Keiichi Uraoka

Keiichi Uraoka

Nacimiento : 1930-05-04, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan

Muerte : 2008-11-24


Keiichi Uraoka


I've Heard the Ammonite Murmur
Ammonites were a kind of snail-like precursor to today's mollusks, common in the seas of the Cretaceous period, many millions of years ago. They are among the most commonly found fossils, so they must have been extremely plentiful. In this meditative and largely unstructured first feature, a young geologist is traveling by train to visit his sister in the countryside after having received a disturbing and mysterious letter from her. As he travels, he remembers his childhood fixation with rocks, nurtured by his mother, and his very strong affection for his sister.
Set on a quiet ranch in Hokkaido. One day, a colt is born from a legendary bloodline. It is given the name Oracion or "prayer". When Oracion is grown, a factory owner buys the horse. Will he be the key to solving the man's problems? Based on the novel by Teru Miyamoto.
Alien Invasión
En 1927 se empieza la construcción del metro de Tokio. Las obras conmueven los dominios de los diablos que esperan su gran oportunidad. Kato, un personaje que posee poderes psíquicos, les ayuda para causar problemas y destruir Tokio. Un poderoso enemigo se enfrentará a él; Keito Metaka, casado con Yoichiro, la hermana de Yukari. También Terada, científico que ha construído el primer robot, les prestará el apoyo. Kato secuestrará a Yoichiro delante de todos. El momento de la batalla ha llegado.
Blue Lake Girl
Nagare, a painter who wanted to commit a lover’s suicide with Mizue, the wife of his friend and patron Takigawa. Growing afraid at the last moment, he doesn’t go through with it – but Mizue sinks to the bottom of Blue Lake. Some time later, Nagare follows an invitation by Takigawa, who claims to have forgiven everything. To Nagare’s shock, Takigawa’s new wife, Ameko, looks exactly like Mizue. While staying as Takigawa’s guest, Nagare becomes haunted by Mizue’s ghost, who wants to be reunited with him at the bottom of Blue Lake.
Have You Seen the Barefoot God?
2 almost inseparable friends. The talented painter recognized by all decided to leave the town where they live and become an artist and the shy poet who only sees his future in his mother's business.
Lanterns on Blue Waters
The story of a Japanese man who as a 16-year-old went to Maui to work in the sugar cane fields in order to support his family back in Japan. Now 89 and still living in Hawaii he is visited by his granddaughter who brings him a letter from his disinherited and recently dead son. This brings back memories of his life with his wife and family following the attack on Pearl Harbor, in particular of his son who had gone off to join the war for the Americans.
Kleptomaniac Sonoko and young, beautiful Mitsuko begin an unusual love affair which develops fast into a kinky sexual love triangle when Sonoko’s husband gets involved.
Island of the Evil Spirits
Famous detective Kosuke Kindaichi follows a dying man's words to an enigmatic island, where he meets beautiful twin sisters and tragic events unfold.
Why Not?
The film depicts carnivalesque atmosphere summed up by the cry "Ei ja nai ka" ("Why not?") in Japan in 1867 and 1868 in the days leading to the Meiji Restoration. It examines the effects of the political and social upheaval of the time, and culminates in a revelrous march on the Tokyo Imperial Palace, which turns into a massacre. Characteristically, Imamura focuses not on the leaders of the country, but on characters in the lower classes and on the fringes of society.
Barefoot Gen Part 3: Battle of Hiroshima
Second live action "Barefoot Gen" sequel.
The Sand Boat
A Young couple find a boad buried under a beach,and are taken to another world where they must face a Deadly cult who want to sacrifice them.
Jun has come to Tokyo from his family home, an island which resembles a ship. He works in a machine shop and is attempting to develop a career as a cartoonist in his spare time. When he travels around the town by subway, he has grown into the habit of groping female passengers in a sexual way. They never denounce him, and many seem to respond very favorably, moaning in apparent ecstasy. However, when his girlfriend sees him doing this, she denounces him to the police. The woman he was groping at the time refuses to press charges; indeed, she says that what was happening was nobody's business. Still, Jun's girlfriend leaves him. He goes to his father's grave to pay his respects, but somehow cannot find it. On his way back, he sees a number of men molesting a woman and does nothing to stop them. Eventually his girlfriend comes back to him, and his indulgence in train-groping tapers off.
La venganza es mía
Enokizu es un criminal al que le encanta cometer atrocidades y despiadados crímenes. Toda la policía de Japón le persigue, pero siempre logra escapar. Un día Enokizu conoce a una chica que trabaja en un burdel, y los dos se enamoran...
