Walter Olkewicz
Nacimiento : 1948-05-14, Bayonne, New Jersey, USA
Muerte : 2021-04-06
Jacques Renault
Remontaje de secuencias eliminadas de la serie "Twin Peaks" y la película "Twin Peaks: El fuego camina conmigo", que dan lugar a una película que complementa a ambas obras y ofrece su propia narrativa. En 2014 se estrenó en varios cines de Estados Unidos, y se lanzó en BluRay junto a la versión definitiva de la serie en 2015.
Dink Branson
An aspiring writer from New York visits his girlfriend's eccentric family in Georgia.
The Embalmer
Jamie is a successful novelist trapped in a bad relationship with her possessive boyfriend. But when things get out of control and Jamie accidentally kills him, Jamie's best friend Laura along with a third friend, Arlene convince Jamie to cover if up knowing she will not receive fair treatment by the court system. But when things get more complicated, the three women join forces to commit more murders of abusive, cheating and lying men.
Walt Hegelman
A cynical man returns to his family's homestead in Texas and starts up a golf course with his brothers and sisters.
Jack Wyatt
Four young grade-school girls witness the murder of one of their classmates during what they thought was just an innocent game. The killer is a strange young boy named Milo Jeeder. Sixteen years later, the four survivors of the event re-unite under happier circumstances in the same town where it happened. They believe that Milo drowned in a river shortly after the murder, but soon learn that the demonic killer Milo has also returned, still a young boy, unchanged even after almost two decades.
Mr. Bloom
Family comedy about a man who decides to take his family on a trip his famous uncle took years ago.
Fascinated by the Civil War in which he devotes all his spare time, George Piper decides to take, for the holidays, his wife and two children in the footsteps of his glorious grandfather, who played a decisive role in the Battle of Cripple Creek. But the journey he imagined motor home does not go as peacefully as planned.Tourist Trap is a Disney television movie that originally aired as part of The Wonderful World of Disney on April 5, 1998. It was later released in Germany on May 13, 2000 and on video in Hungary on June 28, 2001.
Harry Arno is a Miami Beach bookie who finds himself in trouble with his mob bosses for reasons he can't quite figure out. When an assailant attempts to kill him, he decides that it's time to retire, so he relocates to Greece.
Bernie DeFrewd
Martin Grant has been hiding for years to escape his past as a ruthless mercenary in the elite force Raven Team. He's recently been engaged and are trying to forget the nightmares of murder and betrayal. Martin was convinced, that he could escape... But no one escapes from the Raven Teams ruthless leader Raven. At least not alive. Raven is back with a new team to hunt down and eliminate Grant...
Larry Skoag
Stuart, un personaje de bajo autoestima y adicto a los grupos de recuperación, debe enfrentarse a un cúmulo de problemas. Y es que su padre es alcohólico, su hermano, drogadicto, y su madre y su hermana tienen problemas con sus maridos.
Fat Gervin
Hewey Calloway, un vaquero que siempre ha llevado una vida errante, al darse cuenta de que el país está cambiando vertiginosamente, siente que necesita el amor de una familia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dr. Meade
Dr. Julian Mater is suspended and gets his license revoked for performing experiments on dying patients in cellular regeneration. A couple of years later, he returns to the hospital that condemned his work to begin practicing his grizzly experiments once more.
Jerome 'Romey' Clifford
Mark Sway es un niño de once años que, tras haber sido testigo del suicidio de un abogado de la mafia, ha quedado traumatizado, porque sabe que si revela lo que ha visto su vida se verá gravemente amenazada. Mientras un ambicioso fiscal federal no deja de presionarlo para que diga la verdad, su única aliada es una valiente abogada que arriesgará su carrera e incluso su vida con tal de salvarlo.
Jacques Renault
Precuela de la famosa serie televisiva. La fuente de los impulsos autodestructivos de Laura Palmer está en los abusos que sufre por parte de alguien muy cercano, quien sufre la posesión del diabólico BOB. Cuando Laura se da cuenta de que su mejor amiga, Donna Hayward, se encamina a su mismo sendero autodestructivo, tiene un ataque de lucidez que le permite prevenírselo.
Babe Ruth
Nick Chapman, un joven recién salido de la escuela de cine, está a punto de realizar su sueño: convertirse en un gran director. Acaba de ser galardonado por el Instituto Nacional de Estudiantes de Cine y sabe que tiene talento. Lo que necesita es una oportunidad y le vendrá de la mano de un ejecutivo de Hollywood llamado Allen Habel. La vida de Nick se convierte de pronto en una meteórica espiral de contratos, compromisos, fiestas y todo tipo de lujos. Lo malo es que, a medida que aumenta su poder, va perdiendo a sus amigos, el amor y, lo que es peor, el respeto por sí mismo.
