Rolf von Nauckhoff

Nacimiento : 1909-05-15,

Muerte : 1968-06-25


Schrei nach Lust - Liebe als Köder
After the death of a prostitute, the police uncovers a web of espionage, betrayal, murder and sex.
Inn of the Gruesome Dolls
Jack Oland
Betty is in jail after a failed raid on a jewelry store while her accomplice Bob escaped. But by chance she finds Bob's hiding place and towers with four other girls.
La isla de la muerte
James Robinson
Un botánico demente logra un gran avance científico: germina un árbol carnívoro que adquiere un gusto trágico por la sangre humana. Para conservarlo con vida, le da de comer a jóvenes turistas.
Die rote Rosa
Zeuge Lindner
Keine Angst vor der Hölle?
No Survivors, Please
Aliens attempt to take over the Earth by taking over the bodies of humans at the moment of their death, and using them as tools for their invasion plans.
Encounters in Salzburg
Don Carlos - Infant von Spanien
Don Raimond von Taxis
Den Tod in der Hand
Die Entscheidung
Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker
Der Bebrillte
Zwei Bayern in Bonn
Die blonde Frau des Maharadscha
Peter Pan
Liane - Daughter of the Jungle
A German expedition is in the African jungles on an unidentified misson. During this mission one of the German explorers, Thoren, is attacked and captured by the local natives called the Botos.
Question 7
Karl Marschall
Suspenseful story of a boy and his father, each forced to decide his future on his willingness to stand up for what he believes.
Ein Weihnachtslied in Prosa oder Eine Geistergeschichte zum Christfest
Zweiter Kaufmann
Mal drunter – mal drüber
...und keiner schämte sich
Dr. Berger
Mistress of the World
Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a huge magnetic pulse that knocks out all electricity over a continent-wide area. The military applications are already being thought of when Dr. Johansson is kidnapped by a group of profit-seeking mercenaries. Meanwhile, his daughter, Karin, finds herself having to consort with all manner of shady characters as she searches for her father.
Orientalische Nächte
a movie by Heinz Paul
Passionate Doctor
Kriminalinspektor Krüger
Verbrechen nach Schulschluß
Heiße Ware
El médico de Stalingrado
Oberst Eklund
1943. La gran batalla de Stalingrado ha terminado. Batallones de prisioneros alemanes son conducidos a campos de concentración. A uno de estos campos, el 5110/47, llega el médico militar Fritz Böhler, Böhler no puede olvidar su juramento hipocrático y se salta todas las reglas del campo para poder operar de peritonitis a un alférez. El médico y su equipo además de robo, pueden ser acusados de asesinato en caso de que fallezca el alférez. (FILMAFFINITY)
Die fidelen Detektive
Jungle Girl and the Slaver
Professor Danner
The sequel to 1956's "Liane, Jungle Goddess" finds the title character still a jungle goddess, but captured by slave traders.
Rübezahl - Master of the Mountains
Seit 999 Jahre lebt der Berggeist Rübezahl tief unter der Erde im Riesengebirge. Niemand hat ihn seither gesehen. Doch als er erfährt, dass die Menschen nicht mehr an ihn glauben und dass Habgier und Ungerechtigkeit herrschen, steigt der Herr der Berge hinab ins Tal, um den Menschen mit seinen Zauberkräften eine Lektion zu erteilen. Einen Knecht, der sein altes Pferd zu Tode schindet, spannt er vor den Wagen und gibt ihm die Peitsche. Das Gold des reichen und geizigen Vetters Klaus verwandelt der Berggeist in Steine. Auf seiner Wanderung hungrig geworden, kehrt Rübezahl in Gestalt eines Fuhrmanns in einen Gasthof ein. Als der gefräßige Wirt ihm vor lauter Gier die Hälfte der bestellten Rühreier vom Teller nascht, fordert Rübezahl die bereits bezahlten Eier zurück...
Die Gangster von Valence
Liane, Jungle Goddess
Prof. Danner
Researchers in the African jungle find a young white woman living with a tribe, that adores her as goddess. They carry her off and proudly report to the press. It turns out that she may be Liane, the long lost daughter of the rich shipowner Amelongen. So Toren starts civilizing her and takes her to Germany, where she - now in love with Toren - has to defend herself against accusations of legacy-hunting. Will she fit into her new society?
Mädchen ohne Grenzen
Helga, a stewardess, meet a passenger, Eric, during a flight to Athens. They fall in love, but he is married. Later Helga is involved in a flight crash. One of the severely injured passengers is Eric's wife Maria.
Der grüne Kakadu
François, Vicomte von Nogeant
Verlorene Söhne
Wolf Böhm
Der Schmied von St. Bartholomä
Pater Bernhard
Double Destiny
Professeur Werner
Unternehmen Edelweiß
Eike Rasmussen
Rittmeister Wronski
A Polish officer works undercover in 1930s Berlin to discover Nazi Germany's plans against his homeland.
Circus Girl
A circus story
Rote Rosen, rote Lippen, roter Wein
Kunsthändler Thormann
Peter von Prahm
Stars Over Colombo
Ein Herz spielt falsch
A man, in need of money and too lazy to work for a living, marries a plain but rich girl in the knowledge that she is ill and has not long to live.
Hård klang
Gert Willenhart
A small Swedish village has transformed to an industrial center with exports to Germany. A German opened a quarry some 50 years ago, after realizing the value of granite. Now WW1 begins.
Die Dame in Schwarz
Henry Richards
Martin Reval
Die Sehnsucht des Herzens
Chefarzt Dr. Thomas
Die Tat des Anderen
Crown Jewels
As foreign troops occupy the country, the government commissions a jeweler to bring the crown jewels to safety.
Pastor Johannes Klappstein
The reporter Peter Zabel stumbles upon the sinking of the luxury yacht Orplid in Hamburg on August 14, 1949. The ship went down with a wedding party run by artists on a pleasure trip from Hamburg to Scotland . In spite of good weather and no technical problems. Out of personal curiosity, Zabel starts researching. Could the sinking of Orplid have political reasons? A German political thriller and film noir inspired by Carol Reed's "The Third Man".
Der Mann, der zweimal leben wollte
Dr. Ihlenfeld
Weißes Gold
Ing. Hopkins
Duell mit dem Tod
Dr. Ernst Romberg
Hurra, ich bin Papa
Freund von Peter
Many Lies
The stories' setup: a bunch of passive weaklings being dominated by two strong and ambitious women who fight for the same man.