Thorsten Merten

Thorsten Merten

Nacimiento : 1963-12-01, Ruhla, Germany


Thorsten Merten
Thorsten Merten


Der zweite Kurzschluss
Brings back Bettina and Martin one year later on New Year's Eve.
Hunting Season
In the German comedy Jagdsaison, a wellness weekend for three friends is in danger of derailing: Marlene is in a serious midlife crisis and is looking for a sex date. She accompanies the divorced Eva and her ex-husband's new wife to protect them from stupid things. Unfortunately, the three seem to attract chaos almost magically.
Alfons Jitterbit – Class Trip Chaos!
Herr Flickendorf
After oversleeping yet again, Alfons manages to catch the bus to his class trip to the Baltic Sea at the last minute. In his luggage: lots of adventure, funny pranks and - wait a minute - his mother's clothes?
Eingeschlossene Gesellschaft
Manfred Prohaska
On a Friday afternoon, there was an unexpected knock on the door of the staff room of a city high school. An ambitious father is willing to go to extremes to get his son admitted to high school. The six teachers who are still at school so shortly before the start of the weekend now have to find out the hard way. After some unexpected twists and embarrassing revelations, true abysses open up for everyone involved...
Eine riskante Entscheidung
Bernhard Elster
Perdida en Irlanda
Para Connie, las cosas han ido según lo planeado durante muchos años, tanto profesionalmente como en su vida privada. Hasta que el hijo del director ejecutivo se hace cargo del negocio e impone nuevas normas. En el futuro el inglés será el idioma de los negocios. Inglés? Con fluidez? Como no quiere perder su trabajo se inscribe inmediatamente en un curso intensivo en Irlanda. Pero la perfeccionista Connie no está preparada para su maestra Gillian ni para su compañero de estudios Max que actualmente se encuentra en Irlanda visitando a su hija Amy de dieciséis años. Connie pronto se da cuenta que le falta algo más en su vida perfecta que hablar un inglés perfecto.
Guerra de mentiras (Curveball)
Aunque ya ha buscando sin éxito armas de destrucción masiva en Irak como miembro de una misión especial de las Naciones Unidas, el experto en armas bioquímicas Arndt Wolf sigue estando obsesionado con la idea de que Saddam Hussein esconde algo. Ninguna de las personas que le rodean muestra el menor interés en esta cuestión, circunstancia que cambia de la noche a la mañana cuando un refugiado político del gobierno iraquí asegura haber estado involucrado en la creación de este tipo de armas. El Servicio de Inteligencia Federal alemán convoca a Wolf para que evalúe si la información del informante, a quien se le ha otorgado el sobrenombre de "Curveball", es o no cierta.
In Berlin wächst kein Orangenbaum
Wärter Grunert
After 14 years of prism Nabil is released and thrown back into his live.
Year 2047: "Inifinitalk" is the AI developed by some guys, offering possible eternal life through digitization of peoples mind and when they want to sell it they get into major trouble.
Nothing More Perfect
The full attention of everyone - just for a moment in time. Maya is sixteen and tries to find online-fame and understanding through a selfie-live-vlog of suicide notes. She streams constantly to a forum of like-minded users. Her many last words are sometimes narcissistic, sometimes poetic and sometimes very honest. She suffers from depression. When Maya travels to Prague with her parents - a trip, that is supposed to somehow cheer her up - she plans for her suicidal fantasies to become reality.
La audición
Anna Bronsky (Nina Hoss) es una profesora que enseña violín en en el conservatorio. Aunque el resto del consejo escolar no está de acuerdo, Anna lucha para que un alumno entre en el centro, ya que cree que tiene un gran talento. A partir de entonces volcará todos sus esfuerzos y su tiempo en él, llegando a desatender a su propia familia.
Der vierte Mann
Kurt Lehrmann
A kidnapped musician and his missing violin are the prelude to a series of murders whose victims were deeply involved in business connections between the GDR and Austria. The investigators of SOKO Vienna and Leipzig are working together.
Good Girl Gone Bad
Helmut Mayer
West Germany, 1983. Seventeen-year-old Ursula wants it all and is thus too much, although all she's looking for is love. Enter Siegfried Grimm, the charismatic new teacher who finally recognizes Ursula's true potential. She falls for him, head over heels. A pity that Grimm sexually liberates the entire village - except Ursula. While the Grimm acolytes fight for the favor of their idol, Ursula resorts to more radical measures. Whatever it takes, she'll get back at Grimm.
