Christine A. Maier


Elfriede Jelinek - Language Unleashed
Camera Operator
Wunderkind, scandalous author, traitor to the fatherland, fury of the theater, feminist, fashion-lover, communist, pessimist, language terrorist, rebel, enfant terrible, nest fouler, brilliant, vulnerable artist, Nobel laureate. This film about Elfriede Jelinek, who in 2004 became the first Austrian author to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, focuses on her artistic approach to language. The montage of archive material with voiceovers and interviews, some of them recently recorded, is told from Jelinek’s point of view.
Alice Schwarzer
Director of Photography
Chronicles the life of German feminist, author and activist Alice Schwarzer.
Johanna Dohnal - Visionary of Feminism
Director of Photography
Johanna Dohnal, whose political career spans three decades, was one of the very first explicitly feminist politicians in Europe. As a member of the Austrian socialist government and the first Austrian minister for Women’s Affairs from 1990 to 1994, Dohnal was responsible for founding Austria’s first women’s refuge as well as criminalizing of marital rape. Yet her legacy remains yet to be discovered and re-examined. DIE DOHNAL makes a first step, and it makes Dohnal come alive.
Quo Vadis, Aida?
Director of Photography
Bosnia, julio de 1995. Aida trabaja como traductora para la ONU en la pequeña ciudad de Srebrenica. Cuando el ejército serbio ocupa el pueblo, su familia está entre las miles de personas que buscan refugio en los campos de la ONU. Como participa en las negociaciones, Aida tiene acceso a información importante.
Mademoiselle Paradis
Director of Photography
18th century Vienna. Maria Theresia von Paradis, a gifted piano player and close friend of Mozart's, lost her eye-sight as a child. Desperate to cure their talented daughter, the Paradis entrust Maria to Dr. Mesmer, a forward-thinking-physician who gives her the care and attention that she requires. With the doctor's innovative techniques of magnetism, Maria slowly recovers her sight. But this miracle comes at a price as the woman progressively starts to lose her gift for music.
One Day in Sarajevo
Director of Photography
Causes and consequences of the assassination that happened in Sarajevo a hundred years ago still continue to reverberate in Europe. On June 28, 1914 Gavrilo Princip assassinated the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Franz Ferdinand sparking World War I that marked the start of the 20th century. As Sarajevo commemorated the centennial of the assassination, different people had different interpretations of what happened in the city a century ago and different emotions about it. ONE DAY IN SARAJEVO tells about various perspectives of the anniversary in Sarajevo combining and contrasting footage filmed by citizens of Sarajevo (with small cameras and mobile phones) with scenes from feature films about the assassination by directors from Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the United Kingdom
Director of Photography
Marble—in its raw state and as a noble product—is the matter that Quarry is made of. The film portrays two distinct interiors, a large underground marble quarry in Vermont, and several showrooms of Manhattan luxury condos. In between stands a solid reflection about the material choices associated to these architectures and the stone's value within a speculative economy.
Love Island
Director of Photography
Love Island cuenta la historia de una mujer francesa embarazada que vive en Sarajevo con su marido bosnio y su hija. Se van de vacaciones a una isla croata, donde las cosas se complican cuando todos se sienten atraídos por una hermosa mujer.
For Those Who Can Tell No Tales
Director of Photography
Kym, an Australian tourist, decides to travel to Bosnia. Her guidebook leads her to Višegrad, a small town steeped in history, on the border of Bosnia and Serbia. After a night of insomnia in the 'romantic' Hotel Vilina Vlas, Kym discovers what happened there during the war. She can no longer be an ordinary tourist and her life will never be the same again.
Director of Photography
Johanna (13) is in love – but how is she to enjoy this rush of emotions when her violent prone father is returning to the family home? Torn between the wish to stay true to her father and the love for her boyfriend, Johanna is faced with an impossible decision. A story about family secrets, the chains of family loyalty and the power to break free.
Colores vivos sobre fondo negro
Director of Photography
Después de 50 años de feliz matrimonio, Anita y Fred viven la etapa final de sus vidas.
Love of the Children
Director of Photography
Un padre y una madre deciden irse a vivir juntos y sus hijos adolescentes se enamoran.
En el camino
Director of Photography
Luna y Amar son una joven pareja muy unida que intenta superar los obstáculos que surgen en su relación: el alcoholismo de él, la obsesión de ella por ser madre, las dificultades económicas y dos maneras distintas de entender la religión. Tras ser despedido del trabajo por su adicción a la bebida, Amar acepta un trabajo en una comunidad musulmana fundamentalista, bastante alejada de Sarajevo. Pasado cierto tiempo, Luna consigue ir a visitarlo y descubre, en medio de un paraje idílico, un mundo desconocido y lleno de rituales, donde hombres y mujeres viven completamente separados. Le ruega a Amar que vuelva a casa, pero él se opone porque en ese ambiente ha encontrado la paz y ha logrado superar su afición a la bebida.