Glowing Autumn
Una mujer joven está viviendo con un hombre de negocios mayor que tiene pasión animal por ella. Durante sus vacaciones en Kioto conocerá a un joven y guapo fotógrafo que supondrá un soplo de aire fresco.
El imperio de la pasión
Un viejo conductor de carro-taxi está casado con una bella joven que cada noche le baña, le da masajes y le ofrece sake. Una noche, el joven amante de la mujer mata al marido y esconde el cadáver en un pozo aislado. Pasan tres años y el fantasma del muerto aparece.
The Story of Big 1: Sadaharu Oh
A Documentary on the Japanese baseball player Sadaharu Oh
The Far Road
Set in the time of steam locomotives and covering a period of almost 30 years, this sensitive film tells the story of the wife of a railroad worker in the northern part of Japan. The ferocious local class restrictions work to keep her husband in his place, as does his lack of education.
El imperio de los sentidos
Una pareja de amantes vive una historia de amor llevada hasta límites inimaginables. La pasión se ha adueñado de ellos. El sexo ha pasado a ser lo único importante de sus vidas. Las ansias de la mujer por poseer a su hombre parecen inagotables y crecen cada día más hasta llegar a confundir el placer con el dolor.
The War of the 16 Year Olds
A young drifter and a precocious sixteen years old girl slowly form a bond in a small town haunted by its wartime past.
Cape of the North
A Swiss nun falls in love with a Japanese engineer.
The Fossil
Tajihei Kazuki es un magnate de los negocios de Tokio que se está muriendo. Su esposa, Yoshie, falleció hace un año y considera un viaje de negocios como vacaciones para alejarse de la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, comienza a sentirse enfermo y le diagnostican cáncer terminal de estómago. Nadie más lo sabe, piensa en el suicidio, pero ese no es su estilo por lo que reevaluará su vida, sus valores, sus relaciones con familiares, colegas y amigos.
A group of young men go treasure hunting in the sea.
Time Within Memory
Minoru visits his home on Okinoerabu island for the first time in thirty years. Seeing the old man who used to be in love with his mother, Minoru recalls the old days spent on the island with his young, beautiful mother.
Dear Summer Sister
Sunaoko come to Okinawa to find his brother Tsuruo. Her searching is not very painless because it tears up old wounds in complicated relationships, some of which date back to the horrors of war.
The young houseboy in Uta wakes up every night to patrol the house of a teacher with a flashlight. He leads an austere life of meditation and he focuses his devotional attention on writing inscriptions for tombstones.
Bajo la bandera del sol naciente
La Sra. Togashi (Sachiko Hidari) es la viuda de un sargento que fue sometido a un tribunal de guerra y ejecutado hacia finales de la guerra. Como resultado de esto, ella es privada de recibir una pensión del gobierno. Pasan muchos años, y el ejército no le revela las circunstancias de su muerte, por lo que decide comenzar su propia investigación. Realiza entrevistas a varios camaradas de su marido y descubre una historia al estilo de Rashomon; una historia de heroísmo y villanía, cobardía y valor.
About two student couples who become members of an obscure sect. The cult seeks a prehistoric utopia with free sex and without society's norms and values. The students are torn between ambient pressure and the sect leader's authority to organ music in the creative camera angles.
Man on a False Flight
The clerk of a trading company happens to have a large sum of money from his company in his possession. His girlfriend pressures him into fleeing with the money...
Gishiki (La ceremonia)
Un estudio fascinante sobre la época de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y de la postguerra en Japón, a través de los ojos de un joven perteneciente a una familia poderosa. Es quizá el trabajo más autobiográfico del director. En efecto, Oshima creció durante esa época, en circunstancias similares, y era descendiente de una importante familia de samuráis.
Tiremos los libros, salgamos a la calle
Shuji Terayama debutó como director con este film sobre la alienación y el ansia por una revolución sociopolítica por parte de la contracultura juvenil de los 60. A través de imágenes fragmentarias el director nos narra la incertidumbre y el caos en los que se ve sumido un joven y su familia disfuncional.
Detective Story: A Brother's Rule
Iwabuchi of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division cooperates with Kubo of the Foreign Affairs Division in re-investigating the case of a foreign drug addict's death at the request of Kubo.
Waterfront Blues
Based on Shinichi Mori song
Rainbow Over Paris
A young composer falls in love with the beautiful daughter of a wealthy company president and flies to Paris when he learns she is studying music there. But, when he finally wins her after many difficulties, he somehow feels empty, because his spirit has always been aroused against barriers before him.
