Robert Lefebvre

Nacimiento : 1907-03-19, Paris, France

Muerte : 1989-02-15


The Image
Director of Photography
Jean es un tipo guapo que durante una fiesta se queda fascinado por la bellisima Anne que es propiedad de su amiga, la fría Claire. Esta mantiene una relación de sumisión sadomasoquista absoluta con Anne que inclute todo lo clásico, látigos, humillación pública, esclavitud, etc. Poco a poco, Jean se vá introduciendo más y más en la relación de las dos mujeres...
Sexualmente vuestro
Director of Photography
Gerard Casanova es el hombre que todas las mujeres ricas y hermosas llaman cuando necesitan un poco más que los maridos para darles. Siempre está de guardia para satisfacer sus deseos sexuales.
Club Privado
Director of Photography
Marcel es un taxista que tiene la suerte de recoger a una impresionante mujer que comienza a desvestirse en el asiento trasero. Pronto le conduce hasta un club privado donde él puede escoger a la mujer que quiera para satisfacer sus deseos sexuales. Tras disfrutar unas cuantas veces con dos chicas, entra a formar parte del grupo de personas que habitan el local y a participar en sus juegos sexuales.
The Duchess of Avila
An epic six-hour adaptation of Potocki's The Manuscript Found in Saragossa. Most famously filmed by Wojciech Has, this four part adaptation has the advantage of a vastly expanded running time, allowing for more of the novel to be incorporated >> shot on film, it was clearly a very expensive production and is equally spectacular in its own way.
Yo soy frígida ... Porqué?
Director of Photography
Sandra Julien protagoniza a una virgen adolescente que está traumatizada después de ser violada por sus 2 "amigos", un joven y su hermana, dejándola sin ningún interés en el sexo. Desalentada, se embarca en un viaje de despertar sexual con la esperanza de curarse a sí misma.
Yo soy ninfómana
Director of Photography
La colorista obra maestra de Pécas, con la bella Sandra Julien, una belleza glacial como la un maniquí viviente. Una película sobre los deseos más ocultos del subconsciente, marcada por la mejor muestra de la imaginación sexual de Max Pécas.
Claudia y Greta - Ligues particulares
Director of Photography
Greta, una joven y bella sueca, llega a París llena de esperanzas y de ilusiones. Empleada por una familia que la trata como a una igual, habría estado bien si el marido, demasiado mujeriego, no la hubiese obligado a irse. Una agencia de modelos y un fotógrafo de modas no le proporcionan más que nuevos sinsabores. Greta es una mujer con demasiados encantos y demasiados principios. Una elegante joven, Claudia, se fija en ella cuando canta por la calle y la invita a su casa. Claudia pone generosamente a disposición de Greta su casa y su guardarropa, pero Greta no tarda en comprender que los motivos que guían a su benefactora son los de una amistad muy particular.
The Death of Joe the Indian
Director of Photography
The film is a continuation of the story of Tom Sawyer and his friends, the second part of the Romanian screenplay after the famous novel by Mark Twain. The three friends Tom, Huck and Becky continue their adventures full of puzzles and suspense.
La nuit la plus chaude
One Saturday night, Jenny and Vera, are sequestered at home by an armed man who wants a big sum of money. As the two girls have no cash, he will wait until Monday morning for them to be able to withdraw the money. For the time being he binds them on their bed and, tired out himself, falls to sleep. The next morning, Max Sorini (for such is is name), a former legionary, accepts to tell his story to his two victims: having surprised his wife Nathalie in the company of her lover, Max had fallen upon his rival and a fight had ensued during which the other man had killed Nathalie, before taking the French leave. The police, believing Max was guilty with the manslaughter had arrested him but he had managed to escape while being transferred to prison. Now he needs money for his defense... —Guy Bellinger
Love + Fear = Torment
Director of Photography
"Love + fear = Torment" exposes the secret world of the French model studios, and the men who try to corrupt them. Mobsters become involved when fifty-thousand dollars worth of uncut gems are stolen. A model studio becomes terrorized as one of the models innocently befriends one of the mobsters.