Alfons Zitterbacke
Mr. Flickendorf
Clumsy peculiar pupil Alfons Zitterbacke dreams of being an astronaut and wreaks havoc anywhere he goes but against all odds wants to proof everyone who is teasing him wrong especially his father who wants him to be more of a 'normal' kid.
El Embargador
Alfred Hoppe
Walter es un hombre de mudanzas de 60 años para desalojos forzosos. Reconoce en uno de los inquilinos a punto de ser desalojados a su hijo separado, Jan. Para ayudar a Jan, Walter tiene que confrontar no solo a su jefe corrupto sino también a su propio pasado.
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Taxifahrer Klaus
Cyril, de 17 años, es divertido, inteligente y un buen chico completo. Solo su nariz algo demasiado grande estropea la imagen. En un viaje escolar a Berlín con Roxy, una deslumbrante nueva compañera de clase, Cyril no es el único que se enamora de ella. Benno, la clase Casanova también tiene el ojo puesto en la chica y hace una apuesta desagradable. Roxy está más interesada en el introvertido Rick, que no solo es tímido sino también lento. Cyril se apresura con sus habilidades de palabra hablada en ayuda de Rick y se enamora perdidamente del propio Roxy. Entonces, ¿de quién es el corazón valiente que conquistará a la bella dama?
German Journalist
En la histórica región de Donbass, en el este de Ucrania, a pesar de la cruel guerra que se viene librando desde 2014 entre las autoproclamadas Repúblicas Populares de Donetsk y Luhansk y el Gobierno ucraniano, la gente trata de sobrevivir en el podrido corazón del caos, donde la violencia se disfraza de paz, la propaganda se convierte en unívoca verdad y el odio reina en nombre del amor.
The real life story of East German singer and writer Gerhard Gundermann and his struggles with music, life as a coal miner and his dealings with the secret police (STASI) of the GDR.
Rübezahls Schatz
The mountain spirit Rübezahl falls in love with the young maid Rosa. Blind with love, he does not notice that the Baroness of Harrant wants to plunder his gold treasures in order to build a sawmill in the Giant Mountains.
Hit Mom – Mörderische Weihnachten
Hanni works around the clock as a cleaning lady. She has to because her husband, whom she loves, has not exactly shown himself to be a support financially. They also have their son Viktor. One day Hanni witnesses an attempted murder on an old lady. The killer now has an involuntary confidante and must eliminate her. But it doesn't come to that because Hanni uses her cleaning agents at the right moment, with her presence of mind. The killer falls unhappy and falls into a coma.
La casa de la niebla
Doros Chef
Cuatro ex compañeros de clase, Philipp, Leonie, Timo y Yasmin, organizan una reunión durante un fin de semana en una de las propiedades de Philipp. La esposa y la hija de Philipp también están presentes. Sin embargo, el fin de semana termina en un baño de sangre, con tres personas muertas y el sospechoso en coma. Dos años después, la madre de Leonie le pide al antiguo compañero de clase del presunto asesino, Doro Kagel, que reabra el caso. Ella nunca confió en que su hija hiciera tal acto ...
Rainer Welke
A young man is searching for his place in the world. He finds his way, religion and his "brothers" in the radical Islam. What begins with the wish of helping people in Syria leads Jan through religious murder as an ISIS-soldier and back to his home county Germany.
Tiger Milk
Best friends Nini and Jameelah are both 14 years old and live in the same housing complex in Berlin. Jameelah's family is from Iraq and might be deported if their application for citizenship isn't approved, but right now, the girls try not to worry about these existential problems. They look forward to the Berlin summer and the school holidays.
En tiempos de luz menguante
Berlín Oriental, otoño de 1989. Wilhelm Powileit cumple 90 años, pero afronta con estoica indiferencia la fiesta organizada por este motivo en su honor. Exiliado durante el nazismo y acérrimo militante de la causa comunista toda su vida, el anciano recibe un homenaje tardío al que acuden familia, vecinos y antiguos camaradas. A pesar de la aparente alegría de la celebración, todos son conscientes de que el régimen comunista se desmorona sin remedio. Y un nieto de Wilhelm acaba de huir a Alemania Occidental.
The Last Pig
Plum out of luck, Swabian farmer Huber’s farm goes under. Then his girlfriend Birgit takes over her father’s newly-acquired firm – in former East Germany. That's reason enough for Huber to bail on his debts and head out on a road trip through southwest Germany.