El muchacho
Aparentemente menos experimental que otros trabajos anteriores, contiene, sin embargo, una violenta carga política. Shonen sigue los caminos de Koshikei al cuestionar el trato que existe en Japón hacia los marginados y los pobres. Entendida como una secuela de su documental Diary of a Yunbogi Boy, hecha unos años antes para televisión, Shonen es uno de los films más profundamente humanistas de Oshima.
Fallen Leaves and Sweet Memories
Nobuko and five male friends graduate from a high school, promising to remain friends forever. One year later, Nobuko is working as a mediocre actress for TV commercials, and the five men are wearing beards and have formed a psychedelic rock band. One day, Nobuko meets Jun, who draws cartoons based on his experiences.
Black Lizard
A detective tries to outwit a jewel thief who has kidnapped the daughter of a jeweler to get to an exquisite diamond.
My Destiny
Three Resurrected Drunkards
Three students spend their holidays at the seaside where they are mistaken for Koreans, a minority which is looked down on in Japan. The action develops into a crime story.
Blackmail Is My Life
Though he has come from a rough background on the streets, Muraki (Horoki Matsukata) quickly rises through the ranks by means of his well-honed blackmailing instincts. Desperate to keep rolling with his freewheeling lifestyle, Muraki sees his luck begin to crumble when he sets his sights on the business partners of a powerful gang boss.
Lemon Girls on the Go
Light comedy about three high-school girls on the campus.
Japanese Summer: Double Suicide
A sex-obsessed young woman, a suicidal young man she meets on the street, a gun-crazy wannabe gangster—these are just three of the irrational, oddball anarchists trapped in an underground hideaway in Oshima’s devilish, absurdist portrait of what he deemed the “death drive” in Japanese youth culture.
Canta una canción erótica
Cuatro estudiantes de provincias están en Tokyo para hacer los exámenes de selectividad. Desilusionados con la generación de sus padres, ven el futuro sin esperanza. Su respuesta consiste en ir por la calle cantando canciones obscenas. Una prostituta japonesa les explica que esas canciones no siempres son divertidas, a veces pueden ser muy tristes. Las fantasías de los cuatro protagonistas se centran en una chica rica que conocen de vista y a la que planean violar.
Violencia a pleno sol
En el Japón en ruinas de la postguerra, Eisuke, un hombre desgraciado que va dando tumbos por la vida, conoce a Shino, una joven que trabaja como criada en una residencia y que vive sumida en la pobreza. Pero Shino deja de ser el objeto de sus deseos cuando Eisuke conoce a la mujer del señor Inagaki, el dueño de la residencia.
Gamblers' Luck
A group of ne'er-do-wells live happily in the slums of what is now Tokyo and have a number of adventures: they get drunk and go whoring, revenge themselves on cruel landlords, animate the corpse of a money-lender in order to frighten people. Then they assist at the marriage of a lovely girl and almost kill themselves gambling to provide her with a dowry.
Diary of Yunbogi
This ethereal montage of still images with darkly somber undertones, Yunbogi’s Diary is based on photographs that Oshima took during his two-month research trip to South Korea in 1965 during which he was haunted by his encounters with impoverished street children in Seoul. The voice-over comprises diary entries from a six-year-old Korean boy and Oshima’s own reflections on Japanese-Korean relations, a controversial subject that he revisited in his later films Sing a Song of Sex and Death by Hanging.
Los placeres de la carne
Nagisa Oshima utiliza el género "pink" para enmascarar una alegoría acerca del materalismo del Japón de posguerra (el título traducido significa "Indulgencia"). Katsuo Nakamura interpreta a un hombre que, tras haber matado al violador de la joven alumna de la que está enamorado, es chantajeado por un funcionario de Agricultura que ha malversado cien millones de yenes y le hace guardar una parte del botín de un robo mientras él cumple una sentencia de cárcel.
A Trap
When her only relative, her elder brother is accused of robbing and murdering an old woman loan-shark, pretty, young Kiriko travels from her home in Kyushu to Tokyo to get Japan's top lawyer to defend her brother. Unfortunately her naive idealism is shattered when the lawyer refuses to take the case based on her insufficient funds. What follows is a long determined revenge plot that sees the heroine become a Tokyo bar hostess and worse to punish the lawyer. The plot thickens with another murder mystery and a sleuthing reporter.