The Double Bed
Director of Photography
Aventuras y desventuras de cinco personajes alrededor de un elemento común: la cama.
That Tender Age
Director of Photography
Antoine and Marie decided to introduce their parents before the wedding. Summer vacation looks like a good time, so the Lartigue family prepares to host Malhouin family. But it turns out that the harsh Emil Malhouin is not too happy to get acquainted with his future relatives...
Friends of the family
Director of Photography
Leon Rollo whose nickname is "Patate" is an inventor adored by his wife and is daughter. He is mostly happy but his best friend Noël seems to succeed in everything he undertakes... Patate become increasingly jealous of this incredible luck.
Good King Dagobert
Director of Photography
Mr. Pelletan's rascal son Bébert son got another F for playing in class. His punishment is an essay on the Merovingian king Dagobert. All they know is he had eight wives and reunited Francia. The ignorant knave's irreverent imagination turns that into a harem and a ludicrous war without armies, loaded with anachronisms, in a race against rival king Charibert for the crown of Reims. The king's right hand, archbishop Eloi, the later patrons saint of carpentry, is portrayed as an inventor.
Director of Photography
"Les petits matins" is a story of eighteen-year old Agathe (Agathe Aëms) with a firm independence of men even if she uses them to get to the côte d'azur. Along the way she meets a lot of people , mostly men. And the director does not spare the sterotypical image of early 60s middle aged male cliches to lampoon. But this is all very light stuff, nothing too intellectual. But it's often charming, and there's a bevy of well-known actors involved. Jean -Claude Brialy (the pompous, self absorbed male lead of Rohmer's "Claire's Knee"), Claude Rich, Lino Ventura, François Perrier, Pierre Brasseur, and the couple Bernard Blier & Arletty, who team up here for the first time since Marcel Carné's "Hôtel du Nord" (1938).
A rienda suelta
Camera Operator
Sophie, una joven modelo bastante frívola, se entera de que su novio tiene la intención de dejarla por otra mujer. Entonces se le ocurren dos posibilidades: intentar reconquistarlo o asesinar a su rival. Afortunadamente, cuenta con la ayuda de un médico para poner en práctica el primer plan.
Candide ou l'optimisme au XXe siècle
Director of Photography
Las aventuras de Cándido, un soldado francés, en 1940. Separado de su novia, le sucederán numerosas aventuras. (FILMAFFINITY)
Love and the Frenchwoman
Director of Photography
The seven stages in the life of the modern Frenchwomen are disclosed by seven directors in a witty way: 1 - Childhood, 2 - Adolescence, 3 - Virginity, 4 - Marriage, 5 - Adultery, 6 - Divorce, 7 - The Single Woman.
It Happened All Night
Director of Photography
Michel Ferréol reluctantly meets up with an old school friend, Antoine Fiesco. Michel didn’t like Antoine much when they were at school and tries to get away by making an excuse. He changes his mind when Antoine introduces him to his wife, a beautiful brunette named Christine.
Les Lionceaux
Director of Photography
Patrice's good looks have made him a consummate womanizer but they also helped him win the heart of Juliette, the daughter of Blanche Eroli, an influential Parisian clothes designer. The latter doesn't want him as a husband for Juliette and would prefer to see her married to Vincent, her right hand man. To this end she offers Patrice a juicy check if he agrees to leave Juliette. He accepts the deal and leaves for the Riviera, where he discovers love in the person of pretty Caroline. But Juliette, who does not love Vincent, traces Patrice as far as Nice. Soon afterwards her dead body is found lying on her former fiancé's bed...
Vous n'avez rien à déclarer ?
Director of Photography
Cena de acusados
Director of Photography
Quince años después de terminada la guerra, un grupo de veteranos de la Resistencia francesa se reúne para cenar en casa de uno de ellos. Quieren conmemorar la muerte de su antiguo líder a manos del ejército alemán. Con el paso del tiempo han cambiado mucho y ya no son los mismos de antes. Pero todavía les queda un asunto por resolver: averiguar quién de ellos fue el traidor que los delató a la Gestapo.
