Dieter Nobbe


Terminator 3: La rebelión de las máquinas
Executive Producer
Ha pasado una década desde que John Connor salvara a la humanidad de la destrucción. En la actualidad John tiene 25 años y vive en la clandestinidad: no hay ninguna prueba documental de su existencia. Así evita ser rastreado por Skynet, la sofisticada corporación de máquinas que una vez intentó acabar con su vida. Pero, ahora, desde el futuro, ha sido enviado el T-X, la máquina destructora cyborg más desarrollada de Skynet. Su misión es completar el trabajo que no pudo terminar su predecesor, el T-1000. El T-X es una máquina tan implacable como bello su aspecto humano. Ahora la única esperanza de sobrevivir para Connnor es Terminator.
Angel Express
Angel Express is a film about people restlessly seeking for the ultimate experience. Set in late nineties Berlin, it shows images of radical change: Young urban heroes in the glare of flashlights; an environment in which coldness and affection or lust for power and friendship go hand in hand.
Beyond Silence
Executive Producer
Beyond Silence is about a family and a young girl’s coming of age story. This German film looks into the lives of the deaf and at a story about the love for music. A girl who has always had to translate speech into sign language for her deaf parents yet when her love for playing music grows strong she must decide to continue doing something she cannot share with her parents.
Midnight Cop
Executive Producer
Police Commissioner Alex Glass has been twisted into a sarcastic cynic by the hard luck story that is his life and by his daily contact with the criminals of Berlin's underground. His new assistant, Shirly Mai, is an attractive and conscientious woman who embodies a quality of virtue that her boss gave up a long time ago. They have both been assigned to solve a series of gruesome murders that have been taking place in Berlin's drug and prostitution ganglands. The prime suspect is George Miskowski, a pusher who supplies Berlin's brothels and hookers with cocaine and heroin.
Amanecer Zulú
Associate Producer
1879 el Imperio Británico trata de imponer su voluntad sobre el poderoso rey zulú Cetshwayo, que controla parte de la zona de ZuluLand. Al negarse Cetshwayo a cumplir las órdenes de su Majestad la Reina de Inglaterra, los británicos deciden movilizar sus tropas lideradas por el General Chelmsford hacia los dominios de los zulús para someterlos confiando en su aparente superioridad táctica, técnica, militar y armamentística.
La cruz de hierro
Production Supervisor
En 1943, el sargento Rolf Steiner es el encargado de dirigir hasta Rusia a un grupo de soldados de la Wehrmacht, las fuerzas armadas unificadas de la Alemania nazi. Cuando llegan al frente, toma el mando el capitán Stransky, un hombre que se entrega en cuerpo y alma a Hitler y a la guerra, y cuya mayor aspiración es ser condecorado con la misma cruz de hierro que ya tiene Steiner. El choque entre ambos no tarda en surgir, pero pronto Stransky descubre que tanto el pelotón de Steiner como el propio sargento pueden servirle para conseguir sus fines.
Wer stirbt schon gerne unter Palmen
Production Manager
The wealthy plantation owner Pinaud is brutally murdered in Ceylon. His attractive German wife Anne is suspected of the crime and arrested by Inspector Cerdan. He is ordered to take her to Colombo. But the plane on the way there gets caught in a heavy storm and crashes shortly afterwards. Anne Pinaud and Cerdan are the only survivors of the crew and save themselves on a desert island. There they come across Werner Becker, who has been shipwrecked with his yacht and is also stranded here. While Cerdan continues to believe Anne is guilty of the crime, Werner believes she is innocent. Soon the tension between the two men builds up and they become rivals for Anne's favor.
El tango de los colchones
Executive Producer
From Hong Kong with Love
Executive Producer
Frank Boyd comes to Hong Kong to visit a friend, but unfortunately he was murdered a few days ago. The father of his fiancee puts $ 10,000 reward for the capture of the murderer and Frank wants to earn this money.