Police Officer Andy Glasscock
Based on the true story of baby Jessica McClure who fell into a drain pipe in her back yard while playing. She was stuck in the pipe about 20 to 30 feet down and it took rescuers 58 hours to get her out. There was fear that if they shook the earth too much with machinery they could cause Jessica to fall further down and die.
Private Eye
Juanita Hutchins works at Texas bar, but she aspires to be a country songwriter. When she's not looking after her impulsive daughter, Candy, or vouching for her promiscuous friend, Doris Steadman, she's trying to maintain some semblance of a romantic life. As Juanita prepares to make the leap to Nashville, her former boyfriend, Slick Henderson, returns to town, further complicating her situation.
Sid Sherman
Television journalist, Patricia Traymore, moves to Washington to do an in-depth interview with vice presidential hopeful, Senator Abigail Winslow. She moves into a house where she lived as a child and where her father murdered her mother and attempted to kill her. She wants to face the past and, with the help of a psychic neighbor, Lila Thatcher, find some answers about this tragic event. In the meantime, Senator Winslow has some secrets she is hiding.
Darryl Webb
In this satire of the I.R.S., George Segal plays an Average Joe targeted for the Audit from Hell. His bank accounts are frozen, his home and business are attached by the government, and his wife leaves him. Segal is forced to move into the house of his obnoxious brother-in-law where lot of Odd Couple-type comedy ensues. Segal then plots to turn the tables on the I.R.S., and win back his wife and life.
Van Epps
Ichabod Crane becomes the headmaster at a schoolhouse. He falls for Katrina Van Tassel but she has a lover: Brom Bones. Brom scares him off acting as the Headless Horseman only to meet the real one himself.
Harmon Shain
Carole Stanwyck and Sydney Kovack were both married to the same man, a private detective. When he is killed, they both attend his memorial. When they learn how he was killed, they can't help but investigate his murder themselves. They are aided by a couple of guys who works for him, and his mother, a police lieutenant who likes Sydney.
Coach Wordman
Palmer Woodrow es un niño de papá malcriado y vago que tiene como única preocupación pasarse la vida de juerga en juerga. Ante un ultimátum de su padre y viendo peligrar su cómodo estilo de vida, alquila a un golfo callejero, Eddie Keaton, para que vaya por él a la universidad en Europa. Esta proposición le viene muy bien a Eddie, ya que debe mucho dinero y sus acreedores se están impacientando...
Buddy Gordon
A group of husbands with their wives participate in a reunion where everybody will find his hidden secret. The methods used are terrible, but usually work. Just usually.
Wright Fletcher
Travis McGee is a world-weary private eye trying to help boat skipper friend Van Harder salvage his reputation that sank when his boat ran aground, resulting in a death that might have been faked.
Una pandilla de torpes ladrones secuestran a un pequeño niño malcriado, descubren que obtuvieron más de lo que esperaban.
Pete Galovan
Narra la historia real de Gary Gilmore, un hombre condenado a prisión por robo a mano armada, que cuando sale de la cárcel comete dos crímenes y es condenado a la pena de muerte.
Sgt. Shug Crawford
The story of Col. Paul Tibbets and his crew who flew the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima, bringing World War II to a close.
La histeria colectiva se apodera de los habitantes de las costas de California en los días posteriores al ataque japonés contra Pearl Harbor. Un submarino nipón se ha extraviado y la población teme una invasión.
1st Fat Guy
Un convicto toma el boxeo en la cárcel y esto le da un nuevo significado a su vida. Una vez fuera, su entrenador lo motiva a convertirse en un boxeador profesional. Solo se preocupa por otras dos cosas, su madre incómodamente cercana y su padre ausente.
Comedia compuesta por historias de humor picante, secuela del film de 1975 "If You Don't Stop It... You'll Go Blind!".
The Greatest es una película de 1977 sobre la vida del boxeador Muhammad Ali, en la que Ali se interpreta a sí mismo. Fue dirigida por Tom Gries y Monte Hellman. La canción "Greatest Love of All", más tarde rehecha por Whitney Houston, fue escrita para esta película y cantada por George Benson. La película sigue la vida de Ali desde los Juegos Olímpicos de 1960 hasta su recuperación de la corona de peso pesado de George Foreman en su famosa pelea "Rumble in the Jungle" en 1974.