Women Are Weak
Director of Photography
A playboy is pursued by three women seeking romance.
Life Together
Director of Photography
The writer Pierre Carot became rich and famous with his book "Life as a Couple", which was based on the loving relationships of four couples. Now he's setting up his will and wants to leave his wealth to the couples among the four, which are still as deeply in love - if any: else, his companions get the money. He sends them out to visit the couples and test their love.
Et ta sœur...
Director of Photography
Bastien du Boccage is a repeat offender: hasn't he been sent to jail no fewer than six times? But he is no ordinary criminal mind you. As a matter of fact he is a newspaper editor and should have no problems with justice. The trouble is that he has a sister, Lucrèce, who is agony aunt in his newspaper and who tends not to mince her words. To make matters worse, Francine, his daughter, has fallen in love with Bruno, a penniless student and Lucrèce is prepared to do anything to prevent her marriage..
De espaldas a la pared
Director of Photography
Jacques Decrey, un industrial, descubre que su esposa Gloria tiene un amante. Haciéndose pasar por un hombre llamado Berthier, él la chantajea. Después de un tiempo, Decrey decide hacer ver que Yves Normand, un joven actor desempleado y amante de Gloria, es el chantajista. Pero al hacerlo, ha desatado una máquina infernal...
Seventh Heaven
Director of Photography
Briggitte de Lénouville es una viuda rica que se dedica a las obras de caridad, financiadas con el dinero que les ha sacado a timadores sin escrúpulos. Les promete casarse con ellos y al final, los ejecuta fríamante. Su secretario los entierra bajo las hortensias del jardín. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Haute Couture mannequin in Paris becomes involved in the activities of two rival jewel thief gangs.
Puerta de las lilas
Director of Photography
Juju, un borracho patán que siente la necesidad de ser importante para alguien, y su amigo El Artista son forzados a punta de pistola a alojar a un fugitivo, Pierre Barbier, en la casa destartalada de Juju. La necesidad de ser necesitado es tal en Juju que deja de beber y cuida de Pierre. Pero un día Juju descubre que Pierre ha estado haciendo el amor con su chica María....
Así es la aurora
Director of Photography
Ángela está casada con el doctor Valerio. Vive en una pequeña ciudad de Córcega. Un día sufre un mareo en la calle y llama a la fábrica en la que su marido cura a un obrero que ha sufrido un accidente de trabajo. Ángela no puede entender que su marido se ocupe tanto de los pobres y la deje a ella abandonada. Al ver a su mujer en tal estado, le aconseja que se vaya con su familia a Niza.
Bad Liaisons
Director of Photography
Catherine Racan, a young journalist who always puts her career over her love life, is brought in by the police for questioning. They are looking for a doctor who illegally performs abortions and now they are interrogating all of his previous clients.
Las maniobras del amor
Director of Photography
Armande de la Verne (Gérard Philipe), un célebre mujeriego, apuesta que puede seducir a cualquier mujer. La elegida es la divorciada Marie-Louise Rivere (Michèle Morgan). La amenaza de la guerra es el telón de fondo de las "maniobras" de seducción. Mientras intenta ganar la apuesta, el Don Juan se enamora locamente de la bella y decidida Marie-Louise.
Alí Babá y los cuarenta ladrones
Director of Photography
Ali Baba (Fernandel) es enviado por su amo Casim a comprar una nueva esclava. Como la muchacha no es feliz en el harén, Alí le compra un loro para que la entretenga, pero le promete, además, que hará todo lo posible por sacarla de allí. La oportunidad llega cuando, accidentalmente, escucha a unos bandidos las palabras claves, “Ábrete, Sésamo”, que permiten abrir la gruta en la que se esconde un fabuloso tesoro.
