Julia Ziesche


Wann endlich küsst Du mich?
Pregnant, and at that age! This is the case twice with the Rosemeyer family. Both 16-year-old Viola and her mother Doris, in her mid-40s, are unexpectedly pregnant. Yet family life is already difficult anyway: teenage daughter Viola wants to go to London to play school and at the same time prove that she is very old enough to start a family with her boyfriend Jo. But Jo would not necessarily be in such a hurry to be a father.
Wann endlich küsst Du mich?
Pregnant, and at that age! This is the case twice with the Rosemeyer family. Both 16-year-old Viola and her mother Doris, in her mid-40s, are unexpectedly pregnant. Yet family life is already difficult anyway: teenage daughter Viola wants to go to London to play school and at the same time prove that she is very old enough to start a family with her boyfriend Jo. But Jo would not necessarily be in such a hurry to be a father.
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Das Blaue vom Himmel
Johanna can't find any friends. Not in the lecture hall, in the cafeteria or in the student club. That's why she creates a lie: she has cancer. Had she known what she was doing, she would rather have remained invisible forever.
Das Blaue vom Himmel
Johanna can't find any friends. Not in the lecture hall, in the cafeteria or in the student club. That's why she creates a lie: she has cancer. Had she known what she was doing, she would rather have remained invisible forever.
A media escalera
Chris es locutor de radio y está casado en segundas nupcias con Katrin. Uwe, propietario de un pequeño restaurante al paso está casado con Ellen. Los cuatro rondan la cuarentena y viven en una ciudad tan insulsa como deprimente, Frankfurt-Oder, en la antigua Alemania Democrática. Chris es íntimo amigo de Uwe. Y Katrin, amiga íntima de Ellen. Lo cual no impide que un buen día Chris y Ellen comiencen una aventura sentimental que, al ser descubierta, hará saltar por los aires el aparentemente perfecto universo pequeño burgués de las dos parejas. Pero, al mismo tiempo, este hecho invitará a los cuatro a replantearse sus existencias, a analizar los aciertos y los errores del pasado, a aprender a valorar más lo que se tiene que lo que se desea, a descubrir los pequeños y sencillos placeres cotidianos… en una palabra, a volver a vivir. Y al final resulta que Frankfurt-Oder no era una ciudad tan deprimente y que una simple gaita puede cambiarlo todo.