Walter Wischniewsky
Nacimiento : 1912-09-16, Spandau-Berlin, Germany
Muerte : 1995-02-01
Johnny Ringo es un pistolero al que todos persiguen con la intención de matarlo. Tras refugiarse en el Rancho Conroy, es asediado y mueren todos sus hombres, así como los miembros de la familia Conroy. Ringo decide entonces huir y cambiar de identidad para poder sobrevivir.
Los caldeos celebran la victoria de su amigo Kara Ben Nemsi. Algo enturbia su alegría. No ha aparecido el cadáver de Machresch, el traidor que pretendía matar a Kara. El jefe de los caldeos pide a Kara que custodie a su hija Ingsha durante el viaje a la montaña de Nedjir. Cuando se pone en camino encuentra dos muertos y las ropas abandonadas de Machresch. Ahora saben que vive. En efecto, él se está poniendo de acuerdo con Abu Seif para atacarles. Pese a la vigilancia de Ahmen el Korda, quien se muestra enamorado de Ingscha, ésta es secuestrada por Machresch. (FILMAFFINITY)
After dealing with the Shut in the Balkans, Kara Ben-Nemsi ('Karl the German') receives a firman (precious passport) from the padishah (Ottoman sultan) before he continues his travels through Kurdistan. Achmed El Corda, the son of Halef's Hadedhin Beduin tribe's sheik Mohammed Emin, has been captured by the machredsh (Turkish governor) of Mossul for resisting water seizure by his Turkish troops. Kara takes charge of the rescue.
Mexico, 1864. The country is divided by the struggle against the French occupation and emperor Maximilian. The German doctor Karl Sternau and his friend Andreas Hasenpfeffer come to love the country and support the cause of the proud Mexicans.
Dr. Karl Sternau, the personal physician of the count Bismarck, who spent much of his youth in Mexico, is sent back to that country during the occupation by French troops in the service of the Austrian 'Emperor' Maximilian, to carry an encouraging letter from U.S. President Lincoln to the nationalist Mexican president Benito Juarez.
The son of a British racehorse owner conspires with a bookie to ruin the odds of his father's thoroughbred winning an important event.
When Black Bill's father is murdered and his uncle kidnapped, he sets out in pursuit of the perpetrators.
Then the spirit of Jack the Ripper seems to be very much alive in 1960s London as a series of brutal slayings by the Monster of London City has Scotland Yard baffled. In a macabre coincidence, a new play about the famous murderer is about to become a major West End hit... and the leading man is rapidly becoming the prime suspect!
A masked killer is stalking and killing Londoners outside a nightclub.
Un loco científico está cometiendo unos brutales y macabros asesinatos en las calles de Londres, cuando se descubren a las víctimas decapitadas, y cuyas cabezas trata de conservar en vida.La policía de Scotland Yard se encuentra con un caso que se les va de las manos...
Assistant Director
The spirit of the evil Dr. Mabuse takes over the body of a famous professor. The professor/Dr. Mabuse then begins a new crime wave that terrorizes the city.
The spirit of the evil Dr. Mabuse takes over the body of a famous professor. The professor/Dr. Mabuse then begins a new crime wave that terrorizes the city.
A strangler is loose on a British estate, and he not only strangles his victims but brands an "M" onto their foreheads before he decapitates them.
A Chinese cult bent on taking over the world uses an idol called The Golden Reptile that they believe can give them the power to achieve their goal.
A psychotherapist's love life is a disaster because of her own fears and neuroses. Involving herself in her patients love life add more complications.
El director de un asilo para enfermos mentales es dominado por el malvado genio del Dr. Mabuse.
Un asesino apuñala a sus víctimas cuando están a punto de emprender un viaje.
Secuela de Operación Caviar, en que el protagonista, el empleado bancario Thomas Lieven (O.W. Fisher), luego de haberse tenido que convertir en espía para poder evadir diversos peligros se lanza a aventuras en Gibraltar, es encarcelado en Lisboa y se hace pasar por Oficial de las SS en París, todo durante el marco de la II Guerra Mundial.