One Step to Eternity
Director of Photography
Francois Roques, a power-and-money-mad editor of a Paris newspaper invites four women to a housewarming at his penthouse apartment. He plans on one of them to meet death by means of a loose railing on the balcony.
On Trial
Director of Photography
Hijo del gran fiscal Andergast, Etzel quiere revisar el caso Maurizius, cuya condenación se basó en suposiciones. Ese caso permitió a su padre, 18 años antes, comenzar una gran carrera, pero Etzel quiere tener la conciencia limpia.
Tres destinos de mujer
Director of Photography
Tres episodios: un hombre al que nunca vemos presenta a las tres protagonistas del film. Elizabeth, una víctima de la II Guerra Mundial; Juana, que hizo la guerra, y Lisístrata, que luchó contra la guerra.
Inside a Girls' Dormitory
Director of Photography
In a little town with a renowned college a female student is found after she was hogtied and strangled to death. Inspector Marco is assigned to catch the murderer.
The Call of Destiny
Director of Photography
Young conductor Roberto Lombardini has never known his father who is actually a former musician, a failed piano player who has sunk into alcoholism.
The Moment of Truth
Camera Operator
Una llamada de última hora obliga al doctor Pierre Richard a retrasar su regreso a casa justo el día que va a celebrar su aniversario de bodas con Madeleine, su esposa. Al atender al artista Daniel Prevost en su habitación, ve una fotografía de su esposa sobre la mesita de noche. Al regresar a su casa, Richard exige explicaciones a Madeleine, quien le confiesa los detalles de su aventura con Daniel.
The Seven Deadly Sins
Director of Photography
A French/Italian motion picture drama covering the seven deadly sins in seven separate sections.
París, bajos fondos
Director of Photography
París, 1900. Marie, una bella prostituta, es la amante de uno de los hombres de la banda de Felix; pero, sorprendentemente, acabará encontrando el verdadero amor en un sencillo carpintero. Su amante, celoso, lo provoca, y ambos se enzarzan en una terrible pelea.
The Cape of Hope
Camera Department Manager
Lyria, a faded beauty who runs a seedy waterfront bar, is madly in love with Bob, a crooked attorney. Bob can't bring himself to confess his love for Minnie, the pretty daughter of Simon, a safe cracker. In order to run away with her, Bob, one of the masterminds of a big-time robbery, betrays his friends. But Lyria, who has found out what is happening, makes Minnie fall into a deadly trap.
Savage Triangle
Based on the novel of the same name by writer Edouard Peisson, this Jean Delannoy film display one boy’s unconditional love for his mother, despite her tragic mistreatment of him. After being raised by a shepherd for the past 12 years, Simon (Pierre-Michel Beck) is reunited with his mother Marie (Madeleine Robinson). Marie is a prostitute in Marseilles and is now stable enough to welcome Simon back into her life. Unaware of her profession at first, Simon is happy to have his mom back, but in time he learns how she makes her living. This troubles Simon but he continues to love her, despite not loving her chosen profession. His anger toward this issue gets directed toward Marie’s louse of a boyfriend, Paul (Frank Villard), and the result is a heartfelt tale about love and family.
Edward and Caroline
Director of Photography
Newlyweds Edward & Caroline are preparing for an important evening when a quarrel over Caroline's dress sets off a series of domestic brouhahas.
The Glass Castle
Director of Photography
Evelyne, a judge's young wife, falls in love with Rémy while vacationing in Italy. Upon returning home, she must decide between telling her husband and continuing to see Rémy.
Dream Ballerina
Director of Photography
A young dancer, disappointed with her debut on stage, has three dreams: fame in dancing at the Paris Opera, wealth through her marriage to an important jeweler, and love in the person of a petty hood. Disappointed even in her dreams, the ballerina takes refuge in her art.
God Needs Men
Director of Photography
The inhabitants of a Scottish island in the 19th century follow their own religion without need for clergy, but as strangers arrive, their faith and beliefs face a deep crisis.
