Eva-Maria Kurz

Eva-Maria Kurz

Nacimiento : 1944-05-17, Stuttgart, Germany


Eva-Maria Kurz


Wenn Papa auf der Matte steht
Rita Schlönzke
Aller Tage Abend
Irma and Henry live the dream of eternal love, which might end badly. A whimsical tale about old age.
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the dark shadows
Rosalie Suter
Rex Gildo: The Last Dance
Rex Gildo’s songs and musicals made him very popular. His best-known song was “Fiesta Mexicana” from 1972. Rosa von Praunheim tells the story of his life in the context of the gay pride movement, the normative pressures of the Schlager music industry, and the profound changes currently underway.
Peter's Mother
Speedy, merciless and with plenty of black humor Gasman shows the picture of a man searching for his inner soul.
The Unbearable Lightness of the Revolution
East Germany, 1988. 19-year-old Franka doesn't really care for politics. She prefers going to the disco and dreaming about seeing Bruce Springsteen and Michael Jackson live in concert. But beneath her carefree façade, she is scarred by the loss of her baby brother. But then she meets Stefan: He's young, idealistic, and part of an environmental activist group. A mix that makes Franka instantly make fall for him – and his group, which welcomes her with open arms. But this wild, revolutionary influence does not stay unnoticed: Her mother, who's with the Party, is worried about Franka. As Stefan's group loses the support of the church, leaving them vulnerable to the state, Stefan and Franka are soon in the government's line of fire…
Schwester Alberta
Two friends embark on a journey together which will test the limits of their friendship and uncover dark secrets. Reality and imagination start to blur. Can they trust everything they see?
Schlingensief – A Voice That Shook the Silence
Using unpublished and newly digitalised archive footage and film material, Bettina Böhler has brilliantly assembled this film about the life and work of the exceptional artist Christoph Schlingensief, who died in 2010.
Rolf's Mother-in-Law
A cinematic reflection on the lives of two middle-aged gay men and the formative value of personal freedom.
Bled Out
Inspired by Jean Genet's 1950 homoerotic "Un Chant D'Amour", this short film interrogates patriarchal credo through the lens of its unseen bodies. Shiny young male bodies are replaced with post-menopausal women, who celebrate their erotic power after shedding the patriarchal construct which places them ‘of the market'(as author Virginie Despentes would say).
O Beautiful Night
This fiction feature debut by Xaver Böhm is the newest production from Komplizen Film. In this Faustian tale, anxious Yuri finds himself face-to-face with Death. Yuri is forced to confront his fears over the course of a fateful night.
Many Happy Returns
The story of a married but separated couple Matthias and Anna, although the wounds are still open, together planning the birthday-party of their son Lukas. When, at the end of the party, little guest Julius isn't picked up by his parents, a rapid chain of events take place.
Der Zauberlehrling
Hausbau mit Hindernissen
Frau Kaiser
Kein Herz für Inder
Family Neufund is an exchange student from England in the house! The host parents Martin Brambach and Aglaia Szyszkowitz see this as a chance to finally win a girlfriend for their idiosyncratic 16-year-old daughter. But at the airport is not the expected "hip" Sandy McCartney from London in front of them, but a 13-year-old Indian boy! You want to get rid of the little Hindu as soon as possible. In a roundabout way, Zayn Baig in the role of the unwanted guest and Lena Urzendowsky as a loner are still pretty good friends.
Die Büffel sind los!
Heart of Stone
Peter y Lisbeth son dos jóvenes pero desafortunados enamorados que viven en una comunidad rural rígida en el Bosque Negro. Ella viene de una familia rica de sopladores de vidrio; él es un pobre trabajador del carbón en el extremo inferior de la sociedad. Para hacerse rico y respetado, Peter hace un pacto con un diablo llamado Dutch Michael, que rasga su corazón y lo reemplaza con una piedra. Robado de todo calor y sentimiento, Peter se convierte en un emprendedor de corazón frío que rápidamente logra sus objetivos. Sin piedad se esfuerza por el dinero y el poder. Pero Lisbeth ya no reconoce a Peter como el hombre que una vez amó y se vuelve contra él.
Schwester Weiß
Kleine Raucherin
Matthiesens Töchter
ältere Dame
Amour Fou
Berlín, siglo XIX, Romanticismo. El joven poeta trágico Heinrich aspira a vencer el carácter ineluctable de la muerte gracias al amor. Por esta razón intenta convencer a su prima Marie de que si se suicidan juntos conseguirán eludir el destino. El escepticismo y la falta de sensibilidad de Marie deprime a Heinrich. Sin embargo, Henriette, una joven casada, cuando se entera de que padece una enfermedad incurable, se muestra dispuesta a aceptar la propuesta del poeta. Relato libremente inspirado en el suicidio de Heinrich von Kleist, en 1811.