Stories on Human Rights
Director of Photography
20 short films about human rights.
Itty Bitty Titty Committee
Director of Photography
Abandonada por su novia, rechazada por la única universidad en la que solicitó el ingreso y vistiendo sujetadores de talla A en un mundo de tallas C, Anna lamenta su suerte. Saliendo del trabajo conoce a Sadie, la atractiva líder de un grupo radical punk-feminista llamado Clits In Action. Anna se integra en ese círculo secreto, cuyo objetivo es erradicar las imágenes falocéntricas y misóginas, y se lanza a una primera misión radical. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un juego de inteligencia
Director of Photography
El productor de televisión Rainer es un hombre de éxito que lo tiene todo: un sueldo estupendo, un lujoso ático, un coche espectacular y una novia más espectacular todavía. A sus treinta y tantos años ha llegado a la cima de su profesión creando unos programas de televisión de lo más vulgar y estúpido. Su último triunfo ha sido un concurso en el que un hombre podía conseguir el premio de ser padre de un niño, si su espermatozoide ganaba una carrera microscópica para fecundar un óvulo.Un día, Pegah, una misteriosa mujer, embiste a toda velocidad el coche de Rainer. Tras sufrir una experiencia cercana a la muerte, en Rainer se opera un gran cambio y decide producir un sesudo magazín de actualidad para la franja horaria estelar de su emisora. Hundido por los bajos índices de audiencia obtenidos, deja su trabajo y decide investigar el sistema de medición de audiencia que mantiene en los más altos puestos a programas que son un insulto para la inteligencia.
Good Morning Austria
Director of Photography
A working day in Austria, 2004. Nine modern working-class heroes are engaged in their daily struggle of survival, accompanied, motivated and influenced by the country’s most popular radio station.
Grbavica: El secreto de Esma
Director of Photography
Esma quiere que su hija Sara, de doce años, tenga la oportunidad de participar en un viaje organizado por el colegio. Bastaría con un certificado probando que su padre murió como un mártir durante la guerra para que saliese a mitad de precio, pero Esma siempre da largas a Sara cuando esta le pide el certificado. Al parecer, prefiere remover cielo y tierra para encontrar el dinero y pagar el precio del viaje. Está convencida de que se protege a sí misma y a su hija si no le cuenta la verdad...
Director of Photography
A young teenage single mother (Maggi) struggling to raise her baby daughter (Lucy) finds the weight of responsibility bearing down on her shoulders. Maggy was forced to grow up before her time. Thankfully for Maggi, her mother is always willing to help though Maggy still lives at home with her mother, it's obvious that she longs to gain some independendence. Meeting Gordon at a local club, who is a few years older, makes a living and has his own apartment. One night, after a heated argument with her mother, Maggi makes the decision to move in with Gordon. Though the pair subsequently make a sincere attempt to be good parents.and do what's best for Lucy, they soon find that taking on the responsibilities of adulthood aren't so easy when you've barely moved past childhood yourself.
Northern Skirts
Director of Photography
Vienna, 1995. Jasmin, Tamara, Valentin, Senad and Roman live near the northern border of Austria. Their lives repeatedly intersect and drift apart. The characters involved are young migrants from the former Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland and Austria itself. Strangers in a strange land, they feel a sense of loss in their new, temporary environment. The five-some meet and get close to each other, hopelessly clinging to friendships and relationships with no future. They frequent cafés and train stations dreaming of a better tomorrow. Often, they just fall back on the prospect of short-term affection in yet another doomed romantic or sexual encounter. Trying hard to suppress the memories of war and alienation, they try to find moral strength and warmth through one another.
Director of Photography
Short film about a woman and a little girl.
The Fruit of thy Womb
Director of Photography
To evade the incomprehensible world of adults seven-year-old Natascha creates her own world, influenced by her impressions of sexuality and religion. It is a world of mainly catholic imaginations and symbols - a world between frightening bogey men and flying Christ children.
Somewhere Else
Director of Photography
Four months after the end of the war, four young people from Sarajevo share their experience, their thoughts and their hopes for the future, walking around the city in ruin.
Director of Photography
Two girls in the disco give free rein to anger, nobody stops them.
Film or Power
Zagreb-born artist Vlado Kristl (1923-2004) was the most radical of the German auteur filmmakers. This is an anakofilm.