Josef Dahmen
Nacimiento : 1903-08-21, Solingen, Germany
Muerte : 1985-01-18
Gauleiter Dr. Meyer
De Castris
Dick Jarvis
Marschall Warzenow
Gustav Noske
Karl Groß
Sergej Schelesnow
Wassa Schelesnowa, a manipulative matriarch who will stop at nothing to keep her business afloat and her family together. Infanticide, forgery, murder, blackmail, adultery, exile, and plain old-fashioned greed are the order of the day as Wassa's colorful clan tries to scheme its way out of the house and into financial independence.
Schiffer Wulkow
Un ladrón de bancos, Clay Shelton, es sentenciado a muerte por el asesinato de uno de los policías que le detuvo. Instantes antes de ser ahorcado, profetiza que todos los que tuvieren alguna relación con su muerte serán a su vez ejecutados por él quien llama “El brazo de la Horca”. Nadie se toma en serio sus palabras, pero poco tiempo después se producen varios accidentes mortales, y perecen el fiscal que lo acusó, el juez que le condenó y el verdugo que le ejecutó. Algunos testigos señalan la presencia de un desconocido con la mano alzada en forma de garra, exactamente como Shelton había predicho. Otros afirman haber reconocido al mismo Shelton. ¿Se trata de su fantasma o de un doble? Mientras el pánico se extiende entre el resto de los supervivientes, el inspector Long está seguro de que las muertes tienen un origen racional y no sobrenatural, y para asegurarse abre la tumba de Shelton...
Rektor Wulicke
Second part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in 19th century Germany.
Herr Mayer
Mario is in Hannover to work as a miner but after losing his job he decides to go back to Italy. When Totonno steals his passport to avoid the police and later on he offers him a new job as "magliaro" (cloth seller), Mario changes his mind and decides to follow Totonno to Hamburg. In Hamburg, Totonno and his friends have to sell Mayer's cloth, but they meet with the hostility of a Polish gang and Mario falls in love with Paula Mayer.
Captain Southard
Vater Roland
Vater Nilsson
Beautiful young Helga gets publicly shamed because a rich land owner seduced and impregnated her but refuses to take responsibility in a story of love and death in Sweden.
Bergungsinspektor Garms
Napoleon Bonaparte
Paul Müller
Eva Bernhardt leaves her home in Germany after an unhappy love affair and looks up a friend in Copenhagen. She has left Germany without papers and is in Denmark illegally. Actually, the store where her friend works is a cover for a vicious call-girl racket and Eva is forced into that life by threats of exposure to the Danish authorities.
Baron Barrenkrona
Gauleiter-Stellvertreter Großherr
van Heusden
Bruinsma - Kapitän der Amsterdam
Professor Wittmann
Major Fercher
Zirkusdirektor Sioli
José Bustillos
Attorney Krogstad
Dr. Perez
Grim melodrama about girls sent to South America to be used by crooks.
Two GIs haven fallen in love with "Fräuleins", decide to stay in Germany and open a typically American drugstore in the center of the small town where their girlfriends live.
Henri Winlawski
Schwerer Junge
El científico Karl Rother descubre que su esposa, además de serle infiel, le está pasando información sobre sus descubrimientos a los aliados. Rothe la asesina y las fuerzas de seguridad del gobierno, en lugar de castigarlo por ello, ocultan lo sucedido para que el científico prosiga con unas investigaciones muy útiles para ellos. Pero, tras el crimen, Rothe comienza a sentir un ansia insana de asesinar, de la que sentirá tal culpabilidad que le irá consumiendo poco a poco.
Diener Josef
Set in German-occupied France in 1944 where a female resistance operative and a German army officer fall in love.
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
Dr. Oskar Neugefeldt
Feldwebel Otto Roggenkamp
German film about Luftwaffe pilots. It depicts a love triangle involving two of them being overcome by their participation in battle together.
Herr Galassi
Gitarrenspielender Landser auf dem Dampfer
A German soldier on leave in Berlin goes looking for his pen pal who he has never met called Gisela. He meets instead a woman with the same name and falls in love with her.
Feldwebel Traugott
This Nazi propaganda film details the exploits of a group of German Luftwaffe pilots flying Stukas--fighter-bombers--in the Battle of France in the early days of World War II.
Unteroffizier Weber
Nazi cinema produced numerous WW2 military epics, one of the most impressive of which is Ufa's first-rate 1941 production, Uber Alles in der Welt,directed by Karl Ritter (Stukas). Ritter customarily produced morale-building propaganda pictures, and this, his first propaganda film to deal with the war, as well as his finest effort, was one of the highest-grossing pictures of the Third Reich. Set largely in France, England, and Spain, the film chronicles the plight of Germans caught by the outbreak of war and their frantic attempts to return to the Fatherland to join the battle. All of Germany's enemies receive equal disdain. The British, the French, the Poles, and the Jews are portrayed respectively as warmongers, profiteers and cowards. In the end, all that is important is returning to Germany.
Vergifteter Co-Pilot
Musiker am Konservatorium
In a transport museum, the items on display begin to tell their stories. Most interesting is the history of the Pullman car. In the beginning, it served as transport for a princely family; then became the headquarters car for the military high command; and then, most adventurous of all, it ended up with a circus. Converted to a bar, it finally had its day and was supposed to serve as a placard carrier. Luckily, the museum saved it from this sad fate.
Anton Lingenfelder
Nuremberg durting the time of Albrecht Durer and the famous geographer Martin Behaim: the locksmith Peter Henlein is looking for a way to make bullets more accurate by designing a new form. Just as he welds together two round balls into an elongated shape, he believes he's discovered that his assistant Konrad is trying to alienate his wife from him. There is a struggle, during which Henlein's new kind of bullet strikes him in the chest. The doctor, unaware that there are two bullets lodged in his body, because there was only one shot, only removes one.
