Andrea Stoll


Aufbruch in die Freiheit
Germany, 1971: Erika (Anna Schudt) is actually completely overwhelmed by her work in the butchery of husband Kurt (Christian Erdmann), the education of three common children and additional obligations, which brings the village life, as her doctor also revealed that she is pregnant again. Another baby is the last thing she needs now, and so she decides to drive to her sister Charlotte (Alwara Höfels) to Cologne and let the baby abortively secretly abort. Since there are complications during the surgery and Erika can only be rescued, but her husband still learns from the matter. It comes to a huge dispute, in which another topic is the future of daughter Ulrike (Lene Oderich). Without further ado Erika then packs her things and moves with her children to Charlotte. But at a time when legislation inevitably makes her dependent on her husband, she is denied a self-determined new beginning. Erika decides to do something to change that ..
Marie Curie
Biopic sobre la científica polaca Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, más conocida como Marie Curie, que recibió dos premios Nobel y fue una de las pioneras en el campo de la radiactividad. Además, como primera mujer profesora en la Universidad de París, tuvo que soportar el antagonismo del establishment académico francés. La película narra la historia de los descubrimientos, desamores y triunfos de Curie.
Family Party
On the 70th birthday of famous piano virtuoso Hannes Westhoff, a celebration is to take place at the patriarch's estate. For this occasion, his second wife Anne not only invited Westhoff's three sons Max, Fredrik and Gregor, but also their mother, Westhoff's ex-wife Renate. While Anne tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere, old conflicts resurface among the family. With tensions already high, things take a turn for the dramatic when son Max reveals shocking news.
Chuzpe - Klops braucht der Mensch!
A comedy directed by Isabel Kleefeld.
Chuzpe - Klops braucht der Mensch!
A comedy directed by Isabel Kleefeld.
Und alle haben geschwiegen
‎The Cold Sky‎
A desperate woman tries to find help for her son, who has great mathematic ability but a profound problem developing social skills.
La herencia de los Hansen
Laura regresa a Chile, después de treinta años, para despedirse de su anciana y enferma madre. En ese amargo viaje le acompaña su hija Isabel, que aún no conocía a su abuela. Cuando la anciana conoce a su nieta, decide cambiar su testamento y dejar a la joven Isabel como heredera de la mansión familiar, para que siga siendo parte de la historia de la familia. Cuando al poco tiempo, la abuela fallece, Isabel examina la herencia, y descubre con sorpresa que la mansión ha sido donada a una fundación.
Ausgerechnet Weihnachten