Die Amazonen - Mythos und Legende der geheimnisvollen Kriegerinnen
Tabitia, alt
The girl and death
Old Actress
Narra la vida de un doctor ruso llamado Nicolai, quien después de un tiempo vuelve a un viejo burdel, donde conoció a una cortesana llamada Elise. Nicolai revive su historia de amor y el pasado y el presente encajan.
The Final Farewell
Ruth Goldmann
Al límite de la esperanza
Frau Kleintje
Helen es una atractiva mujer que mantiene relación con un doctor que pretende utilizarla de espía para conseguir información confidencial de un oficial de las SS, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Helen deberá seducir a un teniente para averiguar detalles sobre la partida de un submarino nazi, con el fin de interceptarlo y destruirlo. Pero con lo que no contaba ella era con enamorase de este oficial.
Faust's Cook
Ambientada en el siglo XIX. Se basa en la leyenda alemana de Fausto, un sabio que hace un pacto con el diablo, y en las adaptaciones literarias del mito por parte de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe y Thomas Mann.
Der Bulle und das Landei - Tödliches Heimweh
Maria Gallo
Mein Flaschengeist und ich
Tante Mina
History of Hell
A German documentary studying concepts of hell developed over time in Christianity, Judaism and Islam, often overlapping -but not in Catholicism- with purgatory. Special attention goes to 'physical' methods of torture in the afterlife, as in Dante's Inferno. Their inspiration stems partially from judicial torments, as used during the Inquisition to redeem 'Satanic' sinners, from witches and heretics to mere gay people. Also treated is hell's theological and 'educational' meaning.
Heroes from the Neigborhood
Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg. Attila the fireman can eat glass – but this doesn’t help his love life. His girlfriend, Sabine, breaks up with him. She wants more from life. It’s her dream to be a talk show host – and there’s no place for Attila in her career plan. Despite being a talk show host, Erika is unhappy. She can no longer connect with her husband Ulf, who is reliving his youth and making use of his psychological prowess to conquer female hearts. Their pubescent son Niko avoids both parents as he makes his own way through life, propelled by his sex drive. When the next guest on Erika’s show – a TV junkie and shy bakerwoman called Rosine – cancels at short notice, Erika has to find a new candidate. She discovers Attila in the house next door.
Frau Petroff
A bride's biggest fears regarding her wedding materialize in a bizarre nightmare.
Un juego de inteligencia
El productor de televisión Rainer es un hombre de éxito que lo tiene todo: un sueldo estupendo, un lujoso ático, un coche espectacular y una novia más espectacular todavía. A sus treinta y tantos años ha llegado a la cima de su profesión creando unos programas de televisión de lo más vulgar y estúpido. Su último triunfo ha sido un concurso en el que un hombre podía conseguir el premio de ser padre de un niño, si su espermatozoide ganaba una carrera microscópica para fecundar un óvulo.Un día, Pegah, una misteriosa mujer, embiste a toda velocidad el coche de Rainer. Tras sufrir una experiencia cercana a la muerte, en Rainer se opera un gran cambio y decide producir un sesudo magazín de actualidad para la franja horaria estelar de su emisora. Hundido por los bajos índices de audiencia obtenidos, deja su trabajo y decide investigar el sistema de medición de audiencia que mantiene en los más altos puestos a programas que son un insulto para la inteligencia.
Marta und der fliegende Großvater
Frau Schimmelpfennig
Berlin Stories
Alte Frau
A movie about Berlin
Ein ganz normales Paar
Frau Meinecke
Erbin mit Herz
Notarin Dr. Welter
For more than ten years, the Viennese children's book dealer Felice Frank has not heard from Alexander Helsing, the father of her little daughter Lilli. All the more surprised is the young woman, when she suddenly learns of the death of Alexander. But not only that: at the opening of the will in Hamburg, it turns out that the deceased bequeathed all his company shares in the family large shipping company to his daughter Lilli - and to the age of majority of the child Felice should manage these shares. However, the dead man's conservative family does everything in his power to disgust the unpleasant business partner.
Kuratorin Coco
When a doctor tells 47-year-old restorer Rike that she is in menopause, she can not believe it - she feels young and attractive. Her ex-husband Richard also sees that and therefore advises her to finally find a new partner. And at a vernissage, she meets a young and handsome Japanese man called Gen and falls head over heels in love with him. Also, Gen does not seem averse to a relationship. What Rike does not know is that Gene's heart belongs to his friend Thomas. In Rike, the homosexual young man sees the suitable marriage candidate to secure his stay in Germany. When Richard announces his wedding with his new girlfriend, Rike does not want to be inferior. Thomas, however, sees the fictitious marriage, which he himself has invented, with increasing jealousy: an angry fight over Gen's affection ensues between him and Rike, by all means and without regard for losses.
