff, Pascale encuentra a Karl llorando, y entra en su habitación para consolarlo y tienen una aventura.
Rosemary's Daughter
The murder of the well-known Frankfurt high-class prostitute Rosemarie Nitribitt kept the Federal Republic in suspense at the time, but the crime could never be solved. Although almost twenty years have now passed, the unpleasant matter for those involved at the time comes back on the table, because Annemarie Meier-Wippertal, the daughter of the murdered, causes unrest as she wants to solve the murder of her mother.
Das Netz
The aging writer Aurelio Morelli is disillusioned: although the critics like his books, they are barely read. He develops hatred on youth and their depraved moral. One night he goes with a callgirl - and kills her. The police doesn't have a clue, only the unscrupulous sensational journalist Bossi suspects him. Instead of naming him to the police, he persuades Morelli to write about the murder for his paper. Morelli uses the occasion to write his memoirs, in which he confesses lots of other crimes before this last one...
To the Bitter End
15 years ago Paul Jordan was a star in Hollywood musicals. But then he retired from showbiz and married the rich Joan. Now, after being dependent on his wife's money for many years, he's sick of it and wants to work again. A romantic affair with his stepdaughter, Shirley, gives him the guts to ask for a role. His former agent gets him one but it's with a small company in Vienna, Austria. The stress worsens his alcoholism; the tablets he takes to hide the effects lead him to hallucinations. When his wife and girlfriend appear at the same time, he's no longer capable of handling the situation.
Only the Wind Knows the Answer
The yacht of millionaire Hellmann explodes in the Mediterranean Sea, with him and 8 men crew on board. Insurance agent Lucas investigates at the Cote D'Azur, because there's the suspicion that it could have been suicide. He finds out that Hellmann's villa was monitored, the tapes also contain information about the explosion. He uses them for blackmail.
As Long as One Is Intoxicated
The tormented loves of the young Ottavio, first for the countess Gamiani and then for the writer Georges Sand.
One or the Other of Us
Psychological thriller that focuses on the intense conflict between a university professor and a blackmailer.
Historia de una monja de clausura
Durante el siglo XVI, ante su negativa de casarse con un hombre que no ama, una joven es enviada por sus padres a un convento de clausura. Allí conoce a un grupo de monjas sexualmente reprimidas lideradas por la madre superiora que la someten a las más degradantes humillaciones y convertirán su vida en un infierno viviente al no querer someterse a sus deseos.
Orden de Interpol: sin un momento de tregua
Paul y Sybil viven en Berlín. Cuando él vuelve de un viaje no encuentra a Sybill por ninguna parte, y sólo por un mensaje en el contestador averigua que ella ha sido citada en Viena. Un cadáver complica las cosas.
Alle Menschen werden Brüder
The unsuccessful writer Ritchie can't stand his brother, a criminal businessman. When both fall in love with the beautiful Lilian, a dangerous game of revenge begins.
Tears of Blood
A story of love between French student Alain and German high school student Christine.
Love Is Only a Word
Verena, esposa de un poderoso banquero, se enamora de un estudiante de veintiún años, pero su marido se entera y la amenaza.
Der scharfe Heinrich - Die bumsfidelen Abenteuer einer jungen Ehe
And Jimmy Went to the Rainbow's Foot
The son of an Argentine chemist travels to Vienna, to solve the murder of his father. Step by step, he realizes that his father was internationally entangled in secret service machinations and chemical weapon sales, and ends up in mortal danger himself. Meanwhile, he also realizes that there is no connection between his father's murderess and those dubious activities. Her motive for killing him goes back much futher, to a court hearing during the Third Reich...
Muchachas en el ginecólogo
La película presenta siete destinos de muchachas, destinos que se ofrecen tal y como se desarrollaron, casos típicos de muchachas de la generación pop, de su disposición física y mental y de sus problemas íntimos.
Las mujeres carnívoras
En un pueblo alemán, las hembras han llegado a una filosofía parecida a la de las mantis religiosas, esos insectos cuya hembra de la especie se come al macho mientras están apareándose. En el pueblo, una especie de sociedad secreta femenina se dedica a eliminar a los hombres después de haberles “extraído todo el jugo" como amantes.
Misión Torpedo
Una mujer que ignora que su marido es un espía lo mata al encontrarlo con otra.
The Servant
18-year-old small town Aline arrives in Paris and is employed as house servant in Robert and Ulla Marbois' home. Robert takes a fancy towards Aline and they begin an affair.
Que esperen los cuervos
Tras un atraco a mano armada a un banco, uno de los asaltantes huye al desierto con una bolsa de diamantes. Llega a una cabaña aislada donde vive una pareja. El marido averigua quién es por la prensa y le pide que compartan los diamantes. Pero varios perseguidores se ciernen sobre ellos...
The Last Mercenary
After the war in Congo, two mercenaries take a mission to safeguard uranium transportation in a South American jungle, fighting bandits and local miners.
Come Now, My Dear Little Bird
La historia presenta una representación entretenida y reveladora de la historia moral del sexo en el curso de la historia humana.
Die Ente klingelt um halb acht
La moglie giapponese
The accountant Taddei, an employee of an import company, travels to Tokyo for work and discovers that the colleague he has replaced has married a Japanese woman. His journey to the Far East brings him into contact with situations of extreme poverty that will deeply disturb him.
Más allá de la ley
A un apartado lugar del Oeste llega un ingeniero para hacerse cargo de la explotación de una mina de plata. En el camino le desaparecen los 12.000 dólares destinados a pagar a los mineros y no le resultará fácil dar cuentas... (FILMAFFINITY)
Manon 70
Manon is an amoral, free spirit who uses sex to surround herself in relatively luxurious surroundings.
The Battle of the Mods
En Liverpool hay una guerra abierta entre los Mods y los Rockers. Durante una pelea, la novia de Ricky, hijo de un rico hombre de negocios, resulta muerta. Ricky vuelve a Roma y se lía con la amante de su padre.
Upperseve, hombre a matar
Upperseven tendrá que desarticular una organización oriental llamada "Kobras" que prepara un plan diabólico.
90 Minuten nach Mitternacht
Juego de reyes
En 1938, en la Austria recién ocupada por los nazis, Werner von Basilio, un prestigioso intelectual vienés es detenido y acusado de contrabando cuando intentaba sacar obras de arte del país. A continuación la Gestapo lo recluye en una habitación de hotel, donde no tiene distracciones de ningún tipo... Una famosa película sobre el juego de ajedrez basada en la novela corta de Stefan Zweig "Novela de Ajedrez" (The Royal Game and Other Stories).
Conny und Peter machen Musik
La clave del enigma
Un pintor holandés (Hardy Kruger) es acusado del asesinato de su novia inglesa.
West Germany in '50s is becoming an economic superpower. In such climate, Rosemarie is just one of many enterpreneurs who wants her piece of new fortune. She uses her charms to bring members of West German industrial elite to her bed. There she finds business secrets and later sells them to French competition. However, when scandal errupts, Rosemarie would find that she can't beat the system.
El Hakim
A young Egyptian doctor leaves his uneducated, dance girl lady friend behind while he focuses on fighting poverty and superstition. Years later, rich and famous, on a trip to Paris he discovers her again, in a night club.
Der kühne Schwimmer
Two female agents from a rival gang are sent to disrupt the operations of a gold-smuggler's caravan in Africa.
Until we meet again
This is the tear-jerking love story between young Pamela and casino owner Mayrhoefer.