En este drama de espionaje, un respetable trabajador de un banco se ve envuelto en un círculo de espionaje internacional.
Película formada por extractos de "El tigre de Esnapur" (1959) y "La tumba india" (1959), un montaje entre los dos largometrajes que conformaban lo que se consideraba la saga india épica de Lang.
Assistant Director
El asesinato del reportero de televisión Peter Berg no es un hecho aislado. El clarividente Cornelius ha tenido una visión del crimen, pero por alguna extraña razón no ha podido ver al asesino. Como el hotel Luxor parece estar relacionado con los asesinatos, la policía intensifica la investigación en sus alrededores. Una terrible sospecha empieza a cobrar forma: el doctor Mabuse, un genio del crimen que pretendía dominar el mundo y a quien todos habían dado por muerto, quizá no lo esté.
El asesinato del reportero de televisión Peter Berg no es un hecho aislado. El clarividente Cornelius ha tenido una visión del crimen, pero por alguna extraña razón no ha podido ver al asesino. Como el hotel Luxor parece estar relacionado con los asesinatos, la policía intensifica la investigación en sus alrededores. Una terrible sospecha empieza a cobrar forma: el doctor Mabuse, un genio del crimen que pretendía dominar el mundo y a quien todos habían dado por muerto, quizá no lo esté.
Biography of the famous German actress Renate Müller, who died in 1937 under unsettled circumstances; While doing her first movie for the UFA in Berlin, she meets the elderly secretary-general Dr. Simon and is impressed by his charm. Although her Nazi-friend Volker discourages her to befriend a Jew, they start dating. While she ascends to one of the most famous German actresses of her time, Simon is suffering more and more under the Nazi regime.
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Intended as a light farce this comedy by Luigi Commencini is a little plodding in its story about a bank manager who has had it with his buttoned-down, boring job. One Monday he can no longer face the tedium of both his work and his life and so he stays home and rebels by playing with toys and joining in on a radio concert with his own instruments. His erratic behavior does not go unnoticed and soon a winsome psychiatrist whom he knows and secretly admires, is right there trying to help him. The newly liberated bank manager logically grasps this opportunity to press forward his innermost feelings.
Intended as a light farce this comedy by Luigi Commencini is a little plodding in its story about a bank manager who has had it with his buttoned-down, boring job. One Monday he can no longer face the tedium of both his work and his life and so he stays home and rebels by playing with toys and joining in on a radio concert with his own instruments. His erratic behavior does not go unnoticed and soon a winsome psychiatrist whom he knows and secretly admires, is right there trying to help him. The newly liberated bank manager logically grasps this opportunity to press forward his innermost feelings.
Continuación de 'El tigre de Esnapur'. El arquitecto europeo Harald Berger y la bailarina Seetha son capturados por los hombres de Chandra. Mientras tanto, Ramigani planea arrebatarle el poder a su hermano, sirviéndose de sus aliados en palacio. Cuando Chandra se entera de la relación amorosa entre Seetha y Berger, hace llamar al doctor Rhode para encargarle la construcción de una enorme y lujosa tumba destinada a los dos enamorados.
Un arquitecto europeo llega a la India contratado por el Maharajah de Esnapur para diseñar y construir una nueva ciudad. En el camino salva la vida a una bella bailarina cuando es atacada por un tigre y se enamora de ella, pero la muchacha resulta ser la amada del Maharajah.
Assistant Director
The adventures of Baron Münchhausen jr. in Africa.
A doctor goes to meet a beautiful girl at a park bench near a wooded area. When he arrives, he finds her battered body lying next to a stream! He then finds himself to be the prime suspect. Who's the killer?