Lady Paname
Director of Photography
The evocation of Paris in the 1920s mingles with the rapid rise of the irresistible Caprice, a talented singer, and her tumultuous love affair with Jeff the composer. A photographer nicknamed Bagnolet, a gentle anarchist, gently monitors the activities of Caprice, who has become Lady Paname and, in the absence of morality, makes love triumph.
A Royal Affair
Director of Photography
Mme Beaudrier, the wife of a Parliamentary Senator, hurls a pastry at visiting King Joan IV of Cerdagne, sparking off a series of farcical events involving all levels of the government and their mistresses.
The Secret of Mayerling
On the morning of January 30, 1889, the Archduke Rodolphe de Habsbourg and his mistress Marie Vetsera were found dead. The remains of Rodolphe are discreetly repatriated to Hofburg, while that of Mary is hastily thrown into the depths of a tomb.
In the Eyes of Memory
Director of Photography
Director Jean Delannoy's immediate followup to his brilliant Les Jeux sont Faits was the more conventional Aux Yeux du Souvenir (aka Souvenir and To the Eyes of Memory). The film is based on a true story, wherein an France airliner managed to survive a journey from Rio De Janeiro to Dakar with two of its engines incapacitated. To this already intensely dramatic situation has been added a romantic subplot involving Claire Magny (Michele Morgan) and Jacques Forester (Jean Marais). The love story adds very little to the film; fortunately, neither does it detract from the film's overall quality. As was the case with many French productions of the 1940s, Aux Yeux du Souvenir benefits immeasurably from the Wagnerian musical score by Georges Auric.
La nuit blanche
Director of Photography
A father wants to try by all means to avenge the death of his son, a test pilot, whose responsible is the attractive female star of a Parisian cabaret.
Scandals of Clochemerle
Director of Photography
A little town erupts in turmoil about the construction of a public urinal. The army is sent in to restore order, but the military add to the confusion by getting involved with the local women.
La Danse de mort
Camera Supervisor
A sinister fortress on an island where the sun never seems to shine. An officer whose values have long gone a thing of the past.
Goodbye Darling
Director of Photography
Chérie is a beautiful young woman who works as an escort girl. She meets a young and wealthy man who propose her to be his fictional wife so that his mother won't bother him anymore with this other girl, a rich one, she wants to see her son married to.
A Friend Will Come Tonight
Director of Photography
Commander Gerard and his band of guerrillas have found the ideal hideout: a nursing home in the Alps where, along with the mentally ill, are also hiding a Jewish girl and a Swiss doctor who might be a spy for the Germans ...
Voyage Without Hope
Director of Photography
Gohelle, escaped from prison, seeks to flee occupied France for Argentina. The captain of a cargo ship is willing to smuggle him out out France for a price but Gohelle has no money. His mistress, Marie-Angel tries to charm the money out of wealthy Alain Ginestier who seems the ideal pigeon but Marie-Angel falls in love with Ginestier.
Colonel Chabert
The story of a French officer who is assumed dead during the Napoleonic Wars, but returns ten years later to a very different France, both on a political and personal level. The film is based on the novel Colonel Chabert by Honoré de Balzac.
Twisted Mistress
Guy Carbonnel, a rich industrialist, has more eyes for rugby than for his wife Hélène. René Rivals, his long-time pal, takes advantage of it to court her but Guy is becoming suspicious so René has to find a way to deflect his friend's suspicion. He finally has an idea: he asks Lilian, a circus acrobat, to pose as his mistress. Lilian accepts and they embark on a series of eventful moments.
Le dernier des six
Director of Photography
Six friends promise to share their fortune in 5 years. The moment is very close, but one of the six is mysteriously murdered, then another... Superintendent Wenceslas Woroboyioetschik (aka Wens) is in charge of the investigation...
Her First Affair
Micheline Chevassu is a young, naive woman living in an orphanage. Through classified ads, she has a date with an unknown man. She escapes from the orphanage to go to it, dreaming of the Prince Charming. But comes Nicolas Rougemont, an unattractive middle-aged man... He pretends not to be the author of the letters, who could not come...
