Mark Rietman

Mark Rietman


Mark Rietman


La Viuda Negra
Vincent van Zanten
La Viuda Negra no está muerta... La Reina de las Drogas Carmen van Walraven se esconde en Canadá y lleva allí una vida anónima. Una tarde acosan a una compañera y Carmen la ayuda. En defensa propia, mata al perpetrador, es arrestada y extraditada a los Países Bajos. Mientras sus hijos están en estado de shock porque su madre todavía está viva, también hay algunas personas que todavía tienen que arreglar algo con Carmen. Todos son nuevamente arrastrados a una montaña rusa emocional. Carmen ahora tendrá que lidiar con su pasado para salvar a su familia.
Bloody Marie
Marie Wankelmut, once successful comic artist, lives among the prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District. Nowadays drunken and bold, she gets into one conflict after another. A gruesome sobering event at her neighbors, forces her to take action.
Heer & Meester: De Film
Harald de Vries
Pro soccer player Jermaine Slagter is entering his last days at his club. Outside of the field his life is falling apart.
Men from Mars
Dutch comedy about three school friends that return to The Marsman College for a reunion of their middle school. Their lives have changed completely after 25 years, but 40 is the new 20 and every man should become more handsome with age... or not? Where Edwin is still a woman's magnet his friends have all their different problems. Marks has been swapped for a younger guy bu his wife and family man Peter is struggling with his manhood since a can't read anymore without putting on his reading glasses. How do these guy's handle these changes? Grabbing a beer, not much talking, pad on the back and drinking away you hangover with even more alcohol? Or do things go different when you pass the age of 40?
After being disappointed in love for the umpteenth time, motorcycle rider Tina is full. From now on she will no longer commit to a man and only date sex. For the emotional part she has her best friend Fleurtje, the most intimidating kindergarten teacher in the Netherlands.
Riphagen, el carnicero holandés
Louis Einthoven
Amsterdam, Países Bajos, 1944, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Andries Riphagen, un poderoso jefe de los bajos fondos, ha hecho su fortuna poniendo sus muchos talentos criminales al servicio de los ocupantes nazis. Pero la larga batalla está a punto de terminar y los luchadores por la libertad, que han sido perseguidos y asesinados durante años, están abandonando sus escondites para cazar sin piedad a los que han colaborado con los asesinos.
Family Weekend
A widower invites his children for a family weekend with the announcement that he has news. He is getting married with a 30 years younger woman. The children start the competition for heritage. What is more important: money or family?
Brasserie Valentine
Thirty-something Valentine runs a renowned restaurant and her stylish dining room is fully booked for Valentine's Day. Chef cook Angelo prepares the food and the tables are romantically covered. The guests enter, hoping for love on their menus. Valentine has everything under control, she thinks. But how could she expect that Frank, her old flame from 12 years ago would suddenly reappear on this day of love...
Loonies II
Nursing home Zonnedael has been shut down by director Bomhoff: the psychiatric in-patients Bep Brul, the Major, Fats, Ms. De Haas and Dr. Doolittle are reintroduced into society against their wishes. Nurse Ten Hoeven, who always cared for her patients with love and care, is grieving: her main purpose in life has gone. To make matters worse, she is kidnapped. Of course the patients take action immediately. Under the Major’s guidance they embark on a risky and lunatic venture, to finally discover the incredible truth behind the kidnapping.
The Renovation
Tessa opens her luxurious clinic with a big party. She is smart, beautiful, savvy, and happily married with an intelligent adolescent son. But appearances are deceptive. In reality, her marriage is falling apart, her house renovation is a disaster and the finances of her clinic are a mess. Desperate, she accepts the helping hand of a friend from the past who has turned up suddenly, but in doing so, opens herself up to an ordeal of terror and blackmail.
Frecuentes, intensos, imprevisibles y azarosos son los encuentros sexuales que mantiene la bella Hemel. Pero también son casi una práctica deportiva o dramática hasta el límite, como una compulsión o un ejercicio maníaco que deja un resabio melancólico. Desde la muerte de su madre, Hemel terminó de estrechar la cercanía con su padre Gijs, cuyos amores parecen la contracara sensual de los volcánicos de su hija, y tampoco duda en asestar su dictamen feroz sobre cada nueva candidata.
