John Beck

John Beck

Nacimiento : 1909-10-24, Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 1993-07-18


John Beck was the American producer who facilitated the production of the original King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962), which he released in a heavily edited form in the United States in 1963 as King Kong vs. Godzilla (1963). Beck's other claims to fame are producing the 1950 James Stewart film Harvey and his involvement in the 1946 merger between Universal Pictures and International Pictures. Stop-motion animator Willis O'Brien had contacted Beck with a film treatment for King Kong vs. Frankenstein, which they made a handshake deal to work on. Beck recruited sci-fi screenwriter George Worthing Yates to write the script which became King Kong vs. Prometheus. After failing to pitched it to several American studios, Beck did not further contact with O'Brien. Instead he found a buyer in Japan, Toho, who substituted Godzilla for Frankenstein and started from scratch. Beck, having secured the rights to the film in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Israel, sold them to Universal for $200,000. He also produced the English-language version of the film, which was extensively recut and featured new scenes in a United Nations newsroom directed by Thomas Montgomery. After learning of King Kong vs. Godzilla, O'Brien contemplated suing Beck but he didn't have enough money and passed away shortly thereafter. Beck himself died of cancer at the age of 83 on July 18, 1993.


John Beck


Una joven monja (Debbie Reynolds) alcanza los primeros puestos de las listas de éxitos musicales. Además, el reencuentro con un viejo amor pone en peligro su fe. (FILMAFFINITY)
King Kong contra Godzilla
La reedición más famosa de John Beck de la película japonesa original. Eric Carter se une al Dr. Johnson cuando Godzilla sale de la hibernación y una compañía farmacéutica japonesa busca publicidad con un monstruo propio. Se insertaron nuevas imágenes con actores estadounidenses junto con varias escenas del original japonés omitidas y reeditadas para alterar la estructura narrativa en torno a un informe de noticias que no estaba presente en el original. Gran parte de la banda sonora original fue reemplazada por música de archivo de la Biblioteca de la Universal con imágenes de The Mysterians también insertadas a lo largo de la película. Debido al acuerdo de licencia entre Toho y Universal, la edición estadounidense es la versión principal y más ampliamente disponible de la película.
Fury at Showdown
After serving a year for a killing in self-defense, gunfighter Brock Mitchell tries to help his younger brother save his ranch but a crooked lawyer has other ideas.
El invisible Harvey
Elwood P. Dowd (James Stewart) es un hombre afable, cariñoso y siempre dispuesto a ayudar a los demás. Su único problema es que va a todas partes acompañado por un imaginario conejo gigante al que llama Harvey. La familia de Elwood no sabe qué hacer y opta por llevarlo a un psiquiátrico.
Kill the Umpire
Ex-baseball player Bill Johnson, failing at many jobs when his ball-playing days are over, reluctantly takes the advice of his father-in-law, Jonah Evans, a retired umpire, and enters an umpire-training school. Assigned to the Texas League, he does fine until the championship play-offs when a riot develops over one of his calls. The involved player is knocked unconscious in the proceedings and cannot verify that Bill made the correct call. Despite lynch mob plans to at least tar-and-feather him, Bill's family - his daughters Lucy (Gloria Henry and Susan and his wife Betty - help Bill reach the ballpark safely the next day through a series of hair-raising encounters.
Family Honeymoon
Grant Jordan, bachelor botany professor, marries Katie, a widow with three kids, despite the machinations of Grant's former girlfriend Minna. But on the wedding day, Aunt Jo, who was to babysit, breaks a leg; so the kids come along on the honeymoon.
The Countess of Monte Cristo
This musical tells the tales of two movie extras who abscond to an expensive resort with their costumes and pretend to be aristocrats. Included in the film are ice skating numbers and songs.
Venus era mujer
Associate Producer
Eddie trabaja en unos grandes almacenes cuyo dueño ha adquirido una valiosísima escultura de Venus y se propone dar una fiesta para mostrarla a sus amigos. Eddie debe reparar el mecanismo que descorre las cortinas que la cubren. Emocionado por su belleza, la besa y se produce el milagro. La estatua de mármol cobra vida y se convierte en una bellísima mujer que dice ser la mismísima diosa Venus. Eddie es acusado de la desaparicion de una obra de arte valorada en doscientos mil dólares y, naturalmente, la policía no cree su fantástica explicacion. Pero, por fortuna, Venus está con él para ayudarle.
Sendas siniestras
Tod Jackson es un joven abogado que llega a Kansas para visitar a sus amigos los Dalton. Una vez allí, averigua que la familia tiene graves problemas, pues una poderosa compañía está utilizando todo tipo de tretas para arrebatarles sus tierras. La situación llega a tal punto que consiguen convertir en proscritos a todos los miembros de la familia.
On the Spot
Frankie Kelly is the soda jerk and embryo scientist in Midvales only drugstore. Two murders and an attempted killing suddenly swing Midvale into national prominence. Frankie and his pal, Jefferson, become involved when a wounded gangster starts to tell them where $300,000 in stolen loot is hidden, but he is murdered before he can give them all of the information. The search is on.
20 Mule Team
Jeff, Worker Asking for Pay
It is 1892 in Death Valley and the yields from the Borax ore are getting so small that refining it is a losing proposition. The only thing that will save the company is a new deposit of high grade Borax, and Skinner Bill Bragg has a pouch of it that he got from a dead prospector he buried on the road. Stag Roper knows the value of the strike could be worth millions, but he needs Bragg to find the prospector's claim so they can record it and become rich partners. While Roper has no intention of cutting Bragg in on the millions, he also has his eye on young Jean Johnson. Josie Johnson, Jean's mother, sees Roper as the scalawag he is, and that means trouble in Furnace Flat.