Una Fortuna Peligrosa
Joseph Pilaster
Un sorprendente secreto detrás de la muerte de chicos jóvenes guía a tres generaciones en esta impresionante saga de amor, poder y venganza, en medio de la riqueza y la decadencia de la Inglaterra victoriana.
Alki Alki
Tobias and Flasche are childhood friends. However, their alcoholic friendship is doing more harm than good to Tobias, who realizes he should focus on his family and career. Everything changes when Tobias tells this to Flasche.
Verfassungsschützer F. – Sachsen
An African-German Author loses his memory and is used by a modern National Socialist Party as promotion-figure for more political power over Germany.
der Bürochef
Desnudo entre lobos
Hans Bochow
Cuando un grupo de prisioneros es transferido al campo de concentración de Auschwitz, un niño judío de cuatro años aparece en el campo dentro de una maleta. Un grupo de prisioneros decide ocultar y proteger al niño. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rough Road Ahead
Germany, 1967. Ruby & Martin, a young couple, are rehearsing their uprising. The price is high: expulsion from school, parental violence, and ultimately institutionalization. But they are ready to take on the cause of love.
Foreign Body
Wolfgang follows a ransom note from his supposed illegal kidney donor Irina back to Istanbul, the city which he would love to erase from memory. Donor and recipient collide and struggle for a fair solution after which there is a bitter new beginning
Open the Wall
A lighthearted look at the opening of the border crossing of Bornholmer Straße in Berlin from the point of view of the confused border guards.
Somos jóvenes. Somos fuertes
En agosto de 1992,en el barrio de Lichtenhagen de la ciudad alemana de Rostock, fue incendiado un refugio para asilados vietnamitas. El director alemán de origen afgano Burhan Qurbani revisa los hechos en esta película.
Willkommen bei Habib
Four men’s destinies slam into each other and intertwine on four balmy summer nights. Old wounds are reopened, new ones appear, unexpectedly there is a new closeness. And, when the sun rises over the city and the striking garbage men, finally ensure German order again, nothing is the same for these four men.
Der Rücktritt
Martin Heidemanns
In 2012 German Bundespraesident Christian Wulff declares his resignation in the great hall of Bellevue Palace. At the side of his wife, he had to face the pressure of the media for 68 days while struggling for office of head of state of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Kommissar Marthaler - Partitur des Todes
Dr. Meissner
The Golden Goose
Simpleton is a poor carpenter's apprentice. Everyone makes fun of his naivete. His greatest wish is to make the sad Princess happy. When he gets a Golden Goose as a gift, he resolves to give it to the Princess...
Der zweite Mann
Klaus Padberg
A young financial auditor, promoted to his first serious position, soon finds himself following in the fatal footsteps of his predecessor.
Young 19-year-old Hajo wrestles with caring for his 6-month-old son and finding both work and his role of being a father.
Silvi - Maybe Love
Silvi is in her late forties. Her husband has just left her. Until this point, she was fairly content with her life, but now everything is in ruins. A friend advises her to make a fresh start. But how is that supposed to work? Especially if you see yourself as a team player and there’s no team in sight you would want to join. Driven by a sense of longing, helplessness and curiosity, Silvi tries to make new friends and, in her own, touchingly earnest but also naïve and charmingly uninhibited way, starts to take control of her life. Anonymous sex, cosy romanticism and bondage games catapult her from one emotional disaster to the next. But, thankfully, Silvi is indestructible.
Kohlhaas or the Proportionality of Means
Deep in the Bavarian countryside Kleist’s historical drama Michael Kohlhaas is being shot. But instead of shooting a huge epic with impressive costumes and extraordinary props, grown-up men in suits fight with imaginary weapons. What has happened? Young director Lehman is fighting for his film, although all funds have been canceled. He’s convinced that the actor’s play and the fantasy of the audience will be sufficient. He fights for his vision as much as Kleist’s Kohlhaas fights for his rights. This film has to be finished. Whatever may come. Even if he has to go too far.
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
A poor peasant woman lives in a cabin in the woods. She grows two rose-trees in front of her house, one with white roses and one with red. When the flowers bloomed she had two children, both girls. She named them both after the trees, Snow White and Rose Red respectively. They have an adventure involving a bad dwarf and a bewitched bear.
Sushi in Suhl
Hans Leutner
Klaus Rubinstein
A nameless man receives phone calls intended for someone else and ends up pretending to be that person, while a female character rebels against her author.
Stopped on track
El doctor ha dicho la verdad. Los días están contados. ¿Por qué yo y por qué ahora? Un hombre deja atrás a su mujer y a sus hijos, a sus padres, a sus amigos, a sus vecinos y a su antigua amante, a todos aquellos que formaron parte de su vida. Cada día es un pequeño adiós. Las palabras son cada vez menos comunes, el silencio se prolonga cada vez más. Ante la ventana, el año cambia de color. Morir, un último trabajo. Quedarse solo pero sin estar solo está bien, quizás.
Augen zu
Haltet die Welt an
André Spanuth
Katja Winzer lives with her eight-year-old son Tobias and her partner Jürgen in a small town near Bremerhaven. When Tobias does not come home one evening after playing games, and broadcasts remain fruitless throughout the circle of friends, Katja turns on the police. For Katja begins a nightmare of waiting, hope and fear, where she threatens to break. Only weeks later, the terrible idea that Tobias could have become a victim of a violent crime, to the certainty.
The story of a seemingly settled bank employee who breaks the shackles of his everyday life and becomes a wanderer between worlds. Frederik is an up-and-coming young bank employee who lives an ordinary life. When a bank customer, whom Frederik has denied a loan in the face of the bank crisis, shoots himself in front of Frederik, he snaps. Together with ex-con Vince,he begins to live out a new, dark side of himself. He robs his rich bank customers' homes and gives the money to the needy. The initial rush of crossing social boundaries soon develops into an addiction to ever greater thrills.
Auf Doktor komm raus
Apotheker Walter
Actually, the young Berlin doctor Jan Büchner wanted to go directly to the Baltic Sea for a week. But a detour forces him to drive over land. And then his car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, just behind a small town called Marienhagen. The residents of Marienhagen take care of Jans Wohl and make the stay as pleasant as possible. A comedy about rural doctors and people who fight for their pride and self-respect and take their destiny in their own hands in their own hands.
Frösche petzen nicht
Jörg Hilbert
I've Never Been Happier
Success is a question of confidence, particularly in times of crisis. Life would be unbearable if there weren’t beautiful things to brighten it up a little, including pretty faces. Frank Knöpfel constantly flirts with life with his beguiling bright blue eyes. He buys a complete stranger an expensive coat in a designer boutique just because he feels like it. He disguises himself as a businessman from Oslo, a Mafia boss, a stock exchange specialist and an estate agent, whatever it takes to bring in the cash. He is the type of person who enjoys looking in the mirror, and delights in what he sees there. A flirtation with a customer in a boutique leads to Frank’s undoing.
Niña de noviembre
Alemania Oriental, 1980. Anne, una chica de veinte años, y Juri, un desertor del Ejército Rojo que se esconde en su casa, se enamoran. Los dos huyen del país y se dirigen al Oeste, dejando a Inga, la hija de Anne, en casa de sus abuelos. La niña crece creyendo que su madre ha muerto. Veinticinco años más tarde, Inga conoce al profesor de literatura Robert, que posee datos para localizar a Anne. Aunque, al principio, Inga se muestra escéptica, acaba acompañando a Robert en un viaje por Alemania para buscar a su madre.
Remarque - Sein Weg zum Ruhm
Chefredakteur der „Sport im Bild“
Die Weihnachtswette
Sooner or Later
Nora is fourteen and lives with her parents in a quiet Berlin suburb. She is a romantic introvert who spends her day retreated into her own enchanted dreamworld. Her parents, Anette and Uwe, are busy trying to handle reality; both are wrestling with unrealized hopes and dreams along with the added troubles caused by Anette's return to her studies and Uwe's struggling business. When Thomas, a former lover of Anette's and his family move in next door, the already fragile foundations of Nora's family are rocked.
Meer is nich
Die Frau am Ende der Straße
Klaus Garbers
Toni Harmann
The Hotel Lunik is a refuge for a group of radical utopists. In the center of it all, are the Siblings Franz and Babette, who through their anti-capitalist guerrilla campaigns call into question the basis for a money-based society. On the other side Franz's cousin Toni, is setting up a nightclub on the ground floor of the hotel with an entrepreneurial spirit in diametric opposition to it's surroundings. Guests are to be lured with a high-class lounge act along with a quiz show developed by Franz's own father, Alfons. Toni and his loyal bartender Viktor have their hands full contending with the difficulties of an unmotivated workforce. Among Lunik's odd population are Tom, the bellman with a screw loose, Nora, the pretty cook peeling potatoes and dreaming of a world in show business, and Emilia, the chronically sick photographer who wants to spend her last weeks singing in the company of friends...
Four Windows
Quieren alejarse el uno del otro, pero se abrazan aún más firmemente. Buscan salvar las apariencias con toda fuerza. Cuanto más se ríen, más tranquilo se vuelve a su alrededor. Las grietas en la imagen familiar se amplían hasta que se revela un secreto ineludible.
Las partículas elementales
Michael y Bruno son medio hermanos, pero son totalmente diferentes. Sólo tienen en común una madre que nunca se ocupó de ellos y que siempre los dejó al cuidado de sus abuelas para seguir pasándolo bien. Michael es un biólogo molecular introvertido que no parece interesarse por otra cosa que no sea la investigación genética. Bruno es esclavo de sus fantasías sexuales y paga por hacerlas realidad. Todo cambia cuando los dos descubren el amor a los treinta y tantos años. Michael reencuentra a Annabelle, su novia de la infancia, y Bruno conoce a Christiane que comparte y disfruta de sus obsesiones sexuales. Sin embargo, el destino les juega una mala pasada: de repente, las dos mujeres enferman gravemente. Aturdidos por la noticia, Bruno y Michael tendrán que decidir si, a pesar de la situación, vale la pena mantener la relación con sus parejas o si es preferible volver a sus solitarias vidas.
In Liebe eine Eins
Herr Steiner
Wahrheit oder Pflicht
Lehrer Behnke
Annika's life and experiences as a young woman include peculiar sex, an unfortunately cold best friend, a terrible tutor/boyfriend, and a sensible and beautiful boyfriend (Kai). Her family life and lie collide in such a way that it is impossible for her to tell the truth even when she desperately wants to.
Operación Walkiria (Valkiria)
Peter Graf Yorck v. Wartenburg
La mañana del 20 de julio de 1944, el teniente Claus von Stauffenberg se dispone a reunirse con Adolf Hitler en el cuartel general del dictador en Prusia Oriental. Stauffenberg es la punta de lanza de un movimiento rebelde que pretende acabar con Hitler; los explosivos que esconde en su maletín están destinados a liberar a Alemania de la locura del tirano. (FILMAFFINITY)
A woman travels by train. She is trapped between her memories of a love affair she had ended and her search for freedom. Her destiny depends on the imagination of a scrip writer who is writing a story for a film.
Dito Tsintsadze's drama focuses on a loner whose life changes dramatically, when he gets to know a beautiful, but strange girl. Lukas, a young man doing "meals on wheels" instead of military service, doesn't have many friends and leads a boring life, until he meets Isabella. The fascinating girl soon becomes his best friend, but Lukas learns she has a sexual relationship to her stepfather. Thus, he is obsessed with the idea of delivering Isabella by killing the man..
A media escalera
Chris es locutor de radio y está casado en segundas nupcias con Katrin. Uwe, propietario de un pequeño restaurante al paso está casado con Ellen. Los cuatro rondan la cuarentena y viven en una ciudad tan insulsa como deprimente, Frankfurt-Oder, en la antigua Alemania Democrática. Chris es íntimo amigo de Uwe. Y Katrin, amiga íntima de Ellen. Lo cual no impide que un buen día Chris y Ellen comiencen una aventura sentimental que, al ser descubierta, hará saltar por los aires el aparentemente perfecto universo pequeño burgués de las dos parejas. Pero, al mismo tiempo, este hecho invitará a los cuatro a replantearse sus existencias, a analizar los aciertos y los errores del pasado, a aprender a valorar más lo que se tiene que lo que se desea, a descubrir los pequeños y sencillos placeres cotidianos… en una palabra, a volver a vivir. Y al final resulta que Frankfurt-Oder no era una ciudad tan deprimente y que una simple gaita puede cambiarlo todo.
Oben - Unten
Comedy drama about one of life's perennial losers who finally strikes it lucky with a beautiful woman, but not before experiencing the usual seemingly endless pitfalls.
Silent Country
Kai Finke
A young, naive and enthusiastic theater director named Kai comes to a grim provincial town to put on Beckett's Waiting for Godot. Although the lethargic theater company shows no interest in the play, his spirit remains undaunted.Meanwhile, it is fall 1989. The world is changing and somewhere, far away in the capital, a revolution is taking place and it seems that wishes might come true. Great hopes emerge in the little town and unexpected events overtake Kai's mutating production.
In Liebe, eure Hilde
Dr. Minergerode
Mörderische Hitze