First Mission
First Mission is a real life drama about the lives and work of a team of doctors on their remote outpost of International Frontline Doctors in South America. The team consists out of young Doctor Marina, the Logistics Manager Barry, Project Coordinator Thijs and local staff members Orlando and Diego; who all work under very difficult and dangerous circumstances. Marina, the lead character, finds out that on the torn continent of Latin-America, it is not about winning prizes, but about being part of the match it self, and that all that matters is to be able to make a difference, even if it is a small one
The Storm
Majoor Vos
Una terrible tormenta en Zelanda causa en 1953 la ruptura de los diques que protegen estas tierras de los embates del mar. Julia, una madre soltera que vive en la granja de sus padres, queda atrapada en mitad de una inundación que afecta a toda la región del sur de los Países Bajos. A pesar de que su joven vecino Aldo consigue rescatarla la mujer está desconsolada ya que su bebé quedó atrapado en una caja de madera en el ático de la casa. Cuando vuelven a la zona del desastre descubren que el niño ha desaparecido. Las posibilidades de que su hijo siga vivo son mínimas, pero Julia está convencida de que su hijo vive y comienza su búsqueda en compañía de Aldo (FILMAFFINITY).
Leon Houtman
Well-off Suzanna becomes a coach for the Moroccan Soukri. She tries to get him into acting school.
Edgar works as a waiter in 'Het Westen', a restaurant. He is married and has a lover. His neighbors terrorize him with loud music and garbage. One day after he is mistreated by some customers he is sick of it all and goes to talk to his creator, the scenario writer.
A Thousand Kisses
Rising, rather autobiographical novelist Giph has a hot girlfriend, doctor and model Samarinde. His crude, domineering and progressive mother Ria's suffering an incurable decease in which she suffers from paraplegia. Her inevitably ensuing death is brought forward with euthanasia. Giph is struggling to handle the situation with his mother. Shortly after his mother has passed he away, he decides to join his fun loving friends on La Palma for a holiday. There Samarinde tells her boyfriend she's expecting his baby
Long Distance
A heavily sweating man, returning from a long trip, is telephoning from his car to speak to his wife. But he gets his daughter on the line. Lisette is constantly asking questions and tells about a drawing she made, but all the man is asking for is to get her mother. It seems he desperately wants to speak her, for what might be the last time. When Lisette is getting her mother out of the backyard, the man is still talking, telling Lisette should say to her mother he loves her. The sound of an approaching ambulance can be heard. When his wife finally gets on the phone, it's only a remarkable short conversation. She's asking him about his flight and to come back soon because Lisette misses him much. What is going on?
Paramaribo Papers
Robert Lipmann
The notorious December killings in Surinam in the early eighties seem to be the starting point for the political thriller Paramaribo Papers. Largely shot in Surinam, this TV film tells about secret agent Robert Lipmann, who is ordered by the Dutch government to start a search for the disappeared journalist Kevin Poelgeest. The country is plagued by great agitation under the military regime of commander Raymond Markelo, who is forcefully thwarting the opposition. During his search, Lipmann meets Elvira, Kevin's sister who is having an affair with the commander. Like Lipmann, she is convinced that Kevin's supposed death involves a settlement in the drug scene. But then, important evidence pops up and the cause of Kevin's disappearance has to be regarded from quite a different perspective. Unknowingly, they head for the tragic events of 8 December 1982.
Mother is dying and invites her family to spend a few days in a chalet in Austria. In the isolation of the snow-covered mountains, old wounds are reopened and the family ties crumble steadily through quarrels and irritations.
Van Rijn
Katadreuffe es un joven que atraviesa por dificultades económicas en la Rotterdam de los años 20. Vive bajo la tiranía de su padre, el dominante alguacil Dreverhaven, un hombre que todavía no ha aceptado que la madre del chico lo abandonara, y que vuelca toda su rabia y fustración sobre su hijo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tasten in het duister
Love Hurts
In 1990s Amsterdam, Loe and Bob are in a relationship, but wanting different things. Loe is a singer who likes to party and who is also engaged in migrant support. Bob is a lawyer focused on his career. As the film progresses, the tensions in the relationship become exposed.