Unteroffizier Zuschlag
Brautwerber und Zechkumpane Barberousses
Lilian Harvey plays a young heiress in long-ago France named Madelon who is raised by her grandfather as a boy in order to frighten away fortune hunters. But when the old man dies, her guardian Cesaire wants to marry her off to the rich prefect Barberousse. She is tricked by Cesaire with the portrait of a young man (Viktor von Staal) which is presented to her as that of her future husband. But when Madelone discovers this scheme she flees, again in men's clothing. But on her route to escape, she meets the young man from the portrait and falls in love with him. But Madelone can't give up her disguise right now...
The newspaper delivery driver Paul falls in love with Lotte, who works in her mother’s kiosk. One day, Paul helps a man in a black Mercedes, who’s been in an accident. While helping him, a notebook has fallen out of the man’s pocket, which Paul thinks is his own and pockets. In fact, the notebook belongs to a band of auto thieves, who’ll now do anything and everything possible to get the book back.
Stage manager
A romance between two temperamental singing stars. Highlights include a lengthy selection from Faust, with Gigli making a most impressive Mephistopheles. The plot takes a melodramatic turn towards the climax, with the lives of the characters mirrored in their on-stage behavior. Director Carmine Gallone was something of an expert in the field of filmed opera, as witness his Tosca, Rigoletto and Il Trovatore.
Ein revolutionärer Zwischenrufer
Sylvia has succeeded in making her son Robert a minister in the French Republic. His old servent, Gabriel, interrupts the young man during an "erotic" conference with the singer Betty. She's there, because her politically inappropriate songs is about to get her banned from the stage, which the minister would like to prevent. A fight breaks out between Robert and Gabriel and Sylvia, his mother, has to confess to Robert, that Gabriel is actually his father. When the minister once again misbehaves, this time at a ball, his servant and father Gabriel decides that the time has come to slap his son in everyone's presence. Robert is forced to resign and a journalist from the People's Front suggests Gabriel for the post of minister. - The film was classified after the end of the german third empire as a reservation film.
This 1936 film tells the story of the doings of foreign agents in Germany and their allies among the German population. Having placed an ad in a local paper looking for "contact with bigwigs in German industry", enemy agents Morris and Geyer end up making contact with an engineer named Brockau. Brockau has developed an improvement in turning oil into gasoline and that's just what these enemy agents are looking for. Brockau, for his part, needs money, because his girlfriend is a selfish cow who demands more and more toys and trinkets, which has put our naive little nerd deep into debt. Brockau, however, is not the only unwitting maroon to fall into the clutches of the evil agents: the former bank agent Hans Klemm, now doing his service in the Wehrmacht, ends up being contacted by an agent from the other side and ends up getting blackmailed into working for them.
Felix Rieger
A fast-paced comedy revolving around secrets and mix-ups. Theodor is a husband who helps his expulsed niece with her careers as a singer. His wife mustn't know this so he secretly takes a job as maître d' at a big hotel. This doesn't just lead to him always being tired but to all kinds of other troubles.
In a harbor bazaar of the Pacific town of Kona, the young sailor Kiwe is offered a mysterious bottle, which supposedly gives her owner power and wealth and should fulfill all his wishes. The required return is however high. From now on, the soul of the new owner belongs to the devil.
1. Bandit
Viktor Schott, daredevil and womanizer, is charged by his father, a jeweler, to go to Istanbul and purchase a valuable emerald necklace from a rich Persian and to bring it back by ship to Marseille. A pair of criminals are watching him and attractive Delia, with whom Viktor is in love, is used as bait. His boyhood friend Sibyl, who is in love with Viktor, warns him of the criminal ship owner and the captain, who intend to steal the jewel during a masked ball on board. Shortly before reaching the coast of France, an explosion causes the ship to capsize.
Der Rothaarige
Propaganda film detailing the plight of ethnic Germans, known as "Volga Germans", in the Soviet province of Manchuria.
Al inspector Lohmann lo llama por teléfono un antiguo miembro del Departamento de Policía para denunciar un caso de falsificación. Sin embargo, antes de que pueda testificar y revelar los detalles del delito, se vuelve loco a causa de un atentado. Las investigaciones de Lohmann en seguida lo conducen hasta el doctor Mabuse, pero el famoso criminal hace años que está recluido en una clínica mental, cuyo director, el doctor Baum, es un eminente psiquiatra que se ha dejado fascinar por el genio de Mabuse y por su legado: una especie de testamento donde describe el camino que hay que seguir para fundar el Imperio del Crimen.
The Baltic captain Terje Wiggen works as a pilot on the island of Muhu. When the mate of the ship “Carola” calls in sick, he jumps at the chance of reviving his life as a sailor. WWI breaks soon after the departure. By and by the ship’s company gets worn down by dead calm. On account of the plague-ridden captain, Wiggen disposes of the contaminated water reserve. Discontent among the crew rises until they take the sole lifeboat and leave their mate behind. Wiggen unsuccessfully tries to bring the ship under control. At the last minute he is rescued off the Japanese coast. At his return he promises to never leave his wife and child again. But the German Imperial Navy begins to blockade the waterways of the island. Wiggen paddles to Sweden with the intention of smuggling provisions for his family. On his way back he is detained by a German captain. After five years of imprisonment he returns to Muhu once more. Wiggen is hellbent on vengeance. (Deutsche Kinemathek)
The story of the rise to power of King Frederick II (aka "Frederick the Great") of Prussia of his military campaigns to make Prussia a major power in Europe.
A man swallows a diamond - and suddenly all people around him change their attitude towards him.