Beating Heart
Director of Photography
Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
Terra di fuoco
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
In the middle of the 19th century, Tsar Alexander II made the acquaintance of a young aristocratic girl from the provinces, unruly in character. He falls in love with her and tries to see her again.
Director of Photography
About the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the beginning of the First World War. Focuses on the relationship between a Serbian officer and his Austrian-born wife and their involvement in espionage between the countries.
The Postmaster's Daughter
Director of Photography
A small town postal official allows a military officer to sweep his lovely daughter away to St. Petersburg, assuming the man will do the right thing and marry her.Instead, a future of scandal and tragedy awaits her.
Lui-même dans le Générique
The battle of the sexes as drawing room social satire. Philippe, a middle-aged newspaper editor, has lived for six years with Paulette, a successful stage actress. He tells her friend Claudine, a realistic and enterprising reporter, that he's thinking of proposing. Into the mix steps Carl Erickson, a charming Hollywood matinée idol in Paris briefly. He meets Paulette, sees her act (his box seat compliments of Philippe), and sets out to seduce her. The next two days bring talk, tears, separation, despair, surprises, and, perhaps, reconciliation as characters speak "exactly half the truth." It's a quadrille of changing partners.
Director of Photography
The battle of the sexes as drawing room social satire. Philippe, a middle-aged newspaper editor, has lived for six years with Paulette, a successful stage actress. He tells her friend Claudine, a realistic and enterprising reporter, that he's thinking of proposing. Into the mix steps Carl Erickson, a charming Hollywood matinée idol in Paris briefly. He meets Paulette, sees her act (his box seat compliments of Philippe), and sets out to seduce her. The next two days bring talk, tears, separation, despair, surprises, and, perhaps, reconciliation as characters speak "exactly half the truth." It's a quadrille of changing partners.
Naples Under the Kiss of Fire
Camera Department Manager
Mario Esposito, who sings in a Neapolitan restaurant, is in love with Assunta, the niece of Teresa, the owner of the place. He shares his apartment with Michel, his best friend. This one has fallen under the spell of Lolita, a gorgeous adventuress he met at the cathedral where he officiates as the organist. But things go awry as, while Michel intercedes with Aunt Teresa for Assunta's hand in his favor, Mario in turn falls in love with Lolita. On the very day of his wedding with Assunta, Mario runs away with Lolita, thus betraying both his love and his friend. But it does not take long before the young singer realizes the big mistake he has made.
Director of Photography
During the Rif War, a lieutenant commands a torpedo boat. He finds in an abandoned yacht, a beautiful portrait of a woman, and soon meets this one who is married to a brutal and jealous baron.
Marthe Richard
Director of Photography
Fictionalized reconstruction of the life of the French spy Marthe Richard who decided to contact the secret services during the First World War.
Southern Carrier
Director of Photography
A pilot on one of the air mail flights between France and its African colonies has a brief romance with his distressed cousin before he returns to the call of duty, and the rebels in the desert.
The Life and Loves of Beethoven
Director of Photography
Lyrical biography of the classical composer, depicted as a romantic hero, an accursed artist.
Tartarin of Tarascon
Director of Photography
Tartarin is the local hero in the small provincial town of Tarascon. He shows off about imaginary adventures in Africa, where he has never been, as a Lion Hunter, which he is only in his imagination. Even though the locals know he has never been to Africa, they keep hoping he will leave one day. After a misunderstanding, and much gossip, everyone thinks that Tartarin plans to actually take the trip.
Director of Photography
Belphégor deals with a series of mysterious appearances by a masked-and-robed figure in the Louvre; a security guard is murdered, and a later police trap is foiled when the phantom—“Belphégor” (the name of a legendary demon)—uses knock-out gas. Journalist Jacques Bellegarde of “Le Petit Parisien” (the real-life newspaper which published the original story in serial installments), investigates, and eventually discovers famous detective Chantecoq and his vivacious daughter Colette are also on the case.