Los padres del estudiante de secundaria de 17 años Klaus Teichmann se preocupan por su hijo: cada vez más a menudo, el hijo se relaciona con homosexuales. El Sr. Teichmann denuncia al principal responsable, el anticuario Dr. Boris Winkler. El Dr. Winkler es un vanguardista local que da a conocer entre la juventud la música electrónica y el arte moderno. Debido a que no existen pruebas y que no se le puede demostrar comportamientos deshonestos, la denuncia es archivada. La Sra. Teichmann intenta volver a su hijo a la buena senda con una chacha bonita, Gerda. Gerda consigue efectivamente seducir a Klaus. Un conocido que ha observado la escena, lo cuenta todo al Dr. Winkler. Ahora, Winkler denuncia a la madre por alcahuetería y el juez, a pesar de comprender las razones de la madre, la tiene que condenar a la cárcel. Pero, al hijo, a partir de ese momento, sólo le gustan las mujeres, se aleja de la música electrónica moderna y sólo escucha Chopin.
A comedy directed by Paul Martin.
Assistant Director
A remake of the 1940 film of the same title. It was shot on location in Brazil with separate German and Italian versions.
Assistant Director
Shot in 1944, finished and released in 1954.
Shot in 1944, finished and released in 1954.
Married couple Willy and Therese go separate ways. Willy leaves town and returns years later as a famous singer. But Therese is about to marry her best friend Peter. Little does Willy know that he and Therese now have a teenage daughter.
Due to complicity in a robbery raid the young Ursula comes to a detention center, in which the education is hard since she is considered a serious offender. In a joint outbreak, she gains the respect of the other girls.
A wayward young woman running from her past is reunited with her sister after they became separated during the war. While she worked on the streets, the sister established a professional career as a psychologist.
Long before he played the corpulent Goldfinger, German actor Gert Froebe was a scarecrow-skinny comedian. In Berliner Ballade, Froebe makes his screen debut as Otto, a feckless Everyman who tries to adjust to the postwar travails of his defeated nation. Stymied by black-market profiteers and government bureaucrats, Otto begins fantasizing about a happier life at the end of that ever-elusive rainbow. Director R. A. Stemmle doesn't have to strive for pathos: he merely places his gangly star amidst the ruins of a bombed-out Berlin, and the point is made for him. Filmed in 1948, Berliner Ballade was later released in the U.S. as The Berliner.
Assistant Director
As the end of the Second World War approaches and the Soviet Red Army is advancing, a group of concentration camp inmates is helped to escape by a Polish doctor. They hide in a wood where they meet other fugitives, who have been there for months, constantly in fear of being discovered. Out of fear of the German army patrols, they do not dare to leave the forest, even as the food supplies run low.
As the end of the Second World War approaches and the Soviet Red Army is advancing, a group of concentration camp inmates is helped to escape by a Polish doctor. They hide in a wood where they meet other fugitives, who have been there for months, constantly in fear of being discovered. Out of fear of the German army patrols, they do not dare to leave the forest, even as the food supplies run low.
Assistant Director
Director Brakke has good reason to be happy: he has just received the news that his son, Theo, won first place in the local boat race. To be sure, he had forbidden his son to take part in the competition, because the son's grades in school are substandard. In the end, Brakke sees no other way than to pull Theo from school and install him as an apprentice in his airplane manufacturing plant. Although Theo is received by the other 150 apprentices in a friendly fashion, he behaves in an arrogant and disrespectful tone towards them. He feels himself to be better than them, because his father is the director of the factory.
Después de años de largos viajes, el barón Münchhausen y su criado Kuchenreutter regresan a la mansión familiar, pero por poco tiempo. Pronto emprenden viaje a San Petersburgo, donde el barón conoce a la zarina Katharina, y se bate en duelo con el celoso Potemkim; además, el diabólico Cagliostro le concede el don de la eterna juventud. Después, parte a luchar contra los turcos, rescata a la princesa Isabella, cautiva en la corte de Abdul-Hamid, y huye con ella a Venecia, desde donde viajará a la Luna.
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
On New Year′s Eve 1871 Annelie is born – 15 minutes too late, since her parents had calculated her birth to be exactly at midnight. These 15 minutes will again and again become the girl′s fate.
On New Year′s Eve 1871 Annelie is born – 15 minutes too late, since her parents had calculated her birth to be exactly at midnight. These 15 minutes will again and again become the girl′s fate.