Kolle - Ein Leben für Liebe und Sex
Frau von Bredow
Hasta donde los pies me lleven
Lieschens Lehrerin
Narra el increíble y eterno viaje que el soldado alemán Clemens Forell emprendió en su dramática huida de un campo de concentración de Siberia después de la II Guerra Mundial. A través del crudo invierno siberiano, y con la única obsesión de regresar con su familia, Forell tiene que recorrer, paso a paso, un difícil camino hasta llegar a Irán y así poder salvar su vida y conseguir la libertad.
All About Bob
Frau Schütz
Bob, a sympathetic young man, keeps telling women what they want to hear to have a good time. Just as he is about to marry the daughter of a very wealthy banker, her father does a little research on his future son-in-law and finds out the truth about Bob. He forces Bob to marry his daughter and behave like the perfect husband, or else... Unfortunately, Bob meets "The One" just a few days before the wedding and had also told her what she wanted to hear, all of this unbeknownst to his future wife. Then right as he's trying to extricate himself from those dilemmas, two very protective Turkish brothers of one of his past affairs are after him to take revenge for taking her virginity!
Die Konkurrentin
Katharina, a successful management consultant, has to face Maren as a new assistant. The young woman is very ambitious but has been employed by junior Boss Grosser to spoil Katharina's career. Despite all circumstances they work perfectly well as a team - and fall in love. Katharina, wife and mother to teenage twins, is shaken up by the new situation. Is she willing to live her life with Maren, an open lesbian?
Die Lok
Terror 2000
Frau Braun
Germany, right after the re-unification. The people are out of control, blind hatred towards immigrants is common sense. In this time, a social-worker, with the mission to bring a Polish family to their destination (an immigration camp in a little provincial town called Rassau), gets kidnapped just as the family. Chief inspector Koern and his girl-friend start to investigate in this matter in Rassau, exploring a world of obsessive sex, mislead lust and an over-whelming irrational love to the German nation, infiltrating anyone's mind. Rascism doesn't start with shaved hair and boots but rather in the middle of society itself...
Nekromantik 2
Nekro-gang member
Monika, una joven enfermera, desentierra un cadáver del cementerio municipal. Tras desatar con él sus pasiones necrófilas, lo descuartiza y guarda algunas de sus partes en el frigorífico. Mark es un doblador de películas porno que mantiene una relación sin futuro con una amiga. Cuando Monika y Mark se conocen en la entrada de un cine, la atracción es irresistible. Empiezan a salir juntos, aunque pronto Mark comprueba que Monika tiene extrañas costumbres en la cara, ya que ella no quiere que la toque, ni que él se mueva siquiera.
The German Chainsaw Massacre
Taking place around the German reunification of 1990, a group of East Germans cross the border to visit West Germany and get slaughtered by a psychopathic cannibal family who want to turn them into sausages.
El rey de la muerte
"El Rey de la Muerte" examina una semana normal en las vidas y muertes de un grupo de personas agobiados por la angustia. Siete episodios, cada uno transcurre durante un día diferente de la semana, sobre el tema de suicidio y la muerte violenta.
Farewell to False Paradise
Ironies abound in this extremely sad melodrama about Elif (Zuhal Olcay), a Turkish immigrant in Germany who has been sent to prison for murdering her abusive husband. At the time of her imprisonment, she has never ventured outside the Turkish community, and even there has had no friends because of the demands her husband placed on her. She speaks no German. Now, in a place which most people find to be hell on earth, she gains a never-before known taste of freedom among these strangers, who don't even speak her own language. Unfortunately, as a "guest worker," she is horrified to discover that she is soon to be transferred to the horrific prisons of Turkey and will stand trial there for her crime, which will be much less understandingly dealt with in her home country than it would have been in Germany. The false paradise she must say goodbye to is her German prison.
Anita – Dances of Vice
Patientin / Rosa Luxemburg
En la Berlín moderna (1987), Frau Kutowski se vuelve loca, creyendo que es la notoria (real) Anita Berber, una bailarina de arte desnuda / drogadicta / figura escandalosa de Berlín posterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial. (Berber murió de tuberculosis en 1928, después de haber logrado un éxito y un reconocimiento significativos en todo el mundo de la danza). Frau Kutowski es internada en un hospital psiquiátrico, donde, en su opinión, representa los últimos días de Berber, incluso en sus fantasías, el personal y los pacientes del hospital. , para representar a los amigos y asociados de Anita.
Nataschas Tanz
ballet teacher