The Shape of Night
Yoshie Nogami, a factory worker by day, moonlights as a hostess at a bar. One of the regulars, Eiji Kitami, invites her out on a date. Still only 19, she goes along out of curiosity and ends up spending the night at a hotel where she gives herself to him. They begin a passionate love affair and move in together, after which Yoshie begins skipping work at the factory and rarely returns to her family home. Before long, Eiji’s demeanor changes and he begins to constantly ask her for money. Despite claiming to be a businessman, he is actually a local thug, and his inability to pay his dues to his gang leads him to force Yoshie into prostitution.
Shichinin no keiji
Miyoko Sekiguchi, who works at a second-rate trading company, and car mechanic Koji Fukumoto are in love. The morning after Koji and Miyoko went out for a drive, the strangled corpse of a call girl is discovered in Toyamagahara. Chief Akagi, Detective Sergeant Sawada, and the other detectives begin to suspect Koji during their investigation. Koji insists he's innocent, but has no evidence to prove it. Even when detectives come to Miyoko's home and workplace and her coworkers begin to look down on her, Miyoko continues to trust and love Koji...
August Moon
The Inheritance
En su lecho de muerte, un rico empresario anuncia su intención de dividir su fortuna entre tres hijos ilegítimos que se encuentran en paradero desconocido. La situación es propicia para que un grupo de abogados elabore un plan para apoderarse del dinero sirviéndose de impostores y del chantaje.
La condición Humana III: La plegaria del soldado
Tras ser derrotados por los rusos, Kaji y los pocos hombres de su unidad que han sobrevivido emprenden una larga marcha en un intento desesperado de llegar a territorio amigo. Tras sortear no pocas dificultades, Kaji se ve obligado a rendirse y es enviado a un campo de prisioneros en Siberia.
Noche y niebla en Japón
Se celebra la boda entre Reiko y Haruaki, miembros de dos generaciones de movimientos estudiantiles revolucionarios. Irrumpen en la celebración Ota, compañero de lucha de Reiko y buscado por la policía, y Akumi, un militante considerado desaparecido hace tiempo. Afloran discusiones políticas y tensiones. Rodada con un estilo teatral, combinando flashbacks, fueras de campo, fundidos en negro y largos planos secuencia.
Volunteering for Villainy
Two outsiders start a relationship in a mining town.
El lago seco
En 1960, el impacto político que la revisión del Tratado de Seguridad entre Estados Unidos y Japón causa en la sociedad japonesa hace que Shimojo, un joven despreocupado que vive temerariamente, abandone el movimiento estudiantil y a sus compañeros, y empiece a interesarse en organizaciones terroristas.
El entierro del sol
En un barrio de chabolas de Osaka, Hanako se dedica, durante el día, a la compra de sangre que luego vende a compañías cosméticas y, durante la noche, trabaja de prostituta. Cuando su socio en la compra de sangre se le insinúa, Hanako le responde que su relación sólo es profesional. En efecto, Hanako es una mujer de negocios que intenta ganarse el respeto de tres bandas rivales.
La primera película de Yoshida trata de la vida de unos jóvenes estudiantes en un contexto de jazz, vacío espiritual y aburrimiento. La trama es sencilla: un inútil (good-for-nothing) de un barrio pobre se enamora de la joven secretaria del padre de un rico amigo suyo. La mujer siente simpatía por él y trata de llevarlo por el buen camino.
Historias crueles de juventud
A Makoto, que todavía va al instituto, la salva del ataque de un hombre un estudiante universitario llamado Kiyoshi. Al día siguiente, él intenta aprovecharse de la situación y se acuesta con ella, aunque luego la rechaza. Pero ella no se resigna e insiste en volver a verlo. Comienza así una relación entre ambos: ella lo sigue a todas partes y se va acostumbrando a sus actos delictivos.
La condición Humana II: El camino a la eternidad
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Forzado a unirse al ejército japonés durante la contienda, Kaji es enviado a Manchuria. Allí entabla amistad con un soldado que simpatiza con el comunismo. Tras una breve visita de su esposa, Kaji es enviado con su unidad al campo de batalla, del que muchos de sus compañeros nunca regresarán.
La condición Humana I: No hay amor más grande
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Kaji, un japonés pacifista, trata de librarse del servicio militar aceptando un trabajo como supervisor laboral en las minas de la Manchuria ocupada. Kaji se dedica a mejorar las pésimas condiciones de vida de los prisioneros, pero sus esfuerzos son despreciados por el jefe del campo de concentración. Un día, el odio acumulado estalla y tiene terribles consecuencias.