Meral Perin

Meral Perin

Nacimiento : 1965-01-01,


Meral Perin


The true story of a man who grew up surrounded by violence and absence of love. But despite everything he became a world-class networking master in his business life. He started from the bottom and was able to reach the top. His story show us that there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome in life.
Cuando una estudiante de ciencias Asli conoce al carismático Saeed a mediados de los 90, es amor a primera vista. Los amantes se casan y Asli jura ser fiel a Saeed y nunca revelar sus secretos. Su futuro parece brillante, pero a medida que amanece el siglo XXI, Saeed toma una decisión que no solo hará añicos los sueños de Asli, sino que sacudirá al mundo entero: será uno de los pilotos que perpetró el atentado al World Trade Center.
Alle in einem Boot
A group of actors are rehearsing an historic escape from Germany of 1939: The Cruise Liner St. Louis is on its way to Cuba, 900 Jewish refugees on board. Cuba denies access. On board: Paul, Elsa and their son. Do they have to return to Germany again and probably die? A group of today refugees from Africa, fleeing from war and death in Syria, enter the theatre. They are supposed to work here as extras. A culture clash begins and becomes a crossover story between escape 79 years ago and today.
A Regular Woman
Hatun "Aynur" Sürücü, a vibrant young Turkish woman and mother is murdered at 23 by her youngest brother in an honor killing. Forced into an abusive arranged marriage with a cousin in Istanbul at 16 by her devout Muslim family, Aynur escapes to Berlin and gives birth to a son. She is considered a disgraceful burden by her parents and siblings, so Aynur soon leaves her family and attempts to start a new life.
Der gute Bulle - Friss oder stirb
Armin Rohde experienced as a "good cop" Fredo Schulz a controversial Special Investigation operation in the drug depot Berlin-Neukölln. A covert investigator was shot and Schulz, the widowed police officer, widower and ex-alcoholic at the end of his career, is charged with the resolution of the tricky case. Together with his partner, Chief Inspector Milan Filipovic, he manages to win the young dealer Dakota as an informant. But soon the two investigators will not let go of the feeling that they have a leak in their own ranks.
Dengler - Die schützende Hand
The Informer
Erols Mutter
The young law student Aylin knows exactly what she wants: Become a lawyer. To finance her studies, she works as an escort girl. Because she had to defend herself against a pushy businessman, now threatened five years in prison. From the police comes an offer that she embarks on in her distress: As a decoy Aylin can avert her punishment and even continue to study law. Drug investigator Jan and his boss Hannah use them on the smuggler Musab to arrest him in the act. How dangerous the clever Clan chief can be, but they both do not say.
Letzte Ausfahrt Gera: Acht Stunden mit Beate Zschäpe
Weak Heart Drop
Sin ti
Tres relatos vagamente relacionados: La relación entre la matrona Rosa y el terapeuta Marcel es sacudida por un diagnóstico de cáncer. Vagando sin rumbo por la vida, la camarera Motte se horroriza al descubrir que está embarazada se su mejor amigo Neo, que ni siquiera está seguro de su orientación sexual. Por último, la señora de limpieza Layla se niega a aceptar que su ex, Navid, la ha dejado por una mujer más joven. OHNE DICH es una película sobre el amor y sus ingredientes amargos, y la igualmente seria, pero reconfortante certeza de que la vida continúa.
Schlaflos in Istanbul
Unter Feinden
Liebeskuss am Bosporus
Birsen Aksoy
For the music historian Jakob collapses his well-ordered, quiet world, when he realizes that he can earn no more money with his original work. When he hears that a Türkpop label is looking for a summer hit, he sees his chance. Although this genre of music is completely alien to him, he decides to expand his knowledge in this area in order to find "the" summer hit and be able to pay his rent again. Out of necessity, the lover of Bach cantatas and dark concert halls exchanges his old Berlin apartment for an extended weekend for an apartment in Istanbul
La extraña
Umay, nacida en Alemania, escapa de un opresivo matrimonio en Estambul, llevándose a su hijo Cem con ella. Espera encontrar una vida mejor para los dos en Berlín con su familia, pero su inesperada llegada les crea un gran conflicto. Sus padres y hermanos se debaten entre el amor por ella y los valores tradicionales de su comunidad. Intentan convencerla para que vuelva con su marido, o al menos para que le devuelva al niño. Ella escapa entonces de su familia, pero sigue intentando reconciliarse con los suyos, que la rechazan una y otra vez.
Pizza und Marmelade
Evet, I Do!
The movie revolves around three different couples who have to overcome familial and cultural obstacles to be with their ones they love. A man looking for a bride-for-hire also learns the hard way that expectations and reality do not always come together well.
Alles bleibt anders
Fatma Tüfekci
Drei Frauen, ein Plan und die ganz große Kohle
Tour Abroad
Senay is a willful eleven year old girl in Hamburg who's Turkish father has just died. The only friend responding to the news about her father is a gay Turkish cabaret singer, Zeki. Together they travel through Europe in search of the orphan girl's mother, Cicek, who left at childbirth and whom Zeki